Jasmine, what’s going on?” Yun Che asked as he lifted both his hands,  terjemahan - Jasmine, what’s going on?” Yun Che asked as he lifted both his hands,  Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Jasmine, what’s going on?” Yun Che

Jasmine, what’s going on?” Yun Che asked as he lifted both his hands, and looked at the flames on his body with a face full of astonishment.

However, Jasmine did not answer him. Inside the Sky Poison Pearl, she silently watched the flames that encompassed his entire body until she finally opened her mouth to speak in a low mumble: “The color of his Profound Veins have changed. Looks like that was indeed one of the five seeds that the Evil God had left behind. In other words, this place was actually one of the Evil God’s Five Secret Grounds!”

“It was actually discovered by him just like that. His luck ought to be said to be extremely good…. or was it…. the Evil God’s Profound Veins’ guidance?”

The flames on Yun Che’s body continued to burn even more vigorously, and had already reached the height of a few dozens meters in a blink of an eye. The surrounding walls, and even the stone under his feet slowly melted away to sink down inside the raging flames; one could imagine how terrifyingly high the flame’s temperature was. However, from beginning to the end, Yun Che never received the slightest bit of damage; what’s more, was the fact that he never felt any sort of discomfort at all.

Inside the flames that encompassed his body, he felt that his own Profound Veins had continued to turmoil intensely. After he had finally managed to calm his heart down, he hurriedly used inner vision to check up on his Profound Veins…. After taking a glance, he almost cried out in surprise.

Because his Profound Veins…. had completely changed into a crimson-red color! Even all the opened Fifty-four Profound Entrances, had become a deep red color.

This is…. what’s going on?

His profound energy started to rapidly convulse in his Profound Veins; waves and waves of profound energy that came from an unknown source swiftly flooded in, making the profound energy in his Profound Veins swell up again and again…. Until it had expanded to the limit that his Profound Veins could accommodate.


A soft sound. Yun Che faintly heard the sound of something being broken through.

The profound energy within the Profound Veins continued to rapidly contract. The amount did not diminish but instead became even thicker than before. This was clearly…. the outstanding behavior of a profound strength breakthrough!

In the blink of an eye, his profound strength at the fourth level of the Elementary Profound Realm, broke through to the fifth level of the Elementary Profound Realm!

But it wasn’t completely over just yet; the profound energy in the Profound Veins were still rapidly swelling; the profound energy from the unknown source flooded in like crazy, and filled the Profound Veins that had just made a breakthrough to the brim again, followed by…….


The quality of the profound energy inside the Profound Veins made another jump in level; from the strength of the fifth level of the Elementary Realm, it crossed into the sixth level of Elementary Profound Realm.

Yun Che’s jaw dropped wide open from shock. Even with a mental state that was built from two lifetimes, he still could almost not accept this advancement in profound energy that could even shock the world. Not even half a minute had passed, and his profound strength actually crossed from the fourth level of Elementary Profound Realm, into the sixth level of Elementary Profound Realm!!

Not only had this sort of thing never been encountered before, but even just hearing it, was also improbable!

It was so much to take in that he had a feeling that it was all just a dream.

The jumping of two ranks was still not the end. The crimson flames on Yun Che’s body was still slowly rising, and neared a few dozen meters in height. The surrounding ground also substantially sank, and streams of lava gathered under Yun Che’s feet. However, it still didn’t damage Yun Che in the slightest.

The unknown source of profound energy was still madly pounding into his now crimson colored Profound Veins, filling it, and making the strength of his profound energy explosively grow in a frightening manner.

…. Elementary Profound Realm level seven!

…. Elementary Profound Realm level eight!

…. Elementary Profound Realm level nine!

…. Elementary Profound Realm level ten!

“Jasmine…. what exactly is going on here?” Yun Che forcibly bit the tip of his tongue. This was already the third time he had to confirm whether or not he was dreaming! To him, these few short minutes were exactly like that of a dream. He didn’t even have time to react to the mind-blowing shock he received when his profound strength had risen by two levels because afterwards, his profound strength had frantically increased sharply…. directly into the tenth level of the Elementary Profound Realm!!

Even for a genius that grew up in a major sect that had access to substantial amounts of resources and outstanding teachers, it would still take at least three years to reach the tenth level of Elementary Profound Realm from the fourth level of
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Jasmine, what’s going on?” Yun Che asked as he lifted both his hands, and looked at the flames on his body with a face full of astonishment.However, Jasmine did not answer him. Inside the Sky Poison Pearl, she silently watched the flames that encompassed his entire body until she finally opened her mouth to speak in a low mumble: “The color of his Profound Veins have changed. Looks like that was indeed one of the five seeds that the Evil God had left behind. In other words, this place was actually one of the Evil God’s Five Secret Grounds!”“It was actually discovered by him just like that. His luck ought to be said to be extremely good…. or was it…. the Evil God’s Profound Veins’ guidance?”The flames on Yun Che’s body continued to burn even more vigorously, and had already reached the height of a few dozens meters in a blink of an eye. The surrounding walls, and even the stone under his feet slowly melted away to sink down inside the raging flames; one could imagine how terrifyingly high the flame’s temperature was. However, from beginning to the end, Yun Che never received the slightest bit of damage; what’s more, was the fact that he never felt any sort of discomfort at all.Inside the flames that encompassed his body, he felt that his own Profound Veins had continued to turmoil intensely. After he had finally managed to calm his heart down, he hurriedly used inner vision to check up on his Profound Veins…. After taking a glance, he almost cried out in surprise.Because his Profound Veins…. had completely changed into a crimson-red color! Even all the opened Fifty-four Profound Entrances, had become a deep red color.This is…. what’s going on?His profound energy started to rapidly convulse in his Profound Veins; waves and waves of profound energy that came from an unknown source swiftly flooded in, making the profound energy in his Profound Veins swell up again and again…. Until it had expanded to the limit that his Profound Veins could accommodate.Bang….A soft sound. Yun Che faintly heard the sound of something being broken through.The profound energy within the Profound Veins continued to rapidly contract. The amount did not diminish but instead became even thicker than before. This was clearly…. the outstanding behavior of a profound strength breakthrough!In the blink of an eye, his profound strength at the fourth level of the Elementary Profound Realm, broke through to the fifth level of the Elementary Profound Realm!But it wasn’t completely over just yet; the profound energy in the Profound Veins were still rapidly swelling; the profound energy from the unknown source flooded in like crazy, and filled the Profound Veins that had just made a breakthrough to the brim again, followed by…….Bang!The quality of the profound energy inside the Profound Veins made another jump in level; from the strength of the fifth level of the Elementary Realm, it crossed into the sixth level of Elementary Profound Realm.Yun Che’s jaw dropped wide open from shock. Even with a mental state that was built from two lifetimes, he still could almost not accept this advancement in profound energy that could even shock the world. Not even half a minute had passed, and his profound strength actually crossed from the fourth level of Elementary Profound Realm, into the sixth level of Elementary Profound Realm!!Not only had this sort of thing never been encountered before, but even just hearing it, was also improbable!It was so much to take in that he had a feeling that it was all just a dream.The jumping of two ranks was still not the end. The crimson flames on Yun Che’s body was still slowly rising, and neared a few dozen meters in height. The surrounding ground also substantially sank, and streams of lava gathered under Yun Che’s feet. However, it still didn’t damage Yun Che in the slightest.The unknown source of profound energy was still madly pounding into his now crimson colored Profound Veins, filling it, and making the strength of his profound energy explosively grow in a frightening manner.…. Elementary Profound Realm level seven!…. Elementary Profound Realm level eight!…. Elementary Profound Realm level nine!…. Elementary Profound Realm level ten!“Jasmine…. what exactly is going on here?” Yun Che forcibly bit the tip of his tongue. This was already the third time he had to confirm whether or not he was dreaming! To him, these few short minutes were exactly like that of a dream. He didn’t even have time to react to the mind-blowing shock he received when his profound strength had risen by two levels because afterwards, his profound strength had frantically increased sharply…. directly into the tenth level of the Elementary Profound Realm!!Even for a genius that grew up in a major sect that had access to substantial amounts of resources and outstanding teachers, it would still take at least three years to reach the tenth level of Elementary Profound Realm from the fourth level of
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Jasmine, apa yang terjadi? "Tanya Yun Che saat ia mengangkat kedua tangannya, dan melihat api di tubuhnya dengan wajah penuh keheranan. Namun, Jasmine tidak menjawab. Di dalam Sky Poison Pearl, dia diam-diam menyaksikan api yang mencakup seluruh tubuhnya sampai dia akhirnya membuka mulut untuk berbicara dengan bergumam rendah: "Warna Vena Mendalam nya telah berubah. Sepertinya itu memang salah satu dari lima biji bahwa Allah Jahat telah ditinggalkan. Dengan kata lain, tempat ini sebenarnya adalah salah satu Evil Allah Lima Rahasia Grounds! "" Itu benar-benar ditemukan oleh dia begitu saja. Peruntungannya seharusnya untuk dikatakan sangat baik .... atau itu .... bimbingan Vena mendalam Evil Allah '? "Api di tubuh Yun Che terus membakar bahkan lebih keras, dan sudah mencapai ketinggian dari puluhan beberapa meter dalam sekejap mata. Dinding sekitarnya, dan bahkan batu di bawah kakinya perlahan mencair untuk tenggelam dalam api mengamuk; satu bisa membayangkan bagaimana menakutkan tinggi suhu api itu. Namun, dari awal sampai akhir, Yun Che tidak pernah menerima sedikit pun kerusakan; apa lagi, adalah fakta bahwa ia tidak pernah merasa apapun ketidaknyamanan sama sekali. Di dalam api yang mencakup tubuhnya, ia merasa bahwa Vena Mendalam sendiri telah terus gejolak intens. Setelah ia akhirnya berhasil menenangkan hatinya bawah, dia buru-buru digunakan penglihatan batin untuk memeriksa Vena Mendalam nya .... Setelah mengambil sekilas, ia hampir berteriak kaget. Karena Vena Mendalam nya .... telah benar-benar berubah menjadi warna merah-merah! Bahkan semua dibuka Lima puluh empat Pintu masuk Mendalam, telah menjadi warna merah tua. Ini adalah .... apa yang terjadi? energi yang mendalam Nya mulai cepat mengejang di Veins Mendalam nya; gelombang dan gelombang energi yang mendalam yang berasal dari sumber yang tidak diketahui dengan cepat membanjir, membuat energi yang mendalam di Veins Mendalam nya membengkak lagi dan lagi .... Sampai itu diperluas ke batas yang Vena Mendalam nya bisa menampung. Bang .... Sebuah suara lembut. Yun Che samar-samar mendengar suara sesuatu yang menembus. Energi yang mendalam dalam Vena Mendalam terus berkontraksi dengan cepat. Jumlah tersebut tidak berkurang tapi malah menjadi lebih tebal dari sebelumnya. Ini adalah jelas .... perilaku luar biasa dari kekuatan terobosan yang mendalam! Dalam sekejap mata, kekuatan yang mendalam pada tingkat keempat dari Realm Mendalam Dasar, menerobos ke tingkat kelima dari Realm Mendalam Dasar! Tapi itu tidak sepenuhnya lebih dulu ; energi besar dalam Vena mendalam masih cepat bengkak; energi yang mendalam dari sumber yang tidak diketahui banjir di seperti gila, dan mengisi Vena Mendalam yang baru saja membuat terobosan sampai penuh lagi, diikuti oleh ....... Bang! Kualitas energi yang mendalam dalam Vena Mendalam membuat lompatan lain di tingkat ; dari kekuatan tingkat kelima dari Realm Dasar, itu menyeberang ke tingkat keenam Dasar Realm Mendalam. rahang Yun Che menganga lebar dari shock. Bahkan dengan kondisi mental yang dibangun dari dua kehidupan, ia masih bisa hampir tidak menerima kemajuan ini dalam energi mendalam yang bahkan bisa mengejutkan dunia. Bahkan tidak setengah menit berlalu, dan kekuatan yang mendalam sebenarnya menyeberang dari tingkat keempat Dasar Realm mendalam, ke tingkat keenam Dasar Realm Mendalam !! Tidak hanya hal semacam ini tidak pernah ditemukan sebelumnya, tetapi bahkan hanya mendengarnya , juga tidak mungkin! Itu jauh untuk mengambil di bahwa ia memiliki perasaan bahwa itu semua hanya mimpi. The melompat dari dua peringkat masih bukan akhir. Api merah pada tubuh Yun Che masih perlahan-lahan naik, dan mendekati beberapa lusin meter tingginya. Tanah sekitarnya juga secara substansial tenggelam, dan aliran lava berkumpul di bawah kaki Yun Che. Namun, itu masih tidak merusak Yun Che sedikit pun. Sumber yang tidak diketahui energi yang mendalam masih liar berdebar ke Veins Mendalam nya sekarang merah berwarna, mengisinya, dan membuat kekuatan energi yang mendalam eksplosif tumbuh secara menakutkan. .... Dasar Mendalam Realm tingkat tujuh! .... Dasar Mendalam Realm tingkat delapan! .... Dasar Mendalam Realm tingkat sembilan! .... Dasar Mendalam tingkat Realm sepuluh! "Jasmine .... apa yang sebenarnya terjadi di sini? "Yun Che paksa menggigit ujung lidahnya. Ini sudah ketiga kalinya ia harus mengkonfirmasi apakah dia sedang bermimpi! Baginya, ini beberapa menit yang persis seperti itu dari mimpi. Dia bahkan tidak punya waktu untuk bereaksi terhadap pikiran-meniup kejutan yang ia terima ketika kekuatan yang mendalam telah meningkat dua tingkat karena setelah itu, kekuatan yang mendalam telah panik meningkat tajam .... langsung ke tingkat kesepuluh dari Realm Mendalam Dasar !! Bahkan untuk seorang jenius yang dibesarkan di sebuah sekte utama yang memiliki akses ke sejumlah besar sumber daya dan guru yang luar biasa, itu akan tetap mengambil setidaknya tiga tahun untuk mencapai tingkat kesepuluh Dasar Realm mendalam dari tingkat keempat

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