#1468: Comes for the bronze mirror! Meng Hao true body in hearing thes terjemahan - #1468: Comes for the bronze mirror! Meng Hao true body in hearing thes Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

#1468: Comes for the bronze mirror!

#1468: Comes for the bronze mirror!

Meng Hao true body in hearing these words instant, gains ground slowly, in the item has one to wipe the glow of anticipation flashes through instant at the same time, he has stood up the body.
These time enters the deep palace, when anticipation of Meng Hao the former first time intense too many are too more, because of this time, his goal is not the Transcendence sacrificial altar, but when you depart, that turns head to look, bronze mirror the place of fragment falling.
„In the third mainland” Meng Hao breathes deeply, the big sleeve flings, the body vanished in the ninth Paragon city baseless.
When appears, in these half starry sky, Spell formation edge to deep palace.
Almost while he arrives, all around nihility distortion, forms appear instantaneously, eight big Paragon, gold robe youth Jin Yunshan, Shajiu Dong, in abundance goes out.
All people as if by prior agreement, have not made the general's subordinates eight sources follow, before to open the route, will make eight source Paragon go together, but now, the route was clear, even after these dozens years of preparations, the people have certain confidence and assurance, therefore chose alone went.
The people in these dozens years, little meet, mostly when the past years returns, starts to close up, at this moment each other vision sizes up, saw Cultivation of everyone, somewhat has striven.
However regarding Meng Hao here, all people maintains the respect, particularly this time two times enter the deep palace, the Meng Hao importance as well as he invincible meaning in deep palace, from time to time each nine source Paragon, do not dare to provoke Meng Hao.
Gold robe youth there, has the memory, he does not stand in the Meng Hao front, at this moment with Shajiu Dong together, goes round Meng Hao in the one side.
„Before Headmaster, you said can for a long time in the deep palace, what's the matter?” Shang Guanhong saw that the human was complete, immediately to open mouth asked.
„Right, but also asked Headmaster to indicate clearly!”
„What meaning long-time is, is it possible that has that end in means solution deep palace to change?” People in abundance to open mouth, Shajiu Dong as well as gold robe youth, looks to the Headmaster old man.
Meng Hao does not have the interest, the Transcendence sacrificial altar is perhaps useful to others, may not have what use for him, or said accurately that currently does not have the use.
Only has, when his Ninth Hex after clone there complete condensation, moment that true body and clone fuse, he will draw support from the aura of Transcendence sacrificial altar, causes to fuse is more perfect, enabling nine to ban Becoming One, changes blows out the strength of bronze lamp.
But before then, he does not care about the deep palace, the care, only then the fragment of bronze mirror.
„Is patient, Fellow Daoist has not come, after she came, old man for explanation.” The Headmaster old man laughs, he reveals the glow of intense appearance, these dozens years of preparations, enabling him to have very big assurance, can stay in the deep palace for a long time.
„?” Gold robe youth two eyes dodges, other people looking pensive, obviously understood that Headmaster said who is.
Meng Hao two eyes dodges, looks at the first distant place.
In his vision, white light, come instant, this is not only bright, can see seems the mist composition, flickers , the mist dispersed, condenses a form.
That is a female, wears a white long gown, the look delicate eyebrows, are similar to the fairy maiden are the same, in only the mist are many, making the human unable to see clearly her pupil, always has to plant the present person by the feeling of mist cover, partly visible.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
#1468: datang untuk cermin perunggu! Meng Hao benar tubuh dalam mendengar perkataan instan, keuntungan tanah perlahan-lahan, pada item memiliki satu untuk menghapus cahaya antisipasi berkedip melalui instan pada saat yang sama, ia telah berdiri tubuh.Ini waktu memasuki istana yang mendalam, ketika antisipasi Meng Hao mantan pertama kalinya intens terlalu banyak juga lebih, karena saat ini, tujuannya adalah tidak mezbah korban transendensi, tetapi ketika Anda berangkat, yang berubah kepala terlihat, perunggu cermin tempat fragmen jatuh."Di daratan ketiga" Meng Hao bernafas secara mendalam, lengan besar flings, tubuh menghilang di kesembilan Paragon city tak berdasar.Ketika muncul, di ini setengah starry langit, tepi pembentukan mantra dalam istana.Hampir sementara dia tiba, Semua di sekitar distorsi nihility, bentuk muncul seketika, delapan besar Paragon, jubah emas pemuda Yunshan Jin, Shajiu Dong, dalam kelimpahan pergi.Semua orang seolah-olah oleh perjanjian sebelumnya, tidak membuat bawahan Jenderal delapan sumber mengikuti, sebelumnya untuk membuka rute, akan membuat delapan sumber Paragon pergi bersama-sama, tetapi sekarang, rute jelas, bahkan setelah ini lusinan tahun persiapan, orang-orang memiliki keyakinan dan kepastian tertentu, oleh karena itu memilih sendiri pergi.Orang-orang di lusinan ini tahun, bertemu kecil, terutama ketika tahun kembali, mulai menutup, pada saat ini saling visi ukuran, melihat budidaya setiap orang, agak telah berjuang.However regarding Meng Hao here, all people maintains the respect, particularly this time two times enter the deep palace, the Meng Hao importance as well as he invincible meaning in deep palace, from time to time each nine source Paragon, do not dare to provoke Meng Hao.Gold robe youth there, has the memory, he does not stand in the Meng Hao front, at this moment with Shajiu Dong together, goes round Meng Hao in the one side.„Before Headmaster, you said can for a long time in the deep palace, what's the matter?” Shang Guanhong saw that the human was complete, immediately to open mouth asked.„Right, but also asked Headmaster to indicate clearly!”„What meaning long-time is, is it possible that has that end in means solution deep palace to change?” People in abundance to open mouth, Shajiu Dong as well as gold robe youth, looks to the Headmaster old man.Meng Hao does not have the interest, the Transcendence sacrificial altar is perhaps useful to others, may not have what use for him, or said accurately that currently does not have the use.Only has, when his Ninth Hex after clone there complete condensation, moment that true body and clone fuse, he will draw support from the aura of Transcendence sacrificial altar, causes to fuse is more perfect, enabling nine to ban Becoming One, changes blows out the strength of bronze lamp.But before then, he does not care about the deep palace, the care, only then the fragment of bronze mirror.„Is patient, Fellow Daoist has not come, after she came, old man for explanation.” The Headmaster old man laughs, he reveals the glow of intense appearance, these dozens years of preparations, enabling him to have very big assurance, can stay in the deep palace for a long time.„?” Gold robe youth two eyes dodges, other people looking pensive, obviously understood that Headmaster said who is.Meng Hao two eyes dodges, looks at the first distant place.In his vision, white light, come instant, this is not only bright, can see seems the mist composition, flickers , the mist dispersed, condenses a form.That is a female, wears a white long gown, the look delicate eyebrows, are similar to the fairy maiden are the same, in only the mist are many, making the human unable to see clearly her pupil, always has to plant the present person by the feeling of mist cover, partly visible.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
# 1468: Datang untuk perunggu cermin!

Meng Hao tubuh benar dalam mendengar kata-kata instan, keuntungan ini tanah perlahan, dalam item telah satu untuk menyeka cahaya antisipasi berkedip melalui instant pada saat yang sama, ia telah berdiri tubuh.
Ini waktu memasuki istana dalam, ketika mengantisipasi Meng Hao mantan pertama kalinya intens terlalu banyak terlalu banyak, karena saat ini, tujuannya bukan transendensi korban altar, tetapi ketika Anda berangkat, yang ternyata kepala untuk melihat, perunggu cermin tempat fragmen jatuh.
"di daratan ketiga" Meng Hao bernafas dalam-dalam, yang teman kencan lengan besar, tubuh lenyap di Paragon berdasar kota kesembilan.
Ketika muncul, di ini langit berbintang setengah, Eja tepi formasi ke istana dalam.
Hampir sementara ia tiba, seluruh distorsi nihility, bentuk muncul seketika, delapan Paragon besar, pemuda jubah emas Jin Yunshan, Shajiu Dong, dalam kelimpahan keluar.
semua orang seolah-olah dengan perjanjian sebelumnya, tidak membuat bawahan jenderal delapan sumber ikuti, sebelum membuka rute, akan membuat delapan sumber Paragon pergi bersama-sama, tapi sekarang, rute itu jelas, bahkan setelah belasan tahun-tahun persiapan, orang-orang memiliki keyakinan dan jaminan tertentu, oleh karena itu memilih sendiri pergi.
orang-orang di belasan tahun-tahun, sedikit bertemu, sebagian besar ketika tahun terakhir kembali, mulai menutup, saat ini setiap visi lain ukuran sampai, melihat Budidaya semua orang, agak telah berusaha.
Namun mengenai Meng Hao sini, semua orang mempertahankan rasa hormat, terutama saat ini dua kali masuk dalam istana, pentingnya Meng Hao serta dia tak terkalahkan makna dalam istana dalam, dari waktu ke waktu setiap sembilan sumber Paragon, tidak berani memprovokasi Meng Hao.
Emas jubah pemuda di sana, memiliki memori, ia tidak berdiri di Meng Hao depan, pada saat ini dengan Shajiu Dong bersama-sama, pergi putaran Meng Hao di satu sisi.
"Sebelum Kepala Sekolah, Anda mengatakan kaleng untuk waktu yang lama di istana dalam, ada apa?" Shang Guanhong melihat bahwa manusia itu selesai, segera membuka mulut bertanya.
"Benar, tapi juga meminta Kepala Sekolah untuk menunjukkan dengan jelas!"
"Apa artinya lama adalah, apakah mungkin yang memiliki yang akhir dalam larutan berarti istana yang mendalam untuk berubah?" Orang-orang dalam kelimpahan membuka mulut, Shajiu Dong serta pemuda jubah emas, terlihat orang tua Kepala Sekolah.
Meng Hao tidak memiliki kepentingan, yang transendensi kurban altar mungkin berguna untuk orang lain, mungkin tidak memiliki apa gunanya baginya, atau mengatakan secara akurat yang saat ini tidak memiliki penggunaan .
Hanya memiliki, ketika ia Kesembilan Hex setelah clone ada kondensasi lengkap, saat itu tubuh yang benar dan clone sekering, ia akan menarik dukungan dari aura Transendensi altar pengorbanan, menyebabkan sekering lebih sempurna, memungkinkan sembilan untuk melarang Menjadi satu, perubahan pukulan keluar kekuatan lampu perunggu.
Tapi sebelum itu, dia tidak peduli tentang istana dalam, perawatan, hanya kemudian fragmen cermin perunggu.
"Apakah pasien, Fellow Taois belum datang, setelah dia datang, orang tua untuk penjelasan. "Kepala Sekolah orang tua tertawa, ia mengungkapkan cahaya dari penampilan intens, puluhan tahun-tahun persiapan, memungkinkan dia untuk memiliki jaminan yang sangat besar, bisa tinggal di istana yang mendalam untuk waktu yang lama.
"? "Emas pemuda jubah dua mata dodges, orang lain mencari termenung, jelas dipahami bahwa Kepala Sekolah kata yang.
Meng Hao dua mata dodges, terlihat di tempat yang jauh pertama.
dalam visinya, cahaya putih, datang instan, ini tidak hanya cerah, dapat melihat tampaknya komposisi kabut, film , kabut tersebar, mengembun formulir.
Itu adalah perempuan, mengenakan gaun putih panjang, tampilan alis halus, mirip dengan gadis peri adalah sama, hanya kabut banyak, membuat tidak manusia untuk melihat dengan jelas nya murid, selalu memiliki menanam orang ini dengan perasaan penutup kabut, sebagian terlihat.
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