Supply chain design is another critical factor determining theefficien terjemahan - Supply chain design is another critical factor determining theefficien Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Supply chain design is another crit

Supply chain design is another critical factor determining the
efficiency and effectiveness of a supply chain. It involves the
decisions about number of suppliers, proximity to suppliers,
supplier selection and evaluation, planned capacities in each
facility, definition of contractual terms, and reactions to the
possible disagreements between channel members (Chopra
and Meindl, 2004). Supplier selection and evaluation, for
example, has been a primary concern in developing worldclass
manufacturers. Supporting the few supplier strategy,
just-in-time philosophy stressed the importance of selecting
the best suppliers and establishing long-term relationships
with those suppliers. Similarly, supplier capacities and
locations have some degree of impact on the effective
management of supply chains.
Despite the significance of design issues in a supply chain,
there seems to be a lack of attention on this in the academic
literature. Although there are studies dealing with some
individual dimensions of supply chain design, such as location
factors, supplier selection, etc. (e.g., Bhatnagar and Sohal,
2005; Chen et al., 2006), a single construct for measuring
supply chain design has not been developed yet. For example,
Bhatnagar and Sohal (2005) investigated the relationships
between location factors and manufacturing performance.
Location factors defined in their study is only one individual
dimension of supply chain design. There are several other
factors (e.g., supplier selection, capacity planning, sufficiency
of distribution channels, etc.) that can be considered as the
other dimensions of supply chain design. The current study,
therefore, first attempts to develop such a single construct for
supply chain design, and then, investigates the relative effects
of supply chain design, integration and information sharing
on the performance of a supply chain. The research model is
shown in Figure 1.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Supply chain design is another critical factor determining theefficiency and effectiveness of a supply chain. It involves thedecisions about number of suppliers, proximity to suppliers,supplier selection and evaluation, planned capacities in eachfacility, definition of contractual terms, and reactions to thepossible disagreements between channel members (Chopraand Meindl, 2004). Supplier selection and evaluation, forexample, has been a primary concern in developing worldclassmanufacturers. Supporting the few supplier strategy,just-in-time philosophy stressed the importance of selectingthe best suppliers and establishing long-term relationshipswith those suppliers. Similarly, supplier capacities andlocations have some degree of impact on the effectivemanagement of supply chains.Despite the significance of design issues in a supply chain,there seems to be a lack of attention on this in the academicliterature. Although there are studies dealing with someindividual dimensions of supply chain design, such as locationfactors, supplier selection, etc. (e.g., Bhatnagar and Sohal,2005; Chen et al., 2006), a single construct for measuringsupply chain design has not been developed yet. For example,Bhatnagar and Sohal (2005) investigated the relationshipsbetween location factors and manufacturing performance.Location factors defined in their study is only one individualdimension of supply chain design. There are several otherfactors (e.g., supplier selection, capacity planning, sufficiencyof distribution channels, etc.) that can be considered as theother dimensions of supply chain design. The current study,therefore, first attempts to develop such a single construct forsupply chain design, and then, investigates the relative effectsof supply chain design, integration and information sharingon the performance of a supply chain. The research model isshown in Figure 1.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Rantai pasokan desain merupakan faktor penting lain menentukan
efisiensi dan efektivitas rantai pasokan. Ini melibatkan
keputusan tentang jumlah pemasok, dekat dengan pemasok,
pemilihan supplier dan evaluasi, kapasitas yang direncanakan di setiap
fasilitas, definisi kontrak, dan reaksi terhadap
perbedaan pendapat yang mungkin antara anggota saluran (Chopra
dan Meindl, 2004). Pemilihan supplier dan evaluasi, untuk
misalnya, telah menjadi perhatian utama dalam mengembangkan worldclass
produsen. Mendukung strategi pemasok beberapa,
just-in-time filsafat menekankan pentingnya memilih
pemasok terbaik dan membangun hubungan jangka panjang
dengan mereka pemasok. Demikian pula, kapasitas pemasok dan
lokasi memiliki beberapa derajat dampak pada efektif
manajemen rantai pasokan.
Meskipun pentingnya masalah desain dalam rantai pasokan,
tampaknya ada kurangnya perhatian pada hal ini dalam akademik
sastra. Meskipun ada penelitian yang berhubungan dengan beberapa
dimensi individual dari desain rantai pasokan, seperti lokasi
faktor, pemilihan supplier, dll (misalnya, Bhatnagar dan Sohal,
2005;. Chen et al, 2006), satu konstruk untuk mengukur
rantai pasokan desain memiliki belum dikembangkan. Misalnya,
Bhatnagar dan Sohal (2005) menyelidiki hubungan
antara faktor lokasi dan manufaktur kinerja.
Lokasi faktor didefinisikan dalam studi mereka hanya satu individu
dimensi desain rantai pasokan. Ada beberapa lain
faktor (misalnya, pemilihan supplier, perencanaan kapasitas, kecukupan
saluran distribusi, dll) yang dapat dianggap sebagai
dimensi lain dari desain rantai pasokan. Studi saat ini,
oleh karena itu, upaya pertama untuk mengembangkan suatu konstruk tunggal untuk
desain rantai pasokan, dan kemudian, menyelidiki efek relatif
dari desain rantai pasokan, integrasi dan berbagi informasi
tentang kinerja rantai pasokan. Model penelitian
ditunjukkan pada Gambar 1.
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