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Bahasa Indonesia) 1:
What Is Ethics?33Board) said that BDO Seidman had trouble testing revenue - recognition con-trols and that Grant Thornton LLP did not adequately identify GAAP errors.8The PCAOB report highlighted several deficiencies tied to what it saidwere failures by BDO to perform audit procedures, or perform them suf-ficiently. According to the report, the shortcomings were usually based on alack of documentation and persuasive evidence to back up audit opinions.For example, the board said, BDO did not test the operating effectiveness oftechnology systems that a client used to aggregate revenue totals for its finan-cial statements. The systems were used by the client company for billing andtransaction - processing purposes.9BDO was not alone.“On August 16, 2007, a year- long Audit Committee investigation of Dell ac-counting issues found that executives wrongfully manipulated accruals andaccount balances, often to meet Wall Street quarterly financial expectations inprior years. The probe was headed by an outside law firm, Willkie Farr & Gal-lagher of New York, and involved an outside accounting firm, KPMG. More than5 million documents were examined during the probe.”10And in January 2009, theNew York Timesreported this fraudulent activity:“ In December 2008, Satyam, Indian’s fourth largest computer software servicesoutsourcer, revealed that its former chairman, CEO, and founder, B. RamalingaRaju, wrote a four- page letter to the Bombay Stock Exchange, confessing that
he orchestrated a massive accounting scam and kept it alive for at least 5 years.
In the letter, Raju admitted that he created at least $1 billion in fraudulent cash
entries on the company ’s books that went undetected for years. … Many experts
cast partial blame for the scandal on Satyam’s auditor Price Waterhouse India,
because the fraud went undetected for so many years .”
But these were not the only cases. Under “accounting scandals” in Wikipe-
dia, there is a list, as of this writing, of 30 ethical irregularities since 2002 (a
list by no means complete), involving the auditing companies of Arthur
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