Hasil (
Bahasa Indonesia) 1:
Bomi stood in front of her closet’s mirror, sprucing her dress’ collar and tidying her dress. She wore the dress Chanyeolbought her for the first time. Bomi raised her arm and checked the bangles and bracelet on her wrist – wondered if shewears too much. But the dress was so simple and neat that the accessories just completed the dress in the perfect way.Lastly, Bomi carefully placed the flower headband through her hair, slipped to her ears. Now she leaned forward andchecked her makeup for the last time, before pulled back in satisfaction.Bomi convinced herself that she wants to look good in front of her friends, not for Kyungsoo. Well, not specially.She peeked out of her window when she heard the sound of engine in front of her house. A car was parking in the frontgate, and she could see her brother opened their house’s door. “Oh no,” Bomi gasped, realized her brother’s intention.Even before when she still went out with Kyungsoo, Sunggyu liked to threaten give friendly reminder about dos anddon’ts to Kyungsoo. Mostly about respecting Bomi, keeping her save, stuffs like that.Bomi grabbed her bag and her DSLR in a hurry, slipped into her high heels and ran down the stair, managed to yell,“Good bye Aboeji, Oemoni!” to her parents in the dining room before dashed out to the porch. But she went back in,grabbed a plastic bag in the dining table, kissed her parents’ cheeks – who offered their cheeks without saying anything,already understands their daughter’s rashness – and went out again.When she came out of her house, Kyungsoo and Sunggyu turned their heads to her.Oh. Bomi almost stopped in her place when she saw Kyungsoo in his suit, his fringe was gelled upwards, exposing hisforehead.1432030642705.925 Coming Home apink bomi minah chanmi chanyeol exopink kyungmi Asianfanficshttp://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/477537/11/closercloserapinkbomiminahchanmichanyeolexopinkkyungmi 5/27Kyungsoo was standing with straight back and polite manner in front of Sunggyu, who was the complete opposite, lookingslack and bored and intimidating – arms crossed to the chest, his weight on his left foot.Sunggyu turned his head back to Kyungsoo and muttered some words. Bomi approached them in a hurry and Sunggyu’slast words were, “You get it?”“Yes, Hyung,” Kyungsoo nodded obediently.“Good.”Bomi glared at Sunggyu, silently protesting Sunggyu’s bullying to Kyungsoo, but her brother coolly ignored her, puttinghis hands in his pocket.“Bomi,” Kyungsoo opened the passenger’s seat door, letting her in and closed the door behind her.Bomi lowered the car’s window to say goodbye to Sunggyu, and Sunggyu leaned over.“Drive save, come back straight home after the wedding’s over, and Bomi, do you carry any weapon just in case this punkattacked you?”1432030642740.198 Coming Home apink bomi minah chanmi chanyeol exopink kyungmi Asianfanficshttp://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/477537/11/closercloserapinkbomiminahchanmichanyeolexopinkkyungmi 6/27“Aish, Oppa!” Bomi yelled. Kyungsoo stiffly buckled himself to the driver’s seat, pretended he doesn’t hear Sunggyu’swords. “Just do your work! You should be grateful Kyungsoo can drive your precious little sister and thank him!” Bomipushed Sunggyu away. “Bye!” she hurriedly close the car’s window and turned to Kyungsoo, “Hurry, just drive!”However, Kyungsoo still bowed to Sunggyu and horned before he drove off.“I’m so sorry, what did Oppa say to you this time? Uh, he’s really unbelievable, just don’t take his words seriously, okay?”Bomi immediately comforted Kyungsoo.“I don’t mind… Didn’t. Don’t,” Kyungsoo mumbled. He glanced at Bomi from the corner of his eyes, and suddenly pulledover.“Hm? What’s the matter?” Bomi asked, confused cause they haven’t drive very far. “You forget something?”Kyungsoo unbuckled himself, and leaned to Bomi. “No, you are,” he said as he pulled Bomi’s safety belt and put it on.Bomi could feel her cheeks blushed. “II can do it myself!”Kyungsoo nodded silently, but didn’t say anything, went back to driving. Bomi cleared her throat and looked out to the1432030642783.168 Coming Home apink bomi minah chanmi chanyeol exopink kyungmi Asianfanficshttp://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/477537/11/closercloserapinkbomiminahchanmichanyeolexopinkkyungmi 7/27window.Again, Kyungsoo glanced at Bomi, and this time he said, “… you look beautiful,” with eyes fixed at the road in front ofthem.Bomi certainly didn’t see that coming. Her cheeks warmed and she unable to looked at Kyungsoo, so she just muttered toher hands in her lap, “Thank you. … you look good yourself.” Bomi mentally slapped herself in the head, her heart beatstarted to pound above the normal rate.They feel into the awkward silence, before Bomi remembered her plastic bag. “Hey, have you eaten? I brought somebread and snacks if you’re hungry,” Bomi showed some of her snacks. “There’s your favorite… If it’s still your favorite,”she added in uncertainty.Kyungsoo turned his head, looking at the snacks Bomi showed him. He smiled. “Yes, it’s still my favorite. Thanks forremember. I also bring some food in the back seat,” he nodded his head to the back.Bomi turned, and her eyes widened when she checked the food Kyungsoo bring. “Woaaa. You’re really prepared. Are wegoing for days trip? Are you determined to feed me until I’m swelling?”This time Kyungsoo laughed. “That’s a good plan.” After a while, “Seyeon’s not coming?”“No,” Bomi shook her head. “Club activities.”1432030642818.316 Coming Home apink bomi minah chanmi chanyeol exopink kyungmi Asianfanficshttp://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/477537/11/closercloserapinkbomiminahchanmichanyeolexopinkkyungmi 8/27“No,” Bomi shook her head. “Club activities.”“She’s still running?”“Yep. As fast as the wind.”“… and you’re still taking pictures,” Kyungsoo stated, his eyes drifted to Bomi’s DSLR.“Yes…,” Bomi’s voice softened. “And you’re still singing. Better, even.”“You think so?” Kyungsoo looked at Bomi curiously.Bomi looked at Kyungsoo. “… yes,” she smiled.Kyungsoo’s lips curled up into a big smile. “That’s nice to hear.”After around one and half hour of driving – Jongdae’s wedding located at the outskirt area – Bomi and Kyungsoo finallyarrived. Along the way the talked and kept on talking about all the things; started with Jongdae, their friends, and the oldtimes, continued to their families (“Sunggyu Hyung has a girlfriend?” “Ppfft, I think he’s bluffing.”), and small stuffs1432030642865.276 Coming Home apink bomi minah chanmi chanyeol exopink kyungmi Asianfanficshttp://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/477537/11/closercloserapinkbomiminahchanmichanyeolexopinkkyungmi 9/27times, continued to their families (“Sunggyu Hyung has a girlfriend?” “Ppfft, I think he’s bluffing.”), and small stuffs(“What’s the most difficult recipe you’ve ever cook?”), and their college life (“I read and read and read but the books thatI need to read doesn’t seem to decreased.”), and unimportant things, really (“You heard about that celebrity A datingsinger B?”). They even talked about EXO, even though both of them avoid mentioning Chanyeol’s name. Kyungsoo told
Bomi about how he joined EXO in high school, thought, shortly after he transferred, and how Jongin was his closest friend
now, and Bomi told him about Minah and they got close in the class and in the club. Basically they talked about
everything, as if there was no 2 years gap between them, as if they didn’t have a big fight and avoided each other before.
Maybe it’s because they were good friends for years, and dated for almost 2 years too.
They got out of the car, and Bomi took a big breath, letting in the fresh air into her lungs.
“Woaaah! We’re really here at Jongdae’s wedding! I still can’t believe that Jongdae will be the first to marry between us,”
Bomi said as they walked up to the building.
“True,” Kyungsoo admitted. “That kid… He always joked around, saying he wants three rich wives so he doesn’t need to
Some classmates of them spotted Bomi and Kyungsoo, waving their hands and shouting, teasing the two for coming
together. The thing about old friends – they knew and they remembered you, the most embarrassing moments and
awkward era that you wanted to bury in the middle of the sea.
Bomi and Kyungsoo greeted their friends, chatted up a little before they slipped to the groom’s room to congratulate
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