As soon as he glanced down again, I made my move. I sprinted at him an terjemahan - As soon as he glanced down again, I made my move. I sprinted at him an Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

As soon as he glanced down again, I

As soon as he glanced down again, I made my move. I sprinted at him and grabbed the arm that held the knife to my girl’s throat. I twisted it down and slammed his arm on my thigh, dropping the knife to the ground. I pushed Elisa away. “Run!” I turned back to the man and gave him everything I had. Now that he didn’t have a weapon, he was scared. I punched him in the mouth, then the gut, and then the groin quicker than he could think. I moved so fast that I could barely see what I was doing.
When he kneeled down, he reached for the knife, but I kicked it away then kicked him in the head before pinning him to the ground and pushing his face against the frozen concrete.
“Elisa, grab the phone and call the cops.”
With shaky hands, she picked it up and made the call. I didn’t take my eyes off the attacker. He made sudden attempts to free himself when he used all of his energy, but I used my weight to keep him down. I wasn’t letting him get away.
Elisa stayed on the phone while we waited for help. She was crying the entire time. I wanted to comfort her but I couldn’t. I had to concentrate on that motherfucker so he wouldn’t escape.
When cops pulled up, they grabbed the guy and handcuffed him. I immediately rushed to Elisa and held her to my chest. “You okay?”
She nodded but didn’t speak, crying into my chest.
The cops questioned me while I held her. I told them everything that happened. “It’s the same man that assaulted Elisa before.”
“How do you know that?” the officer asked.
“He has the freckle on his eyelid. Elisa identified him.”
The cop looked at her. “Is that true?”
She nodded.
“Thank you. We’ll investigate it.”
“Thank you,” I said.
They climbed into their vehicles then drove away. Elisa was completely immobile so I carried her home. When we walked inside, we avoided the kids and went to the bedroom. Ethan and Sadie followed us and left the children in the living room.
Ethan opened the door. “Is everything okay?”
I held Elisa and rocked her back and forth. “Shut the door.”
They came inside then stepped toward us. I told them the whole story.
“Oh my god,” Sadie said as tears sprang to her eyes.
Ethan was silent, speechless.
“But you caught him?” Sadie asked.
I nodded. “The cop said they’ll investigate it and determine if it is the same guy. I’m a hundred percent sure it is.”
“Did she get hurt?” Ethan asked.
“No. He didn’t hurt her.”
Elisa sat up and pressed her forehead against mine. “You saved me.”
“I’ll always save you.”
“That was risky. You shouldn’t have done that,” Ethan said.
I stared at him. “We’ll talk about it later.”
Elisa looked at me. “What?”
“Nothing,” I said.
“Tell me,” she whispered.
“I had to do something because I think he was going to kill you.”
She gasped. “What?”
“What are the odds that he would be right by our townhouse unless he was looking for you? I think he wanted revenge for pinning him as a suspect.”
She covered her mouth and started to cry harder.
I looked at Ethan. “So no, I didn’t have a choice.”
Ethan ran his fingers through his hair. “Thank you so much. I—I don’t know what to say.”
“Say nothing,” I said. “I would die for Elisa. I would do it again in a heartbeat.”
Sadie rubbed Elisa’s back. “It’s okay, honey.”
She clutched me tighter. “I don’t know what I would do without you.”
“You’ll never find out.” I looked at Ethan and Sadie. “I got her. We’ll talk more tomorrow.”
They nodded then left the bedroom, closing the door behind them.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
As soon as he glanced down again, I made my move. I sprinted at him and grabbed the arm that held the knife to my girl’s throat. I twisted it down and slammed his arm on my thigh, dropping the knife to the ground. I pushed Elisa away. “Run!” I turned back to the man and gave him everything I had. Now that he didn’t have a weapon, he was scared. I punched him in the mouth, then the gut, and then the groin quicker than he could think. I moved so fast that I could barely see what I was doing.When he kneeled down, he reached for the knife, but I kicked it away then kicked him in the head before pinning him to the ground and pushing his face against the frozen concrete.“Elisa, grab the phone and call the cops.”With shaky hands, she picked it up and made the call. I didn’t take my eyes off the attacker. He made sudden attempts to free himself when he used all of his energy, but I used my weight to keep him down. I wasn’t letting him get away.Elisa stayed on the phone while we waited for help. She was crying the entire time. I wanted to comfort her but I couldn’t. I had to concentrate on that motherfucker so he wouldn’t escape.When cops pulled up, they grabbed the guy and handcuffed him. I immediately rushed to Elisa and held her to my chest. “You okay?”She nodded but didn’t speak, crying into my chest.The cops questioned me while I held her. I told them everything that happened. “It’s the same man that assaulted Elisa before.”"Bagaimana Anda tahu bahwa?" tanya perwira."Dia punya bintik pada kelopak mata Nya. Elisa diidentifikasi nya."Cop memandangnya. "Apakah itu benar?"Dia mengangguk."Terima kasih. Kami akan menyelidikinya.""Terima kasih," kataku.Mereka naik ke kendaraan mereka kemudian melaju pergi. Elisa adalah benar-benar bergerak jadi aku membawanya pulang. Ketika kita berjalan di dalam, kita menghindari anak-anak dan pergi ke kamar tidur. Sadie dan Ethan mengikuti kami dan meninggalkan anak-anak di ruang tamu.Ethan membuka pintu. "Apakah semuanya baik-baik saja?"Aku memegang Elisa dan mengguncang dia kembali dan sebagainya. "Menutup pintu."Mereka datang dalam kemudian melangkah ke arah kami. Saya menceritakan seluruh cerita."Oh Tuhan," Sadie mengatakan seperti air mata melompat matanya.Ethan adalah diam, membisu."Tetapi Anda menangkap dia?" Sadie bertanya.Aku mengangguk. "Polisi mengatakan mereka akan menyelidiki dan menentukan apakah orang yang sama. Aku yakin itu seratus persen.""Apakah dia mendapatkan sakit?" Ethan bertanya."No. Ia tidak menyakiti dirinya."Elisa duduk dan menekan dahinya terhadap saya. "Anda menyelamatkan saya.""Aku akan selalu menyimpan Anda.""Itu berisiko. Anda tidak boleh melakukan itu,"kata Ethan.Aku menatapnya. "Kita akan bicara tentang hal itu kemudian."Elisa memandangku. "Apa?""Tidak ada," kataku."Ceritakan padaku," ia berbisik."Aku harus melakukan sesuatu karena saya pikir dia akan membunuh Anda."Dia terkesiap. "Apa?""Apa yang kemungkinan bahwa dia akan benar oleh townhouse kami kecuali jika ia sedang mencari Anda? Saya pikir ia ingin balas dendam untuk PIN dia sebagai tersangka."Dia ditutupi mulutnya dan mulai menangis keras.Aku memandang Ethan. "Tidak, aku tidak punya pilihan."Ethan berlari jarinya melalui rambutnya. "Terima kasih banyak. Aku-aku tidak tahu harus berkata apa. ""Katakan apa-apa," kataku. "Saya akan mati untuk Elisa. Aku akan melakukannya lagi dalam sekejap."Sadie digosok Elisa's kembali. "Itu adalah biasa, madu."Ia mencengkeram saya lebih ketat. "Saya tidak tahu apa yang akan kulakukan tanpa dirimu.""Anda akan pernah menemukan." Aku memandang Sadie dan Ethan. "Aku punya nya. Kita akan bicara lebih besok."Mereka mengangguk kemudian meninggalkan kamar tidur, menutup pintu di belakang mereka.
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