
title "Rona Good, Bad Mona" theme T


"Rona Good, Bad Mona"


The importance of maintaining kinship.

background Places

SMP Daughter Honor

People and Characters

• Rona: Benevolent
• Mona: Cunning
• Parents Rona and Mona
- Mom: Merciful
- Papa: Wise
• Bu Gia: Fair (Master of Arts)
• Friends Rona: Benevolent
- Tala
- Fasya
- Kinan
• Mona Friends: Cunning
- Syila
- in May
- Olla

Drama Script

One day after the bell rings, junior high school student daughter Honor rushed into their respective classes.

Bu Gia: Children, today I will divide you into groups, each group consists of 4 people and must perform a task as Mother specify.

After announcing the division of the group, Rona became chairman in Group 1 along with Tala, Fasya and Kinan. While Mona joined in Group 2 together Syila, May and Olla who has been a friend since the beginning of school.

Bu Gia: Okay, for each group have the same task, which is working on a painting with the theme of which is free. Do you have a question?
Rona: Mom, the deadline for the collection of duties when ya?
Bu Gia: Today at the end of the lesson later.
Mona: Dapet gift Bu ga? Hahaha really lazy ga painting make profits.
Tala: Mon, you did not really polite at Bu Gia, let's apologize.
Syila: Eh do not interfere deh, Tal!
Bu Gia: Yes, I do not fuss. Oh yes do not forget Mother explained that the group with the best painting will receive a trophy and prize draw is still a secret. Chairman of the group will also get a special reward.
Mona: Cool, so dong Bu. Group 2 will win! Are not you guys?
May: Melepasmu Mon, are we high taste, ga like other groups. Hahaha.
Bu Gia: Already, just show your ability maisng own and do not forget the cooperation should be compact yes.
All: Yes Buuu ...

Then, Rona and her friends discuss the concept of painting as what will be created, as well as Mona and friends.

Rona: According to you, if the theme of the painting us about how a happy family portrait?
Fasya: I agree, Ron because the theme of scenery would've taken a lot of the other groups.
Kinan: Yeah right, the family theme very rarely depicted in a painting.
Tala: I also agree, keep the background is a simple house deh so definitely a good result.
Rona: Okay we have to make as much as possible, yes. Victory is not the main thing that is important but we have to show the best. Okay ?? !!
Group 1: Okeee !!!

Overhearing the conversation of Group 1, the idea was created in the minds licikpun Mona.

Mona: Guys, Rona had an idea to make a painting of a happy family so, what if we make that something like like them? (in a whisper)
Olla: Sure lo, Mon? Later if we fib worse how?
Syila: Duh but please Olla, period lo Mona does not understand the purpose? Leave it a little different paintings, an important themes and the same concept. So if they were to win, we can claim the Group if they steal our ideas.
Mona: Well that he meant me.
Olla: Oh, so yes, very clever Syila ih.
Syila: Iyalah I gituloh.
May: Okay, cave totally agree. And the cave guarantee we will win!
Mona: Yup, spirit girls! Hahahaha.

The day passed and even then, all waiting for the results of the judging Bu Gia.

Bu Gia: Okay kids, after I noticed all your work is very nice and interesting. But there is only one group is the winner, that is ... Group 1, survivors Rona, Tala, and Kinan Fasya you become a winner.
Mona: Ga can be so Mom, Mom tried to pay attention, they are similar to painting painting my group. There must have been cheating Mom!
Bu Gia: Is it true that, Rona?
Rona: No, ma'am. We are not cheating at all.

Because he growled with Mona attitude, finally Tala, Fasya and Kinan provoked emotions that debate and disagreement between the two groups.

Bu Gia: Enough is enough! I will call your parents tomorrow on the noise and the mess.
Rona: But Mom ...
Bu Gia: No exceptions!

The next day, both parents Rona and Mona came to the school in a panic and was disappointed. In addition, Tala, Fasya, Kinan, Syila, Olla and May surprised to know that Rona and Mona have the same parents.

Papa: Rona, Papa disappointed with you. Why do you get to do crafty like this?
Rona: I swear Pa, I ga did just that. (crying)
Mom: It's Pa, probably just a misunderstanding between Rona and Mona.

Rona could not bear to see her father scolded, Olla finally took the initiative to disclose the actual events in Bu Gia in front of everyone that the group who had stolen the idea of Rona.

Mona: La, lo ya want to trap me?
Olla: Mon Sorry, I have the heart to see Rona ga blame for our behavior.
Papa: Mona, you realize you're right that the actions of this one?
Mona: I'm sorry Pa. I just want Mom and Dad proud of me as Rona. I do not like being compared to Rona. Rona was everything to Mom and Dad.
Mama: Mona, you and Rona same in the eyes of Mama and Papa, dear.
Rona: Mon Yeah, we're brothers. Even twins. There is absolutely no intention ga me for making Mom and Dad you forget it. We all love you, Mon.
Bu Gia: Okay it's already clear, we should bermaafan each other and make this as a lesson to us all because it means a brotherhood above all else.

With great emotion, Mona finally apologized for his behavior to Rona. Similarly with other friends. Mom and Dad also agreed to no longer distinguish between the two so that there is no discord and misunderstanding that occurred for the second time.

Dari: -
Ke: -
Hasil (Hmong) 1: [Salinan]
title "Rona Good, Bad Mona" theme The importance of maintaining kinship. background Places SMP Daughter Honor People and Characters • Rona: Benevolent • Mona: Cunning • Parents Rona and Mona - Mom: Merciful - Papa: Wise • Bu Gia: Fair (Master of Arts) • Friends Rona: Benevolent - Tala - Fasya - Kinan • Mona Friends: Cunning - Syila - in May - Olla Drama Script One day after the bell rings, junior high school student daughter Honor rushed into their respective classes. Bu Gia: Children, today I will divide you into groups, each group consists of 4 people and must perform a task as Mother specify. After announcing the division of the group, Rona became chairman in Group 1 along with Tala, Fasya and Kinan. While Mona joined in Group 2 together Syila, May and Olla who has been a friend since the beginning of school. Bu Gia: Okay, for each group have the same task, which is working on a painting with the theme of which is free. Do you have a question? Rona: Mom, the deadline for the collection of duties when ya? Bu Gia: Today at the end of the lesson later. Mona: Dapet gift Bu ga? Hahaha really lazy ga painting make profits. Tala: Mon, you did not really polite at Bu Gia, let's apologize. Syila: Eh do not interfere deh, Tal! Bu Gia: Yes, I do not fuss. Oh yes do not forget Mother explained that the group with the best painting will receive a trophy and prize draw is still a secret. Chairman of the group will also get a special reward. Mona: Txias, ces dong Bu. Group 2 yuav yeej! Yog tsis koj hais mav? May: Melepasmu Mon, peb puas muaj siab saj, ga zoo ib yam li lwm pab pawg. Hahaha. Bu Gia: Lawm, cia li qhia tias koj muaj peev xwm maisng tus kheej thiab tsis hnov qab tus txoj kev koom tes yuav tsum compact yog muaj. Tag nrho: Muaj Buuu... Tom qab ntawd, Rona thiab nws tus phooj ywg tham painting ua dab tsi yuav tsum tsim, taub, thiab cov Mona thiab cov phooj ywg. Rona: According rau koj, yog lub ntsiab ntawm cov painting peb txog ib tug neeg zoo siab portrait? Fasya: Kuv pomzoo, Ron vim lub ntsiab ntawm scenery yuav tau noj ntau rau lwm pab pawg. Kinan: yog muaj, lub ntsiab tsev neeg muaj tsawg kawg depicted hauv ib painting. Tala: Kuv kuj pom zoo, kom cov tom qab yog ib tug yooj yim lub tsev deh ib tug ntog zoo li ntawd, mas nws yeej. Rona: Xyua peb yuav tsum ua kom sai npaum li sai tau, yog. Yeej tsis yog qhov uas tseem ceeb tshaj plaws uas yog ib qho tseem ceeb, tiam sis peb yuav tau muab qhov zoo tshaj plaws. Lag?? !! Koom siab sib 1: Okeee!!! Overhearing qhov sib tham ntawm pawg 1, tsab cai idea thaiv)(VICP) tau hauv lub minds licikpun Mona. Mona: Hais mav, Rona muaj ib lub tswv yim mus ua ib tug painting ntawm ib tsev neeg zoo siab no, yog peb ua tej yam uas ib yam li lawv nyiam? (nyob rau hauv ib lub ntxhi) Olla: Tseeb lauj, Mon? Tom ntej yog peb lus dag mob ntxiv li cas? Syila: Duh tab sis thov Olla, lub caij nyoog lauj Mona yuav tsis to taub lub ntsiab lus? Cia nws sib txawv me ntsis paintings, tus ntxhais tseem ceeb thiab tib lub tswvyim. Ces yog lawv los yeej tau, peb thov tau cov kev pab yog lawv nyiag peb lub tswv yim. Mona: Well nws meant kuv. Olla: Huag, thiaj li muaj, ntse heev ih Syila. Syila: Iyalah kuv gituloh. May: Okay, tsua lig pom zoo. Thiab lub qhov tsua tau lees tias peb yuav yeej! Mona: Yup, dab hluas nkauj! Hahahaha. Hnub dhau thiab txawm ntawd, tag nrho tos judging Bu Gia soj ntsuam. Bu Gia: Lag tub ki, tom qab uas kuv pom txhua yam koj ua hauj lwm yog heev zoo thiab nthuav. Tiam sis tsuas muaj ib pab yog cov khiav, uas... Koom 1, survivors, Rona, Tala, thiab Kinan Fasya koj ua ib tug khiav. Mona: Ga yuav ua tau kom tus niam, niam yuav tswm sim, lawv yuav zoo xws li cov painting nrag kuv pawg. Muaj yuav tsum muaj tau khib niam! Bu Gia: Yog muaj tseeb tias, Rona? Rona: Tsis, ma'am. Peb yeej tsis khib hlo. Vim hais tias nws muaj tus cwj pwm Mona growled, thaum kawg Tala, Fasya thiab Kinan provoked pwm ntawd sib cav tswv yim thiab cov lus ntawm ob tug neeg. Bu Gia: Txaus mas txaus! Kuv yuav hu koj niam thiab txiv tag kis rau cov suab thiab qhov mess. Rona: Tab sis niam... Bu Gia: Tsis muaj ntxiv. Hnub tom qab, leej niam leej txiv Rona thiab Mona tuaj rau lub tsev kawm ntawv nyob hauv lub ceeb thiab yog chim. Tsis tas li, Tala, Fasya, Kinan, Syila, Olla, thiab ntuj ras paub tias Rona thiab Mona muaj tej niam thiab txiv ib yam. Papa: Rona, Papa chim rau koj. Vim li cas thiaj ua crafty li no? Rona: Kuv cog paj, kuv ga twg cia li ntawd. (quaj) Niam: Nws yog paj, tus misunderstanding tej zaum ntawm Rona thiab Mona. Rona yuav tsis dais saib nws txiv cem, thaum kawg Olla coj cov teg num qhia rau cov zajlus ua Bu Gia pem lub taub hau txhua tus neeg uas rau pawg neeg nyiag lub idea ntawm Rona. Mona: La, lauj ya rov xav cuab rau kuv? Olla: Mon thov txim, kuv muaj lub plawv saib Rona ga kiam rau peb tus cwj pwm. Papa: Mona, koj twb paub lawm koj nyob nraum txoj kev uas cov kev ntawm no tuaj? Mona: Kuv thov txim ua paj. Kuv tsuas xav kom niam thiab Dad zoo siab rau kuv raws li Rona. Kuv tsis nyiam muab piv rau Rona. Rona tau txhua yam rau cov niam thiab cov Dad. Niam: Mona, koj thiab Rona tib lub ntsiab muag niam thiab Papa, nyob zoo. Rona: Mon muaj, tag lawm tij laug. Tej menyuam ntxaib. Yog kiag li tsis muaj tswv yim ga kuv ua niam thiab Dad koj nco qab txog nws. Peb yeej hlub koj, Mon. Bu Gia: Xyua tseem tau tseeb, peb yuav tsum tau bermaafan sib thiab ua qhov no ua ib zaj lus qhia rau peb sawv daws vim nws txhais tau hais tias ib tug brotherhood tag saum toj noj lwm yam. Tig tau zoo kawg thiab, nrog rau Mona thaum kawg apologized rau nws tsi zoo rau Rona. Piv nrog lwm cov phooj ywg. Niam thiab Dad kuj pom zoo kom tsis paub qhov txawv ntawm ob kom muaj los yog tsis muaj discord thiab misunderstanding uas ob zaug.
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Hmong) 2:[Salinan]
title "Rona Zoo, Phem Mona" ntsiab Qhov tseem ceeb ntawm kev tswj kinship. keeb kwm yav dhau Chaw SMP ntxhais yawm neeg thiab Cim • Rona: benevolent • Mona: cunning • Cov niam txiv Rona thiab Mona - Niam: Merciful - Papa: Wise • Bu Gia: Fair ( Master of Arts) • Cov phooj ywg Rona: benevolent - talà - Fasya - Kinan • Mona cov phooj ywg: cunning - Syila - nyob rau hauv Tej zaum - Olla Drama Tsab ntawv ib hnub tom qab lub tswb nrov, junior high school me nyuam kawm ntawv tus ntxhais yawm rushed mus rau hauv lawv cov chav kawm. Bu Gia : Me nyuam, hnub no kuv yuav faib koj mus rau hauv pab pawg, txhua pab pawg neeg muaj 4 cov neeg thiab yuav tsum tau ua ib tug neeg ua hauj lwm raws li leej niam qhia kom meej. Tom qab announcing lub division ntawm cov pab pawg neeg, Rona los ua tus tswj nyob rau hauv pab pawg neeg 1 nrog rau talÃ, Fasya thiab Kinan. Thaum Mona koom rau hauv pab pawg 2 ua ke Syila, lub Tsib Hlis thiab Olla uas tau ib tug phooj ywg txij thaum pib ntawm lub tsev kawm ntawv. Bu Gia: Okay, rau txhua pab pawg neeg muaj tib lub ua hauj lwm, uas yog ua hauj lwm rau ib tug painting nrog lub ntsiab ntawm uas yog pub dawb. Koj puas muaj lus nug? Rona: Niam, lub sijhawm rau tus sau los ntawm txoj hauj lwm thaum ya? Bu Gia: Niaj hnub no nyob rau hauv lub kawg ntawm zaj lus qhia tom qab. Mona: Dapet khoom plig Bu ga? Hahaha yeej tub nkeeg ga painting ua profits. TalÃ: Mon, koj puas tau tsis tshua paub cai ntawm Bu Gia, wb thov txim. Syila: Eh tsis txhob cuam tshuam DEH, tal! Bu Gia: Yog, kuv ua tsis tau fuss. Huag yog tsis txhob hnov qab niam piav qhia hais tias cov pab pawg neeg nrog qhov zoo tshaj plaws painting yuav tau txais ib tug trophy thiab nqi zog kos yog tseem muaj ib tug pub leejtwg paub. Chairman ntawm cov pab pawg neeg yuav tau txais ib tug tshwj xeeb nqi zog. Mona: Laj, yog li dong Bu. Pawg 2 yuav yeej! Yog tsis koj hais mav? Tej zaum: Melepasmu Mon, yog peb siab saj, ga ib yam li lwm pab pawg. Hahaha. Bu Gia: Twb, cia li qhia koj lub peev xwm maisng tus kheej thiab tsis txhob hnov qab qhov kev koom tes yuav tsum compact yog. Tag nrho: Yog Buuu ... Ces, Rona thiab nws tus phooj ywg tham txog lub tswvyim ntawm painting li cas yuav tsum tsim, raws li zoo raws li Mona thiab cov phooj ywg. Rona: Raws li koj, Yog hais tias lub ntsiab ntawm lub painting rau peb txog yuav ua li cas ib tug neeg zoo siab portrait? Fasya: Kuv pom zoo, Ron vim hais tias cov ntsiab lus ntawm scenery yuav twb coj ib tug ntau ntawm cov lwm cov pab pawg. Kinan: Yeah txoj cai, lub tsev neeg ntsiab heev tsis tshua muaj xwm nyob rau hauv ib tug painting. talÃ: Kuv kuj pom zoo, kom cov tom qab yog ib tug yooj yim lub tsev DEH li twv yuav raug hu ib tug zoo tshwm sim. Rona: Okay peb yuav tsum ua raws li ntau li ntau tau, yog. Yeej yog tsis tseem ceeb tshaj plaws uas yog ib qho tseem ceeb tab sis peb yuav tau muab qhov zoo tshaj plaws. Okay ?? !! Group 1: Okeee !!! Overhearing qhov kev sib tham ntawm Group 1, lub tswv yim twb tsim nyob rau hauv lub minds licikpun Mona. Mona: Hais mav, Rona muaj ib lub tswv yim los mus ua kom ib tug painting ntawm ib tug neeg zoo siab li ntawd, yog dab tsi yog hais tias peb ua ib yam dab tsi uas zoo li nyiam lawv? (nyob rau hauv ib tug ntxhi) Olla: Meej lo, Mon? Tom qab ntawd yog hais tias peb fib zuj zus yuav ua li cas? Syila: Duh tab sis thov Olla, lub sij hawm lo Mona tsis to taub lub ntsiab? Sau ntawv cia nws ib tug me ntsis txawv paintings, ib qho tseem ceeb cov ntxhais thiab cov tib lub tswvyim. Yog li ntawd yog hais tias lawv los yeej, peb yuav thov cov pab pawg neeg yog hais tias lawv ua tub sab peb lub tswv yim. Mona: Zoo hais tias nws meant kuv. Olla: Huag, yog li yawg, ntse heev Syila ih. Syila: Iyalah kuv gituloh. Tej zaum: Okay, lub qhov tsua lig pom zoo. Thiab hauv lub qhov tsua guarantee peb yuav yeej! Mona: Yup, ntsuj plig ntxhais! Hahahaha. Lub hnub dhau thiab txawm ces, tag nrho tos rau qhov kev tshwm sim ntawm lub txiav txim Bu Gia. Bu Gia: Okay cov me nyuam, tom qab kuv pom tag nrho koj kev ua hauj lwm yog zoo nkauj heev thiab nthuav. Tab sis muaj yog tsuas ib pab pawg neeg yog tus khiav, uas yog ... Group 1, survivors Rona, talÃ, thiab Kinan Fasya koj ua ib tug khiav. Mona: Ga yuav ua tau li ntawd, Niam, Niam sim them sai sai, lawv muaj ntsis zoo li painting nrag kuv pab pawg neeg. Muaj yuav tsum tau coj tsis ncaj Niam! Bu Gia: Yog nws muaj tseeb hais tias, Rona? Rona: Tsis yog, ma'am. Peb tsis yog yuav coj tsis ncaj rau tag nrho cov. Vim hais tias nws growled nrog Mona cwj pwm, thaum kawg talÃ, Fasya thiab Kinan provoked cwj pwm txawv uas sib cav tswv yim thiab kev tsis sib haum ntawm ob pab neeg. Bu Gia: Txaus yog txaus! Kuv yuav hu rau koj niam koj txiv tag kis rau lub suab nrov thiab lub mess. Rona: Tab sis Niam ... Bu Gia: Tsis zam! Hnub tom qab, leej niam leej txiv Rona thiab Mona tuaj rau lub tsev kawm ntawv nyob rau hauv ib tug ntshai thiab yog chim. Nyob rau hauv tas li ntawd, talÃ, Fasya, Kinan, Syila, Olla thiab Tej zaum ras paub uas Rona thiab Mona muaj tib lub niam txiv. Papa: Rona, Papa chim nrog koj. Yog vim li cas koj yuav tau mus ua tswvyim zoo li no? Rona: Kuv cog lus Pa, kuv ga ua raws li ntawd. (quaj) Niam: Nws yog Pa, tej zaum cia li ib tug to taub yuam kev ntawm Rona thiab Mona. Rona yuav tsis tau dais saib nws tus txiv cem, Olla thaum kawg coj cov teg num yuav qhia cov tseeb txheej xwm nyob rau hauv Bu Gia nyob rau hauv pem hauv ntej ntawm txhua leej txhua tus hais tias cov pab pawg neeg uas tau raug nyiag lawm lub tswv yim ntawm Rona. Mona: La, lo ya xav mus cuab kuv? Olla: Mon Thov txim, kuv muaj lub siab mus saib Rona ga liam rau peb tus cwj pwm. Papa: Mona, koj twb paub lawm koj nyob nraum txoj cai hais tias cov kev ua ntawm no ib ? Mona: Kuv thov txim Pa. Kuv cia li xav Niam thiab Txiv zoo siab ntawm kuv li Rona. Kuv tsis xav hnov txog piv rau Rona. Rona yog txhua yam rau niam thiab txiv. Niam: Mona, koj thiab Rona tib nyob rau hauv lub qhov muag ntawm niam thiab Papa, Nyob zoo. Rona: Mon aws, peb nyob nraum cov kwv tij. Txawm cov menyuam ntxaib. Muaj yog kiag li tsis muaj tswv yim ga kuv ua niam thiab txiv koj tsis nco qab nws. Peb tag nrho cov hlub koj, Mon. Bu Gia: Okay nws twb tseeb, peb yuav tsum bermaafan txhua lwm yam thiab ua kom qhov ua ib zaj lus rau peb tag nrho vim hais tias nws txhais tau tias ib tug kwv ua tij saum toj no tag nrho lwm yam. Nrog zoo siab ntsws xav, Mona thaum kawg apologized rau nws tus cwj pwm rau Rona . Ib yam li ntawd nrog lwm cov phooj ywg. Niam thiab txiv kuj pom zoo los tsis muaj lawm paub qhov txawv nruab nrab ntawm ob li ntawd tias yog tsis muaj discord thiab to taub yuam kev hais tias tshwm sim rau lub thib ob lub sij hawm.

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