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Thus in early society we see eviden

Thus in early society we see evidence of technological success achieved through increasing cognitive abilities and social co-operation, some of the hallmarks of what was to become science.
For lewis wolpert (1992) the foregoing, though evidence of advanced technological thinking, does not amount to science. Thales’ contribution was, therefore, not simply lateral thinking, but some foundational mathematics, an essential tool for later science.
Wolpert’s distinction is a useful one and offers a continuity with modern science: though still deriving from curiosity, science, however motivated, is rarely common sense. However, as wolpert himself notes there is a circularity in the argument that science is ‘unnatural’, if it were ‘natural’ and just a matter of common sense observation, then there would be no science to explain anyway.( I shall return to the question of curiosity in chapter two) moreover, that is known as Thales ‘ leap’ cannot be wholly attributed to one man’s ability to think laterally, but also to the existence of a ‘scientific’ or at least pronto-scientific culture and metaphysical foundation that allowed such a leap to be made.
Indeed it was not just Thale who leapt. Perhaps the greatest contribution to science came from Aristotle (384-322 BC), though, like Thales, much of his science was ‘wrong’; The conclusion can be deduced from the premises, as in the example below.
Where did science come from?
All mammals are warm blooded animals
No lizards are warm blooded mammals
Therefore no lizard are mammals
Science, as well shall see, depends on deduction – on this kind of argument – though we must be careful here, for a conclusion following from premises does not entail the truth of the premises, but what deduction gives us is a rational structure to argument (see Weston 1992). With the formulation of this way of thinking we also have the beginning of rationality, that is, to deny conclusions once we have accepted the premises from which they are derived would be an irrational act.
Deductive logic is a formalisation of patterns of inference (people inferred before formal logic) and provided a framework for science. It is often said that post-Renaissance science produced the culture of rationality that is the hallmark of modern science, but of course to a great extent the opposite had to be true. For rational science to gain legitimacy at least some semblance of a wider culture of rationality had to exist in society (Tarnas 1991:224-32).
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Thus in early society we see evidence of technological success achieved through increasing cognitive abilities and social co-operation, some of the hallmarks of what was to become science.For lewis wolpert (1992) the foregoing, though evidence of advanced technological thinking, does not amount to science. Thales’ contribution was, therefore, not simply lateral thinking, but some foundational mathematics, an essential tool for later science.Wolpert’s distinction is a useful one and offers a continuity with modern science: though still deriving from curiosity, science, however motivated, is rarely common sense. However, as wolpert himself notes there is a circularity in the argument that science is ‘unnatural’, if it were ‘natural’ and just a matter of common sense observation, then there would be no science to explain anyway.( I shall return to the question of curiosity in chapter two) moreover, that is known as Thales ‘ leap’ cannot be wholly attributed to one man’s ability to think laterally, but also to the existence of a ‘scientific’ or at least pronto-scientific culture and metaphysical foundation that allowed such a leap to be made.Indeed it was not just Thale who leapt. Perhaps the greatest contribution to science came from Aristotle (384-322 BC), though, like Thales, much of his science was ‘wrong’; The conclusion can be deduced from the premises, as in the example below.Where did science come from?Premises:All mammals are warm blooded animalsNo lizards are warm blooded mammalsConclusion:Therefore no lizard are mammalsScience, as well shall see, depends on deduction – on this kind of argument – though we must be careful here, for a conclusion following from premises does not entail the truth of the premises, but what deduction gives us is a rational structure to argument (see Weston 1992). With the formulation of this way of thinking we also have the beginning of rationality, that is, to deny conclusions once we have accepted the premises from which they are derived would be an irrational act.Deductive logic is a formalisation of patterns of inference (people inferred before formal logic) and provided a framework for science. It is often said that post-Renaissance science produced the culture of rationality that is the hallmark of modern science, but of course to a great extent the opposite had to be true. For rational science to gain legitimacy at least some semblance of a wider culture of rationality had to exist in society (Tarnas 1991:224-32).
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Jadi dalam masyarakat awal kita melihat bukti keberhasilan teknologi dicapai melalui peningkatan kemampuan kognitif dan kerjasama sosial, beberapa keunggulan dari apa yang menjadi ilmu.
Untuk lewis Wolpert (1992) tersebut di atas, meskipun bukti pemikiran teknologi canggih, tidak berjumlah ilmu. Kontribusi Thales ', oleh karena itu, tidak berpikir hanya lateral, tetapi beberapa matematika dasar, alat penting untuk ilmu pengetahuan kemudian.
Perbedaan Wolpert merupakan salah satu yang berguna dan menawarkan kontinuitas dengan ilmu pengetahuan modern: meskipun masih berasal dari rasa ingin tahu, ilmu pengetahuan, termotivasi bagaimanapun, adalah akal jarang umum. Namun, seperti Wolpert sendiri mencatat ada bundar di argumen bahwa ilmu pengetahuan adalah 'tidak wajar', jika itu adalah 'alami' dan hanya masalah pengamatan akal sehat, maka tidak akan ada ilmu untuk menjelaskan pula. (Saya akan kembali ke pertanyaan keingintahuan dalam bab dua) apalagi, yang dikenal sebagai Thales 'lompatan' tidak dapat sepenuhnya dikaitkan dengan kemampuan satu orang untuk berpikir lateral, tetapi juga untuk adanya 'ilmiah' atau setidaknya pronto-ilmiah budaya dan landasan metafisik yang memungkinkan lompatan seperti yang akan dibuat.
Memang itu bukan hanya Thale yang melompat. Mungkin kontribusi terbesar bagi ilmu pengetahuan berasal dari Aristoteles (384-322 SM), meskipun, seperti Thales, banyak ilmu adalah 'salah'; Kesimpulan yang dapat disimpulkan dari tempat, seperti pada contoh di bawah ini.
Dari mana ilmu berasal?
Semua mamalia adalah binatang berdarah panas
ada kadal hangat mamalia berdarah
Oleh karena itu tidak ada kadal adalah mamalia
Sains, serta akan melihat, tergantung pada pengurangan - pada jenis argumen - meskipun kami harus berhati-hati di sini, untuk kesimpulan sebagai berikut dari tempat tidak berarti kebenaran tempat, tapi apa pengurangan memberi kita adalah struktur rasional untuk argumen (lihat Weston 1992). Dengan rumusan cara berpikir kami juga memiliki awal rasionalitas, yaitu, untuk menolak kesimpulan setelah kami telah menerima tempat dari mana mereka berasal akan tindakan irasional.
Logika deduktif adalah formalisasi pola inferensi (orang disimpulkan sebelum logika formal) dan memberikan kerangka bagi ilmu pengetahuan. Hal ini sering mengatakan bahwa pasca-Renaissance ilmu diproduksi budaya rasionalitas yang merupakan ciri khas dari ilmu pengetahuan modern, tapi tentu saja untuk sebagian besar sebaliknya harus benar. Untuk ilmu pengetahuan rasional untuk mendapatkan legitimasi setidaknya beberapa kemiripan budaya yang lebih luas rasionalitas harus ada di masyarakat (Tarnas 1991: 224-32).
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