QUESTIONS AND PROJECTS1. REVIEW QUESTIONS.1) Clarify the use of such t terjemahan - QUESTIONS AND PROJECTS1. REVIEW QUESTIONS.1) Clarify the use of such t Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan



1) Clarify the use of such terms as morals, ethics, and moral judgments.
2) What are some facts of life that force us to give some attention to questions of right and wrong. or to .moral standards?
3) Give a critical evaluation of authoritarianism, or the appeal to authority. And ethical relativism.
4) State the central points in: (a) formalism. or Kant's appeal to the moral law: (b) nature as the standard; (c) pleasure as the guide in life; and (d) the development of persons as the moral standard.
5) What are some points of emphasis in the Christian ethical ideal?
6) What are the two contrasting types of religious ethics? Make clear the differences between them; and then give your own evaluation.
7) Give evidence to show that morality, grows out of life and its needs, and that moral judgments, for mature persons, are not mere matters of opinion.
8) Explain the part played in moral conduct by motives, by means, and by consequences.
9) State the view of morality set forth in the last part of this chapter, and give some of the implications or conclusions which follow from an acceptance of this position.

2. IN YOUR OPIMON, what is the greatest moral problem facing our society today? Give reasons for your answer.
3. STATE IN YOUR own words why you consider that right is right.
4. Is experimentation possible in the realm of morals? If so, in what areas or reaims might it be wise for us to experiment? If we are to experiment. what principles should be kept clearly in mind? See Harold H. Titus, What Is a MhtHre Morality? (The Macmillan Co., 1943), pp. 123.—I29.
5. DISCUSS THE following quorations:
(1) ”Ethics can never be a fixed code; it is only a series ofsuggestions."
(2) "Ethics is useless, for we do not need theories to tell us how to act."

6. “FOR Whoever WOULD save his life will lose it;'and whoever loses his life for my sake, he will save it." (Luke 9 2 24) Do you agree or disagree with the writer who says that this is "the greatest discovery ever made"? Broadening the question. is it also true that man needs to lose himself in some great cause in order to find satisfaction in life?
7. DISCUSS THE following quotation: "A rule of conduct may be a genuine expression of what people actually feel and think, or it may be an ideal bearing as little relation to common practice as the Sermon .on the Mount to the code of the Stock Exchange. In other wotds, there is a difference between the rule to which society expects y0u to conform and the rule which it keeps for Sunday use only this broad distinction we must keep in mind. ifwe would not immensely overrate the morals of the civilized world, which, unlike the savage and barbarian world, has almost invariably a double code, one for use and the other—as a cynic would say—for ornament." 7
8. REVIEW ONE OF THE following: Pearl Binder, Mth and Morals (George G. Hanap 8c Co., Ltd., 1953); Hywcl D. Lewis, Morals and the New Theology (Harper 8: Brothers, 1947); Bernard E. Meland, Write Your Own Ten Conunandments (Harper 8c Brothers, 1938); Melvin Rader, Ethics and Society (Henry Holt 8: Co., Inc, 1950); Paul Ramsey, Basic Christian Ethics (Charles Scribner's Sons, 1950); Paul . Siwek, The Philosophy of Evil (The Ronald Press Company. 1951); T. V. Smith. The Ethics of Compromise and the Art o/rCoutainment (Starr King Press. 1956).
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
QUESTIONS AND PROJECTS1. REVIEW QUESTIONS.1) Clarify the use of such terms as morals, ethics, and moral judgments.2) What are some facts of life that force us to give some attention to questions of right and wrong. or to .moral standards?3) Give a critical evaluation of authoritarianism, or the appeal to authority. And ethical relativism.4) State the central points in: (a) formalism. or Kant's appeal to the moral law: (b) nature as the standard; (c) pleasure as the guide in life; and (d) the development of persons as the moral standard.5) What are some points of emphasis in the Christian ethical ideal?6) What are the two contrasting types of religious ethics? Make clear the differences between them; and then give your own evaluation.7) Give evidence to show that morality, grows out of life and its needs, and that moral judgments, for mature persons, are not mere matters of opinion.8) Explain the part played in moral conduct by motives, by means, and by consequences.9) State the view of morality set forth in the last part of this chapter, and give some of the implications or conclusions which follow from an acceptance of this position.2. IN YOUR OPIMON, what is the greatest moral problem facing our society today? Give reasons for your answer.3. STATE IN YOUR own words why you consider that right is right.4. Is experimentation possible in the realm of morals? If so, in what areas or reaims might it be wise for us to experiment? If we are to experiment. what principles should be kept clearly in mind? See Harold H. Titus, What Is a MhtHre Morality? (The Macmillan Co., 1943), pp. 123.—I29. 5. DISCUSS THE following quorations:(1) ”Ethics can never be a fixed code; it is only a series ofsuggestions."(2) "Ethics is useless, for we do not need theories to tell us how to act."6. “FOR Whoever WOULD save his life will lose it;'and whoever loses his life for my sake, he will save it." (Luke 9 2 24) Do you agree or disagree with the writer who says that this is "the greatest discovery ever made"? Broadening the question. is it also true that man needs to lose himself in some great cause in order to find satisfaction in life?7. DISCUSS THE following quotation: "A rule of conduct may be a genuine expression of what people actually feel and think, or it may be an ideal bearing as little relation to common practice as the Sermon .on the Mount to the code of the Stock Exchange. In other wotds, there is a difference between the rule to which society expects y0u to conform and the rule which it keeps for Sunday use only this broad distinction we must keep in mind. ifwe would not immensely overrate the morals of the civilized world, which, unlike the savage and barbarian world, has almost invariably a double code, one for use and the other—as a cynic would say—for ornament." 78. REVIEW ONE OF THE following: Pearl Binder, Mth and Morals (George G. Hanap 8c Co., Ltd., 1953); Hywcl D. Lewis, Morals and the New Theology (Harper 8: Brothers, 1947); Bernard E. Meland, Write Your Own Ten Conunandments (Harper 8c Brothers, 1938); Melvin Rader, Ethics and Society (Henry Holt 8: Co., Inc, 1950); Paul Ramsey, Basic Christian Ethics (Charles Scribner's Sons, 1950); Paul . Siwek, The Philosophy of Evil (The Ronald Press Company. 1951); T. V. Smith. The Ethics of Compromise and the Art o/rCoutainment (Starr King Press. 1956).
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
PERTANYAAN DAN PROYEK 1. PERTANYAAN REVIEW. 1) Memperjelas penggunaan istilah seperti moral, etika, dan penilaian moral. 2) Apa beberapa fakta kehidupan yang memaksa kita untuk memberikan perhatian untuk pertanyaan tentang benar dan salah. atau standar .moral? 3) Berikan evaluasi kritis dari otoritarianisme, atau banding ke otoritas. . Dan relativisme etis 4) Nyatakan poin sentral dalam: (a) formalisme. atau banding Kant dengan hukum moral: (b) alam sebagai standar; (c) kesenangan sebagai panduan dalam kehidupan; dan (d) pengembangan orang sebagai standar moral. 5) Apa beberapa poin penekanan dalam etika Kristen yang ideal? 6) Apakah dua jenis kontras etika agama? Membuat jelas perbedaan antara mereka; dan kemudian memberikan evaluasi Anda sendiri. 7) Berikan bukti yang menunjukkan bahwa moralitas, tumbuh dari kehidupan dan kebutuhannya, dan bahwa penilaian moral, untuk orang dewasa, tidak masalah hanya pendapat. 8) Jelaskan bagian yang dimainkan dalam perilaku moral motif, dengan cara, dan dengan konsekuensi. 9) Negara pandangan moralitas yang ditetapkan dalam bagian terakhir dari bab ini, dan memberikan beberapa implikasi atau kesimpulan yang mengikuti dari penerimaan posisi ini. 2. DI OPIMON ANDA, apa masalah moral yang terbesar yang dihadapi masyarakat kita saat ini? Berikan alasan untuk jawaban Anda. 3. NEGARA DALAM kata ANDA sendiri mengapa Anda menganggap bahwa yang benar adalah benar. 4. Apakah eksperimen mungkin dalam ranah moral? Jika demikian, apa daerah atau reaims akan lebih bijaksana bagi kita untuk bereksperimen? Jika kita untuk bereksperimen. prinsip apa yang harus disimpan jelas dalam pikiran? Lihat Harold H. Titus, Apa Itu Moralitas MhtHre? (The Macmillan Co., 1943), hlm. 123.-I29. 5. DISKUSI YANG quorations berikut: (1) "Etika tidak pernah bisa menjadi kode yang tetap; itu hanya ofsuggestions seri ". (2)" Etika tidak berguna, karena kita tidak perlu teori untuk memberitahu kita bagaimana untuk bertindak ". 6." UNTUK Siapapun AKAN menyelamatkan hidupnya akan kehilangan; dan barangsiapa kehilangan nyawanya untuk karena Aku, ia akan menyimpannya. " (Lukas 9 2 24) Apakah Anda setuju atau tidak setuju dengan penulis yang mengatakan bahwa ini adalah "penemuan terbesar yang pernah dibuat"? Memperluas pertanyaan. itu juga benar bahwa manusia perlu kehilangan dirinya di beberapa penyebab besar untuk menemukan kepuasan dalam hidup? 7. DISKUSI YANG kutipan berikut: "Sebuah aturan perilaku mungkin ekspresi asli apa yang sebenarnya orang merasa dan berpikir, atau mungkin menjadi bantalan yang ideal sebagai sedikit kaitannya dengan praktek umum sebagai Khotbah .on Bukit ke kode dari Bursa Efek . Dalam wotds lainnya, ada perbedaan antara aturan yang masyarakat mengharapkan y0u untuk menyesuaikan dan aturan yang membuat hari Minggu hanya menggunakan perbedaan luas ini kita harus ingat. ifwe tidak akan sangat melebih-lebihkan moral dunia yang beradab, yang, tidak seperti dunia buas dan barbar, memiliki hampir selalu kode ganda, satu untuk digunakan dan yang lain-sebagai sinis akan mengatakan-untuk hiasan. " 7 8. REVIEW SALAH SATU berikut: Pearl Binder, Mth dan Moral (George G. Hanap 8c Co, Ltd, 1953); Hywcl D. Lewis, Moral dan Teologi Baru (Harper 8: Saudara, 1947); Bernard E. Meland, TULIS Sepuluh Conunandments (Harper 8c Saudara, 1938); Melvin Rader, Etika dan Masyarakat (Henry Holt 8: Co, Inc, 1950); Paul Ramsey, Etika Kristen Basic (Charles Scribner Sons, 1950); Paul. Siwek, The Philosophy of Evil (The Ronald Tekan Perusahaan 1951.); TV Smith. Etika Kompromi dan Seni o / rCoutainment (Starr Raja Press. 1956).

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