Can existing Afro-alpine tourism promote poverty mitigation and resolv terjemahan - Can existing Afro-alpine tourism promote poverty mitigation and resolv Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Can existing Afro-alpine tourism pr

Can existing Afro-alpine tourism promote poverty mitigation and resolve regional disparities? This article explores the significance of alpine tourism in the Mt Kenya region based on analysis of the state of the art and official statistical data along with own surveys, mapping activities, and household observations. The results show that economic benefits from mountaineering tourism in the Mt Kenya region are smaller than commonly calculated, and that low
and inconsistent incomes are distributed unevenly. There are clear parallels to the critical situation in the Rwenzori Mountains in Uganda: Alpine tourism does not reduce regional income disparities and largely fails to promote sustainable development. The article also takes a closer look at the development effects of community-based tourism, drawing from the example of the Mt Kenya Guides and Porters Safari Club (GPSC), a community-based tourism organization operating from Naro Moru, at the fertile western foot of Mt Kenya. Results show that this form of tourism stabilizes the livelihoods of rural households, contributes to community welfare, and reduces the vulnerability of families. The GPSC’s democratic organizational structure with elected and regularly rotating offices prevents the enrichment of only few members and ensures even distribution of benefits to all members and to the whole community. Overall, however, there is not enough tourism in the study area to initiate sustainable regional development in the foreseeable future.
Keywords: Community-based tourism; regional development; poverty reduction; livelihood approach;
Mt Kenya Guides and Porters Safari Club (GPSC); Naro Moru; Kenya.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Bisa ada Afro-alpine pariwisata mempromosikan kemiskinan mitigasi dan mengatasi kesenjangan daerah? Artikel ini membahas pentingnya pariwisata alpine di wilayah Mt Kenya berdasarkan analisis canggih dan resmi data statistik sendiri survei, pemetaan, dan rumah tangga pengamatan. Hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa ekonomi manfaat dari Gunung pariwisata di daerah Mt Kenya lebih kecil daripada biasanya dihitung, dan rendahdan pendapatan yang tidak konsisten terdistribusi tidak merata. Ada persamaan yang jelas pada situasi yang kritis di pegunungan Rwenzori di Uganda: Alpine pariwisata tidak mengurangi kesenjangan pendapatan regional dan sebagian besar gagal untuk mempromosikan pembangunan berkelanjutan. Artikel ini juga mengambil melihat lebih dekat pada efek pengembangan pariwisata berbasis masyarakat, menggambar dari contoh Mt Kenya panduan dan Porter Safari Club (GPSC), sebuah organisasi pariwisata berbasis masyarakat yang beroperasi dari Naro Moru, di kaki Gunung Kenya Barat subur. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa bentuk pariwisata menstabilkan penghidupan rumah tangga di pedesaan, memberikan kontribusi untuk kesejahteraan masyarakat, dan mengurangi kerentanan keluarga. GPSC struktur organisasi demokratis dengan dipilih dan secara teratur berputar kantor mencegah pengayaan hanya beberapa anggota dan menjamin pemerataan manfaat bagi semua anggota dan untuk seluruh masyarakat. Secara keseluruhan, bagaimanapun, tidak ada cukup pariwisata di daerah studi untuk memulai pembangunan regional yang berkelanjutan di masa depan. Kata kunci: Pariwisata berbasis masyarakat; pembangunan daerah; penanggulangan kemiskinan; mata pencaharian pendekatan;MT Kenya panduan dan Porter Safari Club (GPSC); Naro Moru; Kenya.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Can existing Afro-alpine tourism promote poverty mitigation and resolve regional disparities? This article explores the significance of alpine tourism in the Mt Kenya region based on analysis of the state of the art and official statistical data along with own surveys, mapping activities, and household observations. The results show that economic benefits from mountaineering tourism in the Mt Kenya region are smaller than commonly calculated, and that low
and inconsistent incomes are distributed unevenly. There are clear parallels to the critical situation in the Rwenzori Mountains in Uganda: Alpine tourism does not reduce regional income disparities and largely fails to promote sustainable development. The article also takes a closer look at the development effects of community-based tourism, drawing from the example of the Mt Kenya Guides and Porters Safari Club (GPSC), a community-based tourism organization operating from Naro Moru, at the fertile western foot of Mt Kenya. Results show that this form of tourism stabilizes the livelihoods of rural households, contributes to community welfare, and reduces the vulnerability of families. The GPSC’s democratic organizational structure with elected and regularly rotating offices prevents the enrichment of only few members and ensures even distribution of benefits to all members and to the whole community. Overall, however, there is not enough tourism in the study area to initiate sustainable regional development in the foreseeable future.
Keywords: Community-based tourism; regional development; poverty reduction; livelihood approach;
Mt Kenya Guides and Porters Safari Club (GPSC); Naro Moru; Kenya.
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