7. Differential DiagnosisDifferential diagnosis of TAO includes athero terjemahan - 7. Differential DiagnosisDifferential diagnosis of TAO includes athero Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

7. Differential DiagnosisDifferenti

7. Differential Diagnosis

Differential diagnosis of TAO includes atherosclerosis, emboli, autoimmune diseases scleroderma or the CREST syndrome, systemic lupus erythematosus, rheumatoid arthritis, mixed connective tissue disease, antiphospholipid antibody syndrome, and other types of vasculitis. In the presence of lower extremity involvement, the possibility of popliteal artery entrapment syndrome or cystic adventitial disease should be considered, both of which should be readily apparent on arteriography, computed tomography, or magnetic resonance imaging. If there is isolated involvement of the upper extremity, occupational hazards such as use of vibratory tools and hypothenar hammer syndrome should be considered. Two diagnostic criteria have been proposed by Shionoya and Olin as described in Table 4.
Table 4: Diagnostic criteria.
8. Treatment

The most effective treatment for Buerger’s disease is smoking cessation. All possible means should be used to encourage patients to give up the use of tobacco, in all its forms. Patient education is important, but only 43–70% of cases manage to give up smoking [39]. Psychological help may be useful in certain cases, but patients should be reassured that if they manage to give up smoking completely, the disease will go into remission and amputation can be avoided. Selective cannabinoid receptor antagonists, such as rimonabant, have shown good results in helping patient quit smoking [39].
8.1. Medical Treatment of Intermittent Claudication
8.1.1. Platelet Inhibitors

Aspirin. Aspirin is effective in preventing secondary events and should be considered in all patients with PAD. Aspirin is not currently indicated, however, for the treatment of the symptoms of intermittent claudication.

Clopidogrel. Clopidogrel is an antiplatelet agent that has been shown to be more potent than aspirin in reducing secondary events in patients with atherosclerotic disease. There is no evidence, however, to suggest that the symptoms of claudication are reduced by long-term treatment with clopidogrel.
8.1.2. Vasodilators

When vasodilator therapy is given, vessels proximal to the stenotic or occlusive lesion and vessels parallel to the lesion dilate and improve blood flow to that neighboring vascular bed. This improvement leads to a steal proximal to the stenotic or occlusive lesion, reducing blood flow from the already ischemic distal tissue. Vasodilators also have the capacity to reduce overall systemic vascular resistance, leading to a reduction in perfusion pressure. This reduction in perfusion pressure in conjunction with the steal phenomenon increases the ischemic insult to the underperfused extremity. This concept of enhancing blood flow by giving vasodilators systemically is probably incorrect.

A dihydropyridine calcium channel blocker, such as amlodipine or nifedipine, seems to be effective if vasospasm is present. In a study by Bagger et al. [42] increasing doses of verapamil was used in 44 patient of TAO; it was seen that there was an increased mean pain-free walking distance by 29% from 44.9 to 57.8 meters. There was no change in ankle/brachial index, suggesting that it was not purely secondary to blood flow. A theory that has evolved from this study is that the calcium channel blocker has a secondary effect—that of changing the oxygen extraction/utilization capacity. Calcium channel blockers may improve the efficiency of oxygen use in the extremity. A dose of verapamil up to 480 mg/day can be given as an adjuvant therapy to patients.

Pentoxyfylline. Pentoxyfylline (Trental) is a methylxanthine derivative that has numerous effects. Its primary effect was thought to be an improvement in red blood cell deformability. Other effects include a decrease in blood viscosity, platelet aggregation inhibition, and a reduction in fibrinogen levels. Though usage of pentoxyfylline may increase the pain-free walking distance in many, the long-term benefit and improvement in quality of life is limited.

Cilostazol. Cilostazol (Pletal) is a phosphodiesterase type III inhibitor which inhibits cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP) phosphodiesterase. By increasing the levels of cAMP in platelets and blood vessels, there is inhibition of platelet aggregation and a promotion of smooth muscle cell relaxation. Numerous side effects occur with the long-term use of cilostazol the most common side effect is headache. Headache is probably secondary to the drug’s vasodilatory properties. Patient have to be informed beforehand and possibly starting with a lower dose, such as 50 mg once a day, then after approximately 1 week increasing to 50 mg twice a day and then increasing to the recommended dosage of 100 mg twice a day may alleviate most of these headaches. Gastrointestinal side effects like diarrhea and bulky stools are also common. Another side effect is palpitations, and patients on long-term treatment must be evaluated for cardiovascular status and drug discontinued if patient develops congestive heart failure. Other drugs that have been proven beneficial in TAO patients with intermittent claudication are naftidrofuryl (Praxilene), levocarnitine, arginine, buflomedil, ketanserin, niacin, and lovastatin.
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7. Differential DiagnosisDifferential diagnosis of TAO includes atherosclerosis, emboli, autoimmune diseases scleroderma or the CREST syndrome, systemic lupus erythematosus, rheumatoid arthritis, mixed connective tissue disease, antiphospholipid antibody syndrome, and other types of vasculitis. In the presence of lower extremity involvement, the possibility of popliteal artery entrapment syndrome or cystic adventitial disease should be considered, both of which should be readily apparent on arteriography, computed tomography, or magnetic resonance imaging. If there is isolated involvement of the upper extremity, occupational hazards such as use of vibratory tools and hypothenar hammer syndrome should be considered. Two diagnostic criteria have been proposed by Shionoya and Olin as described in Table 4.tab4Table 4: Diagnostic criteria.8. TreatmentThe most effective treatment for Buerger’s disease is smoking cessation. All possible means should be used to encourage patients to give up the use of tobacco, in all its forms. Patient education is important, but only 43–70% of cases manage to give up smoking [39]. Psychological help may be useful in certain cases, but patients should be reassured that if they manage to give up smoking completely, the disease will go into remission and amputation can be avoided. Selective cannabinoid receptor antagonists, such as rimonabant, have shown good results in helping patient quit smoking [39].8.1. Medical Treatment of Intermittent Claudication8.1.1. Platelet InhibitorsAspirin. Aspirin is effective in preventing secondary events and should be considered in all patients with PAD. Aspirin is not currently indicated, however, for the treatment of the symptoms of intermittent claudication.Clopidogrel. Clopidogrel is an antiplatelet agent that has been shown to be more potent than aspirin in reducing secondary events in patients with atherosclerotic disease. There is no evidence, however, to suggest that the symptoms of claudication are reduced by long-term treatment with clopidogrel.8.1.2. VasodilatorsWhen vasodilator therapy is given, vessels proximal to the stenotic or occlusive lesion and vessels parallel to the lesion dilate and improve blood flow to that neighboring vascular bed. This improvement leads to a steal proximal to the stenotic or occlusive lesion, reducing blood flow from the already ischemic distal tissue. Vasodilators also have the capacity to reduce overall systemic vascular resistance, leading to a reduction in perfusion pressure. This reduction in perfusion pressure in conjunction with the steal phenomenon increases the ischemic insult to the underperfused extremity. This concept of enhancing blood flow by giving vasodilators systemically is probably incorrect.A dihydropyridine calcium channel blocker, such as amlodipine or nifedipine, seems to be effective if vasospasm is present. In a study by Bagger et al. [42] increasing doses of verapamil was used in 44 patient of TAO; it was seen that there was an increased mean pain-free walking distance by 29% from 44.9 to 57.8 meters. There was no change in ankle/brachial index, suggesting that it was not purely secondary to blood flow. A theory that has evolved from this study is that the calcium channel blocker has a secondary effect—that of changing the oxygen extraction/utilization capacity. Calcium channel blockers may improve the efficiency of oxygen use in the extremity. A dose of verapamil up to 480 mg/day can be given as an adjuvant therapy to patients.
Pentoxyfylline. Pentoxyfylline (Trental) is a methylxanthine derivative that has numerous effects. Its primary effect was thought to be an improvement in red blood cell deformability. Other effects include a decrease in blood viscosity, platelet aggregation inhibition, and a reduction in fibrinogen levels. Though usage of pentoxyfylline may increase the pain-free walking distance in many, the long-term benefit and improvement in quality of life is limited.

Cilostazol. Cilostazol (Pletal) is a phosphodiesterase type III inhibitor which inhibits cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP) phosphodiesterase. By increasing the levels of cAMP in platelets and blood vessels, there is inhibition of platelet aggregation and a promotion of smooth muscle cell relaxation. Numerous side effects occur with the long-term use of cilostazol the most common side effect is headache. Headache is probably secondary to the drug’s vasodilatory properties. Patient have to be informed beforehand and possibly starting with a lower dose, such as 50 mg once a day, then after approximately 1 week increasing to 50 mg twice a day and then increasing to the recommended dosage of 100 mg twice a day may alleviate most of these headaches. Gastrointestinal side effects like diarrhea and bulky stools are also common. Another side effect is palpitations, and patients on long-term treatment must be evaluated for cardiovascular status and drug discontinued if patient develops congestive heart failure. Other drugs that have been proven beneficial in TAO patients with intermittent claudication are naftidrofuryl (Praxilene), levocarnitine, arginine, buflomedil, ketanserin, niacin, and lovastatin.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
7. Differential Diagnosis Diferensial diagnosis TAO termasuk aterosklerosis, emboli, autoimun penyakit scleroderma atau sindrom CREST, lupus eritematosus sistemik, rheumatoid arthritis, penyakit jaringan ikat campuran, sindrom antifosfolipid antibodi, dan jenis-jenis vaskulitis. Dengan adanya keterlibatan ekstremitas bawah, kemungkinan sindrom jebakan arteri poplitea atau penyakit adventisia kistik harus dipertimbangkan, yang keduanya harus mudah terlihat pada arteriografi, computed tomography, atau magnetic resonance imaging. Jika ada keterlibatan terisolasi dari ekstremitas atas, bahaya kerja seperti penggunaan alat getaran dan hipotenar sindrom palu harus dipertimbangkan. Dua kriteria diagnostik telah diusulkan oleh Shionoya dan Olin seperti dijelaskan pada Tabel 4. tab4 Tabel 4:. Kriteria diagnostik 8. Pengobatan Pengobatan yang paling efektif untuk penyakit Buerger adalah berhenti merokok. Segala cara yang mungkin harus digunakan untuk mendorong pasien untuk menyerah penggunaan tembakau, dalam segala bentuknya. Pendidikan pasien adalah penting, tetapi hanya 43-70% kasus berhasil berhenti merokok [39]. Bantuan psikologis mungkin berguna dalam kasus-kasus tertentu, tetapi pasien harus diyakinkan bahwa jika mereka berhasil berhenti merokok sepenuhnya, penyakit akan masuk ke remisi dan amputasi bisa dihindari. Reseptor cannabinoid selektif antagonis, seperti rimonabant, telah menunjukkan hasil yang baik dalam membantu pasien berhenti merokok [39]. 8.1. Pengobatan medis Intermittent Klaudikasio 8.1.1. Trombosit Inhibitors Aspirin. Aspirin adalah efektif dalam mencegah kejadian sekunder dan harus dipertimbangkan pada semua pasien dengan PAD. Aspirin saat ini tidak ditunjukkan, namun, untuk pengobatan gejala klaudikasio intermiten. Clopidogrel. Clopidogrel merupakan agen antiplatelet yang telah terbukti lebih kuat daripada aspirin dalam mengurangi kejadian sekunder pada pasien dengan penyakit aterosklerosis. Tidak ada bukti, namun, untuk menunjukkan bahwa gejala klaudikasio dikurangi dengan pengobatan jangka panjang dengan clopidogrel. 8.1.2. Vasodilator Ketika terapi vasodilator diberikan, pembuluh proksimal lesi stenosis atau oklusi dan pembuluh sejajar dengan melebarkan lesi dan meningkatkan aliran darah ke tempat tidur vaskular tetangga. Peningkatan ini menyebabkan mencuri proksimal lesi stenosis atau oklusi, mengurangi aliran darah dari jaringan distal sudah iskemik. Vasodilator juga memiliki kapasitas untuk mengurangi resistensi pembuluh darah sistemik keseluruhan, mengarah ke penurunan tekanan perfusi. Penurunan tekanan perfusi dalam hubungannya dengan fenomena mencuri meningkatkan iskemik untuk ekstremitas underperfused. Konsep meningkatkan aliran darah dengan memberikan vasodilator sistemik mungkin tidak benar. Sebuah saluran kalsium dihidropiridin blocker, seperti amlodipine atau nifedipine, tampaknya efektif jika vasospasme hadir. Dalam sebuah studi oleh Bagger dkk. [42] peningkatan dosis verapamil digunakan di 44 pasien TAO; terlihat bahwa ada peningkatan berarti bebas rasa sakit berjalan kaki 29% 44,9-57,8 meter. Tidak ada perubahan dalam indeks ankle / brachial, menunjukkan bahwa itu bukan murni sekunder untuk aliran darah. Sebuah teori yang telah berkembang dari penelitian ini adalah bahwa blocker saluran kalsium memiliki efek-yang sekunder mengubah kapasitas ekstraksi oksigen / pemanfaatan. Calcium channel blockers dapat meningkatkan efisiensi penggunaan oksigen dalam ekstremitas. Sebuah dosis verapamil hingga 480 mg / hari dapat diberikan sebagai terapi ajuvan untuk pasien. Pentoxyfylline. Pentoxyfylline (Trental) merupakan turunan methylxanthine yang memiliki banyak efek. Efek utamanya dianggap perbaikan dalam deformabilitas sel darah merah. Efek lainnya termasuk penurunan viskositas darah, penghambatan agregasi trombosit, dan penurunan tingkat fibrinogen. Meskipun penggunaan pentoxyfylline dapat meningkatkan jarak bebas rasa sakit berjalan di banyak, manfaat jangka panjang dan peningkatan kualitas hidup terbatas. Cilostazol. Cilostazol (Pletal) adalah jenis phosphodiesterase inhibitor III yang menghambat adenosin monofosfat siklik (cAMP) phosphodiesterase. Dengan meningkatkan kadar cAMP dalam trombosit dan pembuluh darah, ada penghambatan agregasi platelet dan promosi halus relaksasi sel otot. Banyak efek samping terjadi dengan penggunaan jangka panjang dari cilostazol efek samping yang paling umum adalah sakit kepala. Sakit kepala mungkin sekunder untuk sifat vasodilator obat. Pasien harus diberitahu terlebih dahulu dan mungkin dimulai dengan dosis rendah, seperti 50 mg sekali sehari, kemudian setelah sekitar 1 minggu meningkat menjadi 50 mg dua kali sehari dan kemudian meningkatkan ke dosis yang dianjurkan 100 mg dua kali sehari dapat mengurangi sebagian besar dari sakit kepala ini. Efek samping gastrointestinal seperti diare dan besar tinja juga umum. Efek samping lainnya adalah jantung berdebar, dan pasien pada pengobatan jangka panjang harus dievaluasi status kardiovaskular dan obat dihentikan jika pasien mengembangkan gagal jantung kongestif. Obat lain yang telah terbukti bermanfaat pada pasien TAO dengan klaudikasio intermiten yang naftidrofuryl (Praxilene), levocarnitine, arginin, buflomedil, ketanserin, niasin, dan lovastatin.

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