Hasil (
Bahasa Indonesia) 1:
100:02:49, 036--> 00:02:51, 368Selamat datang di Alexandria, Caesar200:02:51, 605 00:02:53, 095-->Raja Ptolemy menanti Anda300:03:35, 749--> 00:03:37, 239Berapa umurmu?400:03:40, 154--> 00:03:41, 416Berapa umurmu?500:03:42, 056--> 00:03:44, 320Cukup tua untuk aturan, Caesar600:03:47, 261--> 00:03:48, 319Dua belas700:03:49, 163--> 00:03:50, 653Dua belas800:03:56, 070--> 00:03:57, 935Aku sudah cukup tua untuk aturan900:03:59, 273--> 00:04:00, 297Dan Anda?1000:04:00, 741--> 00:04:02, 572Aku Arsinoe, ratu Mesir1100:04:02, 843--> 00:04:03, 969Tidak menurut kepada Bapamu1200:04:04, 311--> 00:04:05, 300Ayah saya mati1300:04:05, 646--> 00:04:07, 978Tapi dia membayar hutangnya ke Roma, Arsinoe1400:04:08, 249--> 00:04:11, 013Caesar, jika saya dapat menjelaskan1500:04:12, 653--> 00:04:13, 915Siapakah orang ini?1600:04:14, 255--> 00:04:15, 381Pothinus1700:04:15, 723--> 00:04:18, 089Raja Perdana Menteri1800:04:19, 860--> 00:04:21, 293Kemudian1900:04:24, 164--> 00:04:25, 893Di mana adalah kakak sulungnya Anda?2000:04:26, 166--> 00:04:28, 532Cleopatra telah meninggalkan negara2100:04:28, 836--> 00:04:30, 201Ya2200:04:35, 175 00:04:37, 097-->Apakah Anda memiliki uang kita?2300:04:38, 245--> 00:04:42, 102Cleopatra's licik telah membawanegara kita ke lutut2400:04:42, 449--> 00:04:46, 010Di bawah keadaan sekarangSayangnya,2500:04:46, 253--> 00:04:48, 744kita tidak mampu membayar hutang kami ke Roma2600:04:49, 089--> 00:04:51, 353Itu tidak masalah, saya hanya akan mengambil itu2700:04:51, 659--> 00:04:52, 648Caesar besar2800:04:52, 960--> 00:04:54, 325Teruskan2900:04:55, 596--> 00:04:59, 953Jika Anda mendukung Arsinoesebagai Ratu...3000:05:00, 401--> 00:05:03, 290Aku akan memastikan perdamaian dan kemakmuranbangsa ini3100:05:03, 604--> 00:05:04, 263Caesar3200:05:04, 505--> 00:05:06, 063Dimana ada tentara Anda?3300:05:07, 641--> 00:05:08, 869Pelusium3400:05:10, 444--> 00:05:13, 299Oh... membela Mesir dari Cleopatra?3500:05:13, 814--> 00:05:16, 180Dia pasti sangat berbahaya bagi Anda3600:05:19, 053--> 00:05:22, 978Aku ingin bertemu gadis iniyang menyebut dirinya seorang dewi3700:05:35, 336--> 00:05:36, 291Ikut aku3800:05:36, 537--> 00:05:37, 595Siapa kamu?3900:05:37, 671--> 00:05:39, 798Aku Olympos, Queen's dokterCepat!4000:05:57, 858--> 00:06:00, 691Olympos, wanita ini, dia adalah seorang pelacur!4100:06:01, 128--> 00:06:02, 652Jadi saya bilang, Mardian4200:06:03, 430--> 00:06:04, 590Datang4300:06:08, 202--> 00:06:09, 567Siapa namamu?4400:06:10, 137--> 00:06:12, 196Jehosheba, yang mulia4500:06:14, 742--> 00:06:19, 270Saya bilang kau paling dicapaipelacur Ashkelon4600:06:20, 647--> 00:06:24, 105Aku menginginkan seorang pria jatuh cinta dengan saya4700:06:24, 651--> 00:06:26, 312Saya mengerti...4800:06:27,154 --> 00:06:29,520but there is so much to tell...4900:06:32,726 --> 00:06:34,523Is there an art to it?5000:06:34,962 --> 00:06:37,920To making love?5100:06:39,066 --> 00:06:40,795Oh yes5200:06:42,169 --> 00:06:44,933Men like to be touched5300:06:46,540 --> 00:06:48,929But every man is different5400:06:51,879 --> 00:06:55,645This man is a conqueror5500:06:58,652 --> 00:07:02,679Such a man is easy to take to bed5600:07:03,290 --> 00:07:06,953but it is harder to hold his interest5700:07:07,294 --> 00:07:12,357You must always make him believeno matter how much you've given him5800:07:12,733 --> 00:07:15,657there is still more to conquer5900:07:37,324 --> 00:07:38,882Remarkable, isn't it?6000:07:39,927 --> 00:07:40,916It is, indeed6100:07:41,261 --> 00:07:44,219They say you can seethe beam thirty miles out to see6200:07:47,835 --> 00:07:49,496What news on Ptolemy's army?6300:07:49,837 --> 00:07:52,601They haven't moved, still at the border,guarding against Cleopatra6400:07:52,873 --> 00:07:53,828How many men?6500:07:54,141 --> 00:07:55,199Twenty thousand6600:07:55,542 --> 00:07:58,102If they turn on us, we'll be outnumberedfive to one6700:07:59,646 --> 00:08:00,237Hail Caesar6800:08:00,581 --> 00:08:01,479Ahenobarbus6900:08:01,782 --> 00:08:03,147We've loaded six ships with grain7000:08:03,217 --> 00:08:05,640Good, that'll be enough to coverPtolemy's debt to us for the moment7100:08:06,186 --> 00:08:08,347We don't want the people to starve7200:08:08,689 --> 00:08:10,554Most of the grain has been takenby the Royal Army...7300:08:10,891 --> 00:08:12,552for its war against Cleopatra7400:08:12,826 --> 00:08:14,782What's left is being plundered7500:08:15,128 --> 00:08:17,255Bring me the Royal Storemaster7600:08:18,098 --> 00:08:20,054Mighty Caesar, you must believe me!7700:08:20,400 --> 00:08:22,561I had no part in stealing that grain!7800:08:24,705 --> 00:08:25,763Execute him7900:08:26,306 --> 00:08:30,094No, no please! I can return it!8000:08:30,444 --> 00:08:33,072It was Pothinus! It was Pothinus!8100:08:34,114 --> 00:08:37,470Pothinus! He's probably selling itto our enemies in the East8200:08:37,818 --> 00:08:39,410Pity one cannot castrate a eunuch8300:08:40,954 --> 00:08:42,182What is going on out there?8400:08:50,531 --> 00:08:51,520I'm sorry, Imperator,8500:08:51,932 --> 00:08:53,593but this man says he has a gift for you8600:08:53,934 --> 00:08:55,697A beautiful rug, Sire!8700:08:55,936 --> 00:08:57,301From Queen Cleopatra8800:08:57,638 --> 00:08:59,299From Cleopatra?8900:08:59,973 --> 00:09:01,065Leave it there9000:09:01,408 --> 00:09:03,330But you haven't examined it yet!9100:09:03, 677--> 00:09:04, 871Besok9200:09:05, 412--> 00:09:06, 436Tapi yang mulia... Maksudku, Sire!9300:09:06, 780--> 00:09:12, 468Ratu Cleopatra bersikerasAku membuka gulungan itu di hadapan Anda! Sekaligus!9400:09:15, 489--> 00:09:16, 751Kemudian melakukannya9500:09:19, 626--> 00:09:21, 958Berapa banyak orang yang kita milikimenjaga pelabuhan?9600:09:22, 229--> 00:09:24, 060Dua abad9700:09:24, 398--> 00:09:25, 660Triple mereka9800:09:25, 999--> 00:09:27, 762Kami musn't kehilangan kontrol Port9900:09:29, 303--> 00:09:31, 100Posisi mereka,10000:09:32, 439--> 00:09:34, 498di sini, dan di sini10100:09:39, 913--> 00:09:42, 404Jika mereka menyerang,Pelabuhan adalah satu-satunya jalan keluar10200:10:44, 478--> 00:10:46, 742Anda masih sangat muda untuk menjadi seorang dewi10300:10:50, 017--> 00:10:52, 383Aku putri Isis10400:10:59, 292--> 00:11:00, 919Cleopatra10500:11:01, 762--> 00:11:03, 389Caesar10600:11:11, 972--> 00:11:14, 497Dan apa yang membawa Anda ke Caesar?10700:11:16, 276--> 00:11:18, 801Ayah saya adalah sekutu setia ke Roma,10800:11:19, 146--> 00:11:21, 307dan itu adalah saya Dia dimahkotaisebelum ia meninggal10900:11:22, 449--> 00:11:24, 940Aku benar penguasa Mesir11000:11:25, 686--> 00:11:27, 916Adik Anda berpikir berbeda11100:11:28, 889--> 00:11:30, 845Arsinoe adalah pembohong11200:11:31, 358--> 00:11:32, 848Dan Ptolemy muda?11300:11:33, 660--> 00:11:38, 120A witless boy who's being manipulatedby a deceitful regent11400:11:38,899 --> 00:11:41,459It's in your interest to set things right11500:11:41,802 --> 00:11:44,464And why should I choose you over them?11600:11:44,871 --> 00:11:47,237I am my father's successor11700:11:47,674 --> 00:11:50,336The people know this,they will support me11800:11:50,677 --> 00:11:53,441The people! The peoplewould be quite happy to see you...11900:11:53,780 --> 00:11:56,874and every last member of this dynastyfed to the crocodiles of the Nile12000:11:59,753 --> 00:12:03,018I'm tired, I'm sure you must be too12100:12:07,060 --> 00:12:08,584You should go to bed now12200:12:10,130 --> 00:12:11,927Where?12300:12:13,133 --> 00:12:17,923Once it's known I'm in the palace,my family will have me killed12400:12:22,142 --> 00:12:28,035There is only one bed that's safe for meyours12500:12:34,688 --> 00:12:37,316I don't think that would be prudent12600:12:37,657 --> 00:12:41,013Caesar is not known for his prudence,12700:12:45,265 --> 00:12:47,256but for his boldness12800:13:28,875 --> 00:13:30,706This is not necessary12900:13:32,045 --> 00:13:34,741It will not affect my power of decision13000:13:38,051 --> 00:13:44,308I never touch a womanwho doesn't wish me to13100:13:47,294 --> 00:13:49,558Nor will you tonight13200:14:04,845 --> 00:14:06,335You're trembling13300:14:07,914 --> 00:14:09,802Are you afraid of me?13400:14:10,417 --> 00:14:14,774No, I fear no one13500:14:18,024 --> 00:14:20,219You've never done this before,have you?13600:15:04,104 --> 00:15:06,060Who are you, Cleopatra?13700:15:08,008 --> 00:15:10,374Are you someone I can trust?13800:15:13,013 --> 00:15:15,106I am Egypt13900:15:16,816 --> 00:15:19,307And Egypt is yours,14000:15:20,520 --> 00:15:22,886for one night only14100:16:00,093 --> 00:16:01,390We must take immediate steps...14200:16:01,695 --> 00:16:03,651to restore the peoples' confidencein their leaders14300:16:04,030 --> 00:16:06,157Or Egypt will plunge into anarchy14400:16:07,834 --> 00:16:08,960Agreed?14500:16:09,703 --> 00:16:10,863Certainly14600:16:11,204 --> 00:16:13,764And what better way to achievethis stability14700:16:14,107 --> 00:16:17,998than for Caesar to proclaimArsinoe and Ptolemy...14800:16:27,253 --> 00:16:29,084What is she doing here?14900:16:29,422 --> 00:16:31,287She came in to see me last night15000:16:31,658 --> 00:16:33,614We had an interesting... conversation15100:16:33,960 --> 00:16:37,020I'm surprised that Great Caesar woulddiscuss anything with Egypt's enemy!15200:16:37,430 --> 00:16:39,489He was eager to learn the truth15300:16:39,833 --> 00:16:42,324how you and Pothinus conspiredto get rid of me,15400:16:44,037 --> 00:16:46,801how you poisoned our brother's thoughtsagainst me!15500:16:47,073 --> 00:16:48,301Poisoned his thoughts?15600:16:49,542 --> 00:16:51,032There was no need for
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