In the original scheme, the direct assignment of access rights to the  terjemahan - In the original scheme, the direct assignment of access rights to the  Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

In the original scheme, the direct

In the original scheme, the direct assignment of access rights to the individual
user occurred at the application level and was associated with the individual application.
In the new scheme, an application administration determines the set of access
rights associated with each individual application. However, a given user performing
a given task may not be permitted all of the access rights associated with the
application. When a user invokes an application, the application grants access on
the basis of a centrally provided security profile. A separate authorization administration
associated access rights with roles and creates the security profile for a use
on the basis of the user’s role.
A user is statically assigned a role. In principle (in this example), each user
may be statically assigned up to four roles and select a given role for use in invoking
a particular application. This corresponds to the NIST concept of session. In practice,
most users are statically assigned a single role based on the user’s position and
job function.
All of these ingredients are depicted in Figure 4.12. The Human Resource
Department assigns a unique User ID to each employee who will be using the system.
Based on the user’s position and job function, the department also assigns one or
more roles to the user. The user/role information is provided to the Authorization
Administration, which creates a security profile for each user that associates the
User ID and role with a set of access rights. When a user invokes an application,
the application consults the security profile for that user to determine what subset of
the application’s access rights are in force for this user in this role.
A role may be used to access several applications. Thus, the set of access rights
associated with a role may include access rights that are not associated with one
of the applications the user invokes. This is illustrated in Table 4.4b. Role A has
numerous access rights, but only a subset of those rights are applicable to each of the
three applications that role A may invoke.
Some figures about this system are of interest. Within the bank, there are 65
official positions, ranging from a Clerk in a branch, through the Branch Manager, to a
Member of the Board. These positions are combined with 368 different job functions
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Dalam rancangan asli, penugasan langsung hak akses individupengguna terjadi di level aplikasi dan dikaitkan dengan aplikasi individu.Dalam skema baru, aplikasi administrasi menentukan kumpulan akseshak-hak yang terkait dengan setiap aplikasi individu. Namun, pengguna tertentu melakukansuatu tugas mungkin tidak diizinkan semua hak akses yang terkait denganaplikasi. Ketika pengguna memanggil aplikasi, aplikasi memberikan akses padadasar profil keamanan yang disediakan sentral. Administrasi terpisah otorisasiterkait akses hak dengan peran dan menciptakan profil keamanan untuk penggunaanBerdasarkan peran pengguna.Pengguna statis ditetapkan peran. Pada prinsipnya (dalam contoh ini), setiap penggunadapat statis ditetapkan sampai ke empat peran dan pilih peran yang diberikan untuk digunakan dalam menerapkanaplikasi tertentu. Ini berkaitan dengan konsep NIST sesi. Dalam prakteknya,sebagian besar pengguna yang ditetapkan secara statis peran tunggal yang didasarkan pada posisi pengguna danfungsi pekerjaan.Semua bahan ini digambarkan dalam gambar 4,12. Sumber daya manusiaDepartemen menetapkan ID pengguna unik setiap karyawan yang akan menggunakan sistem.Berdasarkan posisi dan fungsi pekerjaan pengguna, Departemen juga menetapkan satu atauperan lebih kepada pengguna. Informasi pengguna peran yang disediakan untuk otorisasiAdministrasi, yang membuat profil keamanan untuk setiap pengguna yang associatesUser ID dan peran dengan satu set hak akses. Ketika pengguna memanggil aplikasi,aplikasi berkonsultasi profil keamanan untuk pengguna untuk menentukan apa subset darihak akses aplikasi yang berlaku untuk pengguna ini dalam peran ini.Peran yang dapat digunakan untuk mengakses beberapa aplikasi. Dengan demikian, set hak aksesterkait dengan peran yang mungkin termasuk hak akses yang tidak terkait dengan salah satuaplikasi pengguna memanggil. Ini diilustrasikan dalam tabel 4.4b. Peran Ahak akses yang banyak, tetapi hanya sebuah subset dari hak-hak tersebut tersedia untuk masing-masingtiga aplikasi yang A peran dapat memanggil.Beberapa tokoh tentang sistem ini adalah menarik. Dalam bank, terdapat 65posisi resmi, mulai dari pegawai di cabang, melalui manajer cabang, untukAnggota Dewan. Posisi ini digabungkan dengan 368 pekerjaan yang berbeda fungsi
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
In the original scheme, the direct assignment of access rights to the individual
user occurred at the application level and was associated with the individual application.
In the new scheme, an application administration determines the set of access
rights associated with each individual application. However, a given user performing
a given task may not be permitted all of the access rights associated with the
application. When a user invokes an application, the application grants access on
the basis of a centrally provided security profile. A separate authorization administration
associated access rights with roles and creates the security profile for a use
on the basis of the user’s role.
A user is statically assigned a role. In principle (in this example), each user
may be statically assigned up to four roles and select a given role for use in invoking
a particular application. This corresponds to the NIST concept of session. In practice,
most users are statically assigned a single role based on the user’s position and
job function.
All of these ingredients are depicted in Figure 4.12. The Human Resource
Department assigns a unique User ID to each employee who will be using the system.
Based on the user’s position and job function, the department also assigns one or
more roles to the user. The user/role information is provided to the Authorization
Administration, which creates a security profile for each user that associates the
User ID and role with a set of access rights. When a user invokes an application,
the application consults the security profile for that user to determine what subset of
the application’s access rights are in force for this user in this role.
A role may be used to access several applications. Thus, the set of access rights
associated with a role may include access rights that are not associated with one
of the applications the user invokes. This is illustrated in Table 4.4b. Role A has
numerous access rights, but only a subset of those rights are applicable to each of the
three applications that role A may invoke.
Some figures about this system are of interest. Within the bank, there are 65
official positions, ranging from a Clerk in a branch, through the Branch Manager, to a
Member of the Board. These positions are combined with 368 different job functions
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
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