Even the bone of his whole body, struggles in this moment disrupts, th terjemahan - Even the bone of his whole body, struggles in this moment disrupts, th Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Even the bone of his whole body, st

Even the bone of his whole body, struggles in this moment disrupts, the flesh and blood extrudes in together, the skull, exudes the sound of creaking, as if must collapse.
A life and death crisis breaks out in Meng Hao within the body, but his Cultivation in this moment, was suppressed equally, Meng Hao shivers, his two eyes Scarlet-red piece, in the mouth sends out the low roar, but actually no helps.
If there is changed other people, at this moment already destroy both body and soul, but Meng Hao clone, transforms after the true body bronze lamp, the most perfect stature of molding.
Even pure does not include any impurity and heterogeneous aura, has, to reaching Immortal Intent, can say that his clone, is an immortal body.
In addition Meng Hao true body there terrifying Divine Sense, this under this suddenly suddenly to increase ten times of pressure, as before insisted.
The time passes, after the past 78 double-hour, when Meng Hao blurs at present, under this peak pressure, in disciplining of this life and death, his within the body six soul lamps of other ignitions, extinguishes one once more!
Since extinguishment, along with vitality rumbling the eruption, the bone of Meng Hao heals directly, his body naked eye obvious restoration, Cultivation also enlivens gradually, dim vitality, eruption again slowly.
After enduring this time life and death, Meng Hao struggled sat, he looked pale, the breath shortness, the turning head popularity at the time behind, he was understanding at this moment already on this Transcendence road, along with the vanguard, the pressure did not sink invariably, but meets suddenly to increase.
Obviously, is the deep place, pressure is the terrifying, but often does not have any indication, separation, is similar to the life and death.
Almost in Meng Hao here vitality restores, the place of closing up in boundless faction ninth, Yan Er is , the Meng Hao soul fire slowly restores, Yan Er dashes away the tears, the whole person was similar to same had the vitality, she stared at the soul fire, silently for the teacher prayed at the same time, she under has also decided a determination.
„Teacher, I by oneself as soon as possible is formidable, on the Transcendence road I accompany you.” A Yan Er item of dew is firm, breathes deeply, left the place of closing up.
Starting from this day, she no longer chooses to close off a mountain area, but walked, starts to rush to the boundless stage, although bell sound of this boundless stage did not have the use to her, but other good fortunes in boundless stage, are as before helpful to her.
First rushes to the boundless stage, then takes the Transcendence road, this is the choice of Yan Er.
Also passed for three years, Meng Hao when this Transcendence road, walked for six years, he has not seen anybody, as if on this day in the world, remaining he, he silently has only led the way, is withstanding this place terrifying pressure, his body as if also adapted gradually, as if he can such as three years ago runs equally, Meng Hao feels faintly, as if another round eruption, must arrive.
He starts is very discrete, after several months, he saw suddenly the front has a form, puts on with his same clothes robe, in the difficult vanguard, is having hair dishevelled, may have the Dao Realm aura to disperse.
This is the same side of first boundless faction Meng Hao sees, may not wait for his here to open mouth, after that front form one step falls, suddenly, the body trembles, in the Meng Hao vision, this person changed to blood fog instantaneously, loudly collapse, blood fog, in instantaneous such as was extruded peak, sprinkles all directions.
That bloodstain, quick dissipated, in the ground cannot see slightly the trace, was similar to the person of previous quarter death, was only an illusion.
The Meng Hao footsteps stop, silent for a long time, his heart thump thump beat, if he has not seen, even three years ago, after his first time withstands the violent of pressure increased, but also before regret , if prepared, will be better.
But at present, he actually does not think.
After knew ahead of time boundary where, indeed was prepared, may be easier the courage that made the human lose leading the way, that looks at Dao Realm helplessly, instantaneously became of blood fog in front of oneself, making Meng Hao silent.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Even the bone of his whole body, struggles in this moment disrupts, the flesh and blood extrudes in together, the skull, exudes the sound of creaking, as if must collapse.A life and death crisis breaks out in Meng Hao within the body, but his Cultivation in this moment, was suppressed equally, Meng Hao shivers, his two eyes Scarlet-red piece, in the mouth sends out the low roar, but actually no helps.If there is changed other people, at this moment already destroy both body and soul, but Meng Hao clone, transforms after the true body bronze lamp, the most perfect stature of molding.Even pure does not include any impurity and heterogeneous aura, has, to reaching Immortal Intent, can say that his clone, is an immortal body.In addition Meng Hao true body there terrifying Divine Sense, this under this suddenly suddenly to increase ten times of pressure, as before insisted.The time passes, after the past 78 double-hour, when Meng Hao blurs at present, under this peak pressure, in disciplining of this life and death, his within the body six soul lamps of other ignitions, extinguishes one once more!Since extinguishment, along with vitality rumbling the eruption, the bone of Meng Hao heals directly, his body naked eye obvious restoration, Cultivation also enlivens gradually, dim vitality, eruption again slowly.Setelah bertahan ini waktu kehidupan dan kematian, Meng Hao berjuang duduk, dia tampak pucat, sesak napas, popularitas kepala berputar pada saat di belakang, dia memahami pada saat ini sudah di jalan transendensi ini, sepanjang dengan barisan depan, tekanan tidak tenggelam selalu, tapi memenuhi tiba-tiba untuk meningkatkan.Jelas, adalah tempat yang mendalam, tekanan adalah mengerikan, tetapi sering tidak memiliki indikasi, pemisahan, mirip dengan hidup dan mati.Hampir di Meng Hao berikut mengembalikan vitalitas, tempat menutup dalam faksi tak terbatas kesembilan, Yan Er, api jiwa Meng Hao perlahan-lahan mengembalikan, Yan Er berlari pergi air mata, seluruh orang ini mirip dengan sama memiliki vitalitas, ia menatap api jiwa, diam-diam untuk guru berdoa pada saat yang sama, dia di bawah juga telah memutuskan tekad."Guru, saya sendiri sesegera mungkin tangguh, di jalan transendensi saya menemani Anda." Item Yan Er embun perusahaan, bernapas dalam-dalam, meninggalkan tempat menutup.Mulai dari hari ini, dia tidak lagi memilih untuk menutup area gunung, tetapi berjalan, mulai terburu-buru untuk tahap yang tak terbatas, meskipun bell suara tahap ini tak terbatas tidak memiliki penggunaan padanya, tapi nasib baik lainnya dalam tahap terbatas, yang seperti sebelumnya berguna baginya.Pertama bergegas ke tahap yang tak terbatas, kemudian mengambil jalan transendensi, ini adalah pilihan Yan er.Juga berlalu selama tiga tahun, Meng Hao ketika jalan transendensi ini, berjalan selama enam tahun, dia tidak melihat siapa pun, seolah-olah pada hari ini di dunia, sisa dia, dia diam-diam telah hanya memimpin jalan, adalah bertahan tempat mengerikan tekanan ini, tubuhnya seolah-olah juga disesuaikan secara bertahap, seolah-olah dia bisa seperti tiga tahun yang lalu berjalan sama , Meng Hao merasa samar-samar, seolah-olah lain putaran letusan, harus tiba.Dia mulai sangat diskrit, setelah beberapa bulan, ia melihat tiba-tiba depan memiliki bentuk, memakai dengan jubahnya pakaian yang sama, di barisan depan sulit, memiliki rambut dishevelled, mungkin memiliki aura Dao alam untuk membubarkan.Ini adalah sisi yang sama pertama faksi tak terbatas Meng Hao melihat, tidak bisa menunggu untuk di sini untuk membuka mulut, setelah yang depan formulir satu langkah jatuh, tiba-tiba, gemetar tubuh, dalam visi Meng Hao, orang ini berubah menjadi darah kabut instan keras runtuh, kabut darah, dalam seketika seperti adalah puncak diekstrusi, memercikkan segala arah.Bloodstain itu, cepat dihamburkan, di dalam tanah tidak dapat melihat sedikit jejak, ini mirip dengan orang kematian kuartal sebelumnya, itu hanya ilusi.Halte jejak Meng Hao, diam untuk waktu yang lama, nya berdebar-debar berdebar-debar detak jantung, jika ia belum terlihat, bahkan tiga tahun lalu, setelah pertama kalinya withstands kekerasan tekanan yang meningkat, tetapi juga sebelum penyesalan, jika dipersiapkan, akan lebih baik.Tapi saat ini, ia benar-benar tidak berpikir.Setelah tahu sebelum batas waktu mana, memang sudah siap, mungkin lebih mudah keberanian yang membuat manusia kehilangan memimpin jalan, yang terlihat pada bidang Dao tak berdaya, seketika menjadi darah kabut di depan diri sendiri, membuat Meng Hao diam.
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