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Liliane Bettencourt

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Liliane Bettencourt

Liliane Henriette Charlotte Schueller[1]
21 October 1922 (age 92)
Paris, France

Principal shareholder of L'Oréal

Net worth
US$42.3 billion (June 2015)[2]

André Bettencourt (1950–2007, his death)

Françoise Bettencourt Meyers

Liliane Henriette Charlotte Schueller, married name Bettencourt (French pronunciation: ​[lil.jan be.tɑ̃.kuːʁ]) (born 21 October 1922), is a French heiress, socialite, businesswoman and philanthropist. She is one of the principal shareholders of L'Oréal and according to Forbes, she is the 10th richest person in the world with a net worth of US$ 40.1 billion.[3]

Contents [hide]
1 Biography
2 Philanthropy
3 Recent publicity
4 "L'affaire Bettencourt" 4.1 Guardianship

5 Madoff victim
6 Political scandal
7 Forbes' rankings
8 References
9 External links


Bettencourt was born in Paris, France, the only child of Louise Madeleine Berthe (née Doncieux) and Eugène Schueller, the founder of L'Oréal, one of the world's largest cosmetics and beauty companies. Aged 42, her mother died in 1927 when Liliane was 5 years old, and she formed a close bond with her father, who later married Liliane's British governess.[4] At the age of 15 she joined her father's company as an apprentice, mixing cosmetics and labelling bottles of shampoo.[5][6]

In 1950 she married French politician André Bettencourt, who served as a cabinet minister in French governments of the 1960s and 1970s and rose to become deputy chairman of L'Oréal. Bettencourt had been a member of La Cagoule, a violent French fascist group that Liliane's father had funded and supported in the 1930s and that collaborated with the Nazis during World War II. After the war, her husband, like other members of La Cagoule, was given refuge at L'Oréal despite his politically inconvenient past.[7] Eventually the Bettencourts settled in an Art Moderne mansion built in 1951 on rue de Delabordère in Neuilly-sur-Seine, France.[8] They had one daughter, Françoise, who was born on 10 July 1953.

In 1957 Bettencourt inherited the L'Oréal fortune when her father died, becoming the principal shareholder of L'Oréal. In 1963 the company went public, although Bettencourt continued to own a majority stake. In 1974, in fear that the company would get nationalised after the French elections, she exchanged almost half of her stake for a three percent (3%) stake in Nestlé S.A.[9]

As of 31 December 2012 Bettencourt owned 185,661,879 (30.5%) of the outstanding shares of L'Oréal, of which 76,441,389 (12.56%) shares are effectively held in trust (for her daughter). The remainder is owned as follows: 178,381,021 (29.78%) shares owned by Nestlé, 229,933,941 (37.76%) shares are publicly held, and the remainder are held as treasury stock or in the company savings plan. The Bettencourt family and Nestle act in concert pursuant to a shareholders' agreement.[10] Bettencourt ended her Board Director tenure on February 13, 2012 and her grandson, Jean-Victor, was appointed as Board Director.[11] Bettencourt's daughter and her daughter's husband (Jean-Pierre Meyers) are also members of the board of directors.[10]


In 1987 Bettencourt, together with her husband and daughter, founded the Bettencourt Schueller Foundation (la Fondation Bettencourt Schueller) to support and develop medical, cultural and humanitarian projects. The Foundation is based in Neuilly-sur-Seine, France.[citation needed]

The Foundation, which benefits from assets of 150 million Euros and an annual budget of approx 15 million Euros [12] devotes approximately 55% of its funds to scientific education and research, 33% to humanitarian and social projects and 12% to culture and arts.[13] It sponsors prizes through which funds are disbursed to various recipients. For example, the "Liliane Bettencourt Prize for Life Sciences" is an annual award to a top European biomedical researcher under the age of 45. Winners receive €250,000 to support their work in the field of life science.[citation needed]

Recently the Foundation helped fund the new Monet wing at the Musée Marmottan Monet.[14]

Conversely, in 2007 Bettencourt was jointly "awarded" a Black Planet Award, an award given for destroying the planet, along with Peter Brabeck-Letmathe for proliferating contaminated baby food, monopolising water resources, and tolerating child labor.[15]

Recent publicity[edit]

Bettencourt has generally shunned media attention and grants few interviews. Since 2007 she has faced intense media scrutiny and publicity over her relationship with François-Marie Banier, the estrangement with her daughter Françoise and her alleged funding of conservative French politicians, including former French president Nicolas Sarkozy.[16]

In August 2012 she sold her private island, D'Arros Island to a Seychelles-registered conservation business linked to the Swiss Save our Seas Foundation. The island was sold for £60 million.[17]

"L'affaire Bettencourt"[edit]

By most accounts Bettencourt met François-Marie Banier, a French writer, artist and celebrity photographer, in 1987 when he was commissioned to photograph her for the French magazine Egoiste.[4][18][19] Over the ensuing years, Banier and Bettencourt became friends and she became his benefactor, bestowing gifts upon him estimated to be worth as much as €1.3 billion. These gifts include, amongst other things, a life insurance policy worth €253 million in 2003, another life insurance policy worth €262 million in 2006,[20] 11 works of art in 2001 valued at €20 million, including paintings by Picasso, Matisse, Mondrian, Delaunay and Léger, a photograph by surrealist Man Ray,[4][21] and cash. The life insurance policies were allegedly signed over to Banier after Bettencourt was recovering from two hospital stays in 2003 and 2006.[19]

In December 2007, just a month after the death of her father, Françoise Bettencourt Meyers lodged a criminal complaint against Banier, accusing him of abus de faiblesse (or the exploitation of a physical or psychological weakness for personal gain) over Bettencourt.[22] As a result of her complaint, the Brigade Financière, the financial investigative arm of the French national police, opened an investigation and, after interviewing members of Bettencourt's staff, determined to present the case to a court in Nanterre for trial in September 2009.[19] In December 2009, the court delayed ruling on the case until April 2010 (later extended until July 2010) pending the results of a medical examination of Bettencourt's mental state.[19] However, Bettencourt refused to submit to these examinations.[23]

In July 2010 the trial was adjourned again until autumn 2010, at the earliest, after details of tape recordings made by Bettencourt's butler, Pascal Bonnefoy, became public. The tapes, which were turned over to police, consisted of over 21 hours of conversation and were made because the butler had feared that Bettencourt was suffering from Alzheimer’s disease and was being duped.[24] The tapes allegedly reveal that Bettencourt had made Banier her "sole heir", excluding the L'Oréal shares which make up the bulk of Bettencourt's estate and which have already been signed over to her daughter and two grandsons.[25]

On 6 December 2010 Bettencourt reconciled with her daughter, ending a series of lawsuits. It is reported that Bettencourt and Banier had separated, and he was eventually written out of Bettencourt's will.[26] The spat reignited over the following summer, however, when Bettencourt said her daughter needed to seek psychological help.[27] A re-estrangement resulted.[27]


On 8 June 2011, it was reported daughter Meyers filed an application with the court to make Bettencourt a ward of the state for her health and being incapable of the management of her fortune .[28]

On 17 October 2011 a French judge ruled that she is to be placed under the guardianship of members of her family on concerns about Bettencourt's declining mental health. Francoise Bettencourt-Meyers, along with Bettencourt's two grandsons, will now control her wealth and property.[27] One of the grandsons was additionally named as her personal guardian.[27] Liliane Bettencourt's lawyer said he would appeal, and told Le Monde newspaper that "Mrs. Bettencourt was ready for 'nuclear war' with her daughter."[27] As of 2014, Francoise Bettencourt-Meyers is guardian of the fortune,[29] while Francoise's son, L’Oréal Board member and member of the Supervisory Board of the Bettencourt family holding company, Tethys, Jean-Victor Meyers oversees her health and personal life after a judge determined he was the only person able to “ward off all conflict between Liliane Bettencourt and Françoise Bettencourt-Meyers.”[24]

Madoff victim[edit]

Bettencourt was reported to be one of the most high-profile victims of Bernard Madoff's Ponzi scheme, losing €22 million. She was the first investor in a fund managed by Access International Advisors, which was co-founded by René-Thierry Magon de la Villehuchet. De la Villehuchet committed suicide on 22 December 2008 after it became known that his funds had invested a substantial amount of their capital with Madoff.[30]

Political scandal[edit]

In June 2010, during the Bettencourt affair, Bettencourt became embroiled in a high-level French political scandal after other details of the tape recordings made by her butler became public. The tapes allegedly picked up conversations between Bettencourt and her financial adviser, Patrice de Maistre, which indicate that Bettencourt may have avoided paying taxes by keeping a substantial amount of cash in undeclared Swiss bank accounts. The tapes also allegedly captured a conversation between Bettencourt and Éric Woerth, who was soliciting a job for his wife managing Bettencourt's wealth, while he was acting as b
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Liliane BettencourtDari Wikipedia bahasa Indonesia, ensiklopedia bebasLangsung ke: navigasi, Cari Liliane BettencourtLahirLiliane Henriette Charlotte Schueller [1] 21 Oktober 1922 (umur 92)Paris, Prancis PendudukanPemegang saham utama L'Oréal Kekayaan bersihUS$ 42,3 miliar (Juni 2015) [2] Nama istriAndré Bettencourt (1950 – 2007, kematiannya) Anak-anakFrançoise Bettencourt Meyers Liliane Henriette Charlotte Schueller, menikah dengan nama Bettencourt (ejaan Perancis: [lil.jan be.tɑ̃.kuːʁ]) (lahir 21 Oktober 1922), adalah pewaris Perancis, sosialita, pengusaha dan dermawan. Dia adalah salah satu pemegang saham utama L'Oréal dan menurut Forbes, dia 10 orang terkaya di dunia dengan kekayaan bersih sebesar US$ 40,1 miliar. [3]Isi [hide] 1 Awal karier2 filantropi3 hari publisitas4 "L'affaire Bettencourt" perwalian 4.15 korban Madoff6 skandal politik7 Forbes peringkat8 Pranala luar9 Pranala luarBiografi [sunting]Bettencourt lahir di Paris, Perancis, satu-satunya anak Louise Madeleine Berthe (née Doncieux) dan Eugène Schueller, pendiri L'Oréal, salah satu perusahaan Kecantikan dan kosmetik terbesar di dunia. Umur 42, ibunya meninggal pada tahun 1927 ketika Liliane berusia 5 tahun, dan ia membentuk ikatan dengan ayahnya, yang kemudian menikahi Liliane's Inggris pengasuh. [4] pada usia 15, dia bergabung dengan perusahaan ayahnya sebagai magang, pencampuran kosmetik dan label botol sampo. [5] [6]In 1950 she married French politician André Bettencourt, who served as a cabinet minister in French governments of the 1960s and 1970s and rose to become deputy chairman of L'Oréal. Bettencourt had been a member of La Cagoule, a violent French fascist group that Liliane's father had funded and supported in the 1930s and that collaborated with the Nazis during World War II. After the war, her husband, like other members of La Cagoule, was given refuge at L'Oréal despite his politically inconvenient past.[7] Eventually the Bettencourts settled in an Art Moderne mansion built in 1951 on rue de Delabordère in Neuilly-sur-Seine, France.[8] They had one daughter, Françoise, who was born on 10 July 1953.In 1957 Bettencourt inherited the L'Oréal fortune when her father died, becoming the principal shareholder of L'Oréal. In 1963 the company went public, although Bettencourt continued to own a majority stake. In 1974, in fear that the company would get nationalised after the French elections, she exchanged almost half of her stake for a three percent (3%) stake in Nestlé S.A.[9]As of 31 December 2012 Bettencourt owned 185,661,879 (30.5%) of the outstanding shares of L'Oréal, of which 76,441,389 (12.56%) shares are effectively held in trust (for her daughter). The remainder is owned as follows: 178,381,021 (29.78%) shares owned by Nestlé, 229,933,941 (37.76%) shares are publicly held, and the remainder are held as treasury stock or in the company savings plan. The Bettencourt family and Nestle act in concert pursuant to a shareholders' agreement.[10] Bettencourt ended her Board Director tenure on February 13, 2012 and her grandson, Jean-Victor, was appointed as Board Director.[11] Bettencourt's daughter and her daughter's husband (Jean-Pierre Meyers) are also members of the board of directors.[10]Philanthropy[edit]In 1987 Bettencourt, together with her husband and daughter, founded the Bettencourt Schueller Foundation (la Fondation Bettencourt Schueller) to support and develop medical, cultural and humanitarian projects. The Foundation is based in Neuilly-sur-Seine, France.[citation needed]The Foundation, which benefits from assets of 150 million Euros and an annual budget of approx 15 million Euros [12] devotes approximately 55% of its funds to scientific education and research, 33% to humanitarian and social projects and 12% to culture and arts.[13] It sponsors prizes through which funds are disbursed to various recipients. For example, the "Liliane Bettencourt Prize for Life Sciences" is an annual award to a top European biomedical researcher under the age of 45. Winners receive €250,000 to support their work in the field of life science.[citation needed]Recently the Foundation helped fund the new Monet wing at the Musée Marmottan Monet.[14]Conversely, in 2007 Bettencourt was jointly "awarded" a Black Planet Award, an award given for destroying the planet, along with Peter Brabeck-Letmathe for proliferating contaminated baby food, monopolising water resources, and tolerating child labor.[15]Recent publicity[edit]Bettencourt has generally shunned media attention and grants few interviews. Since 2007 she has faced intense media scrutiny and publicity over her relationship with François-Marie Banier, the estrangement with her daughter Françoise and her alleged funding of conservative French politicians, including former French president Nicolas Sarkozy.[16]In August 2012 she sold her private island, D'Arros Island to a Seychelles-registered conservation business linked to the Swiss Save our Seas Foundation. The island was sold for £60 million.[17]"L'affaire Bettencourt"[edit]By most accounts Bettencourt met François-Marie Banier, a French writer, artist and celebrity photographer, in 1987 when he was commissioned to photograph her for the French magazine Egoiste.[4][18][19] Over the ensuing years, Banier and Bettencourt became friends and she became his benefactor, bestowing gifts upon him estimated to be worth as much as €1.3 billion. These gifts include, amongst other things, a life insurance policy worth €253 million in 2003, another life insurance policy worth €262 million in 2006,[20] 11 works of art in 2001 valued at €20 million, including paintings by Picasso, Matisse, Mondrian, Delaunay and Léger, a photograph by surrealist Man Ray,[4][21] and cash. The life insurance policies were allegedly signed over to Banier after Bettencourt was recovering from two hospital stays in 2003 and 2006.[19]In December 2007, just a month after the death of her father, Françoise Bettencourt Meyers lodged a criminal complaint against Banier, accusing him of abus de faiblesse (or the exploitation of a physical or psychological weakness for personal gain) over Bettencourt.[22] As a result of her complaint, the Brigade Financière, the financial investigative arm of the French national police, opened an investigation and, after interviewing members of Bettencourt's staff, determined to present the case to a court in Nanterre for trial in September 2009.[19] In December 2009, the court delayed ruling on the case until April 2010 (later extended until July 2010) pending the results of a medical examination of Bettencourt's mental state.[19] However, Bettencourt refused to submit to these examinations.[23]In July 2010 the trial was adjourned again until autumn 2010, at the earliest, after details of tape recordings made by Bettencourt's butler, Pascal Bonnefoy, became public. The tapes, which were turned over to police, consisted of over 21 hours of conversation and were made because the butler had feared that Bettencourt was suffering from Alzheimer’s disease and was being duped.[24] The tapes allegedly reveal that Bettencourt had made Banier her "sole heir", excluding the L'Oréal shares which make up the bulk of Bettencourt's estate and which have already been signed over to her daughter and two grandsons.[25]On 6 December 2010 Bettencourt reconciled with her daughter, ending a series of lawsuits. It is reported that Bettencourt and Banier had separated, and he was eventually written out of Bettencourt's will.[26] The spat reignited over the following summer, however, when Bettencourt said her daughter needed to seek psychological help.[27] A re-estrangement resulted.[27]Guardianship[edit]On 8 June 2011, it was reported daughter Meyers filed an application with the court to make Bettencourt a ward of the state for her health and being incapable of the management of her fortune .[28]On 17 October 2011 a French judge ruled that she is to be placed under the guardianship of members of her family on concerns about Bettencourt's declining mental health. Francoise Bettencourt-Meyers, along with Bettencourt's two grandsons, will now control her wealth and property.[27] One of the grandsons was additionally named as her personal guardian.[27] Liliane Bettencourt's lawyer said he would appeal, and told Le Monde newspaper that "Mrs. Bettencourt was ready for 'nuclear war' with her daughter."[27] As of 2014, Francoise Bettencourt-Meyers is guardian of the fortune,[29] while Francoise's son, L’Oréal Board member and member of the Supervisory Board of the Bettencourt family holding company, Tethys, Jean-Victor Meyers oversees her health and personal life after a judge determined he was the only person able to “ward off all conflict between Liliane Bettencourt and Françoise Bettencourt-Meyers.”[24]Madoff victim[edit]Bettencourt was reported to be one of the most high-profile victims of Bernard Madoff's Ponzi scheme, losing €22 million. She was the first investor in a fund managed by Access International Advisors, which was co-founded by René-Thierry Magon de la Villehuchet. De la Villehuchet committed suicide on 22 December 2008 after it became known that his funds had invested a substantial amount of their capital with Madoff.[30]Political scandal[edit]In June 2010, during the Bettencourt affair, Bettencourt became embroiled in a high-level French political scandal after other details of the tape recordings made by her butler became public. The tapes allegedly picked up conversations between Bettencourt and her financial adviser, Patrice de Maistre, which indicate that Bettencourt may have avoided paying taxes by keeping a substantial amount of cash in undeclared Swiss bank accounts. The tapes also allegedly captured a conversation between Bettencourt and Éric Woerth, who was soliciting a job for his wife managing Bettencourt's wealth, while he was acting as b
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]

Liliane Bettencourt Dari Wikipedia, ensiklopedia bebas Langsung ke: navigasi, cari Liliane Bettencourt Lahir Liliane Henriette Charlotte Schueller [1] 21 Oktober 1922 (umur 92) Paris, Prancis Pekerjaan pemegang saham utama dari L'Oréal Net senilai US $ 42300000000 (Juni 2015) [2] Pasangan (s) André Bettencourt (1950-2007, kematiannya) Anak Françoise Bettencourt Meyers Liliane Henriette Charlotte Schueller, menikah nama Bettencourt (pengucapan Perancis: [lil.jan be.tɑ.kuːʁ]) (lahir 21 Oktober 1922 ), adalah ahli waris Perancis, sosialita, pengusaha dan dermawan. Dia adalah salah satu pemegang saham utama L'Oréal dan menurut Forbes, ia adalah orang terkaya ke-10 di dunia dengan kekayaan bersih US $ 40100000000. [3] Isi [hide] 1 Biografi 2 Filantropi 3 Terbaru publisitas 4 "L'Affaire Bettencourt" 4,1 Perwalian 5 Madoff korban 6 skandal Politik 7 peringkat Forbes ' 8 Referensi 9 External link Biografi [sunting] Bettencourt lahir di Paris, Perancis, satu-satunya anak dari Louise Madeleine Berthe (née Doncieux) dan Eugène Schueller, pendiri L'Oréal, salah satu kosmetik terbesar di dunia dan perusahaan kecantikan. Berusia 42, ibunya meninggal pada tahun 1927 ketika Liliane berusia 5 tahun, dan dia membentuk ikatan yang erat dengan ayahnya, yang kemudian menikah pengasuh Inggris Liliane ini. [4] Pada usia 15 ia bergabung dengan perusahaan ayahnya sebagai magang, pencampuran kosmetik dan botol label sampo. [5] [6] Pada tahun 1950 ia menikah dengan politisi Perancis André Bettencourt, yang menjabat sebagai menteri kabinet dalam pemerintahan Perancis tahun 1960-an dan 1970-an dan bangkit untuk menjadi wakil ketua L'Oréal. Bettencourt telah menjadi anggota dari La Cagoule, kelompok fasis Perancis kekerasan yang ayah Liliane telah didanai dan didukung pada 1930-an dan yang berkolaborasi dengan Nazi selama Perang Dunia II. Setelah perang, suaminya, seperti anggota lain dari La Cagoule, diberikan perlindungan di L'Oréal meskipun masa politik nyaman nya. [7] Akhirnya Bettencourts menetap di sebuah rumah Art Moderne dibangun pada tahun 1951 di rue de Delabordère di Neuilly-sur -Seine, Prancis [8] Mereka memiliki satu anak perempuan, Françoise, yang lahir pada tanggal 10 Juli 1953.. Pada tahun 1957 Bettencourt mewarisi kekayaan L'Oréal ketika ayahnya meninggal, menjadi pemegang saham utama L'Oréal. Pada tahun 1963 perusahaan go public, meskipun Bettencourt terus memiliki saham mayoritas. Pada tahun 1974, dalam ketakutan bahwa perusahaan akan mendapatkan dinasionalisasi setelah pemilu Perancis, ia ditukar hampir setengah dari sahamnya untuk tiga persen (3%) saham Nestlé SA [9] Pada 31 Desember 2012 Bettencourt dimiliki 185.661.879 (30,5%) dari saham yang beredar dari L'Oréal, yang 76.441.389 (12,56%) saham secara efektif diadakan di percaya (untuk putrinya). Sisanya dimiliki sebagai berikut: 178.381.021 (29,78%) saham dimiliki oleh Nestlé, 229.933.941 (37,76%) saham dimiliki publik, dan sisanya diadakan sebagai treasury stock atau dalam rencana penghematan perusahaan. The Bettencourt keluarga dan Nestle bertindak dalam konser sesuai dengan perjanjian pemegang saham. [10] Bettencourt berakhir nya masa Direktur Dewan pada tanggal 13 Februari 2012 dan cucunya, Jean-Victor, diangkat sebagai Direktur Dewan. Putri [11] Bettencourt dan dia Putri suami (Jean-Pierre Meyers) yang juga anggota dewan direksi. [10] Filantropi [sunting] Pada tahun 1987 Bettencourt, bersama dengan suami dan putrinya, mendirikan Yayasan Schueller Bettencourt (la Fondation Bettencourt Schueller) untuk mendukung dan mengembangkan proyek medis, budaya dan kemanusiaan. Yayasan ini berbasis di Neuilly-sur-Seine, Prancis [rujukan?]. Yayasan, yang manfaat dari aset 150 juta Euro dan anggaran tahunan sekitar 15 juta Euro [12] mencurahkan sekitar 55% dari dana untuk pendidikan ilmiah dan penelitian, 33% untuk proyek-proyek kemanusiaan dan sosial dan 12% untuk budaya dan seni. [13] Ini mensponsori hadiah melalui dana disalurkan ke berbagai penerima. Misalnya, "Liliane Bettencourt Prize for Life Sciences" merupakan penghargaan tahunan untuk peneliti biomedis top Eropa di bawah usia 45. Pemenang menerima € 250.000 untuk mendukung pekerjaan mereka di bidang ilmu kehidupan. [Rujukan?] Baru-baru ini Yayasan membantu mendanai sayap Monet baru di Musée Marmottan Monet. [14] Sebaliknya, pada tahun 2007 Bettencourt adalah bersama-sama "dianugerahi" Black Planet Award, sebuah penghargaan yang diberikan untuk menghancurkan planet ini, bersama dengan Peter Brabeck-Letmathe untuk berkembang biak terkontaminasi makanan bayi, memonopoli sumber daya air, dan toleransi pekerja anak. [15] publisitas Terbaru [sunting] perhatian dan hibah Media Bettencourt umumnya dijauhi beberapa wawancara. Sejak tahun 2007 ia telah menghadapi intens pengawasan media dan publisitas lebih hubungannya dengan François-Marie Banier, kerenggangan dengan putrinya Françoise dan pendanaan dugaan nya politisi Perancis konservatif, termasuk mantan presiden Prancis Nicolas Sarkozy. [16] Pada Agustus 2012 ia menjual nya pulau pribadi, D'Arros Pulau bisnis konservasi Seychelles terdaftar terkait dengan Swiss Simpan kami Seas Foundation. Pulau ini dijual seharga £ 60 juta. [17] "L'Affaire Bettencourt" [sunting] Oleh paling menyumbang Bettencourt bertemu François-Marie Banier, Perancis penulis, artis dan selebriti fotografer, pada tahun 1987 ketika ia ditugaskan untuk memotret dirinya untuk majalah Prancis Egoiste. [4] [18] [19] Selama bertahun-tahun berikutnya, Banier dan Bettencourt menjadi teman dan dia menjadi dermawan itu, menganugerahkan hadiah kepadanya diperkirakan bernilai sebanyak € 1,3 miliar. Hadiah tersebut meliputi, antara lain, polis asuransi jiwa senilai € 253.000.000 pada tahun 2003, polis asuransi jiwa lain senilai € 262.000.000 pada tahun 2006, [20] 11 karya seni pada tahun 2001 senilai € 20 juta, termasuk lukisan karya Picasso, Matisse, Mondrian, Delaunay dan Léger, foto oleh surealis Man Ray, [4] [21] dan uang tunai. Kebijakan asuransi jiwa yang diduga ditandatangani ke Banier setelah Bettencourt pulih dari dua rumah sakit tetap pada tahun 2003 dan 2006. [19] Pada bulan Desember 2007, hanya sebulan setelah kematian ayahnya, Françoise Bettencourt Meyers mengajukan pengaduan pidana terhadap Banier, menuduhnya abus de faiblesse (atau eksploitasi kelemahan fisik atau psikologis untuk keuntungan pribadi) lebih Bettencourt. [22] Sebagai hasil dari keluhan nya, Brigade Financière, lengan investigasi keuangan polisi nasional Perancis, membuka investigasi dan, setelah mewawancarai anggota staf Bettencourt, bertekad untuk menyajikan kasus ini ke pengadilan di Nanterre untuk diadili pada bulan September 2009. [19] Pada bulan Desember 2009, pengadilan tertunda berkuasa pada kasus ini hingga April 2010 (kemudian diperpanjang hingga Juli 2010) tertunda hasil pemeriksaan medis dari kondisi mental Bettencourt. [19] Namun, Bettencourt menolak untuk tunduk kepada pemeriksaan tersebut. [23] Pada bulan Juli 2010 sidang ditunda lagi sampai musim gugur 2010, di awal, setelah rincian tape rekaman yang dibuat oleh Bettencourt pelayan, Pascal Bonnefoy, menjadi publik. Kaset, yang diserahkan ke polisi, terdiri dari lebih dari 21 jam percakapan dan dibuat karena butler itu takut bahwa Bettencourt menderita penyakit Alzheimer dan sedang ditipu. [24] Rekaman diduga mengungkapkan bahwa Bettencourt telah membuat Banier nya "pewaris tunggal", termasuk saham L'Oréal yang membuat sebagian besar dari real Bettencourt dan yang telah ditandatangani di atas putrinya dan dua cucu. [25] Pada 6 Desember 2010 Bettencourt berdamai dengan putrinya, mengakhiri serangkaian tuntutan hukum. Hal ini melaporkan bahwa Bettencourt dan Banier telah berpisah, dan dia akhirnya ditulis kehendak Bettencourt. [26] meludah The menyulut kembali selama musim panas berikutnya, namun, ketika Bettencourt mengatakan putrinya yang diperlukan untuk mencari bantuan psikologis [27] Sebuah ulang. kerenggangan dihasilkan. [27] Perwalian [sunting] Pada tanggal 8 Juni 2011, dilaporkan putri Meyers mengajukan permohonan ke pengadilan untuk membuat Bettencourt bangsal dari negara untuk kesehatan dan menjadi mampu pengelolaan hartanya. [28] Pada 17 Oktober 2011 seorang hakim Perancis memutuskan bahwa ia harus ditempatkan di bawah perwalian anggota keluarganya di tengah kekhawatiran tentang menurunnya kesehatan mental Bettencourt. Francoise Bettencourt-Meyers, bersama dengan Bettencourt dua cucu, sekarang akan mengontrol kekayaan dan harta miliknya. [27] Salah satu cucu itu tambahan disebut sebagai wali pribadinya. [27] Pengacara Liliane Bettencourt mengatakan dia akan mengajukan banding, dan mengatakan kepada surat kabar Le Monde bahwa "Ibu Bettencourt adalah siap 'perang nuklir' dengan putrinya." [27] Pada tahun 2014, Francoise Bettencourt-Meyers adalah wali dari keberuntungan, [29] sementara anak Francoise ini, anggota L'Oréal Dewan dan anggota Dewan Pengawas dari keluarga Bettencourt perusahaan induk, Tethys, Jean-Victor Meyers mengawasi kesehatan dan kehidupan pribadi setelah hakim memutuskan ia adalah satu-satunya orang yang mampu "menangkal semua konflik antara Liliane Bettencourt dan Françoise Bettencourt-Meyers." [24] Korban Madoff [sunting] Bettencourt dilaporkan menjadi salah satu yang paling tinggi profil korban Bernard Madoff skema Ponzi, kehilangan € 22 juta. Dia adalah investor pertama dalam dana yang dikelola oleh Access International Advisors, yang co-didirikan oleh René-Thierry Magon de la Villehuchet. De la Villehuchet bunuh diri pada tanggal 22 Desember 2008 setelah menjadi diketahui bahwa dananya telah menginvestasikan sejumlah besar modal mereka dengan Madoff. [30] skandal politik [sunting] Pada bulan Juni 2010, selama urusan Bettencourt, Bettencourt menjadi terlibat dalam tinggi -tingkat skandal politik Perancis setelah rincian lain dari rekaman kaset yang dibuat oleh butler nya menjadi publik. Rekaman diduga mengambil percakapan antara Bettencourt dan penasihat keuangan nya, Patrice de Maistre, yang menunjukkan bahwa Bettencourt mungkin dihindari membayar pajak dengan menjaga sejumlah besar uang tunai di rekening bank Swiss dideklarasikan. Rekaman juga diduga ditangkap percakapan antara Bettencourt dan Éric Woerth, yang meminta pekerjaan untuk istrinya mengelola kekayaan Bettencourt, sementara ia bertindak sebagai b

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