Himeko Himura ( himekohimura) wrote innyaing,2011-04 -21 01:09:00[fic] terjemahan - Himeko Himura ( himekohimura) wrote innyaing,2011-04 -21 01:09:00[fic] Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Himeko Himura ( himekohimura) wrote

Himeko Himura ( himekohimura) wrote in
2011-04 -21 01:09:00
[fic] Revenge - Kyuhyun/Henry (Kink_Bingo: smacking / slapping)
TAGS: fandom: super junior, pairing: kyuhyun/henry , rating: r, series: kink_bingo , warning: spanking
Title : Revenge
Rating: R
Pairing: Kyuhyun/Henry
Summary: Kyuhyun wanted revenge. Petty stupid revenge because no one hits him like that and gets away with it.
Warning : Spanking, but not too bad?
Notes: Inspired solely on the SJM!Spanking clip. Started out a bit comical and then ended a bit weird. I think I lost interest in the prompt half way through :/
Kyuhyun wanted revenge. Petty stupid revenge because no one hits him like that and gets away with it. Henry's the youngest and well, that meant that he was supposed to be nice to his hyungs (not that he went very easy on Ryeowook, but everyone knew that Ryeowook was actually younger than Kyuhyun in most ways except age. So that made it okay) despite his very western thinking that the younger generation should cause as much problems for the older one as they could (not that this was entirely western since Kyuhyun did it all the time, but Kyuhyun was special. So that made it okay).
Kyuhyun's original plans involved a Henry tied, gagged and humiliated. His mistake was that he shared these plans with Kibum on the phone and Shiwon overheard. Shiwon, being the saint that he is (which he was totally not, Kyuhyun had walked in on him and Hangeng a little too many times and in too many compromising positions for him to think of Shiwon as a saint), had spent an hour talking about how it would be unfair of him to tie and gag Henry up naked in the middle of Taipei just because he hit Kyuhyun hard. "The crime should fit the punishment," Shiwon said in an authoritative voice that sounded a lot like his preaching voice (the voice that Kyuhyun had learned to tune out like most members of Super Junior). Still, Shiwon insisted and Kyuhyun was a good dongsaeng (not like some other dongsaeng he could name)
Kyuhyun's plan changed to 'tie, gag, humiliate in the middle of taipei' to 'spank the shit out of'. He made sure that Shiwon was okay with this so he wouldn’t get cockblocked again. Surprisingly, he was. (Donghae told Kyuhyun it was because Shiwon had done the exact same thing to Zhoumi the other day.)
And so ‘Mission: Spanking Henry’ began.
The first step of ‘The Plan’ was to get Henry alone. Which in itself wasn’t the hardest thing to do. Henry was an independent sort of guy. But it wasn’t getting him alone that was hard, but getting him to stay still long enough for Kyuhyun to cuff him down (he’d gotten handcuffs from Eunhyuk). Ryeowook suggested getting one of the managers drunk enough to give him a key, but Kyuhyun found it easier to just steal it when the manager wasn’t looking.
Which brought him to the second step of ‘The Plan’ which was to handcuff Henry to his bed face down. This was the easy part. Henry slept like a log. It was a simple matter of moving the boy around gently to get him into the right spot and with four mechanical clicks, he had the boy chained to his bed, spread out the most perfect of positions. Kyuhyun smiled at his genius.
He slid on to the bed, waiting for the other to wake.
Henry woke up in stages. First a groggy eye, then a second, and then a shift of his arm only to find it immobile. Then panic set in. “What--”
“Good evening, Henry.” Henry tried to twist his head around. Kyuhyun smirked when Henry caught sight of him sitting casually at his side on the bed.
“Kyuhyun-hyung?” Henry pulled at his bindings forcefully, eyes wide with disbelief, no longer holding any shred of sleep. Kyuhyun looked on with satisfaction as the handcuffs held. "Hyung, this is so not funny."
Without a word, he began to unbuckle Henry's pants. "Woah! Kyuhyun-hyung! We are SO not going there! Leave my pants--Hey!" Kyuhyun smacked Henry's ass with his bare hand, pulling off the last barrier between him and his goal, letting it scrunch up at Henry’s knees. "Hyung, if this is about the spanking game, I apologised. I bought you dinner and every--OW!!" Kyuhyun brought his hand down again, watching with glee as the other's bared cheeks turned a lovely shade of pink. He moved onto the bed more fully, leaning up to whisper in Henry's ear. "This will teach you to be more nice to your hyungs." He pulled out a handkerchief (this was stolen from Zhoumi) and stuffed it into Henry's protesting mouth (he was pretty sure it was the whole humiliation-in-the-middle-of-Taipei thing that Shiwon disapproved of, not the tying and gagging).
He took out the paddle he'd gotten from Sungmin's room and wound his arm back. The paddle landed with a resounding smack and Henry screamed into the handkerchief, thrashing around wildly. The handcuffs rattled dangerously and the bed shifted but Kyuhyun just watched as the flesh of Henry's ass wiggled before settling.
Two, three, four; the hits all landed in the same spot, turning the skin there a bright red. Henry screamed with each whack, but Kyuhyun never let up.
Five, six, seven; tears leaked out of Henry's eyes and he settled down, taking the beating with whimpers instead of screams.
Eight, nine, ten; Kyuhyun was out of breath and Henry was no longer protesting. The spot was now an angry red and welts were already showing on soft skin.
Kyuhyun let the paddle drop, fascinated by the way the marks showed up on Henry. As if in a trance, he trailed his fingers over the marks, feeling every indention and raise of skin. Henry jerked at the touch and moaned against his gag. It took a second for Kyuhyun to realize that Henry liked this. The boy was rutting against the sheets, faced turned away in embarrassment.
Kyuhyun picked up the paddle again and raised his arm.
Henry wasn’t the only one enjoying this.
1 comment
ooh this is different :)
haha KyuRy is my fave OTP
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Himeko Himura ( himekohimura) wrote innyaing,2011-04 -21 01:09:00[fic] Revenge - Kyuhyun/Henry (Kink_Bingo: smacking / slapping)TAGS: fandom: super junior, pairing: kyuhyun/henry , rating: r, series: kink_bingo , warning: spankingTitle : RevengeRating: RPairing: Kyuhyun/HenrySummary: Kyuhyun wanted revenge. Petty stupid revenge because no one hits him like that and gets away with it.Warning : Spanking, but not too bad?Notes: Inspired solely on the SJM!Spanking clip. Started out a bit comical and then ended a bit weird. I think I lost interest in the prompt half way through :/Kyuhyun wanted revenge. Petty stupid revenge because no one hits him like that and gets away with it. Henry's the youngest and well, that meant that he was supposed to be nice to his hyungs (not that he went very easy on Ryeowook, but everyone knew that Ryeowook was actually younger than Kyuhyun in most ways except age. So that made it okay) despite his very western thinking that the younger generation should cause as much problems for the older one as they could (not that this was entirely western since Kyuhyun did it all the time, but Kyuhyun was special. So that made it okay).Kyuhyun's original plans involved a Henry tied, gagged and humiliated. His mistake was that he shared these plans with Kibum on the phone and Shiwon overheard. Shiwon, being the saint that he is (which he was totally not, Kyuhyun had walked in on him and Hangeng a little too many times and in too many compromising positions for him to think of Shiwon as a saint), had spent an hour talking about how it would be unfair of him to tie and gag Henry up naked in the middle of Taipei just because he hit Kyuhyun hard. "The crime should fit the punishment," Shiwon said in an authoritative voice that sounded a lot like his preaching voice (the voice that Kyuhyun had learned to tune out like most members of Super Junior). Still, Shiwon insisted and Kyuhyun was a good dongsaeng (not like some other dongsaeng he could name)Kyuhyun's plan changed to 'tie, gag, humiliate in the middle of taipei' to 'spank the shit out of'. He made sure that Shiwon was okay with this so he wouldn’t get cockblocked again. Surprisingly, he was. (Donghae told Kyuhyun it was because Shiwon had done the exact same thing to Zhoumi the other day.)And so ‘Mission: Spanking Henry’ began.Langkah pertama dari 'The Plan' adalah untuk mendapatkan Henry sendirian. Yang tidak hal yang paling sulit untuk dilakukan. Henry adalah semacam independen dari guy. Tapi itu tidak mendapatkan dia saja yang sulit, tetapi mendapatkan dia untuk tetap masih cukup lama untuk Kyuhyun untuk manset dia turun (ia telah mendapat borgol dari Eunhyuk). Ryeowook menyarankan untuk mendapatkan salah satu manajer mabuk cukup untuk memberinya kunci, tapi Kyuhyun merasa lebih mudah untuk hanya mencuri ketika Manajer tidak melihat.Yang membawanya ke langkah kedua dari 'The Plan' yang memborgol Henry untuk tidur wajah bawah. Ini adalah bagian yang mudah. Henry tidur seperti log. Itu adalah masalah sederhana bergerak anak laki-laki di sekitar lembut untuk membuatnya ke kanan tempat dan empat mekanik klik, ia memiliki anak laki-laki yang dirantai ke tempat tidurnya, menyebar yang paling sempurna dari posisi. Kyuhyun tersenyum nya jenius.Dia meluncur ke tempat tidur, menunggu untuk yang lain untuk bangun.Henry terbangun dalam tahap. Pertama mata grogi, maka kedua, dan kemudian pergeseran lengannya hanya untuk menemukan itu bergerak. Kemudian panik mengatur in. "Apa--""Selamat malam, Henry." Henry mencoba untuk memutar kepalanya di sekitar. Kyuhyun smirked ketika Henry tertangkap melihat dia duduk santai di sisinya di tempat tidur."Kyuhyun-hyung?" Henry ditarik pada binding nya tegas, mata lebar dengan tidak percaya, tidak lagi memegang setiap rusak tidur. Kyuhyun memandang dengan kepuasan sebagai borgol diadakan. "Hyung, ini sangat tidak lucu."Tanpa kata, ia mulai melepaskan celana Henry. "Woah! Kyuhyun-hyung! Kita sehingga tidak akan ada! Meninggalkan celana saya--Hei!" Kyuhyun berbau Henry pantatnya dengan tangan kosong, menarik off penghalang terakhir antara dia dan tujuannya, membiarkannya mengerut di lutut Henry. "Hyung, jika ini adalah tentang memukul permainan, aku meminta maaf. Saya membeli Anda makan malam dan OW setiap--!! " Kyuhyun membawa tangannya turun lagi, menonton dengan gembira seperti yang lain adalah menyerahkan pipi berubah warna pink yang indah. Dia pindah ke tempat tidur lebih lengkap, condong ke bisikan di Henry telinga. "Ini akan mengajarkan Anda untuk menjadi lebih baik untuk hyungs Anda." Dia mengeluarkan saputangan (ini dicuri dari Zhoumi) dan memasukkannya ke dalam mulut protes Henry (dia adalah cukup yakin itu hal seluruh humiliation-in-the-middle-of-Taipei yang Shiwon ditolak, tidak mengikat dan tersedak).Ia mengambil dayung dia mendapat dari Sungmin's kamar dan luka lengannya kembali. Dayung mendarat dengan memukul gemilang dan Henry berteriak ke sapu tangan, membanting liar. Borgol ditangan dan kakinya bergetar berbahaya dan tempat tidur bergeser tetapi Kyuhyun hanya menonton sebagai daging keledai Henry wiggled sebelum menetap.Dua, tiga, empat; hits semua mendarat di tempat yang sama, mengubah kulit tidak merah terang. Henry menjerit dengan mendera masing-masing, tetapi Kyuhyun tidak pernah membiarkan.Lima, enam, tujuh; air mata yang bocor dari Henry mata dan dia menetap, mengambil pemukulan dengan whimpers bukan jeritan.Delapan, sembilan, sepuluh; Kyuhyun adalah kehabisan napas dan Henry adalah tidak lagi memprotes. Tempat sekarang merah marah dan bilur-bilur sudah menunjukkan pada kulit lembut.Kyuhyun membiarkan dayung drop, terpesona dengan cara tanda-tanda yang muncul di Henry. Seolah-olah Trans, dia membuntuti jarinya atas tanda, merasa setiap indention dan menaikkan kulit. Henry tersentak menyentuh dan mengerang terhadap dalam muntah. Butuh satu detik untuk Kyuhyun menyadari bahwa Henry menyukai ini. Anak laki-laki rutting terhadap lembar, dihadapi berbalik di malu.Kyuhyun mengambil dayung lagi dan mengangkat lengannya.Henry bukan satu-satunya orang yang menikmati ini.1 komentarPOSTING KOMENTAR BARUBALASANOoh hal ini berbeda :)Haha KyuRy adalah fave saya OTP < 3RUNTUHNYAcheondung_minzySeptember 11, 2012 16:06:26 UTChimekohimura menulis dalamnyaing:[kink_bingo] 1 kartu←himekohimura menulis dalamnyaing:[fic] Hari dunia berakhir - bab enam (KangTeuk)→IKUTI KAMI:PILIH BAHASAVERSI SAAT INIv.135.2TENTANGPERSYARATAN LAYANANKEBIJAKAN PRIVASI© 1999 LiveJournal, Inc Semua Hak, MilikRUNTUHNYA MEMPERLUASRUNTUHNYA MEMPERLUAS
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