The Origin of the city of SurabayaOnce upon a time, there were twoanimals, Sura and Baya name. Surais the name of the Beast is the Beastthe crocodile shark and Baya. Theylive in the deep sea. After Sura andMiddle-aged men were looking for some food.Suddenly, a Middle-aged see a nice goat. "Yummy is good, this is the mostdelicious lunch, "said Baya. ' No.way! This is my lunch. You greedy "Sura said. Later they fought forgoats. After several hours offighting, they were very tired. Feelstired of fighting, they live indifferent places. Sura Baya live inthe water and stay in the country.The border is the beach, so they do notwill fight again. Someday, Sura wentto the ground and look for somefood in the river. He was veryhungry and there was not much foodin the sea. Baya was very angryWhen he knew that Sura broke apromise. they fight again. Theyboth punching and kicking. tail SuraBaya fight. Middle-aged did the same thingto Sura. He bit very hard until SuraFinally gave up and returned to thethe sea. Middle-aged happy. named his finalthe city of Surabaya.
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