he heard footsteps coming closer and looked up to see Mr. Hwang make h terjemahan - he heard footsteps coming closer and looked up to see Mr. Hwang make h Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

he heard footsteps coming closer an

he heard footsteps coming closer and looked up to see Mr. Hwang make his way to her. She smiled at him as he sat down on the same arm chair.

“Have you read everything?”

She nodded. “Yes, sir. Every single detail.”

“No complaints? Objections? Or anything you want to clarify?”

She opened her mouth and closed it again. She wasn’t sure what to say. She read the whole thing and everything was fine except... she didn’t want to leave after three months. She wanted to stay. What would be her reason though?

“Is everything okay?” Mr. Hwang asked when Taeyeon didn’t answer. “Do you need time to read the contract more? Do you need to discuss it with your family?”


That word reminded her of the reason she was here. It reminded her of the people she left back home and was probably worried sick of her. As much as she wanted to stay, she still has a family in Jeonju.

She flipped through the contract again and sighed as she reached for the pen Mr. Hwang left earlier and grasped it. “Everything’s fine, Mr. Hwang.” She clicked the pen and signed the paper just in time as Tiffany walked in the living room.

Tiffany gulped at the sight of Taeyeon signing the contract. It was much harder than she thought. She never even realized that her birthday’s in a few weeks. How will she celebrate it knowing that Taeyeon’s leaving on that day?

“Miyoung,” she heard her uncle say, “everything’s settled.” She saw Taeyeon handing the contract back to her uncle. She only nodded in response, not able to utter a single word. Her thoughts were rambling inside her head, making it ache. She held it softly and tried to shake it.

Taeyeon noticed. “Mr. Hwang, I think we better go. Tiffany doesn’t seem okay.”

Mr. Hwang looked at his niece and true enough, she looked like she was having a headache. “I think it’s better if you both stay here.”

“Oh...” Taeyeon looked at Tiffany, unsure what to answer. It’s not her call, she thought.

Tiffany felt eyes on her and she turned to see Taeyeon and her uncle looking at her, waiting for a response. She shook her head softly and said, “No, Uncle, I think we’ll just go home. Taeyeon can drive, right?” She looked at Taeyeon and saw the girl nod her head.

Mr. Hwang sighed. “I’ll be less worried if you both stay here. Just until tomorrow. I miss having company around.”

Tiffany instantly felt guilty. She knew she was the cause of why her uncle was alone now. She lowered her head.

Mr. Hwang noticed it and quickly regretted his choice of words. He mentally scolded himself for reminding his niece about the tragic accident that happened long ago. Of course it wasn’t his intention to make Tiffany guilty, but it didn’t lessen the girl’s guilt. “I didn’t mean anything by it, Miyoung-ah. I just really want you to stay here.”

Tiffany didn’t say anything but nodded her head. Guilt was still eating her up.

Taeyeon looked on quietly. She didn’t know what they were talking about but she presumes that it’s the reason Mr. Hwang doesn’t have a ‘Mrs. Hwang,’ or at least not anymore. She remembered her conversation with Yuri and Sooyoung. She nodded to herself, slowly connecting the dots.

“Stay?” Mr. Hwang tried one more time.

Finally, Tiffany nodded.

Taeyeon smiled and looked at Mr. Hwang. “Do you have extra blankets and pillows, sir?” Looking at the house, it only had two bedrooms. Knowing that one was the old man’s, she guesses that the other one was going to be Tiffany’s.

Mr. Hwang cocked an eyebrow, “Why?”

“Well, I’m sleeping on the couch right?” Taeyeon tilted her head.

Mr. Hwang softly laughed while Tiffany smiled a little.
Dari: -
Ke: -
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
he heard footsteps coming closer and looked up to see Mr. Hwang make his way to her. She smiled at him as he sat down on the same arm chair. “Have you read everything?” She nodded. “Yes, sir. Every single detail.” “No complaints? Objections? Or anything you want to clarify?” She opened her mouth and closed it again. She wasn’t sure what to say. She read the whole thing and everything was fine except... she didn’t want to leave after three months. She wanted to stay. What would be her reason though? “Is everything okay?” Mr. Hwang asked when Taeyeon didn’t answer. “Do you need time to read the contract more? Do you need to discuss it with your family?” Family. That word reminded her of the reason she was here. It reminded her of the people she left back home and was probably worried sick of her. As much as she wanted to stay, she still has a family in Jeonju. She flipped through the contract again and sighed as she reached for the pen Mr. Hwang left earlier and grasped it. “Everything’s fine, Mr. Hwang.” She clicked the pen and signed the paper just in time as Tiffany walked in the living room. Tiffany gulped at the sight of Taeyeon signing the contract. It was much harder than she thought. She never even realized that her birthday’s in a few weeks. How will she celebrate it knowing that Taeyeon’s leaving on that day? “Miyoung,” she heard her uncle say, “everything’s settled.” She saw Taeyeon handing the contract back to her uncle. She only nodded in response, not able to utter a single word. Her thoughts were rambling inside her head, making it ache. She held it softly and tried to shake it. Taeyeon noticed. “Mr. Hwang, I think we better go. Tiffany doesn’t seem okay.” Mr. Hwang looked at his niece and true enough, she looked like she was having a headache. “I think it’s better if you both stay here.” “Oh...” Taeyeon looked at Tiffany, unsure what to answer. It’s not her call, she thought. Tiffany felt eyes on her and she turned to see Taeyeon and her uncle looking at her, waiting for a response. She shook her head softly and said, “No, Uncle, I think we’ll just go home. Taeyeon can drive, right?” She looked at Taeyeon and saw the girl nod her head. Mr. Hwang sighed. “I’ll be less worried if you both stay here. Just until tomorrow. I miss having company around.” Tiffany instantly felt guilty. She knew she was the cause of why her uncle was alone now. She lowered her head. Mr. Hwang noticed it and quickly regretted his choice of words. He mentally scolded himself for reminding his niece about the tragic accident that happened long ago. Of course it wasn’t his intention to make Tiffany guilty, but it didn’t lessen the girl’s guilt. “I didn’t mean anything by it, Miyoung-ah. I just really want you to stay here.” Tiffany didn’t say anything but nodded her head. Guilt was still eating her up. Taeyeon looked on quietly. She didn’t know what they were talking about but she presumes that it’s the reason Mr. Hwang doesn’t have a ‘Mrs. Hwang,’ or at least not anymore. She remembered her conversation with Yuri and Sooyoung. She nodded to herself, slowly connecting the dots. “Stay?” Mr. Hwang tried one more time. Finally, Tiffany nodded. Taeyeon smiled and looked at Mr. Hwang. “Do you have extra blankets and pillows, sir?” Looking at the house, it only had two bedrooms. Knowing that one was the old man’s, she guesses that the other one was going to be Tiffany’s. Mr. Hwang cocked an eyebrow, “Why?” “Well, I’m sleeping on the couch right?” Taeyeon tilted her head. Mr. Hwang softly laughed while Tiffany smiled a little.
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
ia mendengar langkah kaki mendekat dan mendongak untuk melihat Mr. Hwang membuat jalan padanya. Dia tersenyum padanya saat ia duduk di kursi yang sama lengan. "Apakah Anda membaca segala sesuatu?" Dia mengangguk. "Ya, Pak. Setiap detail tunggal. "" Tidak ada keluhan? Keberatan? Atau apa pun yang Anda ingin menjelaskan? "Dia membuka mulutnya dan menutupnya lagi. Dia tidak yakin apa yang harus dikatakan. Dia membaca semuanya dan semuanya baik-baik saja kecuali ... dia tidak ingin meninggalkan setelah tiga bulan. Dia ingin tinggal. Apa yang akan menjadi alasan dia meskipun? "Apakah semuanya baik-baik saja?" Mr. Hwang ditanya kapan Taeyeon tidak menjawab. "Apakah Anda perlu waktu untuk membaca kontrak lebih? Apakah Anda perlu membicarakannya dengan keluarga Anda? "Family. Kata itu mengingatkannya alasan dia ada di sini. Ini mengingatkannya pada orang-orang yang meninggalkan kembali ke rumah dan mungkin khawatir sakit nya. Sebanyak yang dia ingin tinggal, dia masih memiliki keluarga di Jeonju. Dia membalik-balik kontrak lagi dan mendesah saat ia meraih pena Mr Hwang tertinggal lebih dulu dan memahami itu. "Semuanya baik-baik, Mr Hwang." Dia diklik pena dan menandatangani kertas tepat pada waktunya sebagai Tiffany berjalan di ruang tamu. Tiffany menelan ludah saat melihat Taeyeon penandatanganan kontrak. Itu jauh lebih sulit dari yang ia pikir. Dia bahkan tidak pernah menyadari bahwa ulang tahunnya di beberapa minggu. Bagaimana dia akan merayakannya mengetahui bahwa Taeyeon meninggalkan pada hari itu? "Miyoung," ia mendengar pamannya mengatakan, "semuanya beres." Dia melihat Taeyeon menyerahkan kontrak kembali ke pamannya. Dia hanya mengangguk sebagai jawaban, tidak mampu mengucapkan satu kata. Pikirannya bertele-tele dalam kepalanya, membuatnya sakit. Dia memegangnya dengan lembut dan mencoba untuk kocok. Taeyeon melihat. "Bapak. Hwang, saya pikir kami lebih baik pergi. Tiffany tidak tampak baik-baik saja. "Mr. Hwang melihat keponakannya dan cukup benar, dia tampak seperti dia sedang mengalami sakit kepala. "Saya pikir lebih baik jika Anda berdua tinggal di sini." "Oh ..." Taeyeon menatap Tiffany, tidak yakin apa yang harus menjawab. Ini bukan panggilan nya, pikirnya. Tiffany merasa mata padanya dan ia berbalik untuk melihat Taeyeon dan pamannya menatapnya, menunggu jawaban. Dia menggeleng pelan dan berkata, "Tidak, Paman, saya pikir kita hanya akan pulang. Taeyeon bisa mengemudi, kan? "Dia menatap Taeyeon dan melihat gadis itu mengangguk kepalanya. Mr. Hwang mendesah. "Saya akan lebih khawatir jika Anda berdua tinggal di sini. Hanya sampai besok. Aku rindu memiliki perusahaan di sekitar. "Tiffany langsung merasa bersalah. Dia tahu dia adalah penyebab mengapa pamannya sendirian sekarang. Dia menunduk. Mr. Hwang menyadari itu dan cepat menyesali pilihan kata-kata. Dia mental memarahi dirinya untuk mengingatkan keponakannya tentang kecelakaan tragis yang terjadi lama. Tentu saja itu bukan niatnya untuk membuat Tiffany bersalah, tapi itu tidak mengurangi rasa bersalah gadis itu. "Saya tidak bermaksud apa-apa, Miyoung-ah. Saya hanya benar-benar ingin kau tinggal di sini. "Tiffany tidak mengatakan apa-apa tapi mengangguk. Rasa bersalah masih makan tubuhnya. Taeyeon tampak pada diam-diam. Dia tidak tahu apa yang mereka bicarakan tapi dia menganggap bahwa itu alasan Mr. Hwang tidak memiliki 'Mrs. Hwang, 'atau setidaknya tidak lagi. Dia ingat percakapannya dengan Yuri dan Sooyoung. Dia mengangguk pada dirinya sendiri, perlahan-lahan menghubungkan titik-titik. "Stay?" Mr. Hwang mencoba sekali lagi. Akhirnya, Tiffany mengangguk. Taeyeon tersenyum dan menatap Mr. Hwang. "Apakah Anda memiliki tambahan selimut dan bantal, Pak?" Melihat rumah, hanya memiliki dua kamar tidur. Mengetahui satu yang orang tua itu, ia menebak bahwa yang lain akan menjadi Tiffany. Mr. Hwang mengangkat sebelah alisnya, "Kenapa?" "Yah, aku tidur di sofa kan?" Taeyeon memiringkan kepalanya. Mr. Hwang lembut tertawa sementara Tiffany tersenyum kecil.

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