Existential and Spiritual JudgmentsThe question, What are the religiou terjemahan - Existential and Spiritual JudgmentsThe question, What are the religiou Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Existential and Spiritual Judgments

Existential and Spiritual Judgments
The question, What are the religious propensities? and the question, What is their philosophic
significance? are two entirely different orders of question from the logical point of view;
and, as a failure to recognize this fact distinctly may breed confusion, I wish to insist
upon the point a little before we enter into the documents and materials to which I have
In recent books on logic, distinction is made between two orders of inquiry concerning
· First, what is the nature of it? how did it come about? what is its constitution, origin,
and history?
· And second, What is its importance, meaning, or significance, now that it is once here?
The answer to the one question is given in an existential judgment or proposition. The
answer to the other is a proposition of value, what the Germans call a Werthurtheil, or
what we may, if we like, denominate a spiritual judgment. Neither judgment can be
deduced immediately from the other. They proceed from diverse intellectual
preoccupations, and the mind combines them only by making them first separately,
and then adding them together.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Penilaian eksistensial dan SpiritualPertanyaan, apakah kecenderungan agama? dan pertanyaan, apakah mereka filosofissignifikansi? adalah dua perintah yang sama sekali berbeda dari pertanyaan dari sudut pandang Logis;dan, sebagai kegagalan untuk mengakui kenyataan ini jelas mungkin berkembang biak kebingungan, saya berharap untuk menuntutBerdasarkan titik sedikit sebelum kita masuk ke dalam dokumen-dokumen dan bahan-bahan yang saya punyadisebut.Dalam buku terbaru pada logika, perbedaan dibuat antara dua perintah penyelidikan mengenaiapa-apa.· Pertama, apa yang merupakan sifat itu? Bagaimana itu terjadi? apa yang dimaksud dengan Konstitusi, asal,dan sejarah?· Dan kedua, apa yang penting, makna atau makna, sekarang bahwa itu adalah sekali di sini?Jawaban atas pertanyaan satu diberikan dalam suatu penilaian eksistensial atau proposisi. Thejawaban untuk yang lain adalah proposisi nilai, apa yang sebut Jerman Werthurtheil, atauapa kita dapat, jika kita seperti, menamakan penilaian rohani. Pengadilan tidak dapatdisimpulkan segera dari yang lain. Mereka melanjutkan dari beragam intelektualkeasyikan, dan pikiran menggabungkan mereka hanya dengan membuat mereka pertama kali secara terpisah,dan kemudian menambahkan mereka bersama-sama.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Existential and Spiritual Judgments
The question, What are the religious propensities? and the question, What is their philosophic
significance? are two entirely different orders of question from the logical point of view;
and, as a failure to recognize this fact distinctly may breed confusion, I wish to insist
upon the point a little before we enter into the documents and materials to which I have
In recent books on logic, distinction is made between two orders of inquiry concerning
· First, what is the nature of it? how did it come about? what is its constitution, origin,
and history?
· And second, What is its importance, meaning, or significance, now that it is once here?
The answer to the one question is given in an existential judgment or proposition. The
answer to the other is a proposition of value, what the Germans call a Werthurtheil, or
what we may, if we like, denominate a spiritual judgment. Neither judgment can be
deduced immediately from the other. They proceed from diverse intellectual
preoccupations, and the mind combines them only by making them first separately,
and then adding them together.
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