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Cerita ini adalah di mana-mana-tampaknya seperti satu-satunya jalan wanita Amerika memiliki setelah menderita kebidanan terkait kelalaian adalah untuk menceritakan kisah mereka online untuk mencegah orang lain dari yang terluka oleh bidan tertentu. Ini adalah pengendalian kerusakan, tidak pencegahan. Saya berencana untuk menarik bersama-sama daftar negara-negara sumber daya untuk warga yang prihatin untuk mencoba dan mengatur di sekitar penyebab memegang bidan bertanggung jawab kepada publik. Inilah awal cerita kelahiran Vylette's, tersedia di halaman facebook:bayi saya benar-benar sempurna dari kehamilan saya sempurna dibunuh oleh kelalaian saya bidan ASYA PORTNAYA & YULIYA MILSHTEYN dari The Brooklyn persalinan Center (http://www.brooklynbirthingcenter.com/). juga doula London raja (http://www.pushlove.com/). mereka menunda saya selama berjam-jam yang begitu banyak sehingga bayi saya terperangkap di canal kelahiran saya dan menderita kekurangan oksigen ke otak. mereka tidak percaya saya ketika saya mengatakan mereka kontraksi saya itu 2 min terpisah selama berjam-JAM.Aku mengambil melihat halaman web Pusat kelahiran brooklyn, dan mereka masih merekomendasikan doula terlibat dalam kematian perinatal yang dapat dicegah ini. Aku mengirim mereka email bertanya mengapa, mengingat informasi yang tersedia secara online tentang apa yang terjadi di sana. Anda bisa email mereka terlalu di info@brooklynbirthingcenter.com. Hatiku sakit untuk keluarga ini.The midwives in this story were a lot like the one I dealt with- it seems like when midwives just don’t want to deal with a patient they say whatever they can to get out of being responsible for the births they agreed to attend. The mother of Vylette believes that since it was thanksgiving weekend she was blown off by people who agreed to care for her during her labor. It is shameful. Do you think the midwives were even sorry? Of course not. They just moved on like nothing happened and had nothing to say to the woman who had to bury her daughter: her name is Vylette Moon and though she was here for such a short time she was very loved by all who saw her. except the midwives.. they never spoke to me again. stopped all contact and ran me in circles when i tried to obtain my medical records they are evil.i was supposed to birth at the Brooklyn birthing centerthe midwives were ASYA PORTNAYA and YULIYA MILSHTEYN. i believe they are currently still delivering babies. it makes me so sick.The organizer of Justice for Vylette (Vylette’s mom) encourages people to share this story with anyone who is interested. I looked up her midwives on healthgrades, and neither Yuliua Milshteyn or Asya Portnaya have any record of a sanction or malpractice suit available online. Vylette’s mother did a very good job of publicizing these events so that anyone researching these midwives will find the story of what happened, but again that isn’t what I would call “justice”. I admire her strength in telling her story despite the pain of the loss of her daughter.I am not sure if Vylette’s mother tried to report these women to the licensing board or not (both are CNMs) but I am going to contact her to see if I can help get anything done for her case. Please share or like her facebook page to show support.UPDATE 1-16-14I contacted Vylette’s mother through facebook and gave her the contact information for the complaints department of the new york licensing board. It was weirdly hard to find. Hopefully she will be able to put a mark on these women’s records (or perhaps cause them to lose their RN licenses).About these ads
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