The VALUE PropositionSometime in mid nineties I wrote an article in US terjemahan - The VALUE PropositionSometime in mid nineties I wrote an article in US Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

The VALUE PropositionSometime in mi

The VALUE Proposition

Sometime in mid nineties I wrote an article in USAHAWAN monthly magazine published by Lembaga Mananajemen Fakultas Ekonomi (LMFE) Universitas Indonesia about my first thought on value. Value has been in my system of thinking about one year before that article was published. To me, life is a quest for value. The value that we choose to create in life as we were all created by ALLAH SWT, GOD the Almighty. The value that we absorb as accumulation of knowledge from passages of life in order to create “the better tomorrow” including life after death. I define value simply as “something that has deep meaning”. This simple definition spans across the manifestation of value as something tangible or physical like the fulfillment of basic needs or something intangible like self actualization of spiritual advices.

As result of my contemplation about value itself I came to a proposition that in order to prosper in life I had a VALUE proposition:

Vision and Action Lead Us to Excellence

We have to know where we are going and align our action to that direction. If this is done in alignment it will lead us to excellence. This will create the better tomorrow. The proposition is valid since the day I first proposed it in mid nineties even until now.

There are two fields I like most in life: 1. the continual search for knowledge (the serious part) and 2. the continual search for great media for contemplation through music (the fun part). Life must be balanced! I have written much about these two fields. This blog represents my thoughts on my continual search for knowledge – therefore I call it The Value Quest: The Quest for Value. While on the other field (music) is presented in Music for Life. If I find it hard to classify, then I put it in other blog: Gatot Widayanto.

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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
The VALUE Proposition

Sometime in mid nineties I wrote an article in USAHAWAN monthly magazine published by Lembaga Mananajemen Fakultas Ekonomi (LMFE) Universitas Indonesia about my first thought on value. Value has been in my system of thinking about one year before that article was published. To me, life is a quest for value. The value that we choose to create in life as we were all created by ALLAH SWT, GOD the Almighty. The value that we absorb as accumulation of knowledge from passages of life in order to create “the better tomorrow” including life after death. I define value simply as “something that has deep meaning”. This simple definition spans across the manifestation of value as something tangible or physical like the fulfillment of basic needs or something intangible like self actualization of spiritual advices.

As result of my contemplation about value itself I came to a proposition that in order to prosper in life I had a VALUE proposition:

Vision and Action Lead Us to Excellence

We have to know where we are going and align our action to that direction. If this is done in alignment it will lead us to excellence. This will create the better tomorrow. The proposition is valid since the day I first proposed it in mid nineties even until now.

There are two fields I like most in life: 1. the continual search for knowledge (the serious part) and 2. the continual search for great media for contemplation through music (the fun part). Life must be balanced! I have written much about these two fields. This blog represents my thoughts on my continual search for knowledge – therefore I call it The Value Quest: The Quest for Value. While on the other field (music) is presented in Music for Life. If I find it hard to classify, then I put it in other blog: Gatot Widayanto.

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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
NILAI Proposisi Suatu saat di pertengahan tahun sembilan puluhan saya menulis sebuah artikel di majalah bulanan yang diterbitkan oleh Usahawan Lembaga Mananajemen Fakultas Ekonomi (LMFE) Universitas Indonesia tentang pikiran pertama saya nilai. Nilai telah dalam sistem saya berpikir tentang satu tahun sebelum artikel yang diterbitkan. Bagi saya, hidup adalah pencarian nilai. Nilai yang kita memilih untuk membuat dalam kehidupan seperti yang kita semua diciptakan oleh ALLAH SWT, Tuhan Yang Maha Kuasa. Nilai yang kita menyerap akumulasi pengetahuan dari bagian kehidupan dalam rangka menciptakan "besok lebih baik" termasuk kehidupan setelah kematian. Saya mendefinisikan nilai sebagai "sesuatu yang memiliki makna yang mendalam". Definisi sederhana ini membentang di manifestasi dari nilai sebagai sesuatu yang nyata atau fisik seperti pemenuhan kebutuhan dasar atau sesuatu yang tidak berwujud seperti aktualisasi diri nasihat spiritual. Akibatnya kontemplasi saya tentang nilai sendiri saya datang ke proposisi bahwa untuk berhasil dalam hidup Aku punya proposisi NILAI: Visi dan Aksi Memimpin Kami untuk Excellence Kita harus tahu di mana kita akan pergi dan menyelaraskan tindakan kita untuk ke arah itu. Jika hal ini dilakukan sejalan itu akan membawa kita untuk keunggulan. Ini akan membuat lebih baik besok. Proposisi ini berlaku sejak hari pertama kali diusulkan itu pada pertengahan tahun sembilan puluhan bahkan sampai sekarang. Ada dua bidang yang paling saya suka dalam hidup: 1. pencarian terus-menerus untuk pengetahuan (bagian yang serius) dan 2. pencarian terus-menerus untuk media besar untuk kontemplasi melalui musik (bagian yang menyenangkan). Hidup harus seimbang! Saya telah menulis banyak tentang kedua bidang. Blog ini merupakan pikiran saya pada pencarian terus-menerus saya untuk pengetahuan - karena itu saya menyebutnya Nilai Quest: The Quest for Value. Sementara di bidang lain (musik) disajikan di Music for Life. Jika saya merasa sulit untuk mengklasifikasikan, maka saya taruh di blog lain: Gatot Widayanto.

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