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Bahasa Indonesia) 1:
3h 123d, • 1Apakah Anda menemukan log yang tersembunyi di balikpeternakan?aequitas3123d, 2h • 1log adalah di mana-mana, mereka biasanyatersembunyi di balik rumah-rumah di kota dan di belakangMedan di jalan. Batu-batu yang tersembunyisimilerlyjohndragon119d, 20h • 1Apa yang lakukan dengan batu/batu?Kepala-Blaze119d, 20h • 1* Log/Batu Maaf ;)Kepala-Blaze119d, 8h • 1Anda dapat perdagangan log untuk seorang pria diakhir ratus hektar hutanuntuk link dan item lainnya acakdan ada seorang pria yang serupa yang tepatsebelum jumlah gua yang memberikanacak barang untuk batujohndragon1h 123d, • 1Keren! Anda dapat menulis panduan ringkas tentang carauntuk menemukan semua bilangan prima (lokasi/kemampuandiperlukan/dll)? Demikian juga dengan lokasi-lokasisetiap potongan-potongan Gemma kasar atau Dominus linkAnda dapat mengingat :)mrohovie1h 123d, • 3Brunk: memerlukan terbangMulai di kota odla, dan kepala sebagai lurusWest sebanyak mungkin dari pusat kota.Anda akhirnya harus memasukkan area kecilcliff disebut odla. Terbang dari sini dan ikutireng ini sampai membagi ke jalur 2.mengikuti jalan menuju Timur dan Anda akanmelihat Pulau keluar dan Anda akan tiba di odlaRahasia mana Anda melihat Brunk di pusatdaerahjohndragon123d • 3Terrano: memerlukan meluncur, memerlukan teleportpergi ke entrence jumlah terowongan dan pergiSelatan dan Timur kemudian. Anda menemukan meluncur spotuntuk menyeberang. Mengikuti jalan (meluncur ketikadiperlukan) sampai Anda melihat mini-teleportkristal. Ini adalah awal untuk teka-teki mini.Aktifkan kristal. Kemudian mengaktifkanright crystal. Then activate the crystal youcome out of. then the left crystal. Thenthe crystal you came out of. Terranoshould be right in front of youjohndragon123d • 3Seacean: requires fly, requires swimGo to plantae town and head east ontolargo bridge. Once on the largo bridge mapuse fly. The sky here is pretty twist andturny but just folow these direction andknow that you will be moving south mostof the time and that any left or rightmovement is only until a path south showsup. The directions are south, then west,then south, then west (not at the first 4way intersection, there's a path almostright below you continue through that thenwest), then south, then east, then south,and then go east to find an island. Gothere. Welcome to the secret TreasureIsland entrence! Now go into the cavesouth then east from where you spawn. Inhe cave swim east until you can go north.Go north and you will finally see Seacean!johndragon122d, 23h • 3Vulkan: requires fly, lava surfjust east of mantle borough is kort bridge,go there. Once you're in the kort bridgemap use fly. There is only one availiblepath here, so it's real straightforwardexcluding a fork heading east to go tomantle borough secret. So just follow thepath to falcid volcano. Once you've arrivedat the volcano, head north until you see averticle lava flow. Surf across to a smallpatch of land and follow the thin path ofland south east. Once you've followed itsouth east as far as it goes surf the lavachannal straight north. You will see thatmajestic fire lizard Vulkan waiting for youon his own piece of volcano territory! (I'mtotally not biased towards him or anything)johndragon122d, 23h • 3Blix: In Zenith Park, take the first turn (tothe west) and carry on that path to thenext map. Head southeast on that map.Enter. Should be at a lake. Swim across tosee a Shadow Hive trying to take Blix. Beathim senseless and catch Blix.Shadowcapii122d, 23h • 3Aerialynx: requires fly, requires glideGo to Atmos City and glide to the NorthWest corner into the Cave of winds. Gowest and follow the path until you'reheading east and the path forks south andeast. Continue east and follow the pathand eventually you'll find a tunnel openingwith a stone tablet next to it. Go into thetunnel entrance. Once inside there are acouple different ways to go, but the thingyou need to know is that Aerialynx is in thesouth west corner of the map so makeyou're way towards that corner. You'llknow you're there when you see a floatingpiece of lane with a low level piece thatyou can land on with an explorer npc on it.Land there then fly. Reenter the spot youjust came from. Once you've landed youshould be right in front of Aerialynx!Edit: I just found a much faster route toAerialynx. Go to path 15 just south ofHydro city. Fly. Then follow the flypathway. Ignore the fork heading east, ANDIGNORE THE FIRST ISLAND YOU COMEACROSS, FLY AROUND IT. Keep going andeventually you will find an island to landon, which is the location where Aerialynx iswaiting for youjohndragon102d, 9h • 1I... Umm found Aerialynx on my way tofind Brunxraseksa123d, 1h • 2i don't think i can help you on the dominuslinks besides the fact that i seem to recallgetting them in locations with shadow hive,the most i can remember about the roughrouh pieces is that all 3 pieces are foundbefore rouh cemetary and that the one incave of wonders is a pain in the butt. I'llstart retracing my steps for the primes andmake a seperate comment for each, inorder of getting access to themedit:i've played this game for 2-3 weeksnow so specific details are slightly fuzzyjohndragon122d, 16h • 2Thank you so much for ALL theinformation!mrohovie122d, 6h • 2no problem!johndragon123d, 1h • 1One is in Sum Cave, one is in Cave ofWonders, and one is in Fifty AcreWoods.Shadowcapii122d, 16h • 1Thanks for the tips :) Also the Mizaninfo!mrohovie122d, 16h • 2You're absolutely welcome!Shadowcapii119d, 20h • 1Is there a prime creo in the cave ofwonders?Chief-Blaze119d, 8h • 1nope, for prime creo locations youcan go to the wiki tab of thesubredditjohndragon123d, 1h • 1Hey John, gratz on beating the game. Wheredid you find Mizan? I have two pieces of therough gemma, one from 50 acre wood, onefrom God knows where. Is he behind the doorin the cemetery?Xero320123d, 1h • 2rouh cemetary gives you a choice of asoleat or squirian, Mizan is the devil to getand requires some good rng. He's locatedwithin zenith park but spawns AT RANDOMas one of the visable roaming creo. Thewiki has a FAIRLY ACCURATE (saw himtwice, once in a location that i'll explainwhen i have time) guide on catching him{Mizan}johndragon123d, 1h • 1More information about Mizan.I am a bot, and this action was performedautomatically. Please contact themoderators of this subreddit if you haveany questions or concerns.AutoModerator [M]123d, 1h • 1My Mizan was in a non-wiki spot. Hewas in the static position to the right ofthe creo pacing in your way. Same map.Shadowcapii123d • 1Ah, RNG, that oughta be fun. /sarcasm.The hunt goes on. I can do without aSoleat or Squririan. Side question, and Imay just be derping and walking right bysomething obvious, but where isShadow Hive HQ. I best Coliseum andthey said no hall of fame for thischump! Wth?Xero320122d, 23h • 1I think that's because he hasn'tprogrammed a HoF yet. The HQ issouth of Magna btw.Shadowcapii122d, 23h • 1what shadow said ;Pjohndragon122d, 16h • 1Is the choice between Squirian andSoleat obvious? Also, is it a one-timefight?mrohovie122d, 15h • 1It's the equivalent of choosing astarter. There's no fight.Shadowcapii120d, 16h • 1I just found a Soleat in theunderground (tunnel) of electronmetro! Only 4 stars :(
Maybe I can find Squirrian too...
120d, 15h • 1
I found Squirrian in the rouh
122d, 22h • 1
Okay now that i'm caught up, the first time
I saw Mizan was on THE ENTIRELY
WRONG MAP according to the wiki. I had
been leaving and re-entering a map
transition just below the 3 spots stated to
be where Mizan is on the wiki. When you
use this map exit to the south it puts you
on a cliff with no way down on another
map, and you can see one stationary creo
just barely as you spawn.
I saw Mizan in this stationary Creo spot, so
when looking for Mizan I suggest looking
where the wiki tells you and by continuing
to head south instead of turning as the
wiki suggests and going through the next
map and entering the next map that has a
stone tablet. This is where I spotted Mizan
the first time
123d, 1h • 1
MIZAN. His 1 star form tho.
123d, 1h • 1
123d, 1h • 1
i think it's a glitch maybe
123d, 1h • 1
Naw naw. You can get any prime
creo in the park. They're just gunna
be 1 stars. That's how I have two
Terranos, two Seaceans, two Brunks,
and I woulda had two Blixs if it didn't
spawn in an unreachable spot.
123d • 1
no ik but i've only seen the extra
primes as 1 stars or 7 stars, and
because of how the game plays it
seems to me that 7 star is
supposed to be the minimum stat
status for primes, and that a one
star happens when you find one
that's supposed to be higher
123d • 1
I feel like if you find them in
their secret locations, that's
when they're 7 star. Side note:
Mizan is squish af
123d • 1
i've recaught all primes
except vulkan and mizan
and only mizan and one of
2 extra aerilex were one
stars so idk, one stars are
a rare occurence for me
123d • 1
123d • 1
If youre able to answer, how was your
experience with 7/8* creos compared to
How much did you use your 7* starter creo?
One thing that's holding me back from really
committing to this game is knowing my starter
is only 7* as I've gone through 2 to 3 gyms/
cities so far. What I mean is, in Pokémon your
starter is unique and viable until the endgame
but in EvoCreo, I feel like I will judge my
starter solely on that 7* rating as I progress.
123d • 2
7 stars are great, honestly i look at the
star potentials like this (or this is how it
feels to me).
9-10= great
the differences between the ones i
consider good are pretty negligable until
you've hit the end of the game and you're
maxing out levels on creo. My Stegodon I
still consider one of my strongest creo
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