in the popular business press regarding the rela-tionship of satisfact terjemahan - in the popular business press regarding the rela-tionship of satisfact Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

in the popular business press regar

in the popular business press regarding the rela-
tionship of satisfaction (and NPS) to business
Fortunately, these issues are solvable. But they
require that managers recognize and address each of
the issues that can negatively impact the relation-
ship between satisfaction and business performance.
Increasing satisfaction levels can be a useful compo-
nent of a company’s strategy, but it doesn’t have to
be. Often it isn’t compatible with market share
growth — or even good business.
Timothy Keiningham is global chief strategy officer
and executive vice president at Ipsos Loyalty, a mar-
ket research company. Sunil Gupta is the Edward
Carter Professor of Business Administration at Har-
vard Business School in Boston, Massachusetts.
Lerzan Aksoy is an associate professor of marketing
at Fordham University in New York. Alexander
Buoye is USA head of loyalty analytics and senior
vice president at Ipsos Loyalty. Comment on this
article at, or
contact the authors at
1. L. Aksoy, “How Do You Measure What You Can’t Define?
The Current State of Loyalty Measurement and Manage-
ment, ” Journal of Service Management 24, no. 4 (2013):
356-381; and V.A. Zeithaml, R.N. Bolton, J. Deighton, T.L.
Keiningham, K.N. Lemon and J.A. Petersen, “Forward-
Looking Focus: Can Firms Have Adaptive Foresight?”
Journal of Service Research 9, no. 2 (2006): 168-183.
2. E. Chemi, “Proof That It Pays to Be America’s
Most-Hated Companies, ” Bloomberg Businessweek,
Dec. 17, 2013.
3. S. Colbert, “Rethinking Customer Satisfaction, ” The Col-
bert Report, Comedy Central, December 18, 2013, www.
december-18-2013/rethinking-customer- satisfaction.
4. L. Aksoy, B. Cooil, C. Groening, T.L. Keiningham and A.
Yalçin, “The Long-Term Stock Market Valuation of Cus-
tomer Satisfaction, ” Journal of Marketing 72, no. 4 (July
2008): 105-122; and C. Fornell, Sunil Mithas, F.V. Morge-
son III and M.S. Krishan, “Customer Satisfaction and
Stock Prices: High Returns, Low Risk, ” Journal of Market-
ing 70, no. 1 (January 2006): 3-14.
5. E.W. Anderson, C. Fornell and D.R. Lehmann, “Cus-
tomer Satisfaction, Market Share and Profitability:
Findings From Sweden, ” Journal of Marketing 58, no. 3
(July 1994): 53-66; C. Fornell, S. Mithas and F.V. Morge-
son III, “Commentary: The Economic and Statistical
Significance of Stock Returns on Customer Satisfaction, ”
Marketing Science 28, no. 5 (September-October 2009):
820-825; and V. Mittal, E.W. Anderson, A. Sayrak and P.
Tadikamalla, “Dual Emphasis and the Long-Term Financial
Impact of Customer Satisfaction, ” Marketing Science 24,
no. 4 (November 2005): 544-555.
6. Some examples of our research into consumer satis-
faction include: L. Aksoy, A. Buoye, P. Aksoy, B. Larivière
and T. L. Keiningham, “A Cross-National Investigation of
the Satisfaction and Loyalty Linkage for Mobile Telecom-
munications Services Across Eight Countries, ” Journal of
Interactive Marketing 27, no. 1 (February 2013): 74-82;
Aksoy et al., “Long-Term Stock Market Valuation”; B.
Cooil, T.L. Keiningham, L. Aksoy and M. Hsu, “A Longitu-
dinal Analysis of Customer Satisfaction and Share of
Wallet: Investigating the Moderating Effect of Customer
Characteristics, ” Journal of Marketing 71, no. 1 (January
2007): 67-83; and S. Gupta, D. Lehmann and J.A. Stuart,
“Valuing Customers, ” Journal of Marketing Research 41,
no. 1 (February 2004): 7-18.
7. J. Hofmeyr, V. Goodall, M. Bongers and P. Holtzman,
“A New Measure of Brand Attitudinal Equity Based on
the Zipf Distribution, ” International Journal of Market Re-
search 50, no. 2 (2008): 181-202; and A.W. Mägi, “Share
of Wallet in Retailing: The Effects of Customer Satisfac-
tion, Loyalty Cards and Shopper Characteristics, ” Journal
of Retailing 79, no. 2 (2003): 97-106.
8. S. Gupta and V. Zeithaml, “Customer Metrics and Their
Impact on Financial Performance, ” Marketing Science 25,
no. 6 (November-December 2006): 718-739.
9. J. Gitomer, “Customer Satisfaction Is Worthless, Cus-
tomer Loyalty Is Priceless: How to Make Customers Love
You, Keep Them Coming Back and Tell Everyone They
Know” (Marietta, Georgia: Bard Press, 1998); and F.F.
Reichheld, “The Loyalty Effect: The Hidden Force Behind
Growth, Profits and Lasting Value” (Boston: Harvard Busi-
ness Review Press, 2001).
10. J.E. Hilsenrath, “A Stock Theory Linking Price With
Satisfaction Isn’t Perfect, ” Wall Street Journal, Feb. 19,
2003, A2; C.D. Ittner, D.F. Larcker and D.J. Taylor, “The
Stock Market’s Pricing of Customer Satisfaction, ” Mar-
keting Science 28, no. 5 (September-October 2009):
826-835; R. Jacobson and N. Mizik, “The Financial Mar-
kets and Customer Satisfaction: Reexamining Possible
Financial Market Mispricing of Customer Satisfaction, ”
Marketing Science 28, no. 5 (September-October 2009):
810-819; D. O’Sullivan, M.C. Hutchinson and V.
O’Connell, “Empirical Evidence of the Stock Market’s
(Mis) Pricing of Customer Satisfaction, ” International
Journal of Research in Marketing 26, no. 2 (June 2009):
Dari: -
Ke: -
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
in the popular business press regarding the rela-tionship of satisfaction (and NPS) to businessperformance.Fortunately, these issues are solvable. But theyrequire that managers recognize and address each ofthe issues that can negatively impact the relation-ship between satisfaction and business performance.Increasing satisfaction levels can be a useful compo-nent of a company’s strategy, but it doesn’t have tobe. Often it isn’t compatible with market sharegrowth — or even good business.Timothy Keiningham is global chief strategy officerand executive vice president at Ipsos Loyalty, a mar-ket research company. Sunil Gupta is the EdwardCarter Professor of Business Administration at Har-vard Business School in Boston, Massachusetts.Lerzan Aksoy is an associate professor of marketingat Fordham University in New York. AlexanderBuoye is USA head of loyalty analytics and seniorvice president at Ipsos Loyalty. Comment on thisarticle at, orcontact the authors at L. Aksoy, “How Do You Measure What You Can’t Define?The Current State of Loyalty Measurement and Manage-ment, ” Journal of Service Management 24, no. 4 (2013):356-381; and V.A. Zeithaml, R.N. Bolton, J. Deighton, T.L.Keiningham, K.N. Lemon and J.A. Petersen, “Forward-Looking Focus: Can Firms Have Adaptive Foresight?”Journal of Service Research 9, no. 2 (2006): 168-183.2. E. Chemi, “Proof That It Pays to Be America’sMost-Hated Companies, ” Bloomberg Businessweek,Dec. 17, 2013.3. S. Colbert, “Rethinking Customer Satisfaction, ” The Col-bert Report, Comedy Central, December 18, 2013, satisfaction.4. L. Aksoy, B. Cooil, C. Groening, T.L. Keiningham and A.Yalçin, “The Long-Term Stock Market Valuation of Cus-tomer Satisfaction, ” Journal of Marketing 72, no. 4 (July2008): 105-122; and C. Fornell, Sunil Mithas, F.V. Morge-son III and M.S. Krishan, “Customer Satisfaction andStock Prices: High Returns, Low Risk, ” Journal of Market-ing 70, no. 1 (January 2006): 3-14.5. E.W. Anderson, C. Fornell and D.R. Lehmann, “Cus-tomer Satisfaction, Market Share and Profitability:Findings From Sweden, ” Journal of Marketing 58, no. 3(July 1994): 53-66; C. Fornell, S. Mithas and F.V. Morge-son III, “Commentary: The Economic and StatisticalSignificance of Stock Returns on Customer Satisfaction, ”Marketing Science 28, no. 5 (September-October 2009):820-825; and V. Mittal, E.W. Anderson, A. Sayrak and P.Tadikamalla, “Dual Emphasis and the Long-Term FinancialImpact of Customer Satisfaction, ” Marketing Science 24,no. 4 (November 2005): 544-555.6. Some examples of our research into consumer satis-faction include: L. Aksoy, A. Buoye, P. Aksoy, B. Larivièreand T. L. Keiningham, “A Cross-National Investigation of
the Satisfaction and Loyalty Linkage for Mobile Telecom-
munications Services Across Eight Countries, ” Journal of
Interactive Marketing 27, no. 1 (February 2013): 74-82;
Aksoy et al., “Long-Term Stock Market Valuation”; B.
Cooil, T.L. Keiningham, L. Aksoy and M. Hsu, “A Longitu-
dinal Analysis of Customer Satisfaction and Share of
Wallet: Investigating the Moderating Effect of Customer
Characteristics, ” Journal of Marketing 71, no. 1 (January
2007): 67-83; and S. Gupta, D. Lehmann and J.A. Stuart,
“Valuing Customers, ” Journal of Marketing Research 41,
no. 1 (February 2004): 7-18.
7. J. Hofmeyr, V. Goodall, M. Bongers and P. Holtzman,
“A New Measure of Brand Attitudinal Equity Based on
the Zipf Distribution, ” International Journal of Market Re-
search 50, no. 2 (2008): 181-202; and A.W. Mägi, “Share
of Wallet in Retailing: The Effects of Customer Satisfac-
tion, Loyalty Cards and Shopper Characteristics, ” Journal
of Retailing 79, no. 2 (2003): 97-106.
8. S. Gupta and V. Zeithaml, “Customer Metrics and Their
Impact on Financial Performance, ” Marketing Science 25,
no. 6 (November-December 2006): 718-739.
9. J. Gitomer, “Customer Satisfaction Is Worthless, Cus-
tomer Loyalty Is Priceless: How to Make Customers Love
You, Keep Them Coming Back and Tell Everyone They
Know” (Marietta, Georgia: Bard Press, 1998); and F.F.
Reichheld, “The Loyalty Effect: The Hidden Force Behind
Growth, Profits and Lasting Value” (Boston: Harvard Busi-
ness Review Press, 2001).
10. J.E. Hilsenrath, “A Stock Theory Linking Price With
Satisfaction Isn’t Perfect, ” Wall Street Journal, Feb. 19,
2003, A2; C.D. Ittner, D.F. Larcker and D.J. Taylor, “The
Stock Market’s Pricing of Customer Satisfaction, ” Mar-
keting Science 28, no. 5 (September-October 2009):
826-835; R. Jacobson and N. Mizik, “The Financial Mar-
kets and Customer Satisfaction: Reexamining Possible
Financial Market Mispricing of Customer Satisfaction, ”
Marketing Science 28, no. 5 (September-October 2009):
810-819; D. O’Sullivan, M.C. Hutchinson and V.
O’Connell, “Empirical Evidence of the Stock Market’s
(Mis) Pricing of Customer Satisfaction, ” International
Journal of Research in Marketing 26, no. 2 (June 2009):
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
dalam pers bisnis populer mengenai relativitas
tionship kepuasan (dan NPS) untuk bisnis
Untungnya, masalah ini dipecahkan. Tapi mereka
mengharuskan manajer mengenali dan mengatasi setiap
masalah yang dapat berdampak negatif terhadap hubungan
kapal antara kepuasan dan kinerja bisnis.
Meningkatkan tingkat kepuasan dapat menjadi motivasional berguna
nent dari strategi perusahaan, tetapi tidak harus
menjadi. Seringkali tidak kompatibel dengan pangsa pasar
pertumbuhan -. Atau bahkan bisnis yang baik
Timothy Keiningham adalah kepala kantor strategi global
dan wakil presiden eksekutif di Loyalitas Ipsos, sebuah mar-
perusahaan riset ket. Sunil Gupta adalah Edward
Carter Profesor Administrasi Bisnis di Har-
vard Business School di Boston, Massachusetts.
Lerzan Aksoy adalah seorang profesor pemasaran
di Fordham University di New York. Alexander
Buoye adalah Amerika Serikat kepala analisis loyalitas dan SMA
wakil presiden di Loyalty Ipsos. Mengomentari ini
artikel di, atau
hubungi penulis di
1. L. Aksoy, "Bagaimana Anda Ukur Apa Anda Tidak Bisa Tentukan?
Negara Saat Loyalitas Pengukuran dan Management
pemerintah," Journal of Service Management 24, tidak ada. 4 (2013):
356-381; dan VA Zeithaml, RN Bolton, J. Deighton, TL
Keiningham, KN Lemon dan JA Petersen,
"maju-Tampak Focus: Dapatkah Perusahaan Punya Adaptive Foresight?"
Journal of Research Service 9, tidak ada. 2 (2006): 168-183.
2. E. Chemi, "Bukti Bahwa Ini Pays Menjadi Amerika
Perusahaan Paling-Benci," Bloomberg Businessweek,
Desember 17, 2013.
3. S. Colbert, "Rethinking Kepuasan Pelanggan," The col-
bert Report, Comedy Central, 18 Desember 2013, www.
Desember-18-2013 / pemikiran ulang-pada pelanggan kepuasan.
4. L. Aksoy, B. Cooil, C. Groening, TL Keiningham dan A.
Yalcin, "The Stock Market Jangka Panjang Penilaian dari Electrolux
Kepuasan Tomer," Journal of Marketing 72, no. 4 (Juli
2008): 105-122; dan C. Fornell, Sunil Mithas, FV Morge-
anak III dan MS Krishan, "Kepuasan Pelanggan dan
Stock Harga: Pengembalian Tinggi, Risiko Rendah," Journal of
pasar-ing 70, tidak ada. 1 (Januari 2006): 3-14.
5. EW Anderson, C. Fornell dan DR Lehmann, "Electrolux
Kepuasan Tomer, Market Share dan Profitabilitas:
Temuan Dari Swedia," Journal of Marketing 58, no. 3
(Juli 1994): 53-66; C. Fornell, S. Mithas dan FV Morge-
anak III, "Commentary: Ekonomi dan Statistik
Signifikansi Pengembalian Saham pada Kepuasan Pelanggan,"
Ilmu Pemasaran 28, tidak ada. 5 (September-Oktober 2009):
820-825; dan V. Mittal, EW Anderson, A. Sayrak dan P.
Tadikamalla, "Ganda Penekanan dan Jangka Panjang Keuangan
Dampak Kepuasan Pelanggan," Pemasaran Sains 24,
tidak ada. 4 (November 2005): 544-555.
6. Beberapa contoh penelitian kami ke satis- konsumen
faksi meliputi: L. Aksoy, A. Buoye, P. Aksoy, B. Lariviere
dan TL Keiningham, "A Cross-Nasional Investigasi
Kepuasan dan Loyalitas Linkage untuk Mobile Telecom-
munications Layanan Across Delapan Negara, "Journal of
Pemasaran Interaktif 27, tidak ada. 1 (Februari 2013): 74-82;
Aksoy et al, "Penilaian Jangka Panjang Pasar Saham";. B.
Cooil, TL Keiningham, L. Aksoy dan M. Hsu, "A longitu-
dinal Analisis Kepuasan Pelanggan dan Share dari
Dompet: Investigasi Moderating Pengaruh Pelanggan
Karakteristik," Journal of Marketing 71, no. 1 (Januari
2007): 67-83; dan S. Gupta, D. Lehmann dan JA Stuart,
"Menilai Pelanggan," Journal of Marketing Research 41,
no. 1 (Februari 2004): 7-18.
7. J. Hofmeyr, V. Goodall, M. Bongers dan P. Holtzman,
"Sebuah Ukur Baru dari Brand Equity Attitudinal Berdasarkan
Distribusi Zipf," International Journal of Market Re-
pencarian 50, tidak ada. 2 (2008): 181-202; dan AW MAGI, "Share
of Wallet di Ritel: Pengaruh Pelanggan kepuasan
tion, Kartu Loyalitas dan Karakteristik Shopper," Journal
of Ritel 79, tidak ada. 2 (2003): 97-106.
8. S. Gupta dan V. Zeithaml, "Metrik Pelanggan dan mereka
Dampak terhadap Kinerja Keuangan," Pemasaran Sains 25,
tidak ada. 6 (November-Desember 2006): 718-739.
9. J. Gitomer, "Kepuasan Pelanggan adalah tidak berharga, Electrolux
Loyalitas Tomer Apakah Priceless: Cara Membuat Pelanggan Cinta
Kamu, Mereka Tetap Datang Kembali dan memberitahu semua orang Mereka
Tahu" (Marietta, Georgia: Bard Press, 1998); dan FF
Reichheld, "Pengaruh Loyalitas: The Hidden Force Behind
Pertumbuhan, Keuntungan dan Nilai Abadi" (Boston: Harvard Busi-
ness Ulasan Press, 2001).
10. JE Hilsenrath, "A Theory Stock Menghubungkan Harga Dengan
Kepuasan Apakah tidak sempurna," Wall Street Journal, Feb. 19,
2003 A2; CD Ittner, DF Larcker dan DJ Taylor, "The
Harga Saham Market Kepuasan Pelanggan," Mar-
marketing Ilmu 28, tidak ada. 5 (September-Oktober 2009):
826-835; R. Jacobson dan N. Mizik, "The Financial Mar-
kets dan Kepuasan Pelanggan: memeriksa kembali Kemungkinan
mispricing Pasar Keuangan Kepuasan Pelanggan,"
Pemasaran Sains 28, tidak ada. 5 (September-Oktober 2009):
810-819; D. O'Sullivan, MC Hutchinson dan V.
O'Connell, "Bukti Empiris dari Market Stock
(Mis) Harga Kepuasan Pelanggan," International
Journal of Research in Pemasaran 26, tidak ada. 2 (Juni 2009):
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
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