IV. ConclusionSection:Previous sectionNext sectionThis paper explores  terjemahan - IV. ConclusionSection:Previous sectionNext sectionThis paper explores  Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

IV. ConclusionSection:Previous sect

IV. Conclusion
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This paper explores the relationship between CR as well as employee rights and capital structure across countries. The results reveal the impacts of bargaining powers of creditors and employees on capital structure given a country's legal and political framework.

In corporate governance context, stakeholders such as shareholders, creditors, and employees have heterogeneous utility functions. As a result, a game is played among those stakeholders within a country's legal and political framework. As firm residual claimants, shareholders stand on the one side of the game whereas other stakeholders stand on the other side. When stakeholders other than shareholders pursue to maximize their benefits and interests within corporations, their gains are at the expense of shareholders. This is the essential of interaction between stakeholders.

Using country‐level CR index and LR index as a proxy for bargaining powers of creditors and employees, respectively, I find a positive correlation between employee rights and firms' use of debt and a negative correlation between CR and firm debt ratio. This is because when employee rights are high, shareholders are more likely to be exploited by employees. If so, shareholders intend to use more debt obligation to remove free cash flows to reduce employees' opportunities to obtain more benefits from the firm. When CR are high, creditors have more negotiation power to obtain good terms in debt contracting, making debt less attractive to shareholders.

The empirical results are robust by controlling for sample selection bias, test model specification, and a series of country‐level control variables. The results obtained from this paper helps us to understand financial leverage in different countries with various corporate governance mechanisms and fills significant gaps in the literature on international financing policy. These results should be of interest to managers, investors, and policymakers.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
IV. ConclusionSection:Previous sectionNext sectionThis paper explores the relationship between CR as well as employee rights and capital structure across countries. The results reveal the impacts of bargaining powers of creditors and employees on capital structure given a country's legal and political framework.In corporate governance context, stakeholders such as shareholders, creditors, and employees have heterogeneous utility functions. As a result, a game is played among those stakeholders within a country's legal and political framework. As firm residual claimants, shareholders stand on the one side of the game whereas other stakeholders stand on the other side. When stakeholders other than shareholders pursue to maximize their benefits and interests within corporations, their gains are at the expense of shareholders. This is the essential of interaction between stakeholders.Using country‐level CR index and LR index as a proxy for bargaining powers of creditors and employees, respectively, I find a positive correlation between employee rights and firms' use of debt and a negative correlation between CR and firm debt ratio. This is because when employee rights are high, shareholders are more likely to be exploited by employees. If so, shareholders intend to use more debt obligation to remove free cash flows to reduce employees' opportunities to obtain more benefits from the firm. When CR are high, creditors have more negotiation power to obtain good terms in debt contracting, making debt less attractive to shareholders.
The empirical results are robust by controlling for sample selection bias, test model specification, and a series of country‐level control variables. The results obtained from this paper helps us to understand financial leverage in different countries with various corporate governance mechanisms and fills significant gaps in the literature on international financing policy. These results should be of interest to managers, investors, and policymakers.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
IV. Kesimpulan
Bagian: Sebelumnya Bagian Bagian
Tulisan ini mengeksplorasi hubungan antara CR serta hak karyawan dan struktur modal di seluruh negara. Hasil menunjukkan dampak dari kekuatan tawar kreditur dan karyawan terhadap struktur modal yang diberikan suatu negara kerangka hukum dan politik.

Dalam konteks tata kelola perusahaan, stakeholder seperti pemegang saham, kreditur, dan karyawan memiliki fungsi utilitas yang heterogen. Akibatnya, permainan ini dimainkan di antara mereka para pemangku kepentingan dalam kerangka hukum dan politik suatu negara. Sebagai penuntut residual perusahaan, pemegang saham berdiri di satu sisi permainan sedangkan pemangku kepentingan lainnya berdiri di sisi lain. Ketika para pemangku kepentingan selain pemegang saham mengejar untuk memaksimalkan manfaat dan kepentingan dalam perusahaan mereka, keuntungan mereka dengan mengorbankan para pemegang saham. Ini adalah penting dari interaksi antara pemangku kepentingan.

Menggunakan Indeks CR tingkat negara dan indeks LR sebagai proxy untuk kekuatan tawar dari kreditur dan karyawan, masing-masing, saya menemukan korelasi positif antara hak karyawan dan penggunaan perusahaan 'hutang dan korelasi negatif antara rasio utang CR dan tegas. Hal ini karena ketika hak karyawan yang tinggi, pemegang saham lebih cenderung dimanfaatkan oleh karyawan. Jika demikian, pemegang saham berniat untuk menggunakan lebih kewajiban utang untuk menghapus arus kas bebas untuk mengurangi kesempatan karyawan untuk memperoleh manfaat yang lebih dari perusahaan. Ketika CR tinggi, kreditur memiliki kekuatan negosiasi lebih untuk mendapatkan hal yang baik dalam kontrak utang, membuat utang kurang menarik bagi pemegang saham.

Hasil empiris yang kuat dengan mengontrol bias pemilihan sampel, model uji spesifikasi, dan serangkaian variabel kontrol tingkat negara . Hasil yang diperoleh dari penelitian ini membantu kita untuk memahami leverage keuangan di berbagai negara dengan berbagai mekanisme tata kelola perusahaan dan mengisi kesenjangan yang signifikan dalam literatur kebijakan pembiayaan internasional. Hasil ini harus menarik bagi manajer, investor, dan pembuat kebijakan.
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