Sev­eral swift and fierce cold bright­ness cut ex­pan­sive sky, goes t terjemahan - Sev­eral swift and fierce cold bright­ness cut ex­pan­sive sky, goes t Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Sev­eral swift and fierce cold brig

Sev­eral swift and fierce cold bright­ness cut ex­pan­sive sky, goes to­ward the Long Yuyin be­hind two woman las­ings.
That was called Aun­tie Xie's woman to erupt the for­mi­da­ble im­pos­ing man­ner by Long Yuyin sud­denly, the whole body has burnt the blaz­ing flame.
A long Long re­cited cuts the ex­pan­sive sky.
That woman fused scar­let flame Winged Dragon, that su­per­hu­man hand grasps to­ward these cold bright­ness.
Ac­tu­ally saw this time, these cold bright­ness ac­cel­er­ated sud­denly.
Puff puff!
These cold bright­ness pierced scar­let flame Winged Dragon sud­denly, im­me­di­ately blood splash.
„!” Scar­let flame Winged Dragon sad and shrill piti­ful yell.
A mo­ment later, scar­let flame Winged Dragon changed to the human form, has crashed from the sky.
„Aun­tie Xie!” Long Yuyin wept and wailed, but was brought to graze to go by an­other woman.
„Young lady, you must look after it­self good, comes the human at least is Dao of Dragon Realm Sixth Level above Ex­pert, even if we spell to try, is not his match!” By Long Yuyin an­other woman run­ning to­gether of two syl­la­bles in rapid speech said that bring­ing Long Yuyin speed­ily to graze.
Dao of Dragon Realm Ex­pert, once died un­able to res­cue!
The Daoist be­liev­ers only have de­lim­ited to­gether in the sky, goes to­ward di­rec­tion trac­ing that Long Yuyin flees.
At this time, in a small town inn.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Sev­eral swift and fierce cold bright­ness cut ex­pan­sive sky, goes to­ward the Long Yuyin be­hind two woman las­ings.That was called Aun­tie Xie's woman to erupt the for­mi­da­ble im­pos­ing man­ner by Long Yuyin sud­denly, the whole body has burnt the blaz­ing flame.A long Long re­cited cuts the ex­pan­sive sky.That woman fused scar­let flame Winged Dragon, that su­per­hu­man hand grasps to­ward these cold bright­ness.Ac­tu­ally saw this time, these cold bright­ness ac­cel­er­ated sud­denly.Puff puff!These cold bright­ness pierced scar­let flame Winged Dragon sud­denly, im­me­di­ately blood splash.„!” Scar­let flame Winged Dragon sad and shrill piti­ful yell.A mo­ment later, scar­let flame Winged Dragon changed to the human form, has crashed from the sky.„Aun­tie Xie!” Long Yuyin wept and wailed, but was brought to graze to go by an­other woman.„Young lady, you must look after it­self good, comes the human at least is Dao of Dragon Realm Sixth Level above Ex­pert, even if we spell to try, is not his match!” By Long Yuyin an­other woman run­ning to­gether of two syl­la­bles in rapid speech said that bring­ing Long Yuyin speed­ily to graze.Dao of Dragon Realm Ex­pert, once died un­able to res­cue!The Daoist be­liev­ers only have de­lim­ited to­gether in the sky, goes to­ward di­rec­tion trac­ing that Long Yuyin flees.At this time, in a small town inn.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Beberapa kecerahan dingin cepat dan sengit memotong langit luas, berjalan ke arah Long Yuyin belakang dua lasings wanita.
Hal itu disebut wanita Bibi Xie meletus dengan cara mengesankan tangguh dengan panjang Yuyin tiba-tiba, seluruh tubuh telah dibakar api menyala.
Sebuah panjang panjang dibacakan memotong langit luas.
wanita menyatu merah api Winged Naga, bahwa tangan manusia super menangkap arah tersebut kecerahan dingin.
Sebenarnya melihat saat ini, rute kecerahan dingin dipercepat tiba-tiba.
Puff kepulan!
ini kecerahan dingin menusuk merah api Winged Naga tiba-tiba, segera percikan darah.
"!" Scarlet api Winged Naga sedih dan melengking berteriak menyedihkan.
sesaat kemudian, merah api Winged Naga berubah ke bentuk manusia, telah jatuh dari langit.
"Bibi Xie!" panjang Yuyin menangis dan meratap, tetapi dibawa untuk merumput ke pergi dengan wanita lain.
"wanita muda, Anda harus menjaga diri baik, datang manusia setidaknya adalah Dao Dragon Realm Tingkat Keenam atas Expert, bahkan jika kita mengeja untuk mencoba, tidak pertandingan!" dengan panjang Yuyin wanita lain berjalan bersama-sama dari dua suku kata dalam sambutannya cepat mengatakan bahwa membawa panjang Yuyin cepat untuk merumput.
Dao Dragon Realm Ahli, setelah meninggal tidak dapat menyelamatkan!
orang-orang percaya Taois hanya telah dipisahkan bersama-sama di langit, berjalan ke arah arah menelusuri bahwa panjang Yuyin melarikan diri.
pada saat ini waktu, di sebuah kota penginapan kecil.
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
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