On the way back into town, she speed-dialed Jordan and Damien, leaving terjemahan - On the way back into town, she speed-dialed Jordan and Damien, leaving Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

On the way back into town, she spee

On the way back into town, she speed-dialed Jordan and Damien, leaving messages to call when neither picked up. She had to call information for Stuart Wilde’s number, but at least he answered. “Reverend Wilde? This is Margot Radcliffe.” “Margot, how good to hear from you. How are things, my dear?”
“Pretty terrible, actually. I’m calling about Jade. She’s been having a lot of problems since the funeral. She got expelled from her boarding school in Massachusetts—” “Yes, I heard something to that effect. I’m sorry.” Stuart Wilde truly was privy to everything that went on in this town. “It wouldn’t be so bad if things were going better here. But she’s been having trouble with some of the girls at Warburg High. They’ve been saying things about her and Nicole—I have a feeling you know exactly what sorts of things. It’s made Jade miserable and more reckless than ever. The police brought her home last night. I was wondering if I could ask you to spend some time with her.”
“I’d be happy to. How about bringing her by the parish early this evening, say, six o’clock?”
“Yes, that would be great.”
Hanging up, she pulled the Range Rover into the parking space reserved for visitors at the high school. The dashboard clock read 10:02.
She ran up the steps of the school’s main building, signed in with the receptionist at the front desk, then hurried down the corridor, stopping at the second door on the right.
The small vestibule outside the principal’s office was empty except for a solitary figure huddled in the corner.
The kid must be in big trouble, was her immediate thought. She hadn’t even glanced up when she’d entered the waiting room. Then something made Margot do a double take, and this time she noticed the curtain of dark blond hair hanging out the front of the hooded sweatshirt, spotted, too, the distinctive jade and silver bracelet peeking from beneath the sleeve.
“Jade?” she asked, astonished.
Her sister looked up. Her face was red and splotchy from tears. “What are you doing here?” Her voice was barely audible.
“I had an appointment with Mr. Farkas. The question is, what are you doing here?”
“I slapped Blair. I got sent here.”
Margot’s heart sank. “What happened?” she asked, hurrying over to where her sister sat.
Jade said nothing, her lips pressed in an unsteady line.
She placed a hand on her blue-jeaned knee. “Sweetie, don’t clam up on me now. I can’t help if you won’t tell me what happened. Please.”
She had to bend close to hear Jade. “I was online during my free period. I went onto Facebook. They’ve taken a picture of me and Photoshopped it, sticking my face onto some naked woman’s body. She’s playing with herself.” Clutching her middle, she began rocking against the chair. “They hate me. Everyone’s going to see it. I feel so ugly.”
Margot wanted to cry for her. She’d been afraid of this, that the girls would retaliate against Jade for making out with Dean at the party last night. She wrapped her arms about Jade, hugging her. “You think it was Blair? You should tell—”
Jade twisted free. “No! I’m not going to tell Mr. Farkas anything. If I rat on them, they’ll only hate me more. And I don’t want you talking to him about what they’ve posted about me on Facebook either. Don’t you understand, Blair’s popular?”
“Jade, what they’re doing is wrong!”
“Like they care.”
“They can be made to care,” Margot replied grimly.
“Yeah, and that will only give them a reason to hate me even more.”
“So what, you want me to remain silent about the malicious games they’re playing on the Internet? The bullying’s not going to stop. They’ll come up with new ways to hurt you. And what if they decide to pick on someone else, Jade, someone who’s not as strong as you? How would you feel knowing that you could have done something and instead let their viciousness continue unchecked? It’s hard, but you’ve got to stand up against them.”
“Yeah, me and Rosa Parks,” she muttered.
“You prefer the alternative—being cowed by a clique of bitches?” Margot retorted.
Jade’s jaw locked in a mutinous line.
“At least if you take the Rosa Parks route, you can look yourself in the eye when you stand before the mirror knowing you’ve done the right thing.” More gently she said, “Staying silent won’t win their friendship.”
Jade’s spiky lashes fluttered as she fought back tears. “I didn’t fit in at Maiden ’cause I didn’t live on Park Avenue. Now I’ll never have friends here, either.”
“You will,” she said fiercely. “It may take time, but believe me, they’ll be much better friends than these girls could ever be.” Desperate to give Jade something to cling to when life seemed like a giant whirlpool pulling her under, she said, “I don’t know how much time you’ll have for socializing, anyway.”
Jade’s head whipped around. “What? You’re grounding me for last night?”
“No, I just need your help. There’s a lot of work at the farm right now for Ned and Travis, and it looks like I’m going to have to take on a few more modeling gigs if we want to keep Rosewood.” She kept her tone light. She wasn’t going to tell either Jade or Jordan about Crandall’s call until she talked to Damien. It was obvious that her modeling was the only solution, the only hope they had to pay off Rosewood’s debts. Damien had said that her stock was running high. It was time to cash it in.
“What kind of stuff?” Suspicion laced Jade’s voice.
“You know that dark bay, Aspen?”
“Yeah.” She turned her head, swiping her eyes with the back of her hand. “He’s the one that likes to play with a rubber ball in the pasture. Ned’s been working with him.”
Margot felt a spurt of hope. She nodded. “That’s the one. I want you to help Ned train him. And I need you to give Travis a hand riding the other horses, too.”
“You mean I’m going to be an assistant trainer, like Andy?”
“A part-time assistant trainer. Travis and you will have to draw up a schedule to figure out how many hours you can put in on weekday afternoons and weekends working with the horses he assigns you. But Ned wants you to start right away with Aspen—this very afternoon.”
The door to the principal’s office opened and Jade stiffened.
Squeezing her hand, Margot spoke in a hurried undertone. “You’re not alone in this, sweetie. You and I are going to go in there and let Mr. Farkas know what Blair and her friends have been up to. Those girls are going to rue the day they messed with a Radcliffe.”
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Dalam perjalanan kembali ke kota, dia kecepatan-dipanggil Jordan dan Damien, meninggalkan pesan untuk panggilan ketika tidak memungut. Dia harus informasi panggilan untuk nomor Stuart Wilde, tapi setidaknya dia menjawab. "Pendeta Wilde? Ini adalah Margot Radcliffe." "Margot, seberapa baik untuk mendengar dari Anda. Bagaimana Apakah hal-hal, sayangku?""Cukup mengerikan, sebenarnya. Saya memanggil tentang Jade. Dia telah memiliki banyak masalah sejak pemakaman. Dia mendapat dikeluarkan dari sekolah asrama di Massachusetts-""Ya, saya mendengar sesuatu yang berlaku. Saya minta maaf." Stuart Wilde benar-benar adalah jamban untuk segala sesuatu yang terjadi di kota ini. "Ini tidak akan begitu buruk jika hal itu akan lebih baik di sini. Tapi dia telah memiliki masalah dengan beberapa gadis di Warburg tinggi. Mereka telah mengatakan hal-hal tentang dirinya dan Nicole-aku punya perasaan Anda tahu persis apa macam hal. Itu telah membuat Jade sengsara dan lebih sembrono dibandingkan. Polisi membawanya pulang malam terakhir. Aku bertanya-tanya jika saya bisa meminta Anda untuk menghabiskan waktu bersamanya.""Saya akan senang. Bagaimana tentang membawa dia oleh paroki awal malam ini, mengatakan, pukul enam?""Ya, itu akan menjadi besar."Menggantung, ia menarik kisaran Rover ke dalam ruang parkir yang disediakan untuk pengunjung di sekolah tinggi. Dasbor jam membaca 10:02.Ia berlari menaiki tangga sekolah bangunan utama, masuk dengan resepsionis di meja depan, kemudian bergegas ke koridor, berhenti di kedua pintu di sebelah kanan.Balai kecil di luar kantor pimpinan itu kosong kecuali sosok soliter yang meringkuk di sudut.Anak harus dalam masalah besar, adalah pemikiran segera. Dia belum pernah bahkan melirik ke atas ketika dia memasuki ruang tunggu. Kemudian sesuatu yang membuat Margot melakukan mengambil ganda, dan kali ini dia melihat tirai gelap rambut pirang nongkrong depan berkerudung sweatshirt, terlihat, juga, khas gelang batu giok dan perak yang mengintip dari bawah lengan."Jade?" Dia bertanya, heran.Adiknya mendongak. Wajahnya adalah merah dan membungkus pundak dari air mata. "Apa yang Anda lakukan di sini?" Suaranya nyaris tak terdengar."Aku punya janji dengan Tn. Farkas. Pertanyaannya adalah, apa yang akan Anda lakukan di sini?""Saya menampar Blair. Aku dikirim ke sini."Margot di jantung tenggelam. "Apa yang terjadi?" Dia bertanya, bergegas atas ke mana adiknya duduk.Jade mengatakan apa-apa, bibirnya ditekan dalam jalur goyah.Dia meletakkan tangan pada lututnya blue-jeaned. "Sayang, tidak tenang pada saya sekarang. Saya tidak dapat membantu jika Anda tidak memberitahu saya apa yang terjadi. Please."Dia harus membungkuk dekat mendengar Jade. "Aku adalah online selama periode saya gratis. Aku pergi ke Facebook. Mereka telah mengambil gambar saya dan Photoshopped itu, menempel wajahku ke tubuh wanita telanjang beberapa. Dia bermain dengan dirinya sendiri." Mencengkeram tengah dia, dia mulai goyang terhadap kursi. "Mereka membenci saya. Semua orang akan melihatnya. Saya merasa begitu jelek."Margot ingin menangis untuknya. Ia telah takut ini, bahwa gadis-gadis akan membalas Jade untuk membuat keluar dengan Dean di pesta malam terakhir. Dia membungkus lengannya tentang Jade, memeluk dia. "Anda berpikir itu adalah Blair? Anda harus memberitahu — "Jade memutar gratis. "Tidak! Aku tidak akan memberitahu Mr Farkas apa-apa. Jika saya tikus pada mereka, mereka hanya akan membenci saya lebih. Dan aku tidak ingin kau berbicara kepadanya tentang apa mereka telah diposting tentang saya di Facebook juga. Tidak Anda mengerti, Blair's populer?""Jade, apa yang mereka lakukan salah!""Seperti mereka peduli.""Mereka dapat dibuat untuk perawatan," Margot menjawab muram."Ya, dan itu akan hanya memberi mereka alasan untuk benci saya bahkan lebih.""Jadi apa, kau ingin aku tetap diam tentang permainan berbahaya mereka bermain di Internet? Bullying tidak akan berhenti. Mereka akan datang dengan cara-cara baru untuk menyakiti Anda. Dan bagaimana jika mereka memutuskan untuk memilih pada orang lain, batu giok, seseorang yang tidak sekuat Anda? Bagaimana perasaan Anda mengetahui bahwa Anda bisa melakukan sesuatu dan sebaliknya membiarkan kejahatan mereka terus dicentang? Sulit, tetapi Anda harus melawan mereka.""Ya, saya dan Rosa Parks," dia bergumam."Anda memilih alternatif — yang cowed oleh sebuah klik dari bitches?" Margot menukas.Jade rahang terkunci dalam garis mutinous."Setidaknya jika Anda mengambil rute Rosa Parks, Anda dapat melihat diri Anda di mata ketika Anda berdiri di depan cermin mengetahui Anda telah melakukan hal yang benar." Lebih lembut ia berkata, "Staying diam tidak akan memenangkan persahabatan mereka."Jade’s spiky lashes fluttered as she fought back tears. “I didn’t fit in at Maiden ’cause I didn’t live on Park Avenue. Now I’ll never have friends here, either.”“You will,” she said fiercely. “It may take time, but believe me, they’ll be much better friends than these girls could ever be.” Desperate to give Jade something to cling to when life seemed like a giant whirlpool pulling her under, she said, “I don’t know how much time you’ll have for socializing, anyway.”Jade’s head whipped around. “What? You’re grounding me for last night?”“No, I just need your help. There’s a lot of work at the farm right now for Ned and Travis, and it looks like I’m going to have to take on a few more modeling gigs if we want to keep Rosewood.” She kept her tone light. She wasn’t going to tell either Jade or Jordan about Crandall’s call until she talked to Damien. It was obvious that her modeling was the only solution, the only hope they had to pay off Rosewood’s debts. Damien had said that her stock was running high. It was time to cash it in.“What kind of stuff?” Suspicion laced Jade’s voice.“You know that dark bay, Aspen?”“Yeah.” She turned her head, swiping her eyes with the back of her hand. “He’s the one that likes to play with a rubber ball in the pasture. Ned’s been working with him.”Margot felt a spurt of hope. She nodded. “That’s the one. I want you to help Ned train him. And I need you to give Travis a hand riding the other horses, too.”“You mean I’m going to be an assistant trainer, like Andy?”“A part-time assistant trainer. Travis and you will have to draw up a schedule to figure out how many hours you can put in on weekday afternoons and weekends working with the horses he assigns you. But Ned wants you to start right away with Aspen—this very afternoon.”The door to the principal’s office opened and Jade stiffened.Squeezing her hand, Margot spoke in a hurried undertone. “You’re not alone in this, sweetie. You and I are going to go in there and let Mr. Farkas know what Blair and her friends have been up to. Those girls are going to rue the day they messed with a Radcliffe.”
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