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Bahasa Indonesia) 1:
1.3 STATISTICAL VERSUS DETERMINISTIC RELATIONSHIPSFrom the examples cited in Section 1.2, the reader will notice that in regressionanalysis we are concerned with what is known as the statistical, notfunctional or deterministic, dependence among variables, such as those ofclassical physics. In statistical relationships among variables we essentiallydeal with random or stochastic4 variables, that is, variables that have probabilitydistributions. In functional or deterministic dependency, on theother hand, we also deal with variables, but these variables are not randomor stochastic.The dependence of crop yield on temperature, rainfall, sunshine, andfertilizer, for example, is statistical in nature in the sense that the explanatoryvariables, although certainly important, will not enable the agronomistto predict crop yield exactly because of errors involved in measuring thesevariables as well as a host of other factors (variables) that collectively affectthe yield but may be difficult to identify individually. Thus, there is boundto be some “intrinsic” or random variability in the dependent-variable cropyield that cannot be fully explained no matter how many explanatory variableswe consider.In deterministic phenomena, on the other hand, we deal with relationshipsof the type, say, exhibited by Newton’s law of gravity, which states: Everyparticle in the universe attracts every other particle with a force directly proportionalto the product of their masses and inversely proportional to thesquare of the distance between them. Symbolically, F = k(m1m2/r 2), whereF = force, m1 and m2 are the masses of the two particles, r = distance, andk = constant of proportionality. Another example is Ohm’s law, which states:For metallic conductors over a limited range of temperature the current C isproportional to the voltage V; that is, C = ( 1k )V where 1k is the constant ofproportionality. Other examples of such deterministic relationships areBoyle’s gas law, Kirchhoff’s law of electricity, and Newton’s law of motion.In this text we are not concerned with such deterministic relationships.Of course, if there are errors of measurement, say, in the k of Newton’s lawof gravity, the otherwise deterministic relationship becomes a statistical relationship.In this situation, force can be predicted only approximately fromthe given value of k (and m1, m2, and r), which contains errors. The variableF in this case becomes a random variable.
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