Measurement of boredomstate or trait?Initially, boredom at work was a terjemahan - Measurement of boredomstate or trait?Initially, boredom at work was a Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Measurement of boredomstate or tra

Measurement of boredomstate or trait?
Initially, boredom at work was associated with conducting monotonous and
repetitive tasks (Lee, 1986; O’Hanlon, 1981). While Grubb (1975) and Lee (1986)
measured boredom by referring to the repetitiveness of the job, others (Farmer &
Sundberg,1986; Zuckerman et al., 1978) considered boredom in terms of personal
characteristics. For instance, Zuckerman et al. (1978) suggested that the experience of
boredom results from a strong need for high stimulation. Although boredom is
mostly considered an affective response, its occurrence is either attributed to the
situation (i.e., a state, Mikulas & Vodanovich, 1993) or to a disposition (a trait,
Vodanovich,2003). The present research construes job boredom primarily as a
response to a specific constellation of the characteristics of a particular environment
(i.e., the job).
Drawing on the two dimensions proposed inpleasure-arousal theory (PAT;
Russell,1980), ‘‘feeling bored’’ has been classified as a displeasure-deactivation affect
(Daniels,2000). Following Mikulas and Vodanovich (1993), we consider boredom at
work as a state of low arousal and dissatisfaction that results from an understimulating work environment. Considered to be more than affect alone, we assume
that the experience of boredom at work manifests itself in affective, cognitive, and
behavioral reactions (Russell, 2003). For example, in addition to its affective
component, previous research found that low internal arousal manifests itself
cognitively in inattention and daydreaming (Damrad-Frye & Laird,1989), as well as
in task-unrelated thoughts (Antrobus, Coleman, & Singer,1967). Furthermore, work
boredom manifests itself in a distorted perception of the passing of time, which
seems to drag along and passes by slowly (Drory,1982; Grubb, 1975). When having
little to do at work, employees filled their idle time with other, unrelated tasks such as
reading magazines, eating, or engaging in nonwork-related conversations (Baker,
1992). Further, work boredom has been found to relate to frustration and physical
restlessness (Hill & Perkins, 1985). These findings underline our position that
boredom at work is affective, cognitive, and behavioral in nature.
Earlier Job Boredom scales (Grubb,1975; Lee, 1986) mainly focused on the
causes of work boredom in terms of an understimulating work environment (e.g.,
repetitiveness or monotony) rather than on its affective, cognitive, and behavioral
manifestations (Vodanovich, Wallace, & Kass,2005). On the other hand, dispositional boredom scales (Farmer & Sundberg,1986) take these different manifestations
of boredom into account, but do not link these to the job. Therefore, the present
study conceptualized a scale of work-related boredom in terms of employee’s
affective, cognitive, and behavioral responses to an understimulating work situation,
thereby combining the strengths of previously developed boredom scales.
Boredom at work: another form of negative employee well-being
Conceptually, boredom at work is a response to a passive, unchallenging, and
unpleasant job (Loukidou, Loan-Clarke, & Daniels,2009). It is a negative, affectivemotivational state of mind that results from a work environment that elicits little
activity and provides little challenge and pleasure. However, little is known about the
specific job characteristics or lack thereofthat are associated with boredom
among employees. The present study uses the Job Demands-Resources (JD-R)
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Measurement of boredomstate or trait?Initially, boredom at work was associated with conducting monotonous andrepetitive tasks (Lee, 1986; O’Hanlon, 1981). While Grubb (1975) and Lee (1986)measured boredom by referring to the repetitiveness of the job, others (Farmer &Sundberg,1986; Zuckerman et al., 1978) considered boredom in terms of personalcharacteristics. For instance, Zuckerman et al. (1978) suggested that the experience ofboredom results from a strong need for high stimulation. Although boredom ismostly considered an affective response, its occurrence is either attributed to thesituation (i.e., a state, Mikulas & Vodanovich, 1993) or to a disposition (a trait,Vodanovich,2003). The present research construes job boredom primarily as aresponse to a specific constellation of the characteristics of a particular environment(i.e., the job).Drawing on the two dimensions proposed inpleasure-arousal theory (PAT;Russell,1980), ‘‘feeling bored’’ has been classified as a displeasure-deactivation affect(Daniels,2000). Following Mikulas and Vodanovich (1993), we consider boredom atwork as a state of low arousal and dissatisfaction that results from an understimulating work environment. Considered to be more than affect alone, we assumethat the experience of boredom at work manifests itself in affective, cognitive, andbehavioral reactions (Russell, 2003). For example, in addition to its affectivecomponent, previous research found that low internal arousal manifests itselfcognitively in inattention and daydreaming (Damrad-Frye & Laird,1989), as well asin task-unrelated thoughts (Antrobus, Coleman, & Singer,1967). Furthermore, workboredom manifests itself in a distorted perception of the passing of time, whichseems to drag along and passes by slowly (Drory,1982; Grubb, 1975). When havinglittle to do at work, employees filled their idle time with other, unrelated tasks such asreading magazines, eating, or engaging in nonwork-related conversations (Baker,1992). Further, work boredom has been found to relate to frustration and physicalrestlessness (Hill & Perkins, 1985). These findings underline our position thatboredom at work is affective, cognitive, and behavioral in nature.Earlier Job Boredom scales (Grubb,1975; Lee, 1986) mainly focused on thecauses of work boredom in terms of an understimulating work environment (e.g.,repetitiveness or monotony) rather than on its affective, cognitive, and behavioralmanifestations (Vodanovich, Wallace, & Kass,2005). On the other hand, dispositional boredom scales (Farmer & Sundberg,1986) take these different manifestationsof boredom into account, but do not link these to the job. Therefore, the presentstudy conceptualized a scale of work-related boredom in terms of employee’saffective, cognitive, and behavioral responses to an understimulating work situation,thereby combining the strengths of previously developed boredom scales.Boredom at work: another form of negative employee well-beingConceptually, boredom at work is a response to a passive, unchallenging, andunpleasant job (Loukidou, Loan-Clarke, & Daniels,2009). It is a negative, affectivemotivational state of mind that results from a work environment that elicits littleactivity and provides little challenge and pleasure. However, little is known about thespecific job characteristics or lack thereofthat are associated with boredomamong employees. The present study uses the Job Demands-Resources (JD-R)
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
?? Pengukuran kebosanan negara atau sifat
Awalnya, kebosanan di tempat kerja yang terkait dengan melakukan monoton dan
tugas yang berulang (Lee, 1986; O'Hanlon, 1981). Sementara Grubb (1975) dan Lee (1986)
diukur kebosanan dengan mengacu pada keberulangan dari pekerjaan, orang lain (Farmer &
Sundberg, 1986;. Zuckerman et al, 1978) dianggap kebosanan dalam hal pribadi
karakteristik. Misalnya, Zuckerman dkk. (1978) mengemukakan bahwa pengalaman
hasil kebosanan dari kebutuhan yang kuat untuk stimulasi tinggi. Meskipun kebosanan yang
sebagian besar dianggap sebagai respon afektif, kejadian tersebut adalah baik dikaitkan dengan
situasi (yaitu, negara, Mikulas & Vodanovich, 1993) atau disposisi (suatu sifat,
Vodanovich, 2003). Penelitian ini menafsirkan kebosanan pekerjaan terutama sebagai
respon terhadap konstelasi tertentu dari karakteristik lingkungan tertentu
(misalnya, pekerjaan).
Menggambar pada dua dimensi yang diusulkan inpleasure-gairah teori (PAT;
Russell, 1980), '' merasa bosan '' telah diklasifikasikan sebagai ketidaksenangan-deaktivasi mempengaruhi
(Daniels, 2000). Berikut Mikulas dan Vodanovich (1993), kami mempertimbangkan kebosanan di
tempat kerja sebagai keadaan gairah rendah dan ketidakpuasan yang dihasilkan dari lingkungan kerja understimulating. Dianggap lebih dari mempengaruhi saja, kita asumsikan
bahwa pengalaman kebosanan di tempat kerja memanifestasikan dirinya dalam afektif, kognitif, dan
reaksi perilaku (Russell, 2003). Misalnya, di samping afektif
komponen, penelitian sebelumnya menemukan bahwa gairah internal yang rendah memanifestasikan dirinya
kognitif di kurangnya perhatian dan melamun (Damrad-Frye & Laird, 1989), serta
di pikiran tugas-terkait (Antrobus, Coleman, & Singer, 1967). Selanjutnya, kerja
kebosanan memanifestasikan dirinya dalam persepsi yang menyimpang dari berlalunya waktu, yang
tampaknya menyeret bersama dan lewat perlahan (Drory, 1982; Grubb, 1975). Ketika memiliki
sedikit untuk melakukan di tempat kerja, karyawan penuh waktu idle mereka dengan lainnya, tugas yang tidak berhubungan seperti
membaca majalah, makan, atau terlibat dalam-nonwork terkait percakapan (Baker,
1992). Selanjutnya, kebosanan kerja telah ditemukan berhubungan dengan frustrasi dan fisik
gelisah (Hill & Perkins, 1985). Temuan ini menggarisbawahi posisi kami bahwa
kebosanan di tempat kerja adalah afektif, kognitif, dan perilaku di alam.
Sebelumnya sisik Job Kebosanan (Grubb, 1975; Lee, 1986) terutama difokuskan pada
penyebab kebosanan kerja dalam hal lingkungan kerja understimulating (misalnya,
repetitiveness atau monoton) daripada afektif, kognitif, dan perilaku
manifestasi (Vodanovich, Wallace, & Kass, 2005). Di sisi lain, timbangan kebosanan disposisional (Farmer & Sundberg, 1986) mengambil manifestasi yang berbeda
dari kebosanan memperhitungkan, tapi tidak link ini untuk pekerjaan. Oleh karena itu, saat ini
studi dikonsep skala kebosanan berhubungan dengan pekerjaan dalam hal karyawan
afektif, kognitif, dan respon perilaku ke situasi kerja understimulating,
sehingga menggabungkan kekuatan dari sisik kebosanan dikembangkan sebelumnya.
Kebosanan di tempat kerja: bentuk lain dari karyawan negatif baik -Menjadi
konseptual, kebosanan di tempat kerja merupakan respon terhadap pasif, tidak menantang, dan
menyenangkan pekerjaan (Loukidou, Loan-Clarke, & Daniels, 2009). Ini adalah negatif, negara affectivemotivational pikiran yang dihasilkan dari sebuah lingkungan kerja yang memunculkan sedikit
aktivitas dan memberikan sedikit tantangan dan kesenangan. Namun, sedikit yang diketahui tentang
karakteristik spesifik pekerjaan? Atau ketiadaan? Yang terkait dengan kebosanan
di antara karyawan. Penelitian ini menggunakan Job Tuntutan-Resources (JD-R)
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