In Jalal's chamberFirst time ever, bloody tears freed out from the hea terjemahan - In Jalal's chamberFirst time ever, bloody tears freed out from the hea Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

In Jalal's chamberFirst time ever,

In Jalal's chamber
First time ever, bloody tears freed out from the heartless and cruel King of the kings, Shehenshah E Hindustan's eyes like constrained pool of water breaks through forcefully. He was glad his tears didn't betray him publicly. Every ounce of his emotion revolted and turned into energy, he brutally punched his fist on the wall of his huge grand chamber several times using all his energy until his rings broke on his finger and his hand began to bleed. He was not only angry, but he was mad, insanely-mad, lunatic-mad at himself, like a mad man he began to throw stuff harshly everywhere... He was so furious that first time ever he disrespected his crown and threw it wildly on the mirror. With crackled sound the mirror broke into many pieces... He pulled and broke all of his necklaces in one harsh stroke. In a few moments his luxurious, gorgeous chamber looked like piece of junk, stuff shattered all over. After taking his anger on the lifeless things he broke down vulnerably and sat in the cozy corner to hide himself from the world. Outside, the guards heard him screaming, shouting and growling... and the sound of destruction, but no one dared to come in front of this angry wild tiger.
It took him a while to calm himself down to think further... Few minutes later, an unexpected growl exploded from the base of his throat. Rukaiya I feel like choking you to death, I warned you to stay out of my and Radha's business, but you didn't and now I will make sure you regret your act...' he darkly thought... then he rolled both of his bloody hands through his hair feeling frustrated. 'Ohhh God... What has happened to me??? Why am I feeling this unbearable pain? Nooo way, the king of the kings can't be this feeble and weak like this, why do I have tears in my eyes? I do not know why, but this girl brings out the emotions which I have never felt before, I can't see her in pain, I can't see her hurting herself like this... One day she will kill me without even doing anything.' his mind slowly came out of the numbness.
He again asked himself Why did I lose my temper in front of so many people??? I am known for my manipulative solutions, then why I shouted in panic when I saw her hurting herself?? Why am I being so cruel to her, maybe it's because she reacted exactly opposite of what I expected?? May be because I never thought that she will hurt herself like this to show her retort. Why is she so complicated? Why she doesn't understand a simple thing, that I can't give her more than what I have offered... even if I want to, I still can't, my hands are tied. I can clearly see the desire in her eyes for me, even though she said she will not marry me officially, I know her words did not reach to her eyes...
I know very well that my every action impacts on her heart directly... Whetjer she admits it or not, but my heart knows that she loves me, she loves me so much and she feels the same uncontrollable emotions that I do. I have really crossed all boundaries today and didn't miss any chance to ignore her, insult her and torture her mentally, but I thought this is the only way to make her realize that what I proposed last night was the best option for her.
But, why am I feeling guilty now, didn't I treat her the same way I treat any of the maids in the palace, then why she expects more from me than this, why does it bother her the way I am treating her. Is it because she loves me truly and she has expectations from me!! When Rukaiya shouted at her publicly, at that moment her eyes were on me, like she was waiting for me to support her. I thought my ignorance would bring her closer to me, but she made me feel that's not the case at all. Did I went too far in my play?? Should I apologize to her? No... not now, because as far as I know her, probably at this time she must be growling like a wounded lioness and waiting for her prey to vent out her anger... Don't know what she will do? Hope she takes care of herself and bandages her wounds. I cannot give up and apologize now, otherwise all this act will be futile... I will apologize to her once she accept me. I can't wait for her to meet the guy who proposed for her hand and soon she will realize when she compares that my proposal is way better than marrying an ordinary man. I have shown her my power, I have made her crazy ignoring her I have made her realize that how important I am in her life. I am sure she has learned her lesson the hard way and soon her anger will calm down and she will run into my arms. Once she says yes, I will bring the entire world at her feet. I will love her so much that she will forget all of this pain forever.
Entire night Jalal was awake, feeling restless... disturbed... agitated... and edgy, his heart was sore just by thinking of the pain she was suffering from, he walked back and forth in his chamber for hours, but not for even a second his eyes blinked or he rested. He was feeling more miserable than Radha. It was almost impossible for him to control the feeling of wanting to run to her and take her in his arms and proclaim his love for her.
Two hours went by, Radha was in her cottage alone lying on the bed, gradually her anger calmed down, her heart again and again reminisced how Jalal shouted at her. She never expected him to treat her like this publicly. She was not upset for her insult anymore but the way Jalal treated her was more painful. His dry behaviour, his aloofness and ignorance was unbearable for her. Her heart was completely trapped under his spell, once again her agonizing pain turned into anger which sucked all of her emotions. Unexpectedly, she felt nothing but smog of numbness in her brain. Her controlled tears began to threaten her, all of a sudden she was feeling weak and vulnerable, she felt hollow inside. Soon silent tears fell over from the corner of her eyes, but her brain was too feeble to defend against it. While sobbing sleep took her over in its soothing warmth.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
In Jalal's chamberFirst time ever, bloody tears freed out from the heartless and cruel King of the kings, Shehenshah E Hindustan's eyes like constrained pool of water breaks through forcefully. He was glad his tears didn't betray him publicly. Every ounce of his emotion revolted and turned into energy, he brutally punched his fist on the wall of his huge grand chamber several times using all his energy until his rings broke on his finger and his hand began to bleed. He was not only angry, but he was mad, insanely-mad, lunatic-mad at himself, like a mad man he began to throw stuff harshly everywhere... He was so furious that first time ever he disrespected his crown and threw it wildly on the mirror. With crackled sound the mirror broke into many pieces... He pulled and broke all of his necklaces in one harsh stroke. In a few moments his luxurious, gorgeous chamber looked like piece of junk, stuff shattered all over. After taking his anger on the lifeless things he broke down vulnerably and sat in the cozy corner to hide himself from the world. Outside, the guards heard him screaming, shouting and growling... and the sound of destruction, but no one dared to come in front of this angry wild tiger.It took him a while to calm himself down to think further... Few minutes later, an unexpected growl exploded from the base of his throat. Rukaiya I feel like choking you to death, I warned you to stay out of my and Radha's business, but you didn't and now I will make sure you regret your act...' he darkly thought... then he rolled both of his bloody hands through his hair feeling frustrated. 'Ohhh God... What has happened to me??? Why am I feeling this unbearable pain? Nooo way, the king of the kings can't be this feeble and weak like this, why do I have tears in my eyes? I do not know why, but this girl brings out the emotions which I have never felt before, I can't see her in pain, I can't see her hurting herself like this... One day she will kill me without even doing anything.' his mind slowly came out of the numbness.He again asked himself Why did I lose my temper in front of so many people??? I am known for my manipulative solutions, then why I shouted in panic when I saw her hurting herself?? Why am I being so cruel to her, maybe it's because she reacted exactly opposite of what I expected?? May be because I never thought that she will hurt herself like this to show her retort. Why is she so complicated? Why she doesn't understand a simple thing, that I can't give her more than what I have offered... even if I want to, I still can't, my hands are tied. I can clearly see the desire in her eyes for me, even though she said she will not marry me officially, I know her words did not reach to her eyes...I know very well that my every action impacts on her heart directly... Whetjer she admits it or not, but my heart knows that she loves me, she loves me so much and she feels the same uncontrollable emotions that I do. I have really crossed all boundaries today and didn't miss any chance to ignore her, insult her and torture her mentally, but I thought this is the only way to make her realize that what I proposed last night was the best option for her.But, why am I feeling guilty now, didn't I treat her the same way I treat any of the maids in the palace, then why she expects more from me than this, why does it bother her the way I am treating her. Is it because she loves me truly and she has expectations from me!! When Rukaiya shouted at her publicly, at that moment her eyes were on me, like she was waiting for me to support her. I thought my ignorance would bring her closer to me, but she made me feel that's not the case at all. Did I went too far in my play?? Should I apologize to her? No... not now, because as far as I know her, probably at this time she must be growling like a wounded lioness and waiting for her prey to vent out her anger... Don't know what she will do? Hope she takes care of herself and bandages her wounds. I cannot give up and apologize now, otherwise all this act will be futile... I will apologize to her once she accept me. I can't wait for her to meet the guy who proposed for her hand and soon she will realize when she compares that my proposal is way better than marrying an ordinary man. I have shown her my power, I have made her crazy ignoring her I have made her realize that how important I am in her life. I am sure she has learned her lesson the hard way and soon her anger will calm down and she will run into my arms. Once she says yes, I will bring the entire world at her feet. I will love her so much that she will forget all of this pain forever. Entire night Jalal was awake, feeling restless... disturbed... agitated... and edgy, his heart was sore just by thinking of the pain she was suffering from, he walked back and forth in his chamber for hours, but not for even a second his eyes blinked or he rested. He was feeling more miserable than Radha. It was almost impossible for him to control the feeling of wanting to run to her and take her in his arms and proclaim his love for her.Two hours went by, Radha was in her cottage alone lying on the bed, gradually her anger calmed down, her heart again and again reminisced how Jalal shouted at her. She never expected him to treat her like this publicly. She was not upset for her insult anymore but the way Jalal treated her was more painful. His dry behaviour, his aloofness and ignorance was unbearable for her. Her heart was completely trapped under his spell, once again her agonizing pain turned into anger which sucked all of her emotions. Unexpectedly, she felt nothing but smog of numbness in her brain. Her controlled tears began to threaten her, all of a sudden she was feeling weak and vulnerable, she felt hollow inside. Soon silent tears fell over from the corner of her eyes, but her brain was too feeble to defend against it. While sobbing sleep took her over in its soothing warmth.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Di ruang Jalal ini
Pertama kalinya, air mata berdarah dibebaskan keluar dari Raja berperasaan dan kejam dari raja-raja, mata Shehenshah E Hindustan ini seperti terkendala genangan air melalui istirahat paksa. Dia senang air matanya tidak mengkhianatinya publik. Setiap ons emosinya memberontak dan berubah menjadi energi, ia secara brutal menekan tinjunya di dinding besar ruang beberapa kali besar nya menggunakan semua energi sampai cincin patah di jarinya dan tangannya mulai berdarah. Dia tidak hanya marah, tapi dia gila, gila-gilaan-gila, gila-gila pada dirinya, seperti orang gila ia mulai membuang barang-barang keras di mana-mana ... dia begitu marah bahwa pertama kalinya ia tidak dihormati mahkota dan melemparkannya liar di cermin. Dengan suara berderak cermin pecah menjadi banyak potongan ... Dia menarik dan mematahkan semua kalung di satu stroke keras. Dalam beberapa saat mewah, ruang cantik nya tampak seperti sepotong sampah, hal hancur seluruh. Setelah mengambil kemarahannya pada hal-hal yang tak bernyawa ia mogok vulnerably dan duduk di sudut yang nyaman untuk menyembunyikan diri dari dunia. Di luar, para penjaga mendengar dia menjerit, berteriak dan menggeram ... dan suara kehancuran, tapi tidak ada yang berani untuk datang di depan harimau liar marah ini.
Ini membawanya beberapa saat untuk menenangkan dirinya untuk berpikir lebih jauh ... Sedikit menit kemudian, sebuah geraman tak terduga meledak dari dasar tenggorokannya. Rukaiya Aku merasa seperti tersedak sampai mati, aku memperingatkan Anda untuk tetap keluar dari bisnis Radha saya dan, tetapi Anda tidak dan sekarang saya akan memastikan Anda menyesal tindakan Anda ... 'ia muram berpikir ... kemudian ia berguling baik tangan berdarah rambutnya merasa frustrasi. 'Ohhh Allah ... Apa yang terjadi padaku ??? Mengapa saya merasa sakit yang tak tertahankan ini? Nooo cara, raja raja-raja tidak bisa ini lemah dan lemah seperti ini, mengapa saya harus meneteskan air mata? Aku tidak tahu mengapa, tapi gadis ini membawa keluar emosi yang saya belum pernah merasakan sebelumnya, saya tidak bisa melihat dia kesakitan, saya tidak bisa melihat dia menyakiti dirinya sendiri seperti ini ... Suatu hari dia akan membunuhku tanpa melakukan apa-apa. ' pikirannya perlahan keluar dari mati rasa.
Ia kembali meminta dirinya Mengapa saya marah saya di depan begitu banyak orang ??? Saya dikenal untuk solusi manipulatif saya, lalu mengapa aku berteriak panik ketika aku melihatnya menyakiti dirinya sendiri ?? Mengapa saya begitu kejam padanya, mungkin itu karena dia bereaksi persis kebalikan dari apa yang saya harapkan ?? Mungkin karena saya tidak pernah berpikir bahwa dia akan melukai dirinya sendiri seperti ini untuk menunjukkan retort nya. Mengapa dia begitu rumit? Mengapa dia tidak mengerti hal yang sederhana, bahwa saya tidak bisa memberinya lebih dari apa yang telah saya menawarkan ... bahkan jika saya ingin, saya masih tidak bisa, tangan saya diikat. Aku dapat melihat dengan jelas keinginan di matanya bagi saya, meskipun dia mengatakan dia tidak akan menikah secara resmi, saya tahu kata-katanya tidak mencapai matanya ...
Aku tahu betul bahwa setiap dampak tindakan saya di hatinya langsung. .. Whetjer ia mengakui atau tidak, tapi hatiku tahu bahwa dia mencintai saya, dia mencintai saya begitu banyak dan dia merasa emosi tak terkendali yang sama yang saya lakukan. Aku benar-benar melintasi semua batas hari ini dan tidak melewatkan kesempatan untuk mengabaikannya, menghina dan menyiksanya secara mental, tapi saya pikir ini adalah satu-satunya cara untuk membuat dia menyadari bahwa apa yang saya diusulkan tadi malam adalah pilihan terbaik untuknya.
Tapi, mengapa aku merasa bersalah sekarang, aku tidak memperlakukan dia dengan cara yang sama saya memperlakukan salah satu pelayan di istana, lalu mengapa dia mengharapkan lebih dari saya dari ini, mengapa hal itu mengganggunya cara saya memperlakukan dia. Apakah karena dia mencintai saya benar-benar dan dia memiliki harapan dari saya !! Ketika Rukaiya berteriak padanya publik, pada saat itu matanya pada saya, seperti dia sedang menunggu saya untuk mendukung dia. Saya pikir ketidaktahuan saya akan membawa dia lebih dekat dengan saya, tapi dia membuat saya merasa itu tidak terjadi sama sekali. Apakah aku pergi terlalu jauh dalam bermain saya ?? Haruskah aku meminta maaf padanya? Tidak ... tidak sekarang, karena sejauh yang saya tahu dia, mungkin saat ini dia harus menggeram seperti seekor singa betina yang terluka dan menunggu mangsanya untuk melampiaskan amarah nya ... Tidak tahu apa yang akan dia lakukan? Berharap dia mengurus dirinya sendiri dan membalut luka-lukanya. Aku tidak bisa menyerah dan meminta maaf sekarang, kalau tidak semua tindakan ini akan sia-sia ... aku akan meminta maaf padanya setelah dia menerima saya. Saya tidak sabar untuk untuk bertemu orang yang diusulkan untuk tangannya dan segera dia akan menyadari ketika ia membandingkan bahwa proposal saya jauh lebih baik daripada menikah dengan orang biasa. Saya telah menunjukkan dia kekuatan saya, saya telah membuatnya gila cemburu ... dengan mengabaikan nya saya telah membuatnya menyadari bahwa betapa pentingnya saya dalam hidupnya. Saya yakin dia telah belajar pelajaran nya dengan cara yang keras dan segera kemarahannya akan tenang dan dia akan berjalan ke dalam pelukanku. Setelah dia bilang ya, aku akan membawa seluruh dunia di kakinya. Aku akan mencintainya sehingga dia akan melupakan semua rasa sakit ini selamanya.
Seluruh malam Jalal terjaga, merasa gelisah ... terganggu ... gelisah ... dan tegang, hatinya sakit hanya dengan memikirkan rasa sakit dia menderita, ia berjalan bolak-balik di kamarnya selama berjam-jam, tetapi tidak untuk bahkan kedua matanya berkedip atau dia beristirahat. Dia merasa lebih menyedihkan dari Radha. Itu hampir tidak mungkin baginya untuk mengontrol perasaan ingin lari ke dia dan membawanya dalam pelukannya dan menyatakan cintanya.
Dua jam berlalu, Radha adalah di pondok sendirian berbaring di tempat tidur, secara bertahap amarahnya tenang , hatinya lagi dan lagi mengenang bagaimana Jalal berteriak padanya. Dia tidak pernah berharap dia untuk memperlakukannya seperti ini umum. Dia tidak marah untuk penghinaan dia lagi tapi cara Jalal memperlakukan dia lebih menyakitkan. Perilaku kering, sikap acuh tak acuh dan ketidaktahuannya tak tertahankan baginya. Hatinya benar-benar terjebak di bawah mantra nya, sekali lagi merasakan sakit nya berubah menjadi kemarahan yang mengisap semua emosinya. Tanpa diduga, dia merasa apa-apa tapi asap dari mati rasa di otaknya. Air mata dikendalikan dia mulai mengancam dirinya, tiba-tiba dia merasa lemah dan rentan, dia merasa hampa. Segera air mata diam jatuh dari sudut matanya, tapi otaknya terlalu lemah untuk mempertahankan diri itu. Sementara menangis tidur membawanya lebih dalam kehangatan menenangkan.
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