5At Phillip Mindel's house, his family was amazed at what had happened terjemahan - 5At Phillip Mindel's house, his family was amazed at what had happened Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

5At Phillip Mindel's house, his fam

At Phillip Mindel's house, his family was amazed at what had happened to their ten, almost 11 year old. He had to duck to avoid hitting the top of the doorways with his head. He weighed almost 300 pounds and his hands and feet were massive, but he still looked like a kid. A bit of a deeper voice, though. Obviously he was stronger now and he still had the energy and hyperactivity of childhood. His parents figured they would need special clothes for him--
for a heavyset 6'8" male, but even they may be too small as his body proportions were not exact to those for
adults of a similar height. His feet were also unexpectedly big--over 13 inches long, and rather wide.

That night his feet dangled off the end of his twin bed.
Nobody knew how it happened, and why so sudden. It actually would make the news the next night. There also
were newspaper reports of a Mr. Chase and a Ms. Lynne who seemed to be missing.

The next day (after shrinking Cora and growing Phillip), Matt was in the living room with the two of them when suddenly their dad came home. Matt dashed into his room and put Scott into a dresser drawer, and...but where
was Cora?

It dawned on him that the 7/10ths of an inch woman had somehow fallen off his hand. She had bounced off the sofa and landed on the floor, not really hurt due to her small mass. However she soon saw a massive figure heading her way. She started to run but soon found she'd collided against a huge rubber structure that was moving. It was 100 feet long--one of the sneakers of their father. She was sprawled on the floor and tried to get up; at that moment, their dad had stopped and swiveled his feet around.

"Matt? Jeff?"

One of the man's sneakers started to come down right on top of her--but it just missed, landing one third of an inch next to her. She let out a quick scream, then tried to muffle it. Far above, the man wondered what the noise was but concluded it was a bat-squeak of one of his sneakers on the wood floor.

She started to run away and tried to dash under the sofa. A projectile fell from what seemed like 300 feet up and fell to within an inch of her. The round object, seemingly eight feet in diameter, landed on its edge and spun around before finally settling flat on the floor.


It was a quarter.

Matt rushed into the living room and talked with his father for a moment. Jeff wasn't around, he was saying,
but would be back shortly.

"We'll grab some pizza tonight. Maybe text him and say...," said his father.

The door opened then shut and yet another giant entered. It was Jeff. Matt went over to him, held his thumb and forefinger a short distance apart, and nodded "no". Jeff looked puzzled but then it dawned on him: The little woman was missing.
Matt went over to where he had been and tried to look for her without being thought of being strange. He saw a quarter on the floor. "Dad, you dropped this."

"Thanks! Your mother is at a meeting tonight. We'll go to the pizza place and maybe eat there. Less of a mess to clean up here later, right?"

A few moments later they went and Cora, who had made it under the sofa, came back out. She had heard the tremendously loud closing of the front door. Cora walked from the living room into the hall; there was a wooden strip in between the two, a bit taller than she was. She walked over it, over the top, then across a metal
strip on the other side. It was a bit of a distance across the linoleum-covered hall where had to do the same thing to get into Matt's room. Some time later, she stood next to the dresser and noticed a shoelace had been hanging down from the bottom drawer. It took some effort but she climbed up quite a distance and went over the edge of the drawer's side; the shoelace had been wrapped around a balled-up set of socks. And there was Scott in there.

She sat down in exhaustion and let out a long sigh. Scott, as big to her as an adult is to a toddler, went over to her.
"I'd offer you a drink but the 'giants' have gone out for pizza, I hear. It'd be a little tough for me to keep up
with them..."

She laughed. "Oh my God. I almost thought that was the end."

He nodded. "You have it worse off than me, being smaller, but I know what you mean. I think we can be surprisingly fast though and dash out of the way."

She pointed down at her bare feet. "On legs and feet THIS small? How can we get anywhere when we're this small?"

She's a bit smaller than some flies, he thought. Not that he was much bigger of course.

"Maybe we can get them to make us the same size at least," Scott said. "Or better yet make us six inches, or a foot or...anything but this small."

"Why can't they just bring us back to normal? We wouldn't tell on them or anything..just to get back to normal."

Scott nodded. "You heard them talking about how they made a kid into a giant, and Matt grew a bit--people may get suspicious of them, though Jeff's keeping it secret pretty well. Maybe if he does it in a crowd and someone sees him with that zapper..."

She looked up at him and said, "They say kids will be kids and they do goofy things, but there isn't one thing funny about what they did to you or me. I have--or had--a job in a store. Friends and family, worried sick about me now. They probably have a Facebook group with people trying to find me."

"Same here, I have, or had, a job...maybe they'll give it back to me if we grow back...family, and friends." He thought for a moment. "Maybe we can grow? There was an old movie about a scientist who shrank people
to a foot tall but eventually they grew back to normal."

"If we grew at all they'd just zap us again to tininess."

"And not just us. You heard them," Scott said. "They want to shrink more people, bring them in here to play with. Collecting whomever they can. We're lucky we're still alive, but they don't want us to die. They want to have us."

"You remember what it was like as a kid..we had dolls, action figures, model trains, dollhouses..."

"So we live in a drawer like The Indian in the Cupboard...?"

"I suppose if they got enough of us we could revolt."

They looked at each other and, despite the horror of their situation, burst out laughing. Yes, it was a grim
thought but funny in a way, too. They each pictured Jeff and Matt being tied down by Lilliputian sized people they had shrunk, as Gulliver was. Tiny people shooting at them with mite-sized guns (not that it would have much of an effect, it would be like a paper cut at worst).

"So we get the zapper, that 'SAM', and figure out how to use it--grow back to normal, then shrink them?"

"Good suggestion, there, Cora." Scott looked a bit more serious. "We have to do something."

As they talked, the gigantic father and his sons were eating at a nearby pizza place. Amazingly huge portions of sausage, pepperoni, and onion pizza. Millions of gallons of cola or root beer. Gargantuan little kids running around, as their even-bigger parents yelled at them to calm down and stopped them with a firm outstretched
arm and hand.

Scott stood up then climbed up onto one rolled-up sock and stood on the top of it, then gazed up toward the top of the dresser drawer.

"I'm mad enough to want those kids to be punished," he said. "But right now I'd waive that--I'd do anything--
just to be back to normal."

"I'd be happy to be as tall as the doorknob," said Cora.

Scott thought about getting up in the middle of the night, turning on Jeff's smartphone, then finding a way to go on Facebook or something and contact someone with what seemed preposterous.

Knowing Jeff though, it would be password protected.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
5At Phillip Mindel's house, his family was amazed at what had happened to their ten, almost 11 year old. He had to duck to avoid hitting the top of the doorways with his head. He weighed almost 300 pounds and his hands and feet were massive, but he still looked like a kid. A bit of a deeper voice, though. Obviously he was stronger now and he still had the energy and hyperactivity of childhood. His parents figured they would need special clothes for him--for a heavyset 6'8" male, but even they may be too small as his body proportions were not exact to those foradults of a similar height. His feet were also unexpectedly big--over 13 inches long, and rather wide.That night his feet dangled off the end of his twin bed. Nobody knew how it happened, and why so sudden. It actually would make the news the next night. There alsowere newspaper reports of a Mr. Chase and a Ms. Lynne who seemed to be missing.The next day (after shrinking Cora and growing Phillip), Matt was in the living room with the two of them when suddenly their dad came home. Matt dashed into his room and put Scott into a dresser drawer, and...but wherewas Cora?It dawned on him that the 7/10ths of an inch woman had somehow fallen off his hand. She had bounced off the sofa and landed on the floor, not really hurt due to her small mass. However she soon saw a massive figure heading her way. She started to run but soon found she'd collided against a huge rubber structure that was moving. It was 100 feet long--one of the sneakers of their father. She was sprawled on the floor and tried to get up; at that moment, their dad had stopped and swiveled his feet around."Matt? Jeff?"One of the man's sneakers started to come down right on top of her--but it just missed, landing one third of an inch next to her. She let out a quick scream, then tried to muffle it. Far above, the man wondered what the noise was but concluded it was a bat-squeak of one of his sneakers on the wood floor.She started to run away and tried to dash under the sofa. A projectile fell from what seemed like 300 feet up and fell to within an inch of her. The round object, seemingly eight feet in diameter, landed on its edge and spun around before finally settling flat on the floor.Heads.It was a quarter.Matt rushed into the living room and talked with his father for a moment. Jeff wasn't around, he was saying,but would be back shortly. "We'll grab some pizza tonight. Maybe text him and say...," said his father.The door opened then shut and yet another giant entered. It was Jeff. Matt went over to him, held his thumb and forefinger a short distance apart, and nodded "no". Jeff looked puzzled but then it dawned on him: The little woman was missing.Matt went over to where he had been and tried to look for her without being thought of being strange. He saw a quarter on the floor. "Dad, you dropped this.""Thanks! Your mother is at a meeting tonight. We'll go to the pizza place and maybe eat there. Less of a mess to clean up here later, right?"A few moments later they went and Cora, who had made it under the sofa, came back out. She had heard the tremendously loud closing of the front door. Cora walked from the living room into the hall; there was a wooden strip in between the two, a bit taller than she was. She walked over it, over the top, then across a metalstrip on the other side. It was a bit of a distance across the linoleum-covered hall where had to do the same thing to get into Matt's room. Some time later, she stood next to the dresser and noticed a shoelace had been hanging down from the bottom drawer. It took some effort but she climbed up quite a distance and went over the edge of the drawer's side; the shoelace had been wrapped around a balled-up set of socks. And there was Scott in there.She sat down in exhaustion and let out a long sigh. Scott, as big to her as an adult is to a toddler, went over to her."I'd offer you a drink but the 'giants' have gone out for pizza, I hear. It'd be a little tough for me to keep upwith them..."She laughed. "Oh my God. I almost thought that was the end."He nodded. "You have it worse off than me, being smaller, but I know what you mean. I think we can be surprisingly fast though and dash out of the way."She pointed down at her bare feet. "On legs and feet THIS small? How can we get anywhere when we're this small?"She's a bit smaller than some flies, he thought. Not that he was much bigger of course."Maybe we can get them to make us the same size at least," Scott said. "Or better yet make us six inches, or a foot or...anything but this small.""Why can't they just bring us back to normal? We wouldn't tell on them or anything..just to get back to normal."Scott nodded. "You heard them talking about how they made a kid into a giant, and Matt grew a bit--people may get suspicious of them, though Jeff's keeping it secret pretty well. Maybe if he does it in a crowd and someone sees him with that zapper..."She looked up at him and said, "They say kids will be kids and they do goofy things, but there isn't one thing funny about what they did to you or me. I have--or had--a job in a store. Friends and family, worried sick about me now. They probably have a Facebook group with people trying to find me.""Same here, I have, or had, a job...maybe they'll give it back to me if we grow back...family, and friends." He thought for a moment. "Maybe we can grow? There was an old movie about a scientist who shrank people to a foot tall but eventually they grew back to normal.""If we grew at all they'd just zap us again to tininess.""And not just us. You heard them," Scott said. "They want to shrink more people, bring them in here to play with. Collecting whomever they can. We're lucky we're still alive, but they don't want us to die. They want to have us.""You remember what it was like as a kid..we had dolls, action figures, model trains, dollhouses...""So we live in a drawer like The Indian in the Cupboard...?""I suppose if they got enough of us we could revolt."They looked at each other and, despite the horror of their situation, burst out laughing. Yes, it was a grimthought but funny in a way, too. They each pictured Jeff and Matt being tied down by Lilliputian sized people they had shrunk, as Gulliver was. Tiny people shooting at them with mite-sized guns (not that it would have much of an effect, it would be like a paper cut at worst)."So we get the zapper, that 'SAM', and figure out how to use it--grow back to normal, then shrink them?""Good suggestion, there, Cora." Scott looked a bit more serious. "We have to do something."As they talked, the gigantic father and his sons were eating at a nearby pizza place. Amazingly huge portions of sausage, pepperoni, and onion pizza. Millions of gallons of cola or root beer. Gargantuan little kids running around, as their even-bigger parents yelled at them to calm down and stopped them with a firm outstretchedarm and hand.

Scott stood up then climbed up onto one rolled-up sock and stood on the top of it, then gazed up toward the top of the dresser drawer.

"I'm mad enough to want those kids to be punished," he said. "But right now I'd waive that--I'd do anything--
just to be back to normal."

"I'd be happy to be as tall as the doorknob," said Cora.

Scott thought about getting up in the middle of the night, turning on Jeff's smartphone, then finding a way to go on Facebook or something and contact someone with what seemed preposterous.

Knowing Jeff though, it would be password protected.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Di rumah Phillip Mindel itu, keluarganya kagum pada apa yang terjadi pada mereka berusia sepuluh, hampir 11 tahun. Dia harus Bebek untuk menghindari memukul bagian atas pintu dengan kepalanya. Beratnya hampir 300 pound dan tangan dan kakinya besar, tapi ia masih tampak seperti anak kecil. Sedikit suara yang lebih dalam, meskipun. Jelas ia lebih kuat sekarang dan dia masih memiliki energi dan hiperaktif masa kanak-kanak. Orang tuanya pikir mereka akan membutuhkan pakaian khusus untuk him--
untuk kekar 6'8 "laki-laki, tapi bahkan mereka mungkin terlalu kecil sebagai proporsi tubuhnya tidak tepat untuk orang-orang untuk
orang dewasa dengan tinggi yang sama. Kakinya juga tiba-tiba besar --over 13 inci panjang, dan agak lebar. Itu malam kakinya menjuntai dari ujung tempat tidur kembar. Tak ada yang tahu bagaimana hal itu terjadi, dan mengapa begitu tiba-tiba. Itu benar-benar akan membuat berita malam berikutnya. Ada juga laporan koran dari Mr. Chase dan Ms. Lynne yang tampaknya hilang. Hari berikutnya (setelah menyusut Cora dan berkembang Phillip), Matt berada di ruang tamu dengan dua dari mereka ketika tiba-tiba ayah mereka pulang. Matt berlari ke nya ruang dan menempatkan Scott ke dalam laci meja rias, dan ... tapi di mana itu Cora? Ini sadar dirinya bahwa 7 / 10ths dari seorang wanita inch entah bagaimana jatuh dari tangannya. Dia telah bangkit dari sofa dan mendarat di lantai, tidak benar-benar terluka karena massa yang kecil. Namun ia segera melihat sosok besar menuju perjalanan. Dia mulai berlari tapi segera menemukan dia bertabrakan terhadap struktur karet besar yang bergerak. Itu 100 meter - salah satu sepatu dari ayah mereka. Dia tergeletak di lantai dan mencoba bangkit; pada saat itu, ayah mereka telah berhenti dan berputar kakinya di sekitar. "Matt Jeff?" Salah satu sepatu pria itu mulai turun tepat di atas tubuhnya - tapi itu hanya merindukan, mendarat sepertiga dari satu inci di sampingnya . Dia menjerit cepat, kemudian mencoba untuk meredam itu. Jauh di atas, pria itu bertanya-tanya apa suara itu tetapi menyimpulkan itu adalah kelelawar-derit salah satu sepatunya di lantai kayu. Dia mulai melarikan diri dan mencoba untuk lari di bawah sofa. Sebuah proyektil jatuh dari apa yang tampak seperti 300 meter dan jatuh ke dalam satu inci dari dirinya. Babak objek, tampaknya delapan meter dengan diameter, mendarat di ujung dan berputar sebelum akhirnya menetap datar di lantai. Kepala. Itu seperempat. Matt bergegas ke ruang tamu dan berbicara dengan ayahnya sejenak. Jeff tidak ada, ia berkata, tapi akan segera kembali. "Kami akan ambil beberapa pizza malam ini. Mungkin teks dia dan berkata ...," kata ayahnya. Pintu dibuka kemudian ditutup dan belum raksasa lain masuk. Itu Jeff. Matt pergi ke dia, memegang ibu jari dan telunjuknya jarak terpisah, dan mengangguk "tidak". Jeff tampak bingung tapi kemudian sadar dia: Wanita kecil itu hilang. Matt pergi ke tempat ia dan mencoba untuk mencarinya tanpa memikirkan yang aneh. Dia melihat seperempat di lantai. "Ayah, kau menjatuhkan ini." "Terima kasih! Ibumu adalah pada pertemuan malam ini. Kita akan pergi ke tempat pizza dan mungkin makan di sana. Kurang berantakan untuk membersihkan sini nanti, kan?" Beberapa saat kemudian mereka pergi dan Cora, yang telah berhasil di bawah sofa, kembali keluar. Dia pernah mendengar penutupan sangat keras dari pintu depan. Cora berjalan dari ruang tamu ke ruang; ada strip kayu di antara keduanya, sedikit lebih tinggi dari dia. Dia berjalan di atasnya, di atas, maka di logam strip di sisi lain. Itu sedikit jarak di ruang linoleum tertutup di mana harus melakukan hal yang sama untuk masuk ke kamar Matt. Beberapa waktu kemudian, dia berdiri di samping lemari dan melihat tali sepatu yang telah tergantung turun dari laci bawah. Butuh beberapa upaya tapi dia naik cukup jauh dan pergi di tepi sisi laci itu; tali sepatu telah melilit set mengepalkan-up kaus kaki. Dan ada Scott di sana. Dia duduk di kelelahan dan mendesah panjang. Scott, yang besar untuk dirinya sebagai orang dewasa adalah untuk balita, pergi ke dia. "Saya akan menawarkan Anda minum tapi 'raksasa' telah keluar untuk pizza, saya mendengar. Ini akan menjadi sedikit sulit bagi saya untuk bersaing dengan mereka ... " Dia tertawa. "Ya Tuhan. Aku hampir berpikir bahwa adalah akhir." Dia mengangguk. "Anda harus lebih buruk daripada saya, menjadi lebih kecil, tapi aku tahu apa yang Anda maksud. Saya pikir kita dapat sangat cepat meskipun dan lari keluar dari jalan." Dia menunjuk ke bawah kaki telanjang. "Pada kaki dan kaki INI kecil? Bagaimana kita bisa mendapatkan di mana saja saat kita kecil ini?" Dia sedikit lebih kecil daripada beberapa lalat, pikirnya. Bukan karena ia jauh lebih besar tentu saja. "Mungkin kita bisa mendapatkan mereka untuk membuat kita ukuran yang sama setidaknya," kata Scott. "Atau lebih baik lagi membuat kita enam inci, atau kaki atau ... apa-apa tapi ini kecil." "Mengapa tidak bisa mereka hanya membawa kita kembali normal? Kami tidak akan memberitahu pada mereka atau anything..just untuk kembali normal. " Scott mengangguk. "Kau mendengar mereka berbicara tentang bagaimana mereka membuat anak-anak menjadi raksasa, dan Matt tumbuh sedikit - orang mungkin curiga dari mereka, meskipun Jeff merahasiakannya cukup baik Mungkin jika dia melakukannya di tengah orang banyak dan seseorang melihat dia dengan. zapper itu ... " Dia menatap dia dan berkata, "Mereka mengatakan anak-anak akan menjadi anak-anak dan mereka melakukan hal-hal konyol, tapi tidak ada satu hal yang lucu tentang apa yang mereka lakukan untuk Anda atau saya yang saya miliki -. atau telah Pekerjaan -sebuah di toko. Teman dan keluarga, khawatir sakit tentang saya sekarang. Mereka mungkin memiliki kelompok Facebook dengan orang yang mencoba untuk menemukan saya. " "Sama di sini, saya punya, atau memiliki, pekerjaan ... mungkin mereka ' akan memberikannya kembali kepada saya jika kita tumbuh kembali ... keluarga, dan teman-teman. " Dia berpikir sejenak. "Mungkin kita bisa tumbuh? Ada sebuah film lama tentang seorang ilmuwan yang menyusut orang ke kaki tinggi tetapi akhirnya mereka tumbuh kembali normal. " "Jika kita tumbuh sama sekali mereka hanya akan menyihir kita lagi untuk tininess." "Dan tidak hanya kami. Anda mendengar mereka, "kata Scott. "Mereka ingin mengecilkan lebih banyak orang, membawa mereka ke sini untuk bermain dengan. Mengumpulkan siapapun yang mereka dapat. Kami beruntung kami masih hidup, tetapi mereka tidak ingin kita mati. Mereka ingin memiliki kita." "Kau ingat bagaimana rasanya sebagai kid..we yang memiliki boneka, action figure, model kereta api, rumah boneka ... " "Jadi kita hidup dalam laci seperti The Indian di lemari ...?" "Saya kira jika mereka punya cukup kita kita bisa memberontak. " Mereka saling memandang dan, meskipun kengerian situasi mereka, tertawa terbahak-bahak. Ya, itu adalah suram pikiran tapi lucu di jalan, juga. Mereka masing-masing digambarkan Jeff dan Matt terikat oleh orang-orang berukuran kecil sekali mereka telah menyusut, seperti Gulliver adalah. Orang kecil menembaki mereka dengan senjata kutu berukuran (tidak bahwa itu akan memiliki banyak efek, akan seperti potongan kertas pada terburuk). "Jadi kita mendapatkan zapper, bahwa 'SAM', dan mencari tahu bagaimana menggunakan itu - tumbuh kembali normal, kemudian menyusut mereka "? "Saran yang baik, ada, Cora." Scott tampak sedikit lebih serius. "Kita harus melakukan sesuatu." Ketika mereka berbicara, ayah raksasa dan anak-anaknya sedang makan di tempat pizza di dekatnya. Hebatnya bagian besar dari sosis, pepperoni, dan bawang pizza. Jutaan galon cola atau root beer. Anak-anak kecil berlarian raksasa, orang tua mereka bahkan lebih besar-berteriak pada mereka untuk tenang dan menghentikan mereka dengan terulur tegas lengan dan tangan. Scott berdiri kemudian naik ke salah satu kaus kaki yang digulung dan berdiri di atasnya, maka menatap ke arah bagian atas laci lemari. "Aku cukup gila untuk ingin anak-anak yang dihukum," katanya. "Tapi sekarang aku akan mengabaikan bahwa - saya melakukan anything-- . hanya untuk menjadi normal kembali " "Aku akan senang untuk menjadi setinggi gagang pintu," kata Cora. ​​Scott berpikir tentang bangun di tengah malam, menyalakan smartphone Jeff, kemudian menemukan cara untuk pergi di Facebook atau sesuatu dan menghubungi seseorang dengan apa yang tampak masuk akal. Mengetahui Jeff meskipun, itu akan dilindungi password.

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