or, to use Kant's phrase, ”the categorical imperative.H He gives us th terjemahan - or, to use Kant's phrase, ”the categorical imperative.H He gives us th Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

or, to use Kant's phrase, ”the cate

or, to use Kant's phrase, ”the categorical imperative.H He gives us three tests or three formulations of the moral law.

The Principle of Universality “Act in conformity withvthat maxim, and
that maxim only, which you can at the same time will to be a universal law." Actions should spring not from desire or inclination but only from principles that can be universalized. Kant uses the example of the man who, after a series of misfortunes, contemplates suicide. When he attempts to universalize such behavior, he realizes at once that it cannot be approved. If everyone were to commit suicide, it would lead to the elimination of mankind. Kant, it will be observed, universalized the general type of conduct and not the particular act under particular circumstances. The latter interpretation might lead to extreme laxness; the former leads to a rigorism that admits few if any
exceptions to moral principles.

The Principle omenanity as an End, Never as Merer a Means “Act so as to use humanity, whether in your own person or in the person of another, always as an end, never as merely a means. " This principle has received more widespread approval than any other part ofKant’s moral philosophy. Persons, as rational beings, are ends in themselves and should never be used merely as means to other ends. we may use physical things as means, but when We use a person as means, as in slavery, prostitution, or commercial exploitation, we degrade him and violate his being as a person. '

The Principle of Autonomy. The moral laws which a man obeys are not imposed on him from the outside. They are the “laws which he imposes upon himself”. The sense of duty and the reason which man Obeys come from within; they are expressions of his own higher self.


The next three ethical theories we consider are teleological views—-that is, they judge conduct as right or wrong, not on the basis of some inherent quality, as in formalism, but in relationship to some-end or gOal which is considered good. The doctrine that pleasure or happiness is the'greatest good in life was known until recently as hedonism. The term Epicnrmnism, from Epicurus, an early Greek exponent of the pleasure theory, has also been used. Since the time of jeremy Bentham. And John Stuart Mill in the nineteenth century, the term utilitarianism has been used. ‘

According to john Stuart Mill (1806—1873), uti'itarianism “accepts as the foundation of morals, Utility or the Greatest Happiness Principle, holds that actions are right in proportion as they tend to promote happiness, wrong as they tend to produce the reverse of happiness. "Mill’s brief but brilliant treatise entitled Utilitarianism should be read by all students of moral philosophy. Mill accepts the general position'ofjeremy Bentham (r748—1832), who uses the phrase "the greatest happiness of the-greatest number”. Bentham
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or, to use Kant's phrase, ”the categorical imperative.H He gives us three tests or three formulations of the moral law. The Principle of Universality “Act in conformity withvthat maxim, andthat maxim only, which you can at the same time will to be a universal law." Actions should spring not from desire or inclination but only from principles that can be universalized. Kant uses the example of the man who, after a series of misfortunes, contemplates suicide. When he attempts to universalize such behavior, he realizes at once that it cannot be approved. If everyone were to commit suicide, it would lead to the elimination of mankind. Kant, it will be observed, universalized the general type of conduct and not the particular act under particular circumstances. The latter interpretation might lead to extreme laxness; the former leads to a rigorism that admits few if anyexceptions to moral principles.The Principle omenanity as an End, Never as Merer a Means “Act so as to use humanity, whether in your own person or in the person of another, always as an end, never as merely a means. " This principle has received more widespread approval than any other part ofKant’s moral philosophy. Persons, as rational beings, are ends in themselves and should never be used merely as means to other ends. we may use physical things as means, but when We use a person as means, as in slavery, prostitution, or commercial exploitation, we degrade him and violate his being as a person. 'The Principle of Autonomy. The moral laws which a man obeys are not imposed on him from the outside. They are the “laws which he imposes upon himself”. The sense of duty and the reason which man Obeys come from within; they are expressions of his own higher self.PLEASURE as THE GUIDE IN LIFE ‘The next three ethical theories we consider are teleological views—-that is, they judge conduct as right or wrong, not on the basis of some inherent quality, as in formalism, but in relationship to some-end or gOal which is considered good. The doctrine that pleasure or happiness is the'greatest good in life was known until recently as hedonism. The term Epicnrmnism, from Epicurus, an early Greek exponent of the pleasure theory, has also been used. Since the time of jeremy Bentham. And John Stuart Mill in the nineteenth century, the term utilitarianism has been used. ‘According to john Stuart Mill (1806—1873), uti'itarianism “accepts as the foundation of morals, Utility or the Greatest Happiness Principle, holds that actions are right in proportion as they tend to promote happiness, wrong as they tend to produce the reverse of happiness. "Mill’s brief but brilliant treatise entitled Utilitarianism should be read by all students of moral philosophy. Mill accepts the general position'ofjeremy Bentham (r748—1832), who uses the phrase "the greatest happiness of the-greatest number”. Bentham
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
atau, untuk menggunakan frase Kant, "yang imperative.H kategoris Dia memberi kita tiga tes atau tiga formulasi hukum moral. Prinsip Universalitas" Undang-Undang sesuai withvthat pepatah, dan bahwa pepatah saja, yang Anda dapat pada saat yang sama akan menjadi hukum universal. "Tindakan harus muncul tidak dari keinginan atau keinginan tetapi hanya dari prinsip-prinsip yang dapat diuniversalkan. Kant menggunakan contoh orang yang, setelah serangkaian kemalangan, merenungkan bunuh diri. Ketika ia mencoba untuk universalisasi perilaku seperti itu, ia menyadari sekaligus bahwa hal itu tidak dapat disetujui. Jika setiap orang untuk bunuh diri, hal itu akan menyebabkan penghapusan umat manusia. Kant, itu akan diamati, diuniversalisasi jenis umum dari perilaku dan bukan tindakan tertentu dalam keadaan tertentu. Yang terakhir interpretasi dapat mengakibatkan kelonggaran ekstrim; mantan mengarah ke rigorism yang mengakui jika ada beberapa pengecualian untuk prinsip-prinsip moral. The omenanity Prinsip sebagai End, pernah sebagai Merer Sarana "UU sehingga untuk menggunakan kemanusiaan, apakah secara pribadi Anda sendiri atau di orang lain, selalu sebagai tujuan, tidak pernah hanya sebagai sarana. "Prinsip ini telah mendapat persetujuan lebih luas daripada bagian lain filsafat moral ofKant ini. Orang, sebagai makhluk rasional, yang berakhir dalam diri mereka sendiri dan tidak boleh digunakan hanya sebagai sarana untuk tujuan lain. Kita dapat menggunakan hal-hal fisik seperti sarana, tetapi ketika kami menggunakan seseorang sebagai sarana, seperti dalam perbudakan, pelacuran, atau eksploitasi komersial, kami menurunkan dia dan melanggar keberadaannya sebagai pribadi. "Prinsip Otonomi. Hukum-hukum moral yang mana seorang pria taat tidak dikenakan pada dia dari luar. Mereka "hukum yang ia memaksakan pada dirinya" The rasa kewajiban dan alasan yang pria mematuhi datang dari dalam;.. mereka adalah ekspresi sendiri lebih tinggi diri KENIKMATAN sebagai THE GUIDE DI KEHIDUPAN 'Tiga teori etika kita pertimbangkan pandangan teleologis -yang adalah, mereka menilai melakukan sebagai benar atau salah, tidak atas dasar beberapa kualitas yang melekat, seperti dalam formalisme, tetapi dalam hubungan dengan beberapa-end atau tujuan yang dianggap baik. Doktrin bahwa kesenangan atau kebahagiaan adalah the'greatest baik dalam hidup dikenal sampai saat ini sebagai hedonisme. Istilah Epicnrmnism, dari Epicurus, eksponen Yunani awal teori kesenangan, juga telah digunakan. Sejak saat jeremy Bentham. Dan John Stuart Mill pada abad kesembilan belas, utilitarianisme istilah telah digunakan. 'Menurut john Stuart Mill (1806-1873), uti'itarianism "menerima sebagai landasan moral, Utility atau Happiness Prinsip Greatest, menyatakan bahwa tindakan tepat dalam proporsi karena mereka cenderung untuk mempromosikan kebahagiaan, salah karena mereka cenderung menghasilkan kebalikan dari kebahagiaan. "Singkat tapi brilian risalah Mill yang berjudul Utilitarianisme harus dibaca oleh semua siswa dari filsafat moral. Mill menerima position'ofjeremy umum Bentham (r748-1832), yang menggunakan frase" kebahagiaan terbesar dari jumlah terbesar-". Bentham

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