This was terrible... Rin was stuck! She tried to climb up the muddy wa terjemahan - This was terrible... Rin was stuck! She tried to climb up the muddy wa Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

This was terrible... Rin was stuck!

This was terrible... Rin was stuck! She tried to climb up the muddy walls, but it was no use, it was too slippery. It was like she was on an island made out of soft mud- too soft. Surrounded her was murky green water with black shadows and thorny bushes. Everytime she looked at the water, she seemed to be closer. Riding hood's eyes widen. "AHH I'M SINKING!!!" She had to get out- fast! Shadows beneath her started moving. There was something below her, and she didn't want to find out what it was. "Look. Keep looking. There has to be a way!" Rin thought. But no matter how hard her eyes wondered, there was nothing that could save her. She fought of swimming. "maybe it's just seaweed..." she thought to herself. Slowly, she placed a foot on the surface. The water was freezing and it was still. Only ripples were made by red riding hood's foot. The silhouettes didn't move. "It looks ok. Maybe I can swim to shore" Rin spoke out loud. She had a slight flare of hope. Slowly again, she placed a whole leg into the depths of the pond.

Riding hood was surprised on how deep the water was. Cuts on her knee started to sting as she gently put her other leg in. The water went up to her chest. Forcefully, she pulled the murky pond behind her and started to move. She decided not to paddle, even though she would get their faster, because she was afraid of what was under the sea bed. The floor of the lake had sharp pieces of glass on the sand which red riding hood tried to avoid. Sand would sweep in her cuts if Rin went to fast.
Walking, and walking, she thought she walked a mile at least to how much strength she was using, but actually she was not too far away from the muddy island Rin was once on before. Rin felt walking up a hill where the shadow was. The texture was different to what it was before. It felt almost slimey. Now that she thought of it, the water was decreasing. Or was she...rising? The so called 'hill' was not a hill, but a giant green crocodile! The eyes of the reptile snapped open, revealing furious, amber orbs that stared up at little red riding hood. Rin realized that she was standing on the crocodiles nose. It must of been sleeping! Her eyes practically bulging out of their sockets, made contact with the reptiles. "Nice crocodile" Rin smiled nervously. Suddenly, the beast went berserk and snapped its jaws dangerously, causing Rin to fly off the crocodile. She landed, head first, near the shore where she once was. Quickly, she scurried to the wall, as far as she could be from the creature. It's eyes, glowing with rage, was hovering the surface. It's body was submerged into the darkness. Staring at the girl, the crocodile didn't break eye contact. This was the end. There was no hope. That fire that once burned inside her heart was now out. Her clothes, soaking wet with filthy water, were making Rin freeze like an ice cube. She was soon going to join the crocodile as the land she was on, was slowly sinking. Rin gulped. Her legs trembling and her eyes were on the brink of tears. If she was to die here and now, she wanted dearly to say good bye. Especially to Len. She wanted to confess something she kept inside for a long time now. She may never say it to him at all because this was the end. "P-please, someone h-help me..." Rin begged. Her voice had become wispy and quite. Her life was slowly draining as her hands turned blue.
Len was siting next to his tree, finishing the final apple that Rin gave him. He checked his pocket watch and saw it was 11pm. Rin would of called by then. Maybe he missed it. No, that can't be it, he was siting next to the phone all this time. He really looked forward to rin calling. A frown broke his face. Maybe she was busy... But even so, she would still say something reassure him that she was alright. Even if it was only for a second or 2. Maybe Rin had forgotten... However, Rin would never forget about his friend! Would she? Maybe Rin wanted HIM to call her instead. The wolf picked up the phone and diale
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Ini adalah mengerikan... Rin terjebak! Dia mencoba untuk memanjat dinding berlumpur, tapi itu tidak ada gunanya, itu terlalu licin. Rasanya seperti dia berada di sebuah pulau yang terbuat dari lumpur yang lembut - terlalu lembut. Dikelilingi dia adalah air keruh hijau dengan bayang-bayang hitam dan semak-semak berduri. Setiap kali dia melihat air, ia tampaknya lebih dekat. Naik hood mata melebar. "AHH AKU SEDANG TENGGELAM!" Dia harus mendapatkan out-cepat! Bayangan di bawah dia mulai bergerak. Ada sesuatu di bawah dia, dan ia tidak ingin mencari tahu apa itu. "Lihat. Terus mencari. Harus ada cara!" Rin berpikir. Tetapi tidak peduli seberapa keras matanya bertanya-tanya, tidak ada yang bisa menyelamatkannya. Dia berjuang berenang. "mungkin memang hanya rumput laut..." pikirnya. Perlahan-lahan, ia ditempatkan satu kaki di permukaan. Air kedinginan dan masih. Riak-riak yang hanya dibuat oleh red riding hood di kaki. Siluet tidak bergerak. "Kelihatannya ok. Mungkin saya dapat berenang ke pantai"Rin berbicara keras. Dia memiliki sebuah suar sedikit harapan. Perlahan-lahan lagi, ia meletakkan seluruh kaki ke kedalaman kolam.Naik hood terkejut tentang seberapa dalam air. Luka pada lututnya mulai menyengat seperti dia lembut meletakkan kaki lainnya. Air pergi ke dadanya. Tegas, dia menarik kolam keruh belakangnya dan mulai bergerak. Dia memutuskan untuk tidak mendayung, meskipun ia akan mendapatkan mereka lebih cepat, karena ia takut apa yang ada di bawah laut. Lantai danau memiliki potongan-potongan yang tajam kaca di atas pasir yang naik hood Merah berusaha untuk menghindari. Pasir akan menyapu dalam luka nya jika Rin pergi untuk berpuasa.Walking, and walking, she thought she walked a mile at least to how much strength she was using, but actually she was not too far away from the muddy island Rin was once on before. Rin felt walking up a hill where the shadow was. The texture was different to what it was before. It felt almost slimey. Now that she thought of it, the water was decreasing. Or was she...rising? The so called 'hill' was not a hill, but a giant green crocodile! The eyes of the reptile snapped open, revealing furious, amber orbs that stared up at little red riding hood. Rin realized that she was standing on the crocodiles nose. It must of been sleeping! Her eyes practically bulging out of their sockets, made contact with the reptiles. "Nice crocodile" Rin smiled nervously. Suddenly, the beast went berserk and snapped its jaws dangerously, causing Rin to fly off the crocodile. She landed, head first, near the shore where she once was. Quickly, she scurried to the wall, as far as she could be from the creature. It's eyes, glowing with rage, was hovering the surface. It's body was submerged into the darkness. Staring at the girl, the crocodile didn't break eye contact. This was the end. There was no hope. That fire that once burned inside her heart was now out. Her clothes, soaking wet with filthy water, were making Rin freeze like an ice cube. She was soon going to join the crocodile as the land she was on, was slowly sinking. Rin gulped. Her legs trembling and her eyes were on the brink of tears. If she was to die here and now, she wanted dearly to say good bye. Especially to Len. She wanted to confess something she kept inside for a long time now. She may never say it to him at all because this was the end. "P-please, someone h-help me..." Rin begged. Her voice had become wispy and quite. Her life was slowly draining as her hands turned blue.Len was siting next to his tree, finishing the final apple that Rin gave him. He checked his pocket watch and saw it was 11pm. Rin would of called by then. Maybe he missed it. No, that can't be it, he was siting next to the phone all this time. He really looked forward to rin calling. A frown broke his face. Maybe she was busy... But even so, she would still say something reassure him that she was alright. Even if it was only for a second or 2. Maybe Rin had forgotten... However, Rin would never forget about his friend! Would she? Maybe Rin wanted HIM to call her instead. The wolf picked up the phone and diale
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Ini sangat mengerikan ... Rin terjebak! Dia mencoba memanjat dinding berlumpur, tapi itu tidak ada gunanya, itu terlalu licin. Rasanya seperti dia di sebuah pulau yang terbuat dari mud- lembut terlalu lembut. Mengepungnya air hijau keruh dengan bayangan hitam dan semak-semak berduri. Setiap kali dia melihat air, ia tampaknya lebih dekat. Mata naik hood melebar. "AHH AKU TENGGELAM !!!" Dia harus mendapatkan out cepat! Bayangan di bawahnya mulai bergerak. Ada sesuatu di bawahnya, dan dia tidak ingin mengetahui apa itu. "Lihatlah. Terus mencari. Harus ada cara!" Pikir rin. Tapi tidak peduli seberapa keras matanya bertanya-tanya, ada apa-apa yang bisa menyelamatkannya. Dia berjuang berenang. "mungkin itu hanya rumput laut ..." pikirnya. Perlahan-lahan, dia ditempatkan kaki di permukaan. Air kedinginan dan itu masih. Hanya riak dibuat oleh kaki merah naik hood. Siluet tidak bergerak. "Ini terlihat ok. Mungkin aku bisa berenang ke pantai" Rin berbicara keras. Dia memiliki suar sedikit harapan. Perlahan lagi, dia meletakkan kaki seluruh ke kedalaman kolam. Naik hood terkejut pada seberapa dalam air. Luka di lututnya mulai menyengat saat ia dengan lembut meletakkan kakinya di. Air naik ke dadanya. Paksa, dia menarik kolam keruh belakangnya dan mulai bergerak. Dia memutuskan untuk tidak mendayung, meskipun dia akan lebih cepat mereka, karena dia takut apa yang di bawah dasar laut. Lantai danau memiliki potongan-potongan kaca yang tajam di atas pasir yang red riding hood mencoba untuk menghindari. Pasir akan menyapu pemotongan kalau Rin pergi ke cepat. Berjalan, dan berjalan, dia pikir dia berjalan satu mil setidaknya untuk berapa banyak kekuatan dia gunakan, tapi sebenarnya dia tidak terlalu jauh dari pulau berlumpur Rin pernah sebelum . Rin merasa berjalan atas bukit di mana bayangan itu. Tekstur adalah berbeda dengan apa itu sebelumnya. Rasanya hampir slimey. Sekarang ia memikirkan hal itu, air itu menurun. Atau dia ... naik? Apa yang disebut 'bukit' bukan bukit, tapi buaya hijau raksasa! Mata reptil tersebut tersentak terbuka, mengungkapkan marah, bola kuning yang menatap sedikit red riding hood. Rin menyadari bahwa ia sedang berdiri di hidung buaya. Itu pasti telah tidur! Matanya melotot hampir keluar dari rongganya, melakukan kontak dengan reptil. "Nice buaya" Rin tersenyum gugup. Tiba-tiba, binatang itu mengamuk dan membentak rahangnya berbahaya, menyebabkan Rin untuk terbang buaya. Dia mendarat, kepala pertama, dekat pantai tempat dia dulu. Cepat, dia bergegas ke dinding, sejauh dia bisa dari makhluk itu. Ini mata, bersinar dengan marah, melayang-layang di permukaan. Itu tubuhnya terendam ke dalam kegelapan. Menatap gadis itu, buaya tidak mematahkan kontak mata. Ini adalah akhir. Tidak ada harapan. Api yang membakar bahwa sekali dalam hatinya sekarang keluar. Pakaiannya, basah kuyup dengan air kotor, yang membuat Rin membekukan seperti es batu. Dia segera akan bergabung dengan buaya sebagai tanah dia pada, perlahan-lahan tenggelam. Rin menelan ludah. Kakinya gemetar dan matanya di ambang air mata. Jika ia mati di sini dan sekarang, ia ingin mahal untuk mengucapkan selamat tinggal. Terutama untuk Len. Dia ingin mengakui sesuatu yang dia disimpan di dalam untuk waktu yang lama sekarang. Dia mungkin tidak pernah mengatakan kepadanya sama sekali karena ini adalah akhir. "P-tolong, seseorang h-membantu saya ..." Rin memohon. Suaranya menjadi tipis dan cukup. Hidupnya perlahan menguras sebagai tangannya membiru. Len itu penentuan tapak sebelah pohon nya, menyelesaikan apel terakhir yang Rin memberinya. Dia melihat jam sakunya dan melihat itu 11:00. Rin akan dari yang disebut saat itu. Mungkin dia merindukan itu. Tidak, itu tidak bisa itu, ia penentuan tapak sebelah telepon selama ini. Dia benar-benar melihat ke depan untuk rin panggilan. Sebuah kerutan pecah wajahnya. Mungkin dia sedang sibuk ... Tapi meskipun demikian, ia masih akan mengatakan sesuatu meyakinkan dia bahwa dia baik-baik saja. Bahkan jika itu hanya untuk satu detik atau 2. Mungkin Rin sudah lupa ... Namun, Rin akan pernah melupakan temannya! Akan dia? Mungkin Rin ingin HIM meneleponnya sebagai gantinya. Serigala mengangkat telepon dan diale

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