The Power of Mom  Characters: Maryam: a single parent who live with he terjemahan - The Power of Mom  Characters: Maryam: a single parent who live with he Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

The Power of Mom Characters: Marya

The Power of Mom


Maryam: a single parent who live with her three daughters. She works as a servant in Professor fikri house to fund her family. She is kind and lovable.
Professor Fikri: a kind Professor who has two daughters.
Jojo: Maryam’s oldest daughter. She is a sMaryamt and wise girl.
Diah: Maryam’s second daughter. Actually she is adopted child. She is so egoist.
Shinta: Maryam’s youngest daughter. She is cute and lovable.
Tania: Professor’s first daughter. She is cruel but actually a kind person.
Rara: Professor’s second daughter. She is a friendly and kind.
Rasya: a very sick patient.
Mayra: patient’s sister. She loves her sister much and does anything to save her sister live.
Wiwik: a nurse
Maryam, a woman who has three daughters works as a servant in the Professor Fikri ’s family. Maryam has been left by her husband who wanted to Maryam a rich widow ten years ago. She struggles for herself and her daughters. She work very hard to make living and afford her daughters’ education, sometime she works in more than one place . She even does not care about her health that is becoming worst day after day. Finally, she is success to bring one of her daughter to study in the no.1 university in the country and successfully become a doctor. Unfortunately, Maryam passed away when her daughter just got her success.

Scene 1 (Maryam’s house)

In the living room, after having diner, Maryam and her daughter go to living room. Maryam is knitting, sinta is doing homework, while jojo and Diah are playing scrabble.

Shinta : “Mom, do you still remember my friend, Tony?”

Maryam : “Yes, I still remember him. He used to come here and pick you up, didn’t he? Why?”

Shinta : “emmm….. He changes….. I mean….”

Diah : “He is so measureable, what’s a pity!”

Maryam. : “Mom, so… what happened to him?”

Jojo : “Well sometimes this life is unpredictable. Everything can be changed. So does him.”

Sinta : “He…ah….drop out from school because he always absent. He seems like doesn’t care about his life, his education, and his future actually.”

Maryam. : (sigh) “I am sorry to hear that, but my children, you should know that your future is on your own hand. Study hard, reach your dream!”

Diah : “School makes me sick. We spend a lot of money for something can’t guarantee my future 100% perfect.”

Jojo : “What are you talking about?”

Diah : “It happens, Sist… It happens in this country.”

Maryam. : “Enough, daughters. Hm…There are so many people who work hard for their future for getting better future. Daughters, do you know Professor. Fikri?

Shinta : “Your boss? Why”

Maryam. : “hm…ehm… did you think he come from rich family? No dear. He was poor, just like us. Let me tell you about him. He had no parent when he was fifteen. Can you imagine what he felt at that time?”

Diah : “Is this important for us?”

Shinta : (look at Diah) “sssssttttt….”

Jojo : “Di! That is not the way how we talk to our mother.”
(Diah, Shinta, Jojo are silent)

Maryam. : “I think it’s better for you to look at his effort in reaching his dream, getting a better life just like now.”

Jojo : (Try to think what her mother have said)

Diah : (leaving the room without any comment)

Shinta : (just busy with her work)

Scene 2 (in the balcony of Professor’s house)

In the afternoon,as usual, Professor Fikri is reading a newspaper in the balcony. Then, Maryam bring him a cup of tea, just as usual.

Professor. : “Thank you!” (The Professor glances at Maryam) “Are you Ok? You look pale.”

Maryam. : “emmm…I’m ok.”

Professor. : “No, you are no ok. Have a seat please. Let’s have a talk!”
Professor and Maryam are silent)

Professor. : “It has been a long time I don’t see your daughters. Are the OK?“

Maryam. : “yes. They are ok, sir.”

Professor. : “Jojo will have final exam this year, right?”

Maryam. : “Yes, this is her last year in senior high school.”

Professor. : “She studies well, doesn’t she?”

Maryam : “yes. She always becomes the best student in her school.” (smiling. Her face show that she is very proud to jojo)

Professor : “What a great! She must be received in every best university in this country”

Maryam : (she bows her head, then turn to smile surly)

Professor :“What about your husband? Have he contacted you? Is there any news from him?

Maryam. : (silent, she is shocked by Professor’s question)
“Since he left me, ten years ago to marry that rich widow, he never contacts me or his daughter.”

Professor : “I’m really sorry for making you feel uncomfortable!”

Maryam : “that’s ok, Professor. I’m alright.”( Maryam smiles bitterly)

Professor :(give two books to Maryam). “Give thisred book to Jojo and the green one to Sinta. “ (he smiles)

Maryam :(receive those book). “Oh.. thank you sir. These are exercise books for National
Examination. it is new sir. It must be expensive. I cannot afford to buy it, sir”. give those book back to Professor.

Professor :” just take it. I buy it for them. Hopefully, these book can help your daughters to pass the Natinal Examination”.

From inside the house. Suddenly, Tania, Pofessor’ first daughter, screams loud calling Maryam.

Maryam :” oh, Tina is calling me. Excusme sir”

Professor :”yes, please”(Professor continue his reading, Maryam walks away)
Unfortunately, Mariam is late. Tania is coming to approach her in the balcony.

Tania : “Look !what you have done to my blouse. Look at this!” (Throws the dirty blouse to Maryam)

Maryam. : (silent. Confuses..)

Tania : “It is expensive, you know! You cannot afford it” push Maryam down.

Maryam. : “I am sorry Tania. I will try to make it better. I will repair it and clean. I will wash it again”

Tania : “heh…. (With mad face) just do the best! And remember, never do the same mistakes”

(By listening that noise, Rara, Professor’s second daughter, and Professor come to them)

Rara : “please, stop it sisy”. (Help maryam to stand).

Professor : Tania, can you decrease your high pitch voice?. (Professor is looked angry. Then, Tania goes away.)

Maryam. : (Maryam so sad. She walks to the washing room by bringing the blouse with her. Then, wash it again)
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Kekuatan ibu Karakter: Maryam: orangtua tunggal yang tinggal dengan tiga anak-anaknya perempuan. Dia bekerja sebagai pelayan dalam rumah Profesor fikri untuk mendanai keluarganya. Dia jenis dan dicintai.Profesor Fikri: seorang profesor jenis yang memiliki dua anak perempuan.Jojo: Maryam's anak perempuan tertua. Dia adalah sMaryamt dan gadis bijaksana.Diah: Maryam's kedua putri. Sebenarnya dia adalah anak angkat. Dia adalah begitu egois.Shinta: Maryam's putri bungsu. Dia lucu dan dicintai.Tania: Profesor Putri pertama. Dia kejam tetapi benar-benar orang yang baik.Rara: Profesor putri kedua. Dia adalah ramah dan jenis.Rasya: seorang pasien sangat sakit.Mayra: pasien adik. Dia mencintai adiknya banyak dan melakukan apa-apa untuk menyelamatkan adiknya hidup.Wiwik: perawatSinopsis:Maryam, seorang wanita yang memiliki tiga anak perempuan bekerja sebagai pelayan dalam keluarga Fikri profesor. Maryam telah diserahkan oleh suaminya yang menginginkan kepada Maryam yang kaya janda sepuluh tahun yang lalu. Dia berjuang untuk dirinya dan putrinya. Dia bekerja sangat keras untuk membuat hidup dan mampu pendidikan anaknya, kadang-kadang dia bekerja di lebih dari satu tempat. Dia bahkan tidak peduli tentang kesehatannya yang menjadi terburuk hari demi hari. Akhirnya, dia adalah sukses membawa salah satu putrinya untuk belajar di Universitas no.1 di negara dan berhasil menjadi dokter. Sayangnya, Maryam meninggal ketika putrinya hanya mendapat keberhasilannya. Adegan 1 (Maryam's rumah) Di ruang, setelah diner, Maryam dan putrinya pergi ke ruang tamu. Maryam adalah merajut, sinta melakukan pekerjaan rumah, sementara jojo dan Diah bermain scrabble. Shinta: "ibu, Apakah Anda masih ingat teman saya, Tony?" Maryam: "Ya, saya masih ingat dia. Ia digunakan untuk datang ke sini dan menjemput Anda, tidak dia? Kenapa?" Shinta: "emmm... Ia berubah... Maksudku..." Diah: "ia begitu diukur, apa sayang!" Maryam. : "Ibu, jadi... apa yang terjadi padanya?" Jojo: "Yah kadang-kadang hidup ini tak terduga. Semuanya dapat berubah. Begitu pula kepadanya." Sinta: "dia... ah... drop out dari sekolah karena ia selalu hadir. Dia tampaknya tidak peduli tentang hidupnya, pendidikan, dan masa depan sebenarnya. " Maryam. : (mendesah) "Aku menyesal mendengar itu, tetapi anak-anak saya, Anda harus tahu bahwa masa depan Anda adalah di tangan Anda sendiri. Belajar keras, mencapai impian Anda!" Diah: "sekolah membuat saya sakit. Kita menghabiskan banyak uang untuk sesuatu yang tidak dapat menjamin masa depan saya 100% sempurna." Jojo: "apa yang Anda berbicara tentang?" Diah: "itu terjadi, SIS... Itu terjadi di negara ini." Maryam. : "Cukup, putri. HM... Ada begitu banyak orang yang bekerja keras untuk masa depan mereka untuk mendapatkan lebih baik masa depan. Anak perempuan, Apakah Anda tahu profesor. Fikri? Shinta: "bos Anda? Mengapa" Maryam. : "hm... ehm... Apakah Anda berpikir dia datang dari keluarga kaya? Tidak sayang. Dia adalah miskin, sama seperti kita. Mari saya ceritakan tentang dirinya. Ia tidak ada orang tua ketika ia berumur lima belas tahun. Dapatkah Anda membayangkan apa yang ia merasa pada waktu itu?" Diah: "Apakah ini penting bagi kita?" Shinta: (Lihat Diah) "sssssttttt..." Jojo: "Di! Itu tidak cara kita berbicara dengan ibu kita."(Diah, Shinta dan Jojo yang diam) Maryam. : "Saya pikir lebih baik bagi Anda untuk melihat usahanya mencapai mimpinya, mendapatkan lebih baik hidup sama seperti sekarang." Jojo: (Mencoba untuk berpikir apa yang dikatakan ibunya) Diah: (meninggalkan ruangan tanpa komentar) Shinta: (hanya sibuk dengan pekerjaannya) Adegan 2 (di balkon Profesor rumah) Di sore hari, seperti biasa, Profesor Fikri adalah membaca koran di balkon. Kemudian, Maryam membawanya secangkir teh, hanya seperti biasa. Profesor. : "Terima kasih!" (Profesor melirik Maryam) "Apakah Anda Ok? Anda terlihat pucat." Maryam. : "emmm... I 'm ok." Profesor. : "Tidak, Anda adalah ok tidak. Memiliki kursi silakan. Mari kita harus bicara!"Profesor dan Maryam adalah diam) Profesor. : "Sudah lama saya tidak melihat anakmu. Apakah OK?" Maryam. : "ya. Mereka ok, sir. " Profesor. : "Jojo akan memiliki ujian akhir tahun ini, benar?" Maryam. : "Ya, ini adalah tahun terakhir di sekolah menengah." Profesor. : "Dia studi baik, tidak dia?" Maryam: "ya. Dia selalu menjadi siswa terbaik di sekolah." (tersenyum. Wajahnya menunjukkan bahwa dia sangat bangga jojo) Profesor: "apa yang besar! Dia harus menerima di setiap universitas terbaik di negeri ini" Maryam: (dia busur kepalanya, kemudian berbelok untuk tersenyum bermuka masam) Professor :“What about your husband? Have he contacted you? Is there any news from him? Maryam. : (silent, she is shocked by Professor’s question)“Since he left me, ten years ago to marry that rich widow, he never contacts me or his daughter.” Professor : “I’m really sorry for making you feel uncomfortable!” Maryam : “that’s ok, Professor. I’m alright.”( Maryam smiles bitterly) Professor :(give two books to Maryam). “Give thisred book to Jojo and the green one to Sinta. “ (he smiles) Maryam :(receive those book). “Oh.. thank you sir. These are exercise books for National Examination. it is new sir. It must be expensive. I cannot afford to buy it, sir”. give those book back to Professor. Professor :” just take it. I buy it for them. Hopefully, these book can help your daughters to pass the Natinal Examination”. From inside the house. Suddenly, Tania, Pofessor’ first daughter, screams loud calling Maryam. Maryam :” oh, Tina is calling me. Excusme sir” Professor :”yes, please”(Professor continue his reading, Maryam walks away)Unfortunately, Mariam is late. Tania is coming to approach her in the balcony. Tania : “Look !what you have done to my blouse. Look at this!” (Throws the dirty blouse to Maryam) Maryam. : (silent. Confuses..) Tania : “It is expensive, you know! You cannot afford it” push Maryam down. Maryam. : “I am sorry Tania. I will try to make it better. I will repair it and clean. I will wash it again” Tania : “heh…. (With mad face) just do the best! And remember, never do the same mistakes” (By listening that noise, Rara, Professor’s second daughter, and Professor come to them) Rara : “please, stop it sisy”. (Help maryam to stand). Professor : Tania, can you decrease your high pitch voice?. (Professor is looked angry. Then, Tania goes away.) Maryam. : (Maryam so sad. She walks to the washing room by bringing the blouse with her. Then, wash it again)Advertisement
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