Long Yuyin was deeply curious about Nie Li’s mysterious cultivation te terjemahan - Long Yuyin was deeply curious about Nie Li’s mysterious cultivation te Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Long Yuyin was deeply curious about

Long Yuyin was deeply curious about Nie Li’s mysterious cultivation technique and the Martial Dao intent that he grasped.

This was the Martial Dao realm that she’d never come in contact with before!

Long Yuyin was filled with admiration towards Nie Li.

After Nie Li asked her to start fighting for the Dragonseal Family’s Patriarch position, she sent the news to her father’s old subordinates. They’d probably return before long.

Long Yuyin raised her head to look at Nie Li.

Next on the list, he was supposed to help her open up her meridians. Nie Li removed a set of acupuncture needles from his interspatial ring.

Long Yuyin appeared nervous; her face looked like it was slightly boiling and her state of mind was a mess. After all, this was the first time she’d been alone with a boy in the room.

After Nie Li finished his preparations, he turned to Long Yuyin and said, “Take off your clothes.”

“What?” Long Yuyin cried out in shock.

“If you don’t take off your clothes, how am I supposed to put the needles in?” Nie Li said. As far as he was concerned, she was only a young girl; therefore, he wasn’t too bothered by it.

Long Yuyin’s face started boiling even more, all the way down to her neck. After a brief moment, she grit her teeth and slowly removed her dress. As the silk fell away, it revealed the smooth skin of her shoulders. A white bandage tightly bound her chest, but you could still see that astonishing curve, plump and full.

It was hard to imagine how they’d look once released.

She raised her head, snuck a glanced at him, and ground her teeth in hesitation. Since Nie Li still didn’t say anything else, she extended her hand to the white bandage on her chest.

“Hold on, that’s enough!” Nie Li immediately stopped her. He couldn’t help being drenched in sweat. This was good enough; he didn’t need any more to put the needles in. In fact, if she went any further, he wasn’t sure he’d be able to control the situation anymore.

Long Yuyin retracted her hands, but she was still nervous. Luckily, the bandage on her chest didn’t need to be removed. Otherwise, it’d be way too awkward.

Nie Li walked to her side and. Under the candlelight, her skin looked like smooth gemstone. She used a blue ribbon to tie her hair up into a bun, which added another kind of charm to her.

As Nie Li moved behind her, his gaze fell onto Long Yuyin’s pearly white neck. He took a long, thin needle and slowly pierced the skin in the middle of her spine, a little off to the side.

“En.” Long Yuyin couldn’t help letting out a moan. Under normal circumstances, she shouldn’t feel the pain from just this needle, especially with her Dragon Blood lineage. However, when Nie Li’s needle pierced her, Long Yuyin felt a strong pain circulate through her entire body. It felt like tens of thousands of ants biting her body.

After the pain came a warm current that flowed from her spinal column, which also circulated through her body and ended at her limbs.

What shocking energy!

Long Yuyin couldn’t quite wrap her head around the fact that such powerful energy was actually hidden within her bloodline.

Nie Li took the second needle and placed it in her spinal column.

Third needle, fourth needle, fifth needle…

Very quickly, there were dozens of needles poking out of Long Yuyin. Her skin was slightly blushed. The heavy sweat on her body made her seem as if she was boiling.

“I’ve already placed acupuncture needles in your important meridians. Your Blood Dragon lineage should be slowly awakening. Once it does, it’ll rush to all of your meridians. Concentrate on cultivating!” Nie Li said as he exhaled a mouthful of air. It was finally done.

Nie Li had used quite a bit of energy on Long Yuyin’s acupuncture. He looked at her, who was sitting cross-legged as she cultivated. Then he opened the door, walked out, and softly closed it behind him.

Suddenly a figure appeared beside Nie Li, which startled him. It was Xiao Yu.

“You frightened me. What combat ability did you us
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Long Yuyin was deeply curious about Nie Li’s mysterious cultivation technique and the Martial Dao intent that he grasped.This was the Martial Dao realm that she’d never come in contact with before!Long Yuyin was filled with admiration towards Nie Li.After Nie Li asked her to start fighting for the Dragonseal Family’s Patriarch position, she sent the news to her father’s old subordinates. They’d probably return before long.Long Yuyin raised her head to look at Nie Li.Next on the list, he was supposed to help her open up her meridians. Nie Li removed a set of acupuncture needles from his interspatial ring.Long Yuyin appeared nervous; her face looked like it was slightly boiling and her state of mind was a mess. After all, this was the first time she’d been alone with a boy in the room.After Nie Li finished his preparations, he turned to Long Yuyin and said, “Take off your clothes.”“What?” Long Yuyin cried out in shock.“If you don’t take off your clothes, how am I supposed to put the needles in?” Nie Li said. As far as he was concerned, she was only a young girl; therefore, he wasn’t too bothered by it.Long Yuyin’s face started boiling even more, all the way down to her neck. After a brief moment, she grit her teeth and slowly removed her dress. As the silk fell away, it revealed the smooth skin of her shoulders. A white bandage tightly bound her chest, but you could still see that astonishing curve, plump and full.It was hard to imagine how they’d look once released.She raised her head, snuck a glanced at him, and ground her teeth in hesitation. Since Nie Li still didn’t say anything else, she extended her hand to the white bandage on her chest.“Hold on, that’s enough!” Nie Li immediately stopped her. He couldn’t help being drenched in sweat. This was good enough; he didn’t need any more to put the needles in. In fact, if she went any further, he wasn’t sure he’d be able to control the situation anymore.Long Yuyin retracted her hands, but she was still nervous. Luckily, the bandage on her chest didn’t need to be removed. Otherwise, it’d be way too awkward.Nie Li walked to her side and. Under the candlelight, her skin looked like smooth gemstone. She used a blue ribbon to tie her hair up into a bun, which added another kind of charm to her.As Nie Li moved behind her, his gaze fell onto Long Yuyin’s pearly white neck. He took a long, thin needle and slowly pierced the skin in the middle of her spine, a little off to the side.“En.” Long Yuyin couldn’t help letting out a moan. Under normal circumstances, she shouldn’t feel the pain from just this needle, especially with her Dragon Blood lineage. However, when Nie Li’s needle pierced her, Long Yuyin felt a strong pain circulate through her entire body. It felt like tens of thousands of ants biting her body.After the pain came a warm current that flowed from her spinal column, which also circulated through her body and ended at her limbs.What shocking energy!Long Yuyin couldn’t quite wrap her head around the fact that such powerful energy was actually hidden within her bloodline.Nie Li took the second needle and placed it in her spinal column.Third needle, fourth needle, fifth needle…Very quickly, there were dozens of needles poking out of Long Yuyin. Her skin was slightly blushed. The heavy sweat on her body made her seem as if she was boiling.“I’ve already placed acupuncture needles in your important meridians. Your Blood Dragon lineage should be slowly awakening. Once it does, it’ll rush to all of your meridians. Concentrate on cultivating!” Nie Li said as he exhaled a mouthful of air. It was finally done.Nie Li had used quite a bit of energy on Long Yuyin’s acupuncture. He looked at her, who was sitting cross-legged as she cultivated. Then he opened the door, walked out, and softly closed it behind him.Suddenly a figure appeared beside Nie Li, which startled him. It was Xiao Yu.“You frightened me. What combat ability did you us
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Panjang Yuyin mengaku sangat ingin tahu tentang teknik budidaya misterius Nie Li dan Martial Dao maksud bahwa ia digenggam. Ini adalah ranah Martial Dao bahwa dia tidak pernah datang dalam kontak dengan sebelumnya! Lama Yuyin dipenuhi dengan kekaguman terhadap Nie Li. Setelah Nie Li memintanya untuk mulai berjuang untuk posisi Patriark yang Dragonseal Keluarga, ia mengirim berita kepada bawahan tua ayahnya. Mereka mungkin akan kembali sebelum lama. Panjang Yuyin mengangkat kepalanya untuk melihat Nie Li. Berikutnya dalam daftar, dia seharusnya membantunya membuka meridian nya. Nie Li dihapus satu set jarum akupunktur dari cincin interspatial nya. Panjang Yuyin muncul gugup; wajahnya tampak seperti itu sedikit mendidih dan negara pikirannya adalah kekacauan. Setelah semua, ini adalah pertama kalinya dia sendirian dengan anak di dalam ruangan. Setelah Nie Li selesai persiapannya, ia berpaling ke Long Yuyin dan berkata, "Lepaskan pakaian Anda." "Apa?" Panjang Yuyin berteriak shock. "Jika Anda tidak melepas pakaian Anda, bagaimana saya seharusnya untuk menempatkan jarum di?" kata Nie Li. Sejauh menyangkut dirinya, dia hanya seorang gadis muda; Oleh karena itu, ia tidak terlalu terganggu oleh itu. Wajah Panjang Yuyin mulai mendidih bahkan lebih, semua jalan ke lehernya. Setelah beberapa saat, ia menggertakkan giginya dan perlahan-lahan dihapus gaunnya. Seperti sutra jatuh pergi, itu mengungkapkan kulit halus dari bahunya. Sebuah perban putih terikat erat dadanya, tetapi Anda masih bisa melihat bahwa kurva menakjubkan, gemuk dan penuh. Sulit untuk membayangkan bagaimana mereka akan terlihat setelah dirilis. Dia mengangkat kepalanya, menyelinap melirik padanya, dan tanah giginya di keraguan. Sejak Nie Li masih tidak mengatakan apa-apa lagi, dia mengulurkan tangannya ke perban putih di dadanya. "Tunggu, itu sudah cukup!" Nie Li segera menghentikannya. Dia tidak bisa membantu yang bermandi keringat. Ini cukup baik; ia tidak perlu lagi untuk menempatkan jarum di. Bahkan, jika dia pergi lebih jauh, ia tidak yakin ia akan bisa mengendalikan situasi lagi. Panjang Yuyin ditarik tangannya, tapi dia masih gugup. Untungnya, perban di dadanya tidak perlu dihapus. Jika tidak, itu akan menjadi terlalu canggung. Nie Li berjalan ke sisinya dan. Di bawah cahaya lilin, kulitnya tampak seperti batu permata halus. Dia menggunakan pita biru untuk mengikat rambutnya menjadi sanggul, yang menambahkan jenis lain dari pesona nya. Sebagai Nie Li pindah belakangnya, pandangannya jatuh ke mutiara leher putih panjang Yuyin ini. Dia mengambil panjang, jarum tipis dan perlahan menembus kulit di tengah-tengah tulang punggungnya, sedikit ke samping. "En." Panjang Yuyin tidak bisa membantu membiarkan keluar erangan. Dalam keadaan normal, dia tidak harus merasakan sakit dari hanya jarum ini, terutama dengan dia keturunan Darah Naga. Namun, ketika jarum Nie Li menusuk dirinya, Long Yuyin merasakan rasa sakit yang kuat beredar melalui seluruh tubuhnya. Rasanya seperti puluhan ribu semut menggigit tubuhnya. Setelah rasa sakit datang arus hangat yang mengalir dari kolom tulang belakang, yang juga beredar melalui tubuh dan berakhir di tubuhnya. Apa yang mengejutkan energi! Panjang Yuyin tidak bisa cukup membungkus nya kepala di sekitar fakta bahwa energi yang kuat seperti itu sebenarnya tersembunyi di dalam garis keturunan nya. Nie Li mengambil jarum kedua dan ditempatkan di kolom tulang belakang. jarum Ketiga, jarum keempat, jarum kelima ... Sangat cepat, ada puluhan jarum mencuat dari panjang Yuyin. Kulitnya sedikit tersipu. Keringat berat pada tubuhnya membuatnya tampak seolah-olah dia mendidih. "Aku sudah ditempatkan jarum akupunktur di meridian penting Anda. Anda keturunan darah naga harus perlahan-lahan terbangun. Setelah itu terjadi, itu akan terburu-buru untuk semua meridian Anda. Berkonsentrasi pada budidaya! "Kata Nie Li sambil menghembuskan seteguk air. Itu akhirnya dilakukan. Nie Li telah menggunakan sedikit energi pada akupunktur panjang Yuyin ini. Dia menatapnya, yang duduk bersila sambil dibudidayakan. Lalu ia membuka pintu, berjalan keluar, dan lembut menutupnya. Tiba-tiba sebuah sosok muncul di samping Nie Li, yang mengejutkannya. Itu Xiao Yu. "Kau membuatku takut. Apa kemampuan tempur kan kami

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