The objective of this study was to interrogate the reasons teachers ar terjemahan - The objective of this study was to interrogate the reasons teachers ar Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

The objective of this study was to

The objective of this study was to interrogate the reasons teachers are attracted into and
remain in the teaching profession. Understanding the values that underlie their choice may
assist in better targeted attraction and improved retention outcomes. This study draws on
findings from electronic in-depth interviews with retired teachers over the age of 50 years and
an online survey of currently active teachers. The findings suggest that seven factors are most
influential in attracting and retaining teachers. Intrinsic reasons tend to dominate the reason
teachers are attracted into the profession; however, extrinsic factors such as the working
conditions and environment tend to dominate the retention factors. The factors that were most
influential in attracting teachers into the profession were their personal characteristics, the
school location, the perception that teaching was an unappealing profession and the availability
of alternative employment opportunities. The factors that were most influential for teacher
retention were predominantly related to the work environment and included the working and
school conditions as well as the curriculum and extraneous demands (such as administrative
duties) that are placed on teachers. Understanding this split in the attraction and retention
drivers provides the opportunity to develop specifically targeted strategies. As has already been established in other industry sectors, those organisations that are best able will employ
strategies that attract, retain and motivate talent and become employers of choice (Armstrong &
Murlis, 2004). The school sector also has this opportunity if it proceeds to implement strategies which target the above factors.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menginterogasi alasan guru tertarik ke dantetap dalam profesi mengajar. Memahami nilai yang mendasari pilihan mereka mungkinmembantu lebih bertarget ketertarikan dan retensi meningkatkan hasil. Studi ini menarik padatemuan dari wawancara mendalam elektronik dengan pensiunan guru berusia di atas 50 tahun dansurvei online guru sedang aktif. Temuan menunjukkan bahwa tujuh faktor palingberpengaruh dalam menarik dan mempertahankan guru. Alasan intrinsik cenderung mendominasi alasanguru tertarik ke profesi; Namun, faktor-faktor extrinsic seperti kerjakondisi dan lingkungan cenderung mendominasi faktor retensi. Faktor-faktor yang yang palingberpengaruh dalam menarik guru ke profesi yang Karakteristik pribadi mereka,lokasi sekolah, persepsi bahwa mengajar adalah profesi yang menarik dan ketersediaankesempatan kerja alternatif. Faktor yang paling berpengaruh bagi gururetensi yang didominasi berkaitan dengan lingkungan kerja dan termasuk kerja dankondisi sekolah serta kurikulum dan tuntutan asing (seperti administrasitugas) yang ditempatkan pada guru. Pemahaman ini terbelah ketertarikan dan retensidriver menyediakan kesempatan untuk mengembangkan secara khusus ditargetkan strategi. Seperti yang telah ditetapkan di sektor industri lainnya, organisasi-organisasi yang terbaik dapat akan mempekerjakanstrategies that attract, retain and motivate talent and become employers of choice (Armstrong &Murlis, 2004). The school sector also has this opportunity if it proceeds to implement strategies which target the above factors.
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