4: Wade through the water channel and jump up onto the cliffs at the e terjemahan - 4: Wade through the water channel and jump up onto the cliffs at the e Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

4: Wade through the water channel a

4: Wade through the water channel and jump up onto the cliffs at the end
5: Enter the cave behind the waterfall
6: Defeat Jagon
7: Enter the green portal and talk with Laiken
Reward: 1 (1500xp, 240g)

Lost Soul [VSLLS]
Received From: Lord Lovis
Location: Lovis' Tower
1: Continue through the main plot until completing 'Dragon No More'
2: Loot Lovis' Soul Stone off of Amdusias
3: Return to Lovis (this will cause you to fail 'In Cold Blood')
Reward: 1650xp, 360g + 1 (360g, 3 magical items, 1 other)
Bonus: Unlocks the chest to the left, which contains legendary quality armour

In Cold Blood [VSICB]
Received From: Abalam
Location: Wandering the dormitory in Maxos' Temple
1: Continue through the main plot until completing 'Dragon No More'
2: Loot Lovis' Soul Stone off of Amdusias
3: Use the soul stone from the quests tab in your inventory
-this will cause you to fail 'Lost Soul'
4: Return to Abalam
-He does not have a question mark over his head, so search carefully
Reward: 1 (1650xp, 360g)

* *
* *

Along with a new area comes the customary bump in difficulty. Thankfully, the
dragon elves aren't that hard and they're plentiful enough to give you a quick
couple of levels, where they become downright easy. Sentinel Island isn't very
long, but the experience rewards are fantastic. If you haven't been leveling
lockpicking yet, now might be a good time to start. You can have it maxed out
before you finish the island, allowing you to claim all the lost loot you left
behind in Broken Valley. If you've been pumping your wisdom and mind read
skills, you might want to focus on combat skills now instead. The battle at
the end of this area can be quite difficult if you're unprepared. Use the
difficulty of the bandits leading up to the tower to gauge whether you're
going to be capable of lasting through a difficult fight.

Vacca's Cave ..................... [SLDVC]
Laiken's Study ................... [SLLLS]
Bandit Barracks .................. [SLTBB]
Battle Tower ..................... [SLLBT]

Main Quests:
The Prophecy ..................... [SQITP]
Sparring Partner ................. [SQTSP]
Enchanted I'm sure ............... [SQEIS]
The Gardener ..................... [SQATG]
Caught Undead .................... [SQNCU]
Man Overboard .................... [SQHMO]
Candles in the Wind .............. [SQCIW]
The Second Coming ................ [SQTSC]
Breaking an Entry ................ [SQBAE]
What's in a Name? ................ [SQWIN]
Laiken in his Lair ............... [SQLIL]

Side Quests:
From Soup To Nuts ................ [SSSTN]
The Old Ghost and the Sea ........ [SSOGS]
Ghostbuster ...................... [WYGC?]
Legend of the Ancient Mariner .... [SSLAM]
The Writing on the Whale ......... [SSWOW]
Sibling Rivalry .................. [SSHSR]
Dari: -
Ke: -
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
4: Wade through the water channel and jump up onto the cliffs at the end5: Enter the cave behind the waterfall6: Defeat Jagon7: Enter the green portal and talk with LaikenReward: 1 (1500xp, 240g)Lost Soul [VSLLS]---------Received From: Lord LovisLocation: Lovis' Tower1: Continue through the main plot until completing 'Dragon No More'2: Loot Lovis' Soul Stone off of Amdusias3: Return to Lovis (this will cause you to fail 'In Cold Blood')Reward: 1650xp, 360g + 1 (360g, 3 magical items, 1 other)Bonus: Unlocks the chest to the left, which contains legendary quality armourIn Cold Blood [VSICB]-------------Received From: AbalamLocation: Wandering the dormitory in Maxos' Temple1: Continue through the main plot until completing 'Dragon No More'2: Loot Lovis' Soul Stone off of Amdusias3: Use the soul stone from the quests tab in your inventory-this will cause you to fail 'Lost Soul'4: Return to Abalam-He does not have a question mark over his head, so search carefullyReward: 1 (1650xp, 360g) ******************************************************************** * * * VII. SENTINEL ISLAND * * * ********************************************************************Along with a new area comes the customary bump in difficulty. Thankfully, thedragon elves aren't that hard and they're plentiful enough to give you a quickcouple of levels, where they become downright easy. Sentinel Island isn't verylong, but the experience rewards are fantastic. If you haven't been levelinglockpicking yet, now might be a good time to start. You can have it maxed outbefore you finish the island, allowing you to claim all the lost loot you leftbehind in Broken Valley. If you've been pumping your wisdom and mind readskills, you might want to focus on combat skills now instead. The battle atthe end of this area can be quite difficult if you're unprepared. Use thedifficulty of the bandits leading up to the tower to gauge whether you'regoing to be capable of lasting through a difficult fight.Locations:Vacca's Cave ..................... [SLDVC]Laiken's Study ................... [SLLLS]Bandit Barracks .................. [SLTBB]Battle Tower ..................... [SLLBT]Main Quests:The Prophecy ..................... [SQITP]Sparring Partner ................. [SQTSP]Enchanted I'm sure ............... [SQEIS]The Gardener ..................... [SQATG]Caught Undead .................... [SQNCU]Man Overboard .................... [SQHMO]Candles in the Wind .............. [SQCIW]The Second Coming ................ [SQTSC]Breaking an Entry ................ [SQBAE]What's in a Name? ................ [SQWIN]Laiken in his Lair ............... [SQLIL]Side Quests:From Soup To Nuts ................ [SSSTN]The Old Ghost and the Sea ........ [SSOGS]Ghostbuster ...................... [WYGC?]Legend of the Ancient Mariner .... [SSLAM]The Writing on the Whale ......... [SSWOW]Sibling Rivalry .................. [SSHSR]
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
4: Wade melalui saluran air dan melompat ke tebing di ujung
5: Masukkan gua di balik air terjun
6: Kekalahan Jagon
7: Masukkan portal hijau dan berbicara dengan Laiken
Reward: 1 (1500xp, 240g)

Kehilangan Jiwa [VSLLS ]
Diterima dari: Tuhan Lovis
Lokasi: Lovis 'Menara
1: Lanjutkan melalui plot utama sampai menyelesaikan' Naga No More '
2: Loot Lovis' Soul Batu off dari Amdusias
3: Kembali ke Lovis ( ini akan menyebabkan Anda gagal 'In Cold Blood')
Reward: 1650xp, 360g + 1 (360g, 3 item magis, 1 lainnya)
Bonus: Membuka dada di sebelah kiri, yang berisi baju besi kualitas legendaris

In Cold Blood [VSICB]
- ------------
Diterima dari: Abalam
Lokasi: Wandering asrama di Maxos 'Temple
1: Lanjutkan melalui plot utama sampai menyelesaikan' Naga No More '
2: Loot Lovis' Soul Batu off dari Amdusias
3 : Gunakan batu jiwa dari tab pencarian di inventory
-ini akan menyebabkan Anda gagal 'Hilang jiwa'
4: Kembali ke Abalam
-Dia tidak memiliki tanda tanya di atas kepalanya, sehingga pencarian hati-hati
Reward: 1 (1650xp, 360g )

************************************************* *******************
* *
* *
********************************************* ***********************

Seiring dengan daerah baru datang benjolan adat dalam kesulitan. Untungnya,
elf naga tidak sulit dan mereka cukup berlimpah untuk memberikan cepat
beberapa tingkat, di mana mereka menjadi benar-benar mudah. Sentinel Pulau ini tidak terlalu
panjang, tapi pengalaman imbalan fantastis. Jika Anda belum meratakan
lockpicking belum, sekarang mungkin saat yang tepat untuk memulai. Anda dapat memilikinya maxed out
sebelum Anda selesai pulau, yang memungkinkan Anda untuk mengklaim semua harta yang hilang Anda meninggalkan
di belakang di Broken Loire. Jika Anda telah memompa kebijaksanaan dan pikiran membaca
keterampilan, Anda mungkin ingin fokus pada keterampilan tempur sekarang sebagai gantinya. Pertempuran di
akhir daerah ini bisa sangat sulit jika Anda tidak siap. Gunakan
kesulitan bandit yang mengarah ke menara untuk mengukur apakah Anda
akan mampu berlangsung melalui pertarungan yang sulit.

Vacca Gua .................. ... [SLDVC]
Studi Laiken ini ................... [SLLLS]
Bandit Barracks .................. [SLTBB]
Battle Tower ..................... [SLLBT]

Main Quests:
Nubuat The ................ ..... [SQITP]
Perdebatan Rekanan ................. [SQTSP]
Enchanted saya yakin ............... [SQEIS]
The Gardener ..................... [SQATG]
Tertangkap Mati ................... . [SQNCU]
Man Overboard .................... [SQHMO]
Candles in the Wind .............. [SQCIW]
Kedatangan Kedua ................ [SQTSC]
Melanggar entri ................ [SQBAE]
Apa Arti sebuah Nama? ................ [SQWIN]
Laiken di Lair nya ............... [SQLIL]

Side Quests:
Dari Soup To Nuts .. .............. [SSSTN]
The Old Ghost dan Laut ........ [SSOGS]
Ghostbuster ............... ....... [WYGC?]
Legend of Ancient Mariner .... [SSLAM]
Penulisan dari Paus ......... [SSWOW]
sibling Rivalry ........ .......... [SSHSR]
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Bahasa lainnya
Dukungan alat penerjemahan: Afrikans, Albania, Amhara, Arab, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bahasa Indonesia, Basque, Belanda, Belarussia, Bengali, Bosnia, Bulgaria, Burma, Cebuano, Ceko, Chichewa, China, Cina Tradisional, Denmark, Deteksi bahasa, Esperanto, Estonia, Farsi, Finlandia, Frisia, Gaelig, Gaelik Skotlandia, Galisia, Georgia, Gujarati, Hausa, Hawaii, Hindi, Hmong, Ibrani, Igbo, Inggris, Islan, Italia, Jawa, Jepang, Jerman, Kannada, Katala, Kazak, Khmer, Kinyarwanda, Kirghiz, Klingon, Korea, Korsika, Kreol Haiti, Kroat, Kurdi, Laos, Latin, Latvia, Lituania, Luksemburg, Magyar, Makedonia, Malagasi, Malayalam, Malta, Maori, Marathi, Melayu, Mongol, Nepal, Norsk, Odia (Oriya), Pashto, Polandia, Portugis, Prancis, Punjabi, Rumania, Rusia, Samoa, Serb, Sesotho, Shona, Sindhi, Sinhala, Slovakia, Slovenia, Somali, Spanyol, Sunda, Swahili, Swensk, Tagalog, Tajik, Tamil, Tatar, Telugu, Thai, Turki, Turkmen, Ukraina, Urdu, Uyghur, Uzbek, Vietnam, Wales, Xhosa, Yiddi, Yoruba, Yunani, Zulu, Bahasa terjemahan.

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