Everyone started to walk towards palace... Jalal had to walk with all  terjemahan - Everyone started to walk towards palace... Jalal had to walk with all  Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Everyone started to walk towards pa

Everyone started to walk towards palace... Jalal had to walk with all Kings and Royal administrators... He desperately wanted to see Jodha so he called out Abdul and gave him message for Jodha to come to the place in ten minutes where they had sword fight two hours ago...
Abdul gave message to Jodha begum... Jodha was also despairing to meet him...
Jalal went up to the terrace and started waiting for her impatiently ... he was feeling exceptionally pleased on Jodha... The way she encouraged and advised him and changed his mind ... He was so touched by her intelligence, politically and personally both... She proved her selfless and divine nature again...
He heard running sound of her payal... she stopped at the door and skimmed through the terrace... She saw him standing... Jalal opened his hand to take her in his arms... Jodha ran towards him with cheerful excitement...she almost jumped on him to hide herself in his broad shoulders...They both were crushing and squishing each other with passion for more than minute...
Jodha in thrilling tone... Shenshah... I am feeling out of this world... You are the best warrior in entire world... I am feeling like a queen of the world... I can't tell you in words... You are the dream man I have always wished for... Whenever I read prithvi raj raso, I have wished for strong great warrior husband like him... I am feeling so protected, secured and safe in your arms... I want to scream out loud that I am the luckiest women whose husband is so brave... and I am queen of his heart... and then in sensual tone she said... Jalal ... I love you... I love you more than life... I can't stay away from you for a second... Please complete me with your love... I want to melt in your breath...in your arms...in YOU
Hearing Jodha's obsessive interest... Jalal squished her deeper... and in his sensual tone he said... Jodha you are my life... I breathe through your beats... your love completes me... You are the women behind my success... Your love has taught me how to be a good human being... You amuse me always... when you asked me today to show my strength... when I saw a fire in your eyes... I forgot everything... You have power to hypnotize Jalalludin Mohammad... At first I didn't want to show my talent just for you so you don't lose... At that time I was only lover... I forgot that I was shenshah for a while... but when I saw a fire in your eyes for my winning... I forgot everything... Jodha I can't tell you in words what you mean in my life...
He loosed his grip... and with his fingers tilted her face upwards and slowly he kissed on her forehead... she closed her eyes to feel his soft touch... He kissed on her eyes... followed by her cheeks... he looked at her quivering lips waiting for his touch... He slowly touched her lips with his... and with his one hand took off her nose ring... he softly ran his finger on her face... both of them were looking at each other with deep passion... He could feel her body straining towards him... She was completely ready to surrender herself...
He loosened his grip... and with his fingers tilted her face upwards and slowly he kissed on her forehead... she closed her eyes to feel his soft touch... He kissed on her eyes... followed by her cheeks... he looked at her quivering lips waiting for his touch... He slowly touched her lips with his... and with his one hand took off her nose ring... he softly ran his finger on her face... both of them were looking at each other with deep passion...
Suddenly her restrained desires came out with deep fervor... She whispered in low tone ... Jalal... I feel like biting you so hard that you cry in pain...
Jalal with smirk... Junglee billi, don't awake the monster in me... I will not spare you if you bite me...
Jodha in sensual low tone came near his ear and whispered... I love the monster in you... I don't want to be spared any longer... She encircled her hands on his neck... She bit softly on his earlobe... then smooched on his neck... While kissing her body strained towards him more and more... she didn't want to leave even breathing space between them... Jalal you have ignited flames inside me...
Jalal cupped her face and lift her face to see the intense aspiration in her eyes... Today her eyes, her shyful eyes were looking at him with deep desire for him. Jalal saw this passion in her eyes for the first time since he came to Amer... Jalal in whisper with his witty game asked her... tell me more Jodha... why you want me? I want to hear what you want... His eyes gleamed with passion...
Jodha blushed ...and repeated sensually "why I want you?" Hmmm... in low tone she said... Jalal you are so eye-catching, strikingly attractive... I can't define it words... but I love your angry passionate eyes... Magnetism in your eyes always makes me vulnerable and crazy for you... do you even know how effective your eyes are... without saying a word you can threaten people... your one passionate look can make any woman crazy and insane for you ... even when you make love to me your eyes have angry passion and deep desire in them... When you go crazy in my yearning I feel like I am in heaven... When I see you smirk with passion ... you make me desperate for your touch... I can't control my desire any longer Jalal... With heavy breath she said...Before my brain starts to work... Jalal get inside me, I want you to be burn up in my blaze... I want you now...
Jalal was awestruck ... She was completely ready to surrender herself... before she says another word...he crushed her lips with his with intense smooch... He carried her in his arms while kissing and took her inside her play room... and put her on bed ruthlessly... and took off his shenshahi robe, jewelry, and kurta in seconds...he jumped on her like a hungry tiger... he started to smooch on every part of her body... she moaned... ohhh...Jalal... I love these hairs on your chest...they make you sexier... her dirty sensual talk was making him more and more wild... He whispered Jodha your talk has ignited fire in me... without even doing anything I am stimulated completely ... While breathing hard with instructive tone he said...don't say a word junglee billi otherwise I will not control to even enjoy our precious intimacy after long separation... Jalal struggled to control his quick erotic desire... he crushed her in his arms cruelly to suppress his fire... After a few seconds he was able to control himself... he broke his hug and looked at her with smirk... he started to untie her hair... took off her necklace... earrings and nose ring... then he pulled her chunni out with little jerk... He moved her wavy shiny curly hairs which came in front of her face ... and slowly started kissing on her lips... While kissing he started to rub her breast with one hand... He squished little harshly on her breast... with sudden harshness... she moaned in pain... her mouth opened up a little more and he glided his tongue inside to taste her... He slid his hand under and behind her to open her blouse laces... Jodha was completely lost in his deep passionate kiss... their tongues played for long... both dominating each other in kiss... He slowly opened the bottom knot of her blouse... Suddenly Jodha realized it... she pushed him a little and turned to the other side... He pulled her closer to him hugging her from back... His hands were on her little waist... His hands moved on her belly sensually like a feather touching... while biting softly on her earlobes... she was shivering with desire... Her entire body was screaming out loud for more... he slid his hands under her blouse and squished her nipples... She moaned loudly... "Jalal, what you doing?" He smirked and with jerk moved her towards him... and swiftly pulled her blouse up... and next second he started licking her nipple softly ... watery soft sensation was sending million sparks... He cupped her perfect size freshly ripe breast in his hand...then he moved up a little and while rubbing her he whispered... You are soft like butter... I can't get enough of you... when you are ready for more whisper in my ear... Jodha opened her eyes with murmur...
I can't take any more your sweet painful torture... I want more and lots more... Jalal kissed her and unknot her chaniya...
Sound of door opening came from outside...
Jodha whispered in very low sound... Jalal I think someone came on terrace...
Jalal ignoring her No ...it's just the wind...
Jodha looked at him with frown on her face... and with little loud sound said... Jalal I am sure someone came on terrace... I have heard clearly...
Jalal with frustrating look... Jodha door and windows are close and locked... No one will be able to see us...
Jodha with blush and requesting sound please go check ...She pointed towards the corner window...
Jalal swiftly kissed on her lips and with sarcastic tone said you know Jodha you should received award for ruining perfect romantic moment...
Jodha with gave him smirk to annoy him more...
While getting up... he murmurs... you want to smirk... hmmm... I won't spare you Junglee billi...
He got up and opened corner window slightly ... His eyes caught on frustrated Surya... He is walking back and forth...
Jalal whisper... What is Surya doing here? His sounded more dubious than he intended...
Dari: -
Ke: -
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Semua orang mulai berjalan menuju istana... Jalal harus berjalan dengan semua administrator raja dan Royal... Dia sangat ingin melihat Jodha jadi dia memanggil Abdul dan memberinya pesan untuk Jodha untuk datang ke tempat yang dalam sepuluh menit di mana mereka memiliki pedang melawan dua jam yang lalu... Abdul memberikan pesan kepada Jodha begum... Jodha juga putus asa untuk bertemu dengannya... Jalal naik ke teras dan mulai menunggu untuk dia sabar... ia merasa sangat senang pada Jodha... Cara dia didorong dan menyarankan dia dan berubah pikiran... Dia begitu tersentuh oleh kepintaran, secara politik dan secara pribadi baik... Dia membuktikan dia tanpa pamrih dan ilahi alam lagi... Ia mendengar menjalankan suara Nya Zulfan... Dia berhenti di pintu dan membalik teras... Dia melihat dia berdiri... Jalal membuka tangan-Nya untuk membawanya dalam pelukannya... Jodha berlari ke arahnya dengan ceria kegembiraan... dia hampir melompat pada dirinya untuk menyembunyikan dirinya di bahunya yang lebar...Mereka telah menghancurkan maupun pemampatan satu sama lain dengan semangat untuk lebih satu menit... Jodha mendebarkan nada... Shenshah... Saya merasa keluar dari dunia ini... Anda adalah prajurit terbaik di seluruh dunia... Aku merasa seperti Ratu dunia... Aku tidak bisa memberitahu Anda dalam kata-kata... Anda adalah laki-laki impian saya selalu berharap untuk... Setiap kali saya membaca prithvi raj raso, aku berharap untuk kuat pejuang yang hebat suami seperti dia... Aku merasa begitu dilindungi, aman dan aman di lengan... Aku ingin menjerit keras bahwa saya adalah wanita paling beruntung yang suaminya begitu berani... dan aku Ratu hatinya... dan kemudian sensual nada ia berkata... Jalal... Aku cinta kamu... Saya suka Anda lebih dari kehidupan... Saya tidak bisa tinggal jauh dari Anda untuk kedua... Silahkan melengkapi saya dengan cinta... Saya ingin meleleh di napas... di lengan Anda di Anda...Bunga obsesif pendengaran Jodha... Jalal squished dia lebih... dan nada nya sensual katanya... Jodha kau adalah hidupku... Aku bernapas melalui ketukan Anda... cinta Anda selesai saya... Anda adalah wanita di balik kesuksesan saya... Cinta Anda telah mengajarkan saya bagaimana menjadi manusia baik... Anda menghibur saya selalu... ketika Anda meminta saya hari ini untuk menunjukkan kekuatan... ketika saya melihat api di mata Anda... Saya lupa semuanya... Anda memiliki kekuatan untuk menghipnotis Jalalludin Mohammad... Pada awalnya saya tidak ingin menunjukkan bakat saya hanya untuk Anda sehingga Anda tidak kehilangan... Pada waktu itu saya adalah kekasih hanya... Aku lupa bahwa aku shenshah untuk sementara... tapi ketika aku melihat api di mata Anda untuk memenangkan saya... Saya lupa semuanya... Jodha I cant memberitahu Anda dalam kata-kata apa yang Anda maksudkan dalam hidup saya... He loosed his grip... and with his fingers tilted her face upwards and slowly he kissed on her forehead... she closed her eyes to feel his soft touch... He kissed on her eyes... followed by her cheeks... he looked at her quivering lips waiting for his touch... He slowly touched her lips with his... and with his one hand took off her nose ring... he softly ran his finger on her face... both of them were looking at each other with deep passion... He could feel her body straining towards him... She was completely ready to surrender herself...He loosened his grip... and with his fingers tilted her face upwards and slowly he kissed on her forehead... she closed her eyes to feel his soft touch... He kissed on her eyes... followed by her cheeks... he looked at her quivering lips waiting for his touch... He slowly touched her lips with his... and with his one hand took off her nose ring... he softly ran his finger on her face... both of them were looking at each other with deep passion... Suddenly her restrained desires came out with deep fervor... She whispered in low tone ... Jalal... I feel like biting you so hard that you cry in pain... Jalal with smirk... Junglee billi, don't awake the monster in me... I will not spare you if you bite me... Jodha sensual rendah nada datang dekat telinga dan berbisik... Saya suka rakasa di Anda... Aku tidak ingin terhindar lagi... Dia dikelilingi tangannya di lehernya... Dia sedikit lembut pada daun telinga nya... kemudian smooched di lehernya... Saat berciuman tubuhnya tegang ke arahnya lebih dan lebih... dia tidak ingin meninggalkan bahkan pernapasan ruang antara mereka... Jalal Anda harus dinyalakan api di dalam diriku... Jalal menangkupkan wajahnya dan mengangkat wajahnya untuk melihat aspirasi intens di matanya... Hari matanya, matanya shyful sedang kepadanya dengan hasrat mendalam baginya. Jalal melihat semangat ini di matanya untuk pertama kalinya sejak ia datang ke Amer... Jalal di whisper dengan nya cerdas permainan diajukan her... ceritakan lebih Jodha... kenapa kau ingin aku? Saya ingin mendengar apa yang Anda inginkan... Matanya yang berkilau dengan semangat...Jodha tersipu.. .dan diulang sensual "Mengapa saya ingin Anda?" Hmmm... nada rendah katanya... Jalal Anda jadi eye-catching, mencolok menarik... Saya tidak bisa mendefinisikan kata-kata... tapi aku suka mata bergairah marah... Magnetisme di mata Anda selalu membuat saya rentan dan gila untuk Anda... Apakah Anda tahu bagaimana efektif mata Anda adalah... tanpa mengatakan kata-kata Anda dapat mengancam orang... Anda terlihat bersemangat yang satu dapat membuat setiap wanita gila dan gila bagi Anda... bahkan ketika Anda membuat senang saya mata Anda memiliki gairah marah dan keinginan di dalamnya... Ketika Anda pergi gila di kerinduan saya aku merasa seperti aku berada di surga... Ketika saya melihat Anda menyeringai dengan semangat... kau membuatku putus asa untuk sentuhan Anda... Aku tidak bisa mengendalikan keinginan saya Jalal apapun lagi... Dengan napas berat katanya...Sebelum Otakku mulai bekerja... Jalal mendapatkan dalam diriku, aku ingin kau akan membakar dalam kobaran api saya... Saya ingin Anda sekarang...Jalal was awestruck ... She was completely ready to surrender herself... before she says another word...he crushed her lips with his with intense smooch... He carried her in his arms while kissing and took her inside her play room... and put her on bed ruthlessly... and took off his shenshahi robe, jewelry, and kurta in seconds...he jumped on her like a hungry tiger... he started to smooch on every part of her body... she moaned... ohhh...Jalal... I love these hairs on your chest...they make you sexier... her dirty sensual talk was making him more and more wild... He whispered Jodha your talk has ignited fire in me... without even doing anything I am stimulated completely ... While breathing hard with instructive tone he said...don't say a word junglee billi otherwise I will not control to even enjoy our precious intimacy after long separation... Jalal struggled to control his quick erotic desire... he crushed her in his arms cruelly to suppress his fire... After a few seconds he was able to control himself... he broke his hug and looked at her with smirk... he started to untie her hair... took off her necklace... earrings and nose ring... then he pulled her chunni out with little jerk... He moved her wavy shiny curly hairs which came in front of her face ... and slowly started kissing on her lips... While kissing he started to rub her breast with one hand... He squished little harshly on her breast... with sudden harshness... she moaned in pain... her mouth opened up a little more and he glided his tongue inside to taste her... He slid his hand under and behind her to open her blouse laces... Jodha was completely lost in his deep passionate kiss... their tongues played for long... both dominating each other in kiss... He slowly opened the bottom knot of her blouse... Suddenly Jodha realized it... she pushed him a little and turned to the other side... He pulled her closer to him hugging her from back... His hands were on her little waist... His hands moved on her belly sensually like a feather touching... while biting softly on her earlobes... she was shivering with desire... Her entire body was screaming out loud for more... he slid his hands under her blouse and squished her nipples... She moaned loudly... "Jalal, what you doing?" He smirked and with jerk moved her towards him... and swiftly pulled her blouse up... and next second he started licking her nipple softly ... watery soft sensation was sending million sparks... He cupped her perfect size freshly ripe breast in his hand...then he moved up a little and while rubbing her he whispered... You are soft like butter... I can't get enough of you... when you are ready for more whisper in my ear... Jodha opened her eyes with murmur... Aku tidak bisa mengambil lagi penyiksaan menyakitkan Anda manis... Saya ingin lebih dan banyak lagi... Jalal menciumnya dan unknot chaniya nya... Suara pintu pembukaan berasal dari luar... Jodha berbisik suara sangat rendah... Jalal saya pikir seseorang datang di teras... Jalal mengabaikan nya tidak... itu adalah hanya angin... Jodha memandangnya dengan kerutan di wajahnya... dan dengan sedikit suara keras mengatakan... Jalal saya yakin seseorang datang di teras... Aku telah mendengar dengan jelas... Jalal dengan tampilan frustrasi... Jodha pintu dan jendela yang dekat dan terkunci... Tak seorang pun akan dapat melihat kami... Jodha dengan blush dan meminta suara, silakan pergi check...Dia menunjuk ke arah sudut jendela... Jalal cepat mencium di bibirnya dan dengan nada sinis mengatakan Anda tahu Jodha Anda harus menerima penghargaan untuk merusak saat romantis yang sempurna... Jodha dengan memberinya seringai mengganggu lebih... Sementara mendapatkan up... ia merenungkan itu... ingin menyeringai... hmmm... Aku tidak akan menyayangkan kamu Junglee billi... Dia bangun dan membuka jendela sudut sedikit... Matanya tertangkap pada Surya frustrasi... Dia berjalan mundur... Jalal bisikan... Apa Surya lakukan di sini? Nya terdengar lebih meragukan daripada ia bermaksud...
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Everyone started to walk towards palace... Jalal had to walk with all Kings and Royal administrators... He desperately wanted to see Jodha so he called out Abdul and gave him message for Jodha to come to the place in ten minutes where they had sword fight two hours ago...
Abdul gave message to Jodha begum... Jodha was also despairing to meet him...
Jalal went up to the terrace and started waiting for her impatiently ... he was feeling exceptionally pleased on Jodha... The way she encouraged and advised him and changed his mind ... He was so touched by her intelligence, politically and personally both... She proved her selfless and divine nature again...
He heard running sound of her payal... she stopped at the door and skimmed through the terrace... She saw him standing... Jalal opened his hand to take her in his arms... Jodha ran towards him with cheerful excitement...she almost jumped on him to hide herself in his broad shoulders...They both were crushing and squishing each other with passion for more than minute...
Jodha in thrilling tone... Shenshah... I am feeling out of this world... You are the best warrior in entire world... I am feeling like a queen of the world... I can't tell you in words... You are the dream man I have always wished for... Whenever I read prithvi raj raso, I have wished for strong great warrior husband like him... I am feeling so protected, secured and safe in your arms... I want to scream out loud that I am the luckiest women whose husband is so brave... and I am queen of his heart... and then in sensual tone she said... Jalal ... I love you... I love you more than life... I can't stay away from you for a second... Please complete me with your love... I want to melt in your breath...in your arms...in YOU
Hearing Jodha's obsessive interest... Jalal squished her deeper... and in his sensual tone he said... Jodha you are my life... I breathe through your beats... your love completes me... You are the women behind my success... Your love has taught me how to be a good human being... You amuse me always... when you asked me today to show my strength... when I saw a fire in your eyes... I forgot everything... You have power to hypnotize Jalalludin Mohammad... At first I didn't want to show my talent just for you so you don't lose... At that time I was only lover... I forgot that I was shenshah for a while... but when I saw a fire in your eyes for my winning... I forgot everything... Jodha I can't tell you in words what you mean in my life...
He loosed his grip... and with his fingers tilted her face upwards and slowly he kissed on her forehead... she closed her eyes to feel his soft touch... He kissed on her eyes... followed by her cheeks... he looked at her quivering lips waiting for his touch... He slowly touched her lips with his... and with his one hand took off her nose ring... he softly ran his finger on her face... both of them were looking at each other with deep passion... He could feel her body straining towards him... She was completely ready to surrender herself...
He loosened his grip... and with his fingers tilted her face upwards and slowly he kissed on her forehead... she closed her eyes to feel his soft touch... He kissed on her eyes... followed by her cheeks... he looked at her quivering lips waiting for his touch... He slowly touched her lips with his... and with his one hand took off her nose ring... he softly ran his finger on her face... both of them were looking at each other with deep passion...
Suddenly her restrained desires came out with deep fervor... She whispered in low tone ... Jalal... I feel like biting you so hard that you cry in pain...
Jalal with smirk... Junglee billi, don't awake the monster in me... I will not spare you if you bite me...
Jodha in sensual low tone came near his ear and whispered... I love the monster in you... I don't want to be spared any longer... She encircled her hands on his neck... She bit softly on his earlobe... then smooched on his neck... While kissing her body strained towards him more and more... she didn't want to leave even breathing space between them... Jalal you have ignited flames inside me...
Jalal cupped her face and lift her face to see the intense aspiration in her eyes... Today her eyes, her shyful eyes were looking at him with deep desire for him. Jalal saw this passion in her eyes for the first time since he came to Amer... Jalal in whisper with his witty game asked her... tell me more Jodha... why you want me? I want to hear what you want... His eyes gleamed with passion...
Jodha blushed ...and repeated sensually "why I want you?" Hmmm... in low tone she said... Jalal you are so eye-catching, strikingly attractive... I can't define it words... but I love your angry passionate eyes... Magnetism in your eyes always makes me vulnerable and crazy for you... do you even know how effective your eyes are... without saying a word you can threaten people... your one passionate look can make any woman crazy and insane for you ... even when you make love to me your eyes have angry passion and deep desire in them... When you go crazy in my yearning I feel like I am in heaven... When I see you smirk with passion ... you make me desperate for your touch... I can't control my desire any longer Jalal... With heavy breath she said...Before my brain starts to work... Jalal get inside me, I want you to be burn up in my blaze... I want you now...
Jalal was awestruck ... She was completely ready to surrender herself... before she says another word...he crushed her lips with his with intense smooch... He carried her in his arms while kissing and took her inside her play room... and put her on bed ruthlessly... and took off his shenshahi robe, jewelry, and kurta in seconds...he jumped on her like a hungry tiger... he started to smooch on every part of her body... she moaned... ohhh...Jalal... I love these hairs on your chest...they make you sexier... her dirty sensual talk was making him more and more wild... He whispered Jodha your talk has ignited fire in me... without even doing anything I am stimulated completely ... While breathing hard with instructive tone he said...don't say a word junglee billi otherwise I will not control to even enjoy our precious intimacy after long separation... Jalal struggled to control his quick erotic desire... he crushed her in his arms cruelly to suppress his fire... After a few seconds he was able to control himself... he broke his hug and looked at her with smirk... he started to untie her hair... took off her necklace... earrings and nose ring... then he pulled her chunni out with little jerk... He moved her wavy shiny curly hairs which came in front of her face ... and slowly started kissing on her lips... While kissing he started to rub her breast with one hand... He squished little harshly on her breast... with sudden harshness... she moaned in pain... her mouth opened up a little more and he glided his tongue inside to taste her... He slid his hand under and behind her to open her blouse laces... Jodha was completely lost in his deep passionate kiss... their tongues played for long... both dominating each other in kiss... He slowly opened the bottom knot of her blouse... Suddenly Jodha realized it... she pushed him a little and turned to the other side... He pulled her closer to him hugging her from back... His hands were on her little waist... His hands moved on her belly sensually like a feather touching... while biting softly on her earlobes... she was shivering with desire... Her entire body was screaming out loud for more... he slid his hands under her blouse and squished her nipples... She moaned loudly... "Jalal, what you doing?" He smirked and with jerk moved her towards him... and swiftly pulled her blouse up... and next second he started licking her nipple softly ... watery soft sensation was sending million sparks... He cupped her perfect size freshly ripe breast in his hand...then he moved up a little and while rubbing her he whispered... You are soft like butter... I can't get enough of you... when you are ready for more whisper in my ear... Jodha opened her eyes with murmur...
I can't take any more your sweet painful torture... I want more and lots more... Jalal kissed her and unknot her chaniya...
Sound of door opening came from outside...
Jodha whispered in very low sound... Jalal I think someone came on terrace...
Jalal ignoring her No ...it's just the wind...
Jodha looked at him with frown on her face... and with little loud sound said... Jalal I am sure someone came on terrace... I have heard clearly...
Jalal with frustrating look... Jodha door and windows are close and locked... No one will be able to see us...
Jodha with blush and requesting sound please go check ...She pointed towards the corner window...
Jalal swiftly kissed on her lips and with sarcastic tone said you know Jodha you should received award for ruining perfect romantic moment...
Jodha with gave him smirk to annoy him more...
While getting up... he murmurs... you want to smirk... hmmm... I won't spare you Junglee billi...
He got up and opened corner window slightly ... His eyes caught on frustrated Surya... He is walking back and forth...
Jalal whisper... What is Surya doing here? His sounded more dubious than he intended...
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
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