„Do we have a look?” I asked Lin Wan Er.Lin Wan Er turns around to wal terjemahan - „Do we have a look?” I asked Lin Wan Er.Lin Wan Er turns around to wal Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

„Do we have a look?” I asked Lin Wa

„Do we have a look?” I asked Lin Wan Er.
Lin Wan Er turns around to walk with­out demur: „That a bit faster!”
One line of [Zhan Long] core player rushed to the east gate square in groups , the sur­round­ings of heroic arena have also en­cir­cled enough sev­eral thou­sand peo­ple at this 7 : 00 pm, a sea of peo­ple piece, many peo­ple were cheer­ing on, as if on the paper the pic­ture demon has hit a day of arena here, won many Tian Ling Em­pire faith­ful sup­port­ers.
Crushes into the crowd, had found an ap­pro­pri­ate po­si­tion in the arena edge, stands firm looks, on the paper the pic­ture demon is one about 20 -year-old high and low fe­male player, the fig­ure grades for 8 points and beauty 9 points, as for the op­er­a­tion, that was un­known, look­ing at equip­ment should be on some first-class lev­els, whole body Saint sun­light and Di­vine Tier ray mix in to­gether, is not bad.
Sin­gle-handed holds a han­dle scar­let red ex­trav­a­gant sword, on the paper the pic­ture demon is stand­ing on the stage a fork waist, very charm­ing show­ing a faint smile, said: „Arena fund ac­cu­mu­lated 27 WG, did no­body fight re­ally? This is 27 WRMB you only needs to pay 2.7 W, de­feats me again, can take away all prize pond gold coins, do some peo­ple need to try?”
In the crowd, a knight stands up from fail­ure to dis­con­tinue sud­denly, draws out the sharp sword, said: „I try!”
Every­body looked at the past, this per­son was the group team leader in Prague, named „wan­der­ing all sea”, 112 lev­els of knights, jumped to jump onto the arena, the under foot have plun­dered gen­tly to stand on the paper the front of pic­ture demon, looked like the skill very good ap­pear­ance, and this was six he brings to ar­rive at the mas­ter in Prague to­gether, wants to come the strength not to be bad.
On the paper the pic­ture demon cor­ners of the mouth raise, a two stars pupil looks at the wan­der­ing all sea, said: „Yo, orig­i­nally is the group team leader in Prague, please first hand over the 2.7 W gold coin, then fights a de­ci­sive bat­tle!”
The wan­der­ing all sea nods, „salad”, the heavy purse has thrown into the prize pond, such came to this prize pond al­most to have 30 WG, was re­ally at­trac­tive!
The blood red war flag in­serts in the arena sud­denly falls, wan­der­ing all sea Jian­feng one cold, shows a faint smile say­ing: „Heard that you are the small mon­ster younger sis­ter, to be hon­est, I, al­though does not excel at the trun­ca­tion rip­ple tac­tic, but I like the small mon­ster very much the tac­ti­cal school, hopes that you will not dis­ap­point me!”
On the paper pic­ture demon Jian­feng points to front: „Come!”
The arena war, does not per­mit belt sad­dle horse, does not per­mit the belt pet, there­fore was called as „swords­man­ship thief” world, the swords­man, mas­ter and as­sas­sin's strat­a­gem which en­sures suc­cess in arena is biggest, but the su­pe­ri­or­ity of knight is not as good, but the wan­der­ing all sea dares to come, thinks on some as­sur­ances.
Area the sword blade edge, the wan­der­ing all sea has fired into the goal, has not ap­proached com­pletely is a charge at­tacks!
The form over­ran straightly, on the paper the pic­ture demon cor­ners of the mouth raise, prob­a­bly the chest of 34 C, a con­fi­dent spin body has fended, at­trac­tive MISS fell the at­tack of wan­der­ing all sea, the sword blade edge has taken ad­van­tage of op­por­tu­nity a pen­du­lum, „” chopped on the shoul­der of op­po­site party, has hiked up 4771 in­jury digit, im­me­di­ately on the paper the pic­ture demon was star­tled slightly, ob­vi­ously has not thought that the de­fen­sive power of wan­der­ing all sea so will be high, and looked at the sit­u­a­tion, under wan­der­ing all sea non- sad­dle horse con­di­tion also at least near 4 W HP.
Dari: -
Ke: -
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
„Do we have a look?” I asked Lin Wan Er.Lin Wan Er turns around to walk with­out demur: „That a bit faster!”One line of [Zhan Long] core player rushed to the east gate square in groups , the sur­round­ings of heroic arena have also en­cir­cled enough sev­eral thou­sand peo­ple at this 7 : 00 pm, a sea of peo­ple piece, many peo­ple were cheer­ing on, as if on the paper the pic­ture demon has hit a day of arena here, won many Tian Ling Em­pire faith­ful sup­port­ers.Crushes into the crowd, had found an ap­pro­pri­ate po­si­tion in the arena edge, stands firm looks, on the paper the pic­ture demon is one about 20 -year-old high and low fe­male player, the fig­ure grades for 8 points and beauty 9 points, as for the op­er­a­tion, that was un­known, look­ing at equip­ment should be on some first-class lev­els, whole body Saint sun­light and Di­vine Tier ray mix in to­gether, is not bad.Sin­gle-handed holds a han­dle scar­let red ex­trav­a­gant sword, on the paper the pic­ture demon is stand­ing on the stage a fork waist, very charm­ing show­ing a faint smile, said: „Arena fund ac­cu­mu­lated 27 WG, did no­body fight re­ally? This is 27 WRMB you only needs to pay 2.7 W, de­feats me again, can take away all prize pond gold coins, do some peo­ple need to try?”In the crowd, a knight stands up from fail­ure to dis­con­tinue sud­denly, draws out the sharp sword, said: „I try!”Every­body looked at the past, this per­son was the group team leader in Prague, named „wan­der­ing all sea”, 112 lev­els of knights, jumped to jump onto the arena, the under foot have plun­dered gen­tly to stand on the paper the front of pic­ture demon, looked like the skill very good ap­pear­ance, and this was six he brings to ar­rive at the mas­ter in Prague to­gether, wants to come the strength not to be bad.
On the paper the pic­ture demon cor­ners of the mouth raise, a two stars pupil looks at the wan­der­ing all sea, said: „Yo, orig­i­nally is the group team leader in Prague, please first hand over the 2.7 W gold coin, then fights a de­ci­sive bat­tle!”
The wan­der­ing all sea nods, „salad”, the heavy purse has thrown into the prize pond, such came to this prize pond al­most to have 30 WG, was re­ally at­trac­tive!
The blood red war flag in­serts in the arena sud­denly falls, wan­der­ing all sea Jian­feng one cold, shows a faint smile say­ing: „Heard that you are the small mon­ster younger sis­ter, to be hon­est, I, al­though does not excel at the trun­ca­tion rip­ple tac­tic, but I like the small mon­ster very much the tac­ti­cal school, hopes that you will not dis­ap­point me!”
On the paper pic­ture demon Jian­feng points to front: „Come!”
The arena war, does not per­mit belt sad­dle horse, does not per­mit the belt pet, there­fore was called as „swords­man­ship thief” world, the swords­man, mas­ter and as­sas­sin's strat­a­gem which en­sures suc­cess in arena is biggest, but the su­pe­ri­or­ity of knight is not as good, but the wan­der­ing all sea dares to come, thinks on some as­sur­ances.
Area the sword blade edge, the wan­der­ing all sea has fired into the goal, has not ap­proached com­pletely is a charge at­tacks!
The form over­ran straightly, on the paper the pic­ture demon cor­ners of the mouth raise, prob­a­bly the chest of 34 C, a con­fi­dent spin body has fended, at­trac­tive MISS fell the at­tack of wan­der­ing all sea, the sword blade edge has taken ad­van­tage of op­por­tu­nity a pen­du­lum, „” chopped on the shoul­der of op­po­site party, has hiked up 4771 in­jury digit, im­me­di­ately on the paper the pic­ture demon was star­tled slightly, ob­vi­ously has not thought that the de­fen­sive power of wan­der­ing all sea so will be high, and looked at the sit­u­a­tion, under wan­der­ing all sea non- sad­dle horse con­di­tion also at least near 4 W HP.
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
"Apakah kita melihat-lihat" Aku bertanya Lin Wan Er.
Lin Wan Er berbalik untuk berjalan tanpa menyatakan keberatan: "! Itu sedikit lebih cepat"
Satu baris [Zhan Panjang] inti pemain bergegas ke timur gerbang persegi di kelompok, sekitar heroik arena juga dikelilingi cukup beberapa ribu orang di 7 ini: 12:00, lautan manusia sepotong, banyak orang bersorak pada, seolah-olah di atas kertas setan gambar telah memukul hari arena sini, memenangkan banyak Tian Ling Empire setia pendukung.
meremukkan ke kerumunan, telah menemukan posisi yang tepat di tepi arena, berdiri terlihat tegas, di atas kertas setan gambar adalah salah satu sekitar 20 -tahun-tua pemain wanita tinggi dan rendah, nilai angka untuk 8 poin dan keindahan 9 poin, seperti untuk operasi, itu tidak diketahui, melihat peralatan harus pada beberapa tingkat kelas, seluruh tubuh Saint sinar matahari dan Ilahi Tier ray campuran bersama-sama, tidak buruk.
single-handed memegang pegangan merah merah boros pedang, di atas kertas setan gambar berdiri di atas panggung pinggang garpu, sangat menawan menunjukkan senyum samar, mengatakan: "dana Arena akumulasi 27 WG, lakukan tidak ada pertarungan benar-benar? Ini adalah 27 WRMB Anda hanya perlu membayar 2,7 W, mengalahkan saya lagi, dapat mengambil semua koin emas hadiah kolam, melakukan beberapa orang perlu mencoba? "
Dalam kerumunan, kesatria berdiri dari kegagalan untuk menghentikan tiba-tiba, menarik keluar pedang yang tajam, mengatakan: "aku mencoba"
semua orang melihat masa lalu, orang ini adalah pemimpin tim kelompok di Praha, bernama "mengembara ke laut", 112 tingkat ksatria, melompat untuk melompat ke arena, kaki bawah telah dijarah lembut untuk berdiri di atas kertas depan setan gambar, tampak seperti keterampilan penampilan yang sangat baik, dan ini adalah enam ia membawa tiba di master di Praha bersama-sama, ingin datang kekuatan tidak menjadi buruk.
pada kertas gambar sudut setan dari kenaikan mulut, dua bintang murid terlihat pada berkeliaran semua laut, mengatakan: "Yo, awalnya adalah pemimpin tim kelompok di Praha, silakan tangan pertama selama 2,7 W koin emas, kemudian perkelahian pertempuran yang menentukan!"
The berkeliaran semua mengangguk laut, "salad", tas berat telah dilemparkan ke dalam kolam hadiah, seperti datang ke hadiah kolam ini hampir memiliki 30 WG, benar-benar menarik!
The menyisipkan bendera darah perang merah di arena tiba-tiba jatuh , berkeliaran semua laut Jianfeng satu dingin, menunjukkan senyum samar mengatakan: "Mendengar bahwa Anda adalah rakasa kecil adik, jujur, saya, meskipun tidak unggul dalam taktik pemotongan riak, tapi aku suka rakasa kecil sangat banyak sekolah taktis, berharap bahwa Anda tidak akan mengecewakan saya "!
pada gambar kertas setan Jianfeng menunjuk ke depan:" Ayo "
perang arena, tidak mengizinkan sabuk pelana kuda, tidak mengizinkan hewan peliharaan sabuk, oleh karena itu disebut sebagai" pedang pencuri "dunia, pendekar pedang, tuan dan siasat pembunuh yang menjamin keberhasilan dalam arena adalah terbesar, tapi keunggulan knight tidak sebagus, tapi berkeliaran semua laut berani untuk datang, berpikir pada beberapa jaminan.
Lokasi pedang pisau tepi, yang berkeliaran semua laut telah ditembakkan ke gawang, belum mendekati benar adalah serangan biaya!
Bentuknya menyerbu lurus, di atas kertas gambar setan sudut kenaikan mulut, mungkin dada 34 C, percaya diri berputar tubuh telah menangkis, LEWATKAN menarik jatuh serangan berkeliaran semua laut, tepi pedang pisau telah mengambil keuntungan dari kesempatan pendulum, "" cincang di bahu pihak lawan, telah mendaki 4.771 cedera digit, segera di kertas setan gambar itu kaget sedikit, jelas tidak berpikir bahwa kekuatan pertahanan berkeliaran semua laut sehingga akan tinggi, dan melihat situasi, di bawah berkeliaran semua kondisi kuda non pelana laut juga setidaknya dekat 4 W HP.
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
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