Private cues to help an individual student pay attention can be establ terjemahan - Private cues to help an individual student pay attention can be establ Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Private cues to help an individual

Private cues to help an individual student pay attention can be established between the student and the teacher such as tapping a student’s desk or shoulder. Again, it is most beneficial if the student comes up with a signal in collaboration with the teacher, as it may be more meaningful to the student.
In addition to alerting students that directions are about to be given, it is important for all students critical for special learners that teachers provide homework or special directions in written form so that those students who have difficulties with auditory processing may recieve the same information in another manner. If your classroom or school has a web site, it os helpful to all students and again, particularly helpful special learners and their parents if you use it to post assignments, information about projects, or anything that will help students access at home what they have missed at school. Finally, when presenting new information verbally, utilize concrete or pictorial representations to provide these students with visual clues.
Figure 3.1 in an example of an exam with to much information on one page. This exam has too much information close together for a student who has visual processing problems. These students often have difficulty with spatial relations thereforce could lose their place on the page, confusing information from one problem with that of another problem. In addition, students who have ADHD or are easily distracted may become distracted with tests that have too much information close together on a page.
Figure 3.2 provides a look at the same exam, edited. This figure demonstrates one possible way to make this test easier to follow. Four of the problems are redone, each has extra space for the problem and is boxed off to alleviate confusion. There are remiders for each problems to show work, draw a picture, and write the answer in a complete sentences, the directions are written more clearly, and there are fewer problems per page. In addition, the information needed for problems 6 and 7 are written with the actual problem. It may be necessary to include only one or two problems per page, depending on the student. All of these modifications create fewer distractions for the student, hopefully allowing for the more success.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Private cues to help an individual student pay attention can be established between the student and the teacher such as tapping a student’s desk or shoulder. Again, it is most beneficial if the student comes up with a signal in collaboration with the teacher, as it may be more meaningful to the student.
In addition to alerting students that directions are about to be given, it is important for all students critical for special learners that teachers provide homework or special directions in written form so that those students who have difficulties with auditory processing may recieve the same information in another manner. If your classroom or school has a web site, it os helpful to all students and again, particularly helpful special learners and their parents if you use it to post assignments, information about projects, or anything that will help students access at home what they have missed at school. Finally, when presenting new information verbally, utilize concrete or pictorial representations to provide these students with visual clues.
Figure 3.1 in an example of an exam with to much information on one page. This exam has too much information close together for a student who has visual processing problems. These students often have difficulty with spatial relations thereforce could lose their place on the page, confusing information from one problem with that of another problem. In addition, students who have ADHD or are easily distracted may become distracted with tests that have too much information close together on a page.
Figure 3.2 provides a look at the same exam, edited. This figure demonstrates one possible way to make this test easier to follow. Four of the problems are redone, each has extra space for the problem and is boxed off to alleviate confusion. There are remiders for each problems to show work, draw a picture, and write the answer in a complete sentences, the directions are written more clearly, and there are fewer problems per page. In addition, the information needed for problems 6 and 7 are written with the actual problem. It may be necessary to include only one or two problems per page, depending on the student. All of these modifications create fewer distractions for the student, hopefully allowing for the more success.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Isyarat swasta untuk membantu seorang individu membayar perhatian siswa dapat dibentuk antara siswa dan guru seperti menekan meja siswa atau bahu. Sekali lagi, hal ini sangat menguntungkan jika siswa datang dengan sinyal bekerja sama dengan guru, karena mungkin lebih bermakna bagi siswa.
Selain memperingatkan siswa bahwa arah yang hendak diberikan, penting bagi semua siswa yang kritis untuk pelajar khusus yang guru memberikan pekerjaan rumah atau arah khusus dalam bentuk tertulis sehingga para siswa yang mengalami kesulitan dengan proses pendengaran dapat menerima informasi yang sama dengan cara lain. Jika kelas atau sekolah memiliki situs web, os membantu semua siswa dan lagi, sangat membantu peserta didik khusus dan orang tua mereka jika Anda menggunakannya untuk mengirim tugas, informasi tentang proyek, atau apapun yang akan membantu siswa mengakses di rumah apa yang mereka miliki terjawab di sekolah. Akhirnya, ketika menyajikan informasi baru secara lisan, memanfaatkan representasi beton atau bergambar untuk memberikan para siswa dengan petunjuk visual.
Gambar 3.1 di contoh ujian dengan banyak informasi pada satu halaman. Ujian ini memiliki terlalu banyak informasi berdekatan untuk siswa yang memiliki masalah pemrosesan visual. Siswa-siswa ini sering mengalami kesulitan dengan hubungan spasial thereforce bisa kehilangan tempat mereka di halaman, membingungkan informasi dari satu masalah dengan itu masalah lain. Selain itu, siswa yang memiliki ADHD atau mudah terganggu mungkin menjadi terganggu dengan tes yang memiliki terlalu banyak informasi berdekatan pada halaman.
Gambar 3.2 menyediakan melihat ujian yang sama, diedit. Angka ini menunjukkan salah satu cara yang mungkin untuk membuat tes ini lebih mudah untuk mengikuti. Empat masalah yang redone, masing-masing memiliki ruang ekstra untuk masalah dan kotak off untuk mengurangi kebingungan. Ada remiders untuk setiap masalah untuk menunjukkan pekerjaan, menggambar, dan menulis jawaban dalam kalimat lengkap, petunjuk ditulis lebih jelas, dan ada sedikit masalah per halaman. Selain itu, informasi yang diperlukan untuk masalah 6 dan 7 yang ditulis dengan masalah yang sebenarnya. Mungkin perlu untuk memasukkan hanya satu atau dua masalah per halaman, tergantung pada siswa. Semua modifikasi ini membuat lebih sedikit gangguan bagi siswa, mudah-mudahan memungkinkan untuk lebih sukses.
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