Again shortly af­ter­ward, fi­nally, Li Mu, Wang Jian et al. had re­tu terjemahan - Again shortly af­ter­ward, fi­nally, Li Mu, Wang Jian et al. had re­tu Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Again shortly af­ter­ward, fi­nally

Again shortly af­ter­ward, fi­nally, Li Mu, Wang Jian et al. had re­turned to the city, trod the snowy area ex­cited to walk, no mat­ter also side sits Frost, say­ing laugh­ingly: „Ram­ble, you can­not think ab­solutely we plun­dered up the den in Red­ding al­to­gether to ob­tain many melt god warhorses fi­nally!”
I slightly some­what am also ex­cited, asked: „How many?”
Wang Jian Dao: „We had af­ter­ward got­ten so far as 11000 + sad­dle horse quartzes, in other words adds on the be­fore­hand 4000 peo­ple, now our [Zhan Long] can have 15000 + melt god cav­al­ries, the death plain un­der­ground lime­stone cave has pulled out to empty by us, fi­nally fired a gun to blow up com­pletely, this 1.5 W melt god cav­alry has been out of print!”
I beam into a smile: „170 lev­els of ghost nian step sad­dle horses, enough pro­jected on the game final time!”
Li Mudao: „Now, the main pledge al­to­gether can have 15000 melt god cav­al­ries, the sur- 9000 pro­ces­sions of lanterns ride, this was rides the war that the main pledge had com­pletely is the strength, rode as for the iron blade edge, I gave to arrange to the minute pledge to go com­pletely, about 21000 + peo­ple of ap­pear­ances, the [Zhan Long] main cav­alry sol­dier added about 45000 peo­ple, suf­fi­cient?”
I shake the head: „Is unas­suage­able , to con­tinue to de­velop, main­tains the main pledge bat­tle ef­fi­ciency pu­rity, di­vides the pledge to con­tinue to de­velop, these gave you, the fu­ture war will hit was the pop­u­la­tion, the human the more bet­ter.”
Wang Jian Xi­ao­dao: „Is rea­son­able, the 4.5 W cav­alry sol­dier, seems like suf­fi­cient, but once fights the coun­try war, tens of mil­lions per­son show­downs, this per­son fills the gap be­tween teeth to be in­suf­fi­cient from the start, more­over is not melts god cav­alry type to work as hun­dred cav­alry sol­dier branch of the ser­vices.”
I rub the eyes, said: „Cooldown early, you con­tin­u­ously on­line were not long, as­signs the duty ear­lier to rest!”
Urged after these game mad­man wind­ing rest, I ex­am­ined a meet­ing in the palace guard bat­tal­ion, fi­nally was also tired, has a look in the good friend list, only then a few mad­men are still prac­tic­ing the level, Lin Wan Er and Dong Cheng month and other MM al­ready the wind­ing rested the cos­me­tol­ogy to think, I also chat­ted a meet­ing with Frost, has ex­changed the em­pir­i­cal value the mer­i­to­ri­ous value that this ex­pe­di­tion death plain ob­tained.
Wind­ing, rest!
Wak­ing up time is next morn­ing, Lin Wan Er and Dong Cheng month agree­ment buys the sum­mer cloth­ing in the af­ter­noon, two MM went to be not quite safe. I then.
Dari: -
Ke: -
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Again shortly af­ter­ward, fi­nally, Li Mu, Wang Jian et al. had re­turned to the city, trod the snowy area ex­cited to walk, no mat­ter also side sits Frost, say­ing laugh­ingly: „Ram­ble, you can­not think ab­solutely we plun­dered up the den in Red­ding al­to­gether to ob­tain many melt god warhorses fi­nally!”I slightly some­what am also ex­cited, asked: „How many?”Wang Jian Dao: „We had af­ter­ward got­ten so far as 11000 + sad­dle horse quartzes, in other words adds on the be­fore­hand 4000 peo­ple, now our [Zhan Long] can have 15000 + melt god cav­al­ries, the death plain un­der­ground lime­stone cave has pulled out to empty by us, fi­nally fired a gun to blow up com­pletely, this 1.5 W melt god cav­alry has been out of print!”I beam into a smile: „170 lev­els of ghost nian step sad­dle horses, enough pro­jected on the game final time!”Li Mudao: „Now, the main pledge al­to­gether can have 15000 melt god cav­al­ries, the sur- 9000 pro­ces­sions of lanterns ride, this was rides the war that the main pledge had com­pletely is the strength, rode as for the iron blade edge, I gave to arrange to the minute pledge to go com­pletely, about 21000 + peo­ple of ap­pear­ances, the [Zhan Long] main cav­alry sol­dier added about 45000 peo­ple, suf­fi­cient?”I shake the head: „Is unas­suage­able , to con­tinue to de­velop, main­tains the main pledge bat­tle ef­fi­ciency pu­rity, di­vides the pledge to con­tinue to de­velop, these gave you, the fu­ture war will hit was the pop­u­la­tion, the human the more bet­ter.”Wang Jian Xi­ao­dao: „Is rea­son­able, the 4.5 W cav­alry sol­dier, seems like suf­fi­cient, but once fights the coun­try war, tens of mil­lions per­son show­downs, this per­son fills the gap be­tween teeth to be in­suf­fi­cient from the start, more­over is not melts god cav­alry type to work as hun­dred cav­alry sol­dier branch of the ser­vices.”
I rub the eyes, said: „Cooldown early, you con­tin­u­ously on­line were not long, as­signs the duty ear­lier to rest!”
Urged after these game mad­man wind­ing rest, I ex­am­ined a meet­ing in the palace guard bat­tal­ion, fi­nally was also tired, has a look in the good friend list, only then a few mad­men are still prac­tic­ing the level, Lin Wan Er and Dong Cheng month and other MM al­ready the wind­ing rested the cos­me­tol­ogy to think, I also chat­ted a meet­ing with Frost, has ex­changed the em­pir­i­cal value the mer­i­to­ri­ous value that this ex­pe­di­tion death plain ob­tained.
Wind­ing, rest!
Wak­ing up time is next morn­ing, Lin Wan Er and Dong Cheng month agree­ment buys the sum­mer cloth­ing in the af­ter­noon, two MM went to be not quite safe. I then.
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Sekali lagi tak lama kemudian, akhirnya, Li Mu, Wang Jian et al. telah kembali ke kota, menginjak daerah bersalju bersemangat untuk berjalan, tidak peduli juga sisi duduk Frost, mengatakan sambil tertawa: "mengoceh, Anda tidak bisa memikirkan benar-benar kita dijarah sampai den di Redding sama sekali untuk mendapatkan banyak warhorses meleleh tuhan akhirnya!"
Aku sedikit agak am juga bersemangat, bertanya: "Berapa banyak?"
Wang Jian Dao: "kami telah sesudahnya mendapat sejauh 11.000 + kuda pelana kuarsa, dengan kata lain menambahkan pada sebelumnya 4000 orang, sekarang kami [Zhan panjang] dapat memiliki 15000 + mencair cavalries dewa, kematian polos gua batu kapur bawah tanah telah ditarik keluar untuk kosong oleh kami, akhirnya menembakkan pistol untuk meledakkan benar, ini 1,5 W meleleh dewa kavaleri telah keluar dari cetak! "
aku balok tersenyum:" 170 tingkat hantu nian langkah pelana kuda, cukup diproyeksikan pada pertandingan terakhir kalinya "!
Li Mudao:" Sekarang, janji utama sama sekali dapat memiliki 15000 cavalries lelehan dewa, yang sur- 9000 prosesi lentera naik, ini adalah wahana perang yang janji utama telah benar-benar adalah kekuatan, naik seperti untuk tepi pisau besi, saya berikan untuk mengatur untuk menit janji untuk pergi sepenuhnya, sekitar 21000 + orang dari penampilan, [Zhan panjang] prajurit kavaleri utama menambahkan sekitar 45.000 orang, cukup? "
aku menggelengkan kepalanya: "Apakah unassuageable, untuk terus mengembangkan, memelihara kemurnian efisiensi janji tempur utama, membagi janji untuk terus mengembangkan, ini memberi Anda, perang di masa depan akan memukul adalah penduduk, manusia yang lebih baik."
Wang Jian Xiaodao: "Apakah masuk akal, 4,5 prajurit kavaleri W, sepertinya cukup, tapi setelah perkelahian perang negara, puluhan juta orang showdowns, orang ini mengisi kesenjangan antara gigi tidak cukup dari awal, apalagi tidak meleleh tuhan kavaleri . ketik bekerja sebagai ratus cabang prajurit kavaleri layanan "
aku menggosok mata, mengatakan:" Cooldown awal, Anda terus-menerus secara online tidak lama, memberikan tugas sebelumnya untuk beristirahat "!
" Um! "
Didesak setelah ini sisa pertandingan gila berliku , saya diperiksa pertemuan di pengawal istana batalion, akhirnya juga lelah, memiliki tampilan dalam daftar teman baik, hanya kemudian beberapa orang gila yang masih berlatih tingkat, Lin Wan Er dan Dong Cheng bulan dan MM lainnya sudah menjadi berliku beristirahat tata rias untuk berpikir, saya juga mengobrol pertemuan dengan Frost, telah bertukar nilai empiris nilai berjasa bahwa kematian ekspedisi ini polos diperoleh.
Winding, beristirahat!
bangun waktu keesokan harinya, Lin Wan Er dan Dong Cheng kesepakatan bulan membeli musim panas pakaian di sore hari, dua MM pergi untuk menjadi tidak cukup aman. Lalu saya.
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Bahasa lainnya
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