Perhaps he was influenced by Ye Qingyu’s positive outlook and smile de terjemahan - Perhaps he was influenced by Ye Qingyu’s positive outlook and smile de Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Perhaps he was influenced by Ye Qin

Perhaps he was influenced by Ye Qingyu’s positive outlook and smile despite the fact that he was covered in blood. The minor military officer patted Ye Qingyu on the shoulder, saying: “Good man. Not bad, you are a hard man. If it is like this, then go over there to help……” The minor military officer pointed to a group of people nearby, arranging for Ye Qingyu to be allocated to a ten man squad to give aid, responsible for lifting stretchers and moving things about.


Ye Qingyu originally wanted to say that his strength was very great, he could do more to help.

But that minor military officer was completely swamped with work, he could not manage to get a word in. He turned around instantly and began allocating other duties.

Ye Qingyu could only shake his head, and run off, following a middle aged man with a strap tainted with blood around his forehead. He began lifting the stretches, carrying those injured people who were unconscious delivering them to a tent that the army had constructed at the first instant. There were specialist medical doctors that came to treat them, the entire procedure neat and orderly. The quality and the efficiency of the Youyan army could be seen.

“Little brother, are you okay, your body is covered in fresh blood……” The middle aged man with a strap dyed with blood asked in concern. “Where’s your family?”

Ye Qingyu waved his arms and legs, saying: “It’s fine, these are the blood of other people. Uncle, your head……”

The middle aged uncle with a head strap dyed with blood spat, saying: “Shit, I was really unlucky. I was sleeping in my room, when my house suddenly fell down. One of the beams fell on my head, nearly breaking it open……”

Youyan Pass was famed for its martial prowess. Even a normal citizen knew a few martial moves, so ordinary illness and injuries could not be counted as anything.

As Ye Qingyu carried the stretchers, there was the constant blabbering of the middle aged uncle.

This kind of feeling was not bad.

“Quick, quick, quick, there is a person heavily injured over there. You two, quickly go over…..” A far off military officer urged for them to hurry.

Ye Qingyu and the middle aged uncle quickly ran over.

In such bustle, fifteen minutes had passed in the blink of an eye.

“There’s still people beneath……my mother is still below. I beg you guys, save her, she must still be alive….” There was suddenly a howl that came from far off, it was a young man that had just awakened from being unconsciousness. Avoiding the obstruction and persuasion of the doctors, he madly ran out, going to his own collapsed house. He pointed at the collapsed stone on the floor, begging woefully for aid from the soldiers.

It attracted many people’s attention.

The minor military officer who had arranged duties for Ye Qingyu, also came to have a look.

He carefully tapped on the stone wall, his palm placed flat against the collapsed stone wall rubble. Yuan qi emitted, and after detecting for a while, he shook his head slightly with a sigh. Speaking to the young man: “There are no longer any signs of life under. Your mother is perhaps……Ai, brother, restrain your grief and accept fate.”

“No, no, no, it’s not like that. I saw with my own eyes, my mother being forced underneath the stone wall. Do you know, there’s a well under this rubble, I saw my mother escaping into the well……she must be alive, she must… mother won’t die………Lord, I beg you…….” The young man frantically explained. As he moved abruptly, the injuries on his back began dripping with fresh blood again.

“Little brother, first don’t panic. Take care of your wound, I will do my best to think of a method.” The young minor officer did his best to placate him.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Perhaps he was influenced by Ye Qingyu’s positive outlook and smile despite the fact that he was covered in blood. The minor military officer patted Ye Qingyu on the shoulder, saying: “Good man. Not bad, you are a hard man. If it is like this, then go over there to help……” The minor military officer pointed to a group of people nearby, arranging for Ye Qingyu to be allocated to a ten man squad to give aid, responsible for lifting stretchers and moving things about.Eh….Ye Qingyu originally wanted to say that his strength was very great, he could do more to help.But that minor military officer was completely swamped with work, he could not manage to get a word in. He turned around instantly and began allocating other duties.Ye Qingyu could only shake his head, and run off, following a middle aged man with a strap tainted with blood around his forehead. He began lifting the stretches, carrying those injured people who were unconscious delivering them to a tent that the army had constructed at the first instant. There were specialist medical doctors that came to treat them, the entire procedure neat and orderly. The quality and the efficiency of the Youyan army could be seen.“Little brother, are you okay, your body is covered in fresh blood……” The middle aged man with a strap dyed with blood asked in concern. “Where’s your family?”Ye Qingyu waved his arms and legs, saying: “It’s fine, these are the blood of other people. Uncle, your head……”The middle aged uncle with a head strap dyed with blood spat, saying: “Shit, I was really unlucky. I was sleeping in my room, when my house suddenly fell down. One of the beams fell on my head, nearly breaking it open……”Youyan Pass was famed for its martial prowess. Even a normal citizen knew a few martial moves, so ordinary illness and injuries could not be counted as anything.As Ye Qingyu carried the stretchers, there was the constant blabbering of the middle aged uncle.This kind of feeling was not bad.“Quick, quick, quick, there is a person heavily injured over there. You two, quickly go over…..” A far off military officer urged for them to hurry.Ye Qingyu and the middle aged uncle quickly ran over.In such bustle, fifteen minutes had passed in the blink of an eye.“There’s still people beneath……my mother is still below. I beg you guys, save her, she must still be alive….” There was suddenly a howl that came from far off, it was a young man that had just awakened from being unconsciousness. Avoiding the obstruction and persuasion of the doctors, he madly ran out, going to his own collapsed house. He pointed at the collapsed stone on the floor, begging woefully for aid from the soldiers.It attracted many people’s attention.The minor military officer who had arranged duties for Ye Qingyu, also came to have a look.He carefully tapped on the stone wall, his palm placed flat against the collapsed stone wall rubble. Yuan qi emitted, and after detecting for a while, he shook his head slightly with a sigh. Speaking to the young man: “There are no longer any signs of life under. Your mother is perhaps……Ai, brother, restrain your grief and accept fate.”“No, no, no, it’s not like that. I saw with my own eyes, my mother being forced underneath the stone wall. Do you know, there’s a well under this rubble, I saw my mother escaping into the well……she must be alive, she must… mother won’t die………Lord, I beg you…….” The young man frantically explained. As he moved abruptly, the injuries on his back began dripping with fresh blood again.“Little brother, first don’t panic. Take care of your wound, I will do my best to think of a method.” The young minor officer did his best to placate him.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Mungkin ia dipengaruhi oleh pandangan positif Ye Qingyu dan senyum meskipun fakta bahwa ia berlumuran darah. Perwira militer kecil menepuk Ye Qingyu di bahu, mengatakan: "Bagus. Tidak buruk, Anda adalah orang yang keras. Jika sudah seperti ini, kemudian pergi ke sana untuk membantu ...... "Perwira militer kecil menunjuk sekelompok orang di dekatnya, mengatur Ye Qingyu akan dialokasikan untuk skuad sepuluh pria untuk memberikan bantuan, yang bertanggung jawab untuk mengangkat tandu dan memindahkan barang tentang. Eh .... Ye Qingyu awalnya ingin mengatakan bahwa kekuatannya sangat besar, ia bisa berbuat lebih banyak untuk membantu. Tapi itu perwira militer kecil benar-benar sibuk dengan pekerjaan, dia tidak bisa mengelola untuk mendapatkan kata di. dia berbalik langsung dan mulai mengalokasikan tugas lain. Ye Qingyu hanya bisa menggelengkan kepalanya, dan lari, berikut seorang pria paruh baya dengan tali tercemar dengan darah di sekitar dahinya. Dia mulai mengangkat peregangan, membawa orang-orang yang terluka yang tidak sadar mengantarkan mereka ke tenda bahwa tentara telah dibangun pada saat yang pertama. Ada dokter spesialis yang datang untuk mengobati mereka, seluruh prosedur rapi dan teratur. Kualitas dan efisiensi tentara Youyan bisa dilihat. "Saudara kecil, kau baik-baik saja, tubuh Anda berlumuran darah segar ......" Pria paruh baya dengan tali dicelup dengan darah bertanya dalam keprihatinan. "Di mana keluarga Anda?" Ye Qingyu melambaikan tangan dan kakinya, mengatakan: "Ini baik-baik saja, ini adalah darah orang lain. Paman, kepala ...... " The tengah paman berusia dengan tali kepala dicelup dengan meludah darah, mengatakan:" Sial, aku benar-benar beruntung. Aku sedang tidur di kamar saya, ketika rumah saya tiba-tiba jatuh. Salah satu balok jatuh di kepalaku, hampir melanggar itu terbuka ...... " Youyan Lulus terkenal karena kehebatan bela diri nya. Bahkan warga biasa tahu beberapa bergerak bela diri, penyakit begitu biasa dan cedera tidak bisa dihitung sebagai sesuatu. Sebagai Ye Qingyu membawa tandu, ada yang mengoceh konstan paman tengah umur. Perasaan seperti ini tidak buruk. "Cepat , cepat, cepat, ada orang yang terluka berat di sana. Anda dua, cepat pergi ... .. "Seorang perwira militer jauh mendesak bagi mereka untuk bergegas. Ye Qingyu dan paman tengah umur dengan cepat berlari. Dalam hiruk pikuk seperti itu, lima belas menit berlalu dalam sekejap mata. " Masih ada orang di bawah ...... ibu saya masih di bawah. Saya mohon kalian, menyelamatkan dirinya, dia masih harus hidup .... "Ada tiba-tiba melolong yang datang dari jauh, itu adalah seorang pemuda yang baru saja terbangun dari menjadi tidak sadarkan diri. Menghindari obstruksi dan persuasi dari dokter, dia gila berlari keluar, pergi ke rumah runtuh sendiri. Dia menunjuk batu runtuh di lantai, memohon sayangnya bantuan dari tentara. Ini menarik perhatian banyak orang. The perwira militer kecil yang telah mengatur tugas untuk Ye Qingyu, juga datang untuk melihat-lihat. Dia dengan hati-hati mengetuk dinding batu , telapak tangannya diletakkan datar terhadap runtuh reruntuhan dinding batu. Yuan Qi dipancarkan, dan setelah mendeteksi untuk sementara waktu, ia menggelengkan kepalanya sedikit sambil mendesah. Berbicara kepada pemuda: "Tidak ada lagi tanda-tanda kehidupan di bawah. Ibumu mungkin ...... Ai, saudara, menahan kesedihan Anda dan menerima nasib. " " Tidak, tidak, tidak, tidak seperti itu. Saya melihat dengan mata saya sendiri, ibu saya dipaksa di bawah dinding batu. Apakah Anda tahu, ada baik di bawah puing-puing ini, saya melihat ibu saya melarikan diri ke dalam sumur ...... dia harus hidup, ia harus ... ibu tidak akan mati ......... Tuhan, aku mohon ....... "The pemuda panik menjelaskan. Saat ia pindah tiba-tiba, luka di punggungnya mulai menetes darah segar kembali. "Saudara kecil, pertama jangan panik. Jaga luka Anda, saya akan melakukan yang terbaik untuk memikirkan metode. "Petugas minor muda melakukan yang terbaik untuk menenangkan dirinya.

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