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The Reformers concentrated on theology, and their immediate legacy philosophically is limited. With his view of sin, Luther railed against not just Scholasticism but also the unaided view of reason that dominated philosophy. Notoriously, he declared that philosophy is a whore; she will sleep with whoever pays the highest price. Calvin was more moderate in his critique of philosophy, and in practice Lutherans and Calvinists made use of Aristotle in the educational programs they set up, as well as in their own scholarship. It is thus important to distinguish between the Reformers’ rhetoric and practice when it comes to philosophy. Like many of the Renaissance thinkers, the Reformers reacted strongly against medieval Scholasticism and thus against Aristotle. Luther and Calvin argued against the use of philosophical concepts in theology and ruled out any explicit use of models such as the Christian Aristotelian worldview. They were wary of metaphysical discussions of the divine essence and attributes but did not deny the truth of the traditional attributes of God of simplicity, infinity, eternity, omnipresence, omniscience, and so on. Some scholarship discerns a firm break between the Reformers and the Reformed orthodoxy that followed them, not least with respect to philosophy. With other scholars, Richard Muller has demonstrated that this is not as pronounced as is sometimes stated, particularly once one attends to the universities and academies of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. In a reform between 1520 and 1523 in the Lutheran world, courses on Aristotle’s Physics, Metaphysics, and Ethics were discontinued, but courses on his Logic, Rhetoric, and Poetics were retained.[189] The tools of logic and rhetoric were seen as necessary for the teaching of theology and preaching. The Praeceptor Germaniae (Teacher of Germany), as Philipp Melanchthon was called, published a commentary on Aristotle’s Ethics in 1529 and soon thereafter introduced the study of physics and natural theology into the curriculum. As Windelband notes,
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