The dead ahead, that Japan­ese war­rior also cursed an­grily one, on t terjemahan - The dead ahead, that Japan­ese war­rior also cursed an­grily one, on t Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

The dead ahead, that Japan­ese war­

The dead ahead, that Japan­ese war­rior also cursed an­grily one, on the katana in hand elec­tric cur­rents passed over gen­tly and swiftly, this was sim­i­lar to the sci­ence and tech­nol­ogy of elec­tric arc sword, but as if wanted cheaply sev­eral points com­pared with the elec­tric arc sword, after all the sci­ence and tech­nol­ogy of day dawn group was no one can side by side, on his leg had been drawn the long open­ing by our army blade, was los­ing blood fiercely, but I did not plan to mas­sacre him, mak­ing him live to might as well die, fate like this was ap­pro­pri­ate.
Since Wang Zecheng dares to seek for the helper from Japan, I should also make him pay the price.
But must do, is causes heavy losses to this to use the dragon blood sol­dier of katana, mak­ing him lose the bat­tle ef­fi­ciency, then gives the base and mil­i­tary, finds more clues, ev­i­dence and use value from this Japan­ese, but, I ac­tu­ally fight in­tent to be soar­ing, a lit­tle crazy feel­ing, looked like sub­stance abuse gen­er­ally, the strength in within the body had to speak out, this type felt that pre­vi­ous time ap­peared time Har­rai died, is this ap­prox­i­mately killing in­tent in a fol­lower bone?
Came to a stop, lifts the hand to clean scar on the arm, five sharp claws have grasped the trace, the blood flowed, did not have Cooldown to wrap up.
I lift the hand, points to the match the saber, the cor­ners of the mouth of provo­ca­tion raises, said: „Comeon , bitCh!”
He spoke Japan­ese I un­able to un­der­stand, but I said that the sim­ple Eng­lish he should un­der­stand.
Fi­nally, such provo­ca­tion makes him curse an­grily one, in the hand the katana speed­ily comes, and falls con­tin­u­ously twice, is the skill of dou­ble cut­ting, can­not look at this per­son un­ex­pect­edly is the war­rior of gen­uine goods at rea­son­able prices.
The saber sinks slowly, has shoul­dered the knife edge of match in­ge­niously, my wrong body is one time quickly cer­tainly „Q Sword”, si­mul­ta­ne­ously the left fist layer on layer rum­bles, in he has been shak­ing in the hand of blade, the body sinks is under an at­tack the sweep­ing leg of plate, the flame lingers around my right leg, swung to go to carry over pe­riph­ery wave flame ig­ni­tion weeds.
He jumps to leap shunts my at­tack, but grasped the skill of blade to start to shiver, I seemed like su­per­fi­cial struck to be pos­si­ble not to be so easy to enjoy.
The squeal that the dis­tant place, trans­mits sev­eral stu­dents, some peo­ple had dis­cov­ered that our bat­tle­fields, Cooldown can­not delay, the above mean­ing is al­ways makes our fights by too many peo­ple should not be seen, oth­er­wise is easy to cause the tur­bu­lence and rest­less­ness of whole so­ci­ety.
Once again ex­quis­ite Q Sword „goon”, this time heard one, his right hand wrist had been bro­ken by me com­pletely, dragon blood sol­dier „dragon scale” can­not pre­serve him, be­fore Shen Bing gave in my re­port to show that breed­ing of many times out­side Hangzhou in­stalled in the per­son fight, some po­lice of­fi­cers and sol­diers by un­even cut­ting away stature, was mostly re­lated with this per­son, but at pre­sent this dragon blood sol­dier of A level is the Japan­ese war­rior, thinks that this has also killed many Chi­nese spe­cial po­lice of­fi­cers the blade?
Thinks of here, is burn­ing with anger.
He is mis­er­ably howl­ing, the right hand could not hold the hilt, im­me­di­ately trades the left hand to grasp.
When he changes the skilled per­son time, I am a sim­ple swift and fierce ver­ti­cal sec­tion tac­tic, the arm slightly lift, „bang” right hand that col­li­sion he breaks off, the saber just liked the spirit snake stan­dard lived in his left hand, caught up sud­denly, Yang Yan the strength fever has bro­ken to pieces his sleeve, stiffly this katana buck­ling.
Grips the hilt of katana sud­denly, I like the feel­ing of this type of long weapon, a body spin turns round is a blade cut down!
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
The dead ahead, that Japan­ese war­rior also cursed an­grily one, on the katana in hand elec­tric cur­rents passed over gen­tly and swiftly, this was sim­i­lar to the sci­ence and tech­nol­ogy of elec­tric arc sword, but as if wanted cheaply sev­eral points com­pared with the elec­tric arc sword, after all the sci­ence and tech­nol­ogy of day dawn group was no one can side by side, on his leg had been drawn the long open­ing by our army blade, was los­ing blood fiercely, but I did not plan to mas­sacre him, mak­ing him live to might as well die, fate like this was ap­pro­pri­ate.Since Wang Zecheng dares to seek for the helper from Japan, I should also make him pay the price.But must do, is causes heavy losses to this to use the dragon blood sol­dier of katana, mak­ing him lose the bat­tle ef­fi­ciency, then gives the base and mil­i­tary, finds more clues, ev­i­dence and use value from this Japan­ese, but, I ac­tu­ally fight in­tent to be soar­ing, a lit­tle crazy feel­ing, looked like sub­stance abuse gen­er­ally, the strength in within the body had to speak out, this type felt that pre­vi­ous time ap­peared time Har­rai died, is this ap­prox­i­mately killing in­tent in a fol­lower bone?Came to a stop, lifts the hand to clean scar on the arm, five sharp claws have grasped the trace, the blood flowed, did not have Cooldown to wrap up.I lift the hand, points to the match the saber, the cor­ners of the mouth of provo­ca­tion raises, said: „Comeon , bitCh!”
He spoke Japan­ese I un­able to un­der­stand, but I said that the sim­ple Eng­lish he should un­der­stand.
Fi­nally, such provo­ca­tion makes him curse an­grily one, in the hand the katana speed­ily comes, and falls con­tin­u­ously twice, is the skill of dou­ble cut­ting, can­not look at this per­son un­ex­pect­edly is the war­rior of gen­uine goods at rea­son­able prices.
The saber sinks slowly, has shoul­dered the knife edge of match in­ge­niously, my wrong body is one time quickly cer­tainly „Q Sword”, si­mul­ta­ne­ously the left fist layer on layer rum­bles, in he has been shak­ing in the hand of blade, the body sinks is under an at­tack the sweep­ing leg of plate, the flame lingers around my right leg, swung to go to carry over pe­riph­ery wave flame ig­ni­tion weeds.
He jumps to leap shunts my at­tack, but grasped the skill of blade to start to shiver, I seemed like su­per­fi­cial struck to be pos­si­ble not to be so easy to enjoy.
The squeal that the dis­tant place, trans­mits sev­eral stu­dents, some peo­ple had dis­cov­ered that our bat­tle­fields, Cooldown can­not delay, the above mean­ing is al­ways makes our fights by too many peo­ple should not be seen, oth­er­wise is easy to cause the tur­bu­lence and rest­less­ness of whole so­ci­ety.
Once again ex­quis­ite Q Sword „goon”, this time heard one, his right hand wrist had been bro­ken by me com­pletely, dragon blood sol­dier „dragon scale” can­not pre­serve him, be­fore Shen Bing gave in my re­port to show that breed­ing of many times out­side Hangzhou in­stalled in the per­son fight, some po­lice of­fi­cers and sol­diers by un­even cut­ting away stature, was mostly re­lated with this per­son, but at pre­sent this dragon blood sol­dier of A level is the Japan­ese war­rior, thinks that this has also killed many Chi­nese spe­cial po­lice of­fi­cers the blade?
Thinks of here, is burn­ing with anger.
He is mis­er­ably howl­ing, the right hand could not hold the hilt, im­me­di­ately trades the left hand to grasp.
When he changes the skilled per­son time, I am a sim­ple swift and fierce ver­ti­cal sec­tion tac­tic, the arm slightly lift, „bang” right hand that col­li­sion he breaks off, the saber just liked the spirit snake stan­dard lived in his left hand, caught up sud­denly, Yang Yan the strength fever has bro­ken to pieces his sleeve, stiffly this katana buck­ling.
Grips the hilt of katana sud­denly, I like the feel­ing of this type of long weapon, a body spin turns round is a blade cut down!
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Orang mati di depan, bahwa prajurit Jepang juga mengutuk marah satu, pada katana di tangan arus listrik melewati lembut dan cepat, ini mirip dengan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi pedang busur listrik, tetapi seolah-olah ingin murah beberapa poin dibandingkan dengan busur listrik pedang, setelah semua ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi dari kelompok hari fajar itu tidak ada yang bisa berdampingan, di kakinya telah ditarik pembukaan panjang dengan pisau tentara kita, kehilangan darah sengit, tapi aku tidak berencana untuk pembantaian dia, membuat dia hidup untuk mungkin juga mati, nasib seperti ini adalah tepat.
Sejak Wang Zecheng berani untuk mencari pembantu dari Jepang, saya juga harus membuat dia membayar harga.
Tapi harus lakukan, adalah menyebabkan kerugian besar untuk ini untuk menggunakan tentara darah naga dari katana, membuatnya kehilangan efisiensi pertempuran, kemudian memberikan dasar dan militer, menemukan petunjuk lebih, bukti dan nilai guna dari Jepang ini, tapi, aku benar-benar berjuang niat untuk melonjak, perasaan sedikit gila, tampak seperti penyalahgunaan zat umumnya, kekuatan di dalam tubuh harus berbicara, jenis ini merasa bahwa waktu sebelumnya muncul waktu Harrai meninggal, apakah ini maksud sekitar membunuh dalam tulang pengikut?
Datang ke berhenti, mengangkat tangan untuk membersihkan bekas luka di lengan, lima cakar tajam . telah memahami jejak, darah mengalir, tidak memiliki Cooldown untuk membungkus
saya mengangkat tangan, menunjuk ke pertandingan yang saber, sudut-sudut mulut provokasi menimbulkan, mengatakan: "Comeon, jalang!"
Dia berbicara saya Jepang tidak dapat mengerti, tapi saya mengatakan bahwa bahasa Inggris yang sederhana ia harus memahami.
Akhirnya, provokasi seperti membuat dia mengutuk marah satu, di tangan katana cepat datang, dan jatuh terus dua kali, adalah keterampilan pemotongan ganda, tidak dapat melihat orang ini tiba-tiba adalah prajurit dari barang-barang asli dengan harga yang wajar.
saber The tenggelam perlahan, telah memanggul tepi pisau pertandingan cerdik, tubuh yang salah saya adalah salah satu waktu cepat tentu "Q Sword", secara bersamaan tinju lapisan tersisa di lapisan bergemuruh, di dia telah gemetar di tangan pisau, tenggelam tubuh berada di bawah serangan kaki menyapu piring, api tetap hidup di sekitar kaki kanan saya, mengayunkan pergi untuk membawa lebih dari pinggiran gulma gelombang api pengapian.
Dia melompat melompat shunts serangan saya, tapi itu memperoleh keterampilan pisau untuk mulai menggigil, aku tampak seperti dangkal melanda menjadi mungkin tidak begitu mudah untuk menikmati.
The menjerit bahwa tempat yang jauh, mentransmisikan beberapa mahasiswa, beberapa orang telah menemukan bahwa medan perang kami, Cooldown tidak bisa menunda, yang atas makna selalu membuat perkelahian kami dengan terlalu banyak orang tidak harus dilihat, jika tidak mudah menyebabkan turbulensi dan kegelisahan dari seluruh masyarakat.
Sekali lagi indah Q Sword "goon", kali ini mendengar satu, tangan kanannya pergelangan tangan telah rusak oleh saya benar-benar, naga prajurit darah "skala naga" tidak dapat mempertahankan dia, sebelum Shen Bing menyerah laporan saya untuk menunjukkan bahwa perkembangbiakan kali luar Hangzhou dipasang di laga orang, beberapa petugas polisi dan tentara dengan cutting yang tidak merata pergi perawakan, sebagian besar terkait dengan orang ini, tapi pada saat naga ini tentara darah tingkat A adalah prajurit Jepang, berpikir bahwa ini juga telah menewaskan banyak petugas polisi khusus Cina pisau?
berpikir dari sini, membakar dengan kemarahan.
dia sedih melolong, tangan kanan tidak bisa menahan gagang, segera diperdagangkan tangan kiri pegang.
Ketika ia berubah saat orang yang ahli, saya sederhana cepat dan sengit vertikal bagian taktik, lengan sedikit mengangkat, "bang" benar tangan yang tabrakan ia terdiam, saber hanya menyukai standar semangat ular hidup di tangan kirinya, terjebak tiba-tiba, yang Yan demam kekuatan telah berpecah belah lengan bajunya, kaku katana ini tekuk.
Grips gagang katana tiba-tiba, aku suka perasaan jenis senjata panjang, spin tubuh ternyata bulat pisau menebang!
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
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