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Bahasa Indonesia) 1:
Perbedaan individualAlthough students’ ideas on the particulate nature of matter and the understanding of its transformations appear to be related to each other, the question of whether the prerequisite knowledge of the first is sufficient by its own for attaining a satisfactory achievement in the second, still remains. That is, even when all students have reached an adequate level of understanding the particulate nature of matter (and especially that of the gas state, which has proven to be particularly challenging), could it be expected that conceptual understanding of boiling or evaporation would be attained to the same degree for all of them? Nevertheless, practice did not confirm that conceptual change can be realized by the appropriate instructions and theoretical explanations cannot be given merely by our knowledge on student models and misconception. Studies on students’ ideas have been driven by the dominated psychological theories of conceptual change, which mainly belong to two competing theoretical perspectives: One which considers students’ knowledge as coherent or theory like (Chi, 1992; Vosniadou and Brewer, 1992, 1994), and the other which considers it fragmented (diSessa, 1988; diSessa et al., 2004; Harrison et al., 1999). However, both theories have primarily focused on difficulties arising from the nature of concepts itself, without providing explanations about their origin or correlating them with independent variables. On the other hand, psychological theories such as, information processing models or neo-Piagetian theories can explain variation in performance on cognitive tasks by implementing individual-difference constructs corresponding to mental resources. They provide a valuable theoretical framework and in addition the variables that can operationalize the theoretical constructs. These theories were quite established also in science education research. As a result, the role of individual differences such as, logical thinking (formal reasoning ability), field-dependence/independence, convergence/ divergence, prior knowledge, M-capacity and working memory capacity becomes present in the relevant literature (Lawson, 1983; Chandran et al., 1987; Zeitoun, 1989; Johnstone and Al-Naeme, 1995; Niaz, 1996; Tsaparlis and Angelopoulos, 2000; Kang et al., 2005; Tsitsipis et al., 2010). Specifically, logical thinking, field-dependence/independence and convergence/ divergence, were shown to play a significant role in a wide range of tasks related to learning science and particularly on conceptual understanding of physical changes. A brief presentation of these three cognitive variablesfollows:a. Logical thinking (LTh) refers to the ability of a subject to use concrete- and formal-operational reasoning, which are needed for understanding of concrete- and formal-operational concepts, respectively, and they are related to the Piagetian’s developmental level. Research studies have reported that logical thinking plays a major role in students’ performance in science and mathematics and in social studies as well (e.g., Lawson, 1982; Niaz, 1996; BouJaoude et al., 2004; Stamovlasis and Tsaparlis, 2005; Tsitsipis et al., 2010, 2012). It was assessed by the Lawson test,a pencil-paper test of formal reasoning (Lawson, 1978).b. bidang ketergantungan/kemerdekaan (FDI) ini dikaitkan dengan satu dari kemampuan untuk menyembunyikan informasi yang relevan dari kompleks dan berpotensi membingungkan konteks. Orang yang dapat cukup terpisah 'sinyal' (misalnya, item) dari 'suara' (yaitu, konteks) ditandai sebagai bidang-independen, sementara orang yang tidak dapat digambarkan sebagai bidang tergantung (Witkin dan Goodenough, 1981). Bidang ketergantungan/kemerdekaan telah berhubungan dengan pengolahan model sebagai moderator variabel informasi. Tergantung pada bidang subyek tampaknya memiliki lebih rendah informasi pengolahan kemampuan, karena bagian dari kapasitas mereka sedang digunakan untuk memproses informasi yang tidak relevan (Johnstone dan Al-Naeme, 1991; Tsaparlis dan Angelopoulos, 2000; Stamovlasis, 2006, 2011). c. konvergensi/divergensi (CD) mengacu pada cara lain untuk mengukur aspek kecerdasan. Konvergen mencirikan seseorang yang berfokus down-menyatu-pada jawaban yang tepat untuk menemukan satu konvensional diterima solusi masalah ketika ini solusinya jelas didapat dari informasi yang tersedia. Sebaliknya, berbeda adalah orang yang dapat merespon berturut-turut untuk masalah-masalah yang memerlukan generasi beberapa solusi yang sama dapat diterima. Convergers menggunakan dekat penalaran, sementara divergers menunjukkan kefasihan dan fleksibilitas (anak dan Smithers, 1973).
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