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#1162: The day cloud becomes a lay priest! Not is only on Tian Yun the human shocks, at this moment, spreads along with the Fang Shoudao words, all cultivator in entire Tian Yun collection, the complete shock, is unable to believe.The trivial few clans, are only the unwarranted reputations, but Fang Clan, wages a war unexpectedly for this reason, does not hesitate to set up one momentarily unexpectedly to step into the Dao Realm enemy.This is not sane!Even if Fang Clan several elders, is this moment holding breath tone.„Patriarch, this ...” Before that berated the Meng Hao elder, at this moment lost one's voice to open mouth, while his to open mouth, had the Fang Clan disciple, stepped into Teleportation instantaneously, circular Planet East Victory Fang Clan.„Holds fast to moral principles the senior, you must do, this is only a misunderstanding, was not explained clearly ...” On Tian Yun the person facial color big change, running together of two syllables in rapid speech to open mouth, his innermost feelings shiver, he does not want to be compelled breaks through, this for him, same is the life and death.„Explanation is clear, is only my Fang Clan few clan act reason, must do, is you dares to have the penalty of Killing Intent to my Fang Clan few clans!”„ My Fang Clan few clan Hao'er, the natural talent is peerless, unsurpassed, is my Fang Clan unicorn, his paternal grandfather is the younger generation that the old man most favors, his father is the junior who the old man most likes, but his here, was the old man has put together the life, my Fang Clan Chosen that must protect!He, is my Fang Clan future 49 49.49 small 49 said that Head of the clan!He, is my Fang Clan future Patriarch!He, is in my Fang Clan, is most precious, is most precious, most important clansman! ” The Fang Shoudao sound is spirited, reverberates eight sides, these Fang Clan clansmen who listens to are dumbfounded, all around cultivator also opened the eye.Even if Meng Hao, coughed to blush, this time. It is not shy. But blushed truly ...„Who has provoked him. Was equal to provoking my entire Fang Clan, who dares to injure him, my Fang Clan was ready for any sacrifice, even if perished together, must fight!”„Hao'er, is my Fang Clan, unique existence, we cherish without enough time. The Tian Yun young child, you dares to berate unexpectedly, unexpectedly dares to slander! The old men extinguished you!” Fang Shoudao loud to open mouth, the sound thunders, spreads over eight sides, falls into the ear of this place everyone, making all people stare.This words, how regardless to listen, gives people one type as if ... Pats the feeling of Meng Hao flatter, because said in this environment obviously. Has filled strangely ...Ini tidak mengatakan bahwa mendengarkan orang lain, semua orang dapat melihat. Ini jelas... Hanya dikatakan Meng Hao [tersenyum | mendengar].Bisa jadi, membuat semua orang akan terkejut, kata-kata bahwa perasaan terdalam dengan takjub, ini menyanjung jelas, mengatakan dari Fang Shoudao mulut, sangat tersanjung clansman generasi yang lebih muda, dalam hal ini rahasia, pasti adalah mengerikan besar!Pada Tian Yun Buk perasaan terdalam orang, ia mendengarkan akan mengalami masalah, status ini Meng Hao, tidak beberapa klan begitu sederhana, namun penting untuk termasuk tingkat yang Fang Shoudao harus menyanjung, ini membuat Tian Yun warna wajah orang berubah secara menyeluruh."Anda, berani untuk membiarkan Marga Fang saya tiba-tiba di masa depan kepala klan, di masa depan patriark, unicorn akan jadi taranya, Apakah tak tertandingi dipilih keberadaan pengamat bersujud? Apakah Anda bermarga Fang? Nenek dari pihak ayah Anda, orang tua awal tahu bahwa Anda tidak jadi welldoing, di masa lalu tidak boleh membuat kakek paternal Anda mencari pendamping Dao, tidak boleh membuat Bapamu yang lahir, dalam hal ini, tidak memiliki ini Anda pengecut! " Fang Shoudao berubah kepala, tampak jahat sebelum yang berated orang tua keluarga Meng Hao.Tubuh orang tua ini bergemetar, tampak pucat, Kapan akan berdebat, Fang Shoudao tiba-tiba terlihat Meng Hao, dalam item tersebut adalah membawa lembut, membawa cahaya aneh, telah kegembiraan, Ha Ha berkata dengan senyum.
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