Lin Wan Er by my shoul­der: „In pig head, what do you play in the even terjemahan - Lin Wan Er by my shoul­der: „In pig head, what do you play in the even Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Lin Wan Er by my shoul­der: „In pig

Lin Wan Er by my shoul­der: „In pig head, what do you play in the evening make?”
„Con­tin­ues to forge the over­lord wrap, Wan Er you?”
„I in col­lec­tion bright moon cov­er­all!”
„Oh, is the bright moon wrap of that wrap three stars mag­i­cal in­stru­ment?”
„Um, I found Frost in cold un­cul­ti­vated land Dragon’s den yes­ter­day, but she said that she is un­able to in­duce to bright moon cov­er­all in­side strength, ahem, cer­tainly uses one's of­fice to re­dress per­sonal griev­ances!”
„Where has, Frost is not that mean-spir­ited per­son.” I said quite afraid.
Lin Wan Er eats to smile, said: „Has not re­lated, when I found Seurre, she said that she knows how to find the parts of an­other three bright moon cov­er­alls, there­fore I have had the as­sign­ment, has made good Dong Cheng, to lean, dream Yao, to wipe the tea al­to­gether 19 peo­ple to help me shal­lowly com­plete this task.”
„Good, come on, after the bright moon cov­er­all col­lec­tion is per­haps un­even, can trig­ger to pro­mote the five-star mag­i­cal in­stru­ment cov­er­all?”
„Ahem, that has a dream, you think that the cov­er­all of every­body same has the hide­away with your over­lord cov­er­all at­tribute?”
„Pours is also”
Fin­ished eat­ing the din­ner in a hurry, gets on­line!
Ap­pears in every book city, re­pairs equip­ment com­pletely, af­ter­ward in sup­plied to wrap the drugs, good wine wait, se­lec­tive trans­mis­sion Ba Huang City in every book city, then rose straight from the ground, non-stop flew from Ba Huang City to the cold un­cul­ti­vated land Dragon’s den di­rec­tion, as if here flew com­pared with wants the quick 1-2 min­utes of ap­pear­ances from Tian Ling Em­pire.
Pen­e­trates the cloud layer, en­ters snow ter­ri­tory once more, cold un­cul­ti­vated land Dragon’s den en­tire city high and low is as be­fore faded and fallen in the wind and snow.
The blood red ray raids to­gether, speed is not too quick, but the lethal­ity is full, my hur­ried spin body, lifts the hand to hold the thing of at­tack, ac­tu­ally the dis­cov­ery was a flame arrow arrow, the div­ing pos­ture dived, saw that Seurre was grasp­ing the long bow, vis­its me with a smile, said to be­hind one group of Dragon’s den armed sol­diers: „Sees not to have, this is the typ­i­cal arrow fast is too slow, by greatly strength­ened match ex­am­ple of re­laxed re­sis­tance.”
I re­turn the arrow arrow to her: „Later do not play this joke, what to do if an arrow has shot dead me?”
Seurre does not change the dif­fer­ent demon king „bad”, hee hee said with a smile: „That ex­plained that you cul­ti­va­tion to in­suf­fi­ciently, the phuc­trach is also in­suf­fi­cient, felt re­lieved that I will hold a grand fu­neral for you . More­over the se­cret order food corpse ghost does not per­mit to un­earth your corpse to swal­low.”
I hear to trem­ble, pats her shoul­der: „Too heavy taste, you con­tin­ued to train the archer, I looked for Frost.”
After en­ter­ing cold un­cul­ti­vated land Dragon’s den, Seurre's vi­cious ten­den­cies re­ceived, smil­ing face grad­u­ally were also many, this makes me feel that the un­told hard­ships come back from the dif­fer­ent demon ter­ri­tory belt her truly is a good deed, leads the human to do good deeds, merit to be com­plete, my Bud­dha mercy!
Steps into the ad­min­is­tra­tive hall time, Frost was dis­cussing with child Queen Shu about city out­side mat­ter in sol­dier, after see­ing I come, she im­me­di­ately says with a smile: „I in­duced, you col­lected a Xiang Yu to fight the soul frag­ment, was?”
I make a fist, said with a smile self-con­fi­dently: „Has mas­sa­cred guard­ing in Tucheng Li looks at the semi-cir­cu­lar pro­tec­tive wall out­side the main city gate evil Tan­tai flame, at­tains this Xiang Yu to fight the soul frag­ment with ease, but also re­main­ing two, can col­lect com­pletely.”
„No, re­mains one.” A Frost face smil­ing face.
I in con­ster­na­tion: „How did this say­ing say?”
„Do you look?”
Her hand, is w
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Lin Wan Er by my shoul­der: „In pig head, what do you play in the evening make?”„Con­tin­ues to forge the over­lord wrap, Wan Er you?”„I in col­lec­tion bright moon cov­er­all!”„Oh, is the bright moon wrap of that wrap three stars mag­i­cal in­stru­ment?”„Um, I found Frost in cold un­cul­ti­vated land Dragon’s den yes­ter­day, but she said that she is un­able to in­duce to bright moon cov­er­all in­side strength, ahem, cer­tainly uses one's of­fice to re­dress per­sonal griev­ances!”„Where has, Frost is not that mean-spir­ited per­son.” I said quite afraid.Lin Wan Er eats to smile, said: „Has not re­lated, when I found Seurre, she said that she knows how to find the parts of an­other three bright moon cov­er­alls, there­fore I have had the as­sign­ment, has made good Dong Cheng, to lean, dream Yao, to wipe the tea al­to­gether 19 peo­ple to help me shal­lowly com­plete this task.”„Good, come on, after the bright moon cov­er­all col­lec­tion is per­haps un­even, can trig­ger to pro­mote the five-star mag­i­cal in­stru­ment cov­er­all?”„Ahem, that has a dream, you think that the cov­er­all of every­body same has the hide­away with your over­lord cov­er­all at­tribute?”„Pours is also”Fin­ished eat­ing the din­ner in a hurry, gets on­line!„Brushes!”Ap­pears in every book city, re­pairs equip­ment com­pletely, af­ter­ward in sup­plied to wrap the drugs, good wine wait, se­lec­tive trans­mis­sion Ba Huang City in every book city, then rose straight from the ground, non-stop flew from Ba Huang City to the cold un­cul­ti­vated land Dragon’s den di­rec­tion, as if here flew com­pared with wants the quick 1-2 min­utes of ap­pear­ances from Tian Ling Em­pire.Pen­e­trates the cloud layer, en­ters snow ter­ri­tory once more, cold un­cul­ti­vated land Dragon’s den en­tire city high and low is as be­fore faded and fallen in the wind and snow.„Brushes!”The blood red ray raids to­gether, speed is not too quick, but the lethal­ity is full, my hur­ried spin body, lifts the hand to hold the thing of at­tack, ac­tu­ally the dis­cov­ery was a flame arrow arrow, the div­ing pos­ture dived, saw that Seurre was grasp­ing the long bow, vis­its me with a smile, said to be­hind one group of Dragon’s den armed sol­diers: „Sees not to have, this is the typ­i­cal arrow fast is too slow, by greatly strength­ened match ex­am­ple of re­laxed re­sis­tance.”I re­turn the arrow arrow to her: „Later do not play this joke, what to do if an arrow has shot dead me?”Seurre does not change the dif­fer­ent demon king „bad”, hee hee said with a smile: „That ex­plained that you cul­ti­va­tion to in­suf­fi­ciently, the phuc­trach is also in­suf­fi­cient, felt re­lieved that I will hold a grand fu­neral for you . More­over the se­cret order food corpse ghost does not per­mit to un­earth your corpse to swal­low.”I hear to trem­ble, pats her shoul­der: „Too heavy taste, you con­tin­ued to train the archer, I looked for Frost.”„Ehm!”After en­ter­ing cold un­cul­ti­vated land Dragon’s den, Seurre's vi­cious ten­den­cies re­ceived, smil­ing face grad­u­ally were also many, this makes me feel that the un­told hard­ships come back from the dif­fer­ent demon ter­ri­tory belt her truly is a good deed, leads the human to do good deeds, merit to be com­plete, my Bud­dha mercy!Steps into the ad­min­is­tra­tive hall time, Frost was dis­cussing with child Queen Shu about city out­side mat­ter in sol­dier, after see­ing I come, she im­me­di­ately says with a smile: „I in­duced, you col­lected a Xiang Yu to fight the soul frag­ment, was?”„Um.”I make a fist, said with a smile self-con­fi­dently: „Has mas­sa­cred guard­ing in Tucheng Li looks at the semi-cir­cu­lar pro­tec­tive wall out­side the main city gate evil Tan­tai flame, at­tains this Xiang Yu to fight the soul frag­ment with ease, but also re­main­ing two, can col­lect com­pletely.”„No, re­mains one.” A Frost face smil­ing face.
I in con­ster­na­tion: „How did this say­ing say?”
„Do you look?”
Her hand, is w
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Lin Wan Er oleh bahu saya: "Di kepala babi, apa yang Anda bermain di malam hari membuat?"
"Terus menempa bungkus tuan, Wan Er Anda"?
"Aku dalam koleksi coverall bulan terang!"
"Oh, adalah terang bungkus bulan dari yang membungkus tiga bintang instrumen ajaib? "
" Um, saya menemukan Frost dalam dingin tanah yang tidak digarap Dragon den kemarin, tapi dia mengatakan bahwa dia tidak dapat menginduksi ke coverall bulan terang di dalam kekuatan, ahem, tentu menggunakan kantor seseorang untuk memperbaiki pribadi ! keluhan "
". Dimana memiliki, Frost tidak bahwa orang kejam "kataku cukup takut.
Lin Wan Er makan tersenyum, mengatakan:" Apakah tidak berhubungan, ketika saya menemukan Seurre, dia mengatakan bahwa dia tahu bagaimana menemukan bagian dari tiga baju bulan terang, karena itu saya telah memiliki tugas, telah membuat baik Dong Cheng, untuk bersandar, bermimpi Yao, untuk menyeka teh sama sekali 19 orang untuk membantu saya dangkal menyelesaikan tugas ini. "
" baik, ayo, setelah koleksi coverall bulan terang yang mungkin tidak merata, dapat memicu untuk mempromosikan bintang lima magis instrumen coverall? "
" Ahem, yang memiliki mimpi, Anda berpikir bahwa coverall dari orang yang sama memiliki persembunyian dengan coverall tuan Anda atribut? "
" menuangkan juga "
Selesai makan malam dengan terburu-buru, mendapat secara online!
" brushes! "
Muncul di setiap kota buku, peralatan perbaikan sepenuhnya, setelah itu di dipasok untuk membungkus obat, anggur yang baik menunggu, transmisi selektif Ba Huang kota di setiap kota buku, kemudian naik langsung dari tanah, non-stop terbang dari Ba Huang Kota ke tanah yang tidak digarap dingin ke arah den Dragon, seakan sini cacat pertama dibandingkan dengan ingin cepat 1-2 menit dari penampilan dari Tian Ling Empire.
menembus lapisan awan, memasuki wilayah salju sekali lagi, tinggi seluruh kota den tanah yang tidak digarap dingin Dragon dan rendah seperti sebelumnya memudar dan jatuh angin dan salju.
darah ray merah razia bersama-sama, kecepatan tidak terlalu cepat, tapi mematikan penuh, saya bergegas berputar tubuh, mengangkat tangan untuk memegang hal serangan, sebenarnya penemuan itu api panah panah, postur menyelam menyelam, melihat bahwa Seurre telah menggenggam busur panjang, mengunjungi saya dengan senyum, dikatakan di belakang salah satu kelompok tentara bersenjata den dragon: "Sees untuk tidak memiliki, ini adalah panah khas cepat terlalu lambat, dengan contoh pertandingan sangat memperkuat perlawanan santai."
aku kembali panah panah kepadanya: "Kemudian tidak bermain lelucon ini, apa yang harus dilakukan ? jika panah telah menembak mati saya "
Seurre tidak mengubah raja iblis yang berbeda" buruk ", hee hee berkata sambil tersenyum:" itu menjelaskan bahwa Anda budidaya untuk kurang, phuctrach juga cukup, merasa lega bahwa saya akan mengadakan Grand pemakaman untuk Anda. . Apalagi rahasia mayat pesanan makanan hantu tidak mengizinkan untuk menggali mayat Anda menelan "
Saya mendengar gemetar, menepuk bahunya:" Rasa Terlalu berat, Anda terus melatih pemanah, saya mencari Frost ".
" Ehm! "
Setelah memasuki dingin lahan tidur Dragon den, kecenderungan setan Seurre yang diterima, wajah tersenyum secara bertahap juga banyak, ini membuat saya merasa bahwa kesulitan yang tak terhitung kembali dari berbagai belt wilayah setan nya benar-benar adalah perbuatan baik, mengarah manusia untuk melakukan perbuatan baik, ! manfaat untuk menjadi lengkap, saya Buddha rahmat
Langkah ke waktu aula administrasi, Frost sedang berdiskusi dengan anak Queen Shu tentang kota materi di luar di tentara, setelah melihat saya datang, dia langsung berkata sambil tersenyum: "saya diinduksi, Anda mengumpulkan Xiang ? yu untuk melawan fragmen jiwa, adalah "
". Um "
saya membuat kepalan tangan, berkata dengan senyum penuh percaya diri:" Apakah membantai menjaga di Tucheng Li terlihat pada dinding pelindung setengah lingkaran di luar gerbang kota utama kejahatan Tantai api , mencapai Xiang Yu ini untuk melawan fragmen jiwa dengan mudah, tetapi juga sisa dua, dapat mengumpulkan sepenuhnya ".
" Tidak, tetap satu. "A Frost wajah tersenyum wajah.
saya dalam ketakutan:" Bagaimana ini pepatah mengatakan? "
" Apakah Anda melihat? "
tangannya, adalah w
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
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