Brought Feng Xue'er to relay in Frozen Cloud Asgard, then arrived at F terjemahan - Brought Feng Xue'er to relay in Frozen Cloud Asgard, then arrived at F Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Brought Feng Xue'er to relay in Fro

Brought Feng Xue'er to relay in Frozen Cloud Asgard, then arrived at Frozen End Divine Hall. Murong Qianxue and the others waited there.
The Frozen End Divine Hall front door destroys by Sun Moon Divine Hall Ye Qingsheng and Ye Ziyi, was unable to close, Yun Che had not found the method of repair in a short time, after he enters Frozen End Divine Hall, the first matter that does, fully builds a Profound Strength barrier, the matter that because he then must do, cannot receive the external interference.
„palace master, we have prepared.” Murong Qianxue serious saying.
„Good.” Yun Che stands in six people of the front, the approximate sensation one their Profound Strength aura, nod saying: „I will soon be used to promote your Profound Strength method, absolutely does not have you to think is so wrapped in a shroud of obscurity. This method said that actually ; ; ; ; Novel. +. very simple ... Forcefully urges to rise your Profound Strength by enough strong compounded drug.”
Then, Yun Che took Overlord Pellet in the hand.
Immediately, Overlord Pellet as tyrannical as the medicine air/Qi release of extreme, the flash, then has only flooded Frozen End Divine Hall each corner. Frozen End Divine Hall at Frozen Cloud Asgard underground, must ice coldly compared with it Frozen Cloud Asgard any place, but along with filling the air of Overlord Pellet medicine air/Qi, in the air started to take the obvious dry and hot feeling unexpectedly.
Six females are mind shake, ice spirit that around the body naturally flutters presented the change under the influence of medicine air/Qi.
This merely is only compounded drug efficacy aura, can so the situation, they completely see what one never saw before unexpectedly tyrannicalally, hears something never heard of before. Murong Qianxue stretches out the finger, the fingertip after moving Overlord Pellet, short flickers then receives an electric shock reclamation, startled sound track: „Good overbearing efficacy!”
The Frozen Cloud females were shocked to inconceivable efficacy aura, the response of Murong Qianxue is makes them have a scare, Chu Yueli asked: „palace master, is actually this?”
„Its named Overlord Pellet, is builds up to the fierce material by 49 types to the violent, embodiment density and plane/level extremely high strength. If can absorb strength completely, integrates Profound Vein, on energy level large scale promotion Profound Strength, later again consolidates the foundation with the several months time then.” Yun Che narrated.
„Originally is this! Such fierce medicine air/Qi, effect certainly is also very fierce!” Feng Hanyue excited [say / way].
„palace master ...” The Murong Qianxue Yuemei is light, forward one step, prudent [say / way]: „The strength of this Overlord Pellet embodiment is indeed astonishing, although we are only the short probes, but can definitely determine, if strength will draw out completely, sufficiently destruction entire Frozen Cloud Asgard in short flash.”
„!!” Feng Hanyue and Feng Hanyue calls out in alarm, Chu Yueli and the others also looks the startled color.
„Non- is we improperly belittles oneself, so tyrannical efficacy, although already refined is very docile, but is still not our current abilities can build up, if takes directly, is not only impossible to be used to promote Profound Strength, instead will cause the extremely serious consequence.”
Profound Strength of Murong Qianxue in six human is strongest, so asserted including her do not say other five females.
Yun Che did not deny that nodded directly: „Senior Master Murong said does not have the mistake. Refines the Overlord Pellet 49 materials is the strength overbearing violent, it as when the practice bitter experience boundary bottleneck, was used to attack the bottleneck to use. If tries to attract its strength forcefully, even if Profound Strength strongest Senior Master Murong, will be created by it deeply. If Profound Strength slightly weak Hanyue Hanxue, will create Profound Vein Ju Hui.”
„...” Feng Hanyue is also one lowly shouts.
„Why palace master shouted that Murong Senior Sister is Senior Master Murong, shouted that we are actually Hanyue Hanxue?” Feng Hanxue low voice [say / way].
„Does not know ... palace master has not shouted us Junior Master in any case.” Feng Hanyue flat lip: „Certainly thought that we quite bully.”
„Such being the case ... palace master, thinks that you early have certainly the sure card.” Jun Lianqie said. The Yun Che words have not disappointed them, instead makes them anticipate.
„Naturally.” Yun Che grips Overlord Pellet in hand, assured full [say / way]: „Although the Overlord Pellet efficacy is quite verve, but my special Profound Strength adds on the understanding to the pharmacology, can achieve the complete control! The effect how, you know immediately.”
„Senior Master Murong, is started by you.”
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Brought Feng Xue'er to relay in Frozen Cloud Asgard, then arrived at Frozen End Divine Hall. Murong Qianxue and the others waited there.The Frozen End Divine Hall front door destroys by Sun Moon Divine Hall Ye Qingsheng and Ye Ziyi, was unable to close, Yun Che had not found the method of repair in a short time, after he enters Frozen End Divine Hall, the first matter that does, fully builds a Profound Strength barrier, the matter that because he then must do, cannot receive the external interference.„palace master, we have prepared.” Murong Qianxue serious saying.„Good.” Yun Che stands in six people of the front, the approximate sensation one their Profound Strength aura, nod saying: „I will soon be used to promote your Profound Strength method, absolutely does not have you to think is so wrapped in a shroud of obscurity. This method said that actually ; ; ; ; Novel. +. very simple ... Forcefully urges to rise your Profound Strength by enough strong compounded drug.”Then, Yun Che took Overlord Pellet in the hand.Immediately, Overlord Pellet as tyrannical as the medicine air/Qi release of extreme, the flash, then has only flooded Frozen End Divine Hall each corner. Frozen End Divine Hall at Frozen Cloud Asgard underground, must ice coldly compared with it Frozen Cloud Asgard any place, but along with filling the air of Overlord Pellet medicine air/Qi, in the air started to take the obvious dry and hot feeling unexpectedly.Six females are mind shake, ice spirit that around the body naturally flutters presented the change under the influence of medicine air/Qi.This merely is only compounded drug efficacy aura, can so the situation, they completely see what one never saw before unexpectedly tyrannicalally, hears something never heard of before. Murong Qianxue stretches out the finger, the fingertip after moving Overlord Pellet, short flickers then receives an electric shock reclamation, startled sound track: „Good overbearing efficacy!”The Frozen Cloud females were shocked to inconceivable efficacy aura, the response of Murong Qianxue is makes them have a scare, Chu Yueli asked: „palace master, is actually this?”„Its named Overlord Pellet, is builds up to the fierce material by 49 types to the violent, embodiment density and plane/level extremely high strength. If can absorb strength completely, integrates Profound Vein, on energy level large scale promotion Profound Strength, later again consolidates the foundation with the several months time then.” Yun Che narrated.„Originally is this! Such fierce medicine air/Qi, effect certainly is also very fierce!” Feng Hanyue excited [say / way].„palace master ...” The Murong Qianxue Yuemei is light, forward one step, prudent [say / way]: „The strength of this Overlord Pellet embodiment is indeed astonishing, although we are only the short probes, but can definitely determine, if strength will draw out completely, sufficiently destruction entire Frozen Cloud Asgard in short flash.”„!!” Feng Hanyue and Feng Hanyue calls out in alarm, Chu Yueli and the others also looks the startled color.
„Non- is we improperly belittles oneself, so tyrannical efficacy, although already refined is very docile, but is still not our current abilities can build up, if takes directly, is not only impossible to be used to promote Profound Strength, instead will cause the extremely serious consequence.”
Profound Strength of Murong Qianxue in six human is strongest, so asserted including her do not say other five females.
Yun Che did not deny that nodded directly: „Senior Master Murong said does not have the mistake. Refines the Overlord Pellet 49 materials is the strength overbearing violent, it as when the practice bitter experience boundary bottleneck, was used to attack the bottleneck to use. If tries to attract its strength forcefully, even if Profound Strength strongest Senior Master Murong, will be created by it deeply. If Profound Strength slightly weak Hanyue Hanxue, will create Profound Vein Ju Hui.”
„...” Feng Hanyue is also one lowly shouts.
„Why palace master shouted that Murong Senior Sister is Senior Master Murong, shouted that we are actually Hanyue Hanxue?” Feng Hanxue low voice [say / way].
„Does not know ... palace master has not shouted us Junior Master in any case.” Feng Hanyue flat lip: „Certainly thought that we quite bully.”
„Such being the case ... palace master, thinks that you early have certainly the sure card.” Jun Lianqie said. The Yun Che words have not disappointed them, instead makes them anticipate.
„Naturally.” Yun Che grips Overlord Pellet in hand, assured full [say / way]: „Although the Overlord Pellet efficacy is quite verve, but my special Profound Strength adds on the understanding to the pharmacology, can achieve the complete control! The effect how, you know immediately.”
„Senior Master Murong, is started by you.”
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Membawa Feng Xue'er relay di Frozen Cloud Asgard, kemudian tiba di Frozen End Divine Hall. Murong Qianxue dan yang lainnya menunggu di sana.
The Frozen End Ilahi Balai pintu depan menghancurkan oleh Sun Moon Ilahi Balai Ye Qingsheng dan Ye Ziyi, tidak mampu menutup, Yun Che belum menemukan metode perbaikan dalam waktu singkat, setelah ia memasuki Frozen End Ilahi Hall, hal pertama yang tidak, sepenuhnya membangun penghalang Kekuatan mendalam, hal itu karena ia kemudian harus melakukan, tidak bisa menerima gangguan eksternal.
"Istana tuan, kami sudah menyiapkan." Murong Qianxue pepatah yang serius.
". Baik" Yun Che berdiri di enam orang dari depan, perkiraan sensasi satu Kekuatan aura mendalam mereka, mengangguk mengatakan: "Saya akan segera digunakan untuk mempromosikan metode Kekuatan Mendalam Anda, benar-benar tidak memiliki Anda berpikir begitu dibungkus kain kafan dari ketidakjelasan. Metode ini mengatakan bahwa sebenarnya ; ; ; ; Novel. +. sangat sederhana ... Paksa mendesak naik Kekuatan mendalam dengan cukup obat diperparah kuat. "
Kemudian, Yun Che mengambil Overlord Pelet di tangan.
Segera, Overlord Pelet sebagai tirani sebagai obat udara / Qi rilis yang ekstrim, flashdisk, maka hanya membanjiri Frozen End Ilahi Balai setiap sudut. Beku End Ilahi Hall beku Cloud Asgard bawah tanah, harus es dingin dibandingkan dengan itu beku Cloud Asgard setiap tempat, namun seiring dengan mengisi udara kedokteran Overlord Pelet udara / Qi, di udara mulai mengambil jelas perasaan kering dan panas tiba-tiba.
Enam betina pikiran shake, semangat es yang seluruh tubuh secara alami berdebar disajikan perubahan di bawah pengaruh obat-obatan udara / Qi.
Ini khasiat obat aura hanya hanya diperparah, bisa jadi situasi, mereka benar-benar melihat apa yang tidak pernah melihat sebelumnya tiba-tiba tyrannicalally, mendengar sesuatu yang belum pernah dengar sebelumnya. Murong Qianxue membentang jari, ujung jari setelah pindah Overlord Pelet, film pendek maka menerima reklamasi sengatan listrik, kaget sound track: "! Baik sombong khasiat"
The Frozen Cloud betina terkejut terbayangkan khasiat aura, respon dari Murong Qianxue adalah membuat mereka memiliki ketakutan, Chu Yueli bertanya: "? istana tuan, sebenarnya ini"
"Its bernama Overlord Pelet, adalah membangun dengan bahan sengit dengan 49 jenis dengan kekerasan, kepadatan perwujudan dan pesawat / tingkat kekuatan yang sangat tinggi. Jika dapat menyerap kekuatan sepenuhnya, mengintegrasikan mendalam Vein, pada tingkat energi skala besar promosi Kekuatan mendalam, kemudian lagi mengkonsolidasikan dasar dengan beberapa waktu bulan kemudian. "Yun Che diriwayatkan.
"Awalnya adalah ini! Obat sengit udara seperti / Qi, efek tentu juga sangat sengit! "Feng Hanyue gembira [mengatakan / cara].
"Istana Master ..." The Murong Qianxue Yuemei ringan, maju satu langkah, bijaksana [mengatakan / cara]: "Kekuatan perwujudan Overlord Pelet ini memang menakjubkan, meskipun kami hanya probe pendek, tapi pasti dapat menentukan, jika kekuatan akan menarik keluar sepenuhnya, cukup kehancuran seluruh Frozen Cloud Asgard dalam sekejap singkat. "
" !! "Feng Hanyue dan Feng Hanyue panggilan di alarm, Chu Yueli dan yang lain juga terlihat warna terkejut.
"Non adalah kita tidak benar melecehkan diri sendiri, sehingga khasiat tirani, meskipun sudah disempurnakan sangat jinak, tetapi masih belum kemampuan kita saat ini dapat membangun, jika mengambil langsung, tidak hanya mungkin untuk digunakan untuk mempromosikan Kekuatan mendalam, malah akan menyebabkan konsekuensi yang sangat serius. "
Kekuatan Mendalam dari Murong Qianxue dalam enam manusia terkuat, sehingga menegaskan termasuk dia tidak mengatakan lima perempuan lainnya.
Yun Che tidak menyangkal bahwa mengangguk langsung: "Senior Guru Murong mengatakan tidak memiliki kesalahan. Memurnikan Overlord Pellet 49 bahan adalah kekuatan sombong kekerasan, itu seperti ketika praktek pahit pengalaman batas hambatan, digunakan untuk menyerang hambatan untuk menggunakan. Jika mencoba untuk menarik kekuatan paksa, bahkan jika Mendalam Kekuatan terkuat Guru Senior Murong, akan dibuat oleh itu dalam-dalam. Jika mendalam Kekuatan sedikit lemah Hanyue Hanxue, akan membuat Mendalam Vein Ju Hui. "
" ... "Feng Hanyue juga merupakan salah satu teriakan rendah.
"Mengapa istana tuan berteriak bahwa Murong Suster Senior adalah Senior Guru Murong, berteriak bahwa kita sebenarnya Hanyue Hanxue?" Feng Hanxue suara rendah [mengatakan / cara].
"Tidak tahu ... istana tuan belum berteriak kami Guru SMP dalam hal apapun." Feng Hanyue bibir datar: "Tentu saja berpikir bahwa kita cukup bully."
"Seperti yang terjadi ... istana utama, berpikir bahwa Anda dini memiliki tentu yakin kartu. "kata Jun Lianqie. Kata-kata Yun Che belum mengecewakan mereka, bukannya membuat mereka mengantisipasi.
". Tentu" Yun Che mengatasi Overlord Pelet di tangan, meyakinkan penuh [mengatakan / cara]: "Meskipun kemanjuran Overlord Pelet cukup semangat, tapi Kekuatan Mendalam khusus saya menambahkan pada pemahaman untuk farmakologi, bisa mencapai kontrol penuh! Efek bagaimana, Anda segera mengetahui. "
" Guru Senior Murong, dimulai oleh Anda. "
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