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range which indicates that the trimethylalkyl quantswould have the same decomposition mechanism.Details about the evolution of organic substance willbe discussed later.In order to con®rm that organic substances decomposedover the temperature range 200±5008C, sample2044 was pyrolyzed from room temperature to5008C, and then both the control sample 2044 andpyrolyzed sample were examined by FTIR. It isclearly shown in Fig. 6 that the organic C±H vibrations
wave number 2629; 2853; and 1478 cmÿ1 disappearedafter samples were heated to 5008C.Meanwhile, there were still OH absorption
wave number 3690; 3620; and 1636 cmÿ1 [16,17]for the pyrolyzed samples that did not change in eitherfrequency or intensity. It can be concluded, therefore,that the main weight losses over the temperature range200±5008C are due to the decomposition of organiccompounds.3.1.3. The dehydroxylation region in thetemperature range 500±8008CIn the temperature range 500±8008C, the hydroxylgroup, which is covalantly incorporated in the crystallattice, is dehydrated. The dehydration reactions innatural montmorillonite has been well investigated[18±20]. For sample 2044, water is again the decompositionproduct in this temperature range as con®rmedby TGA±MS results shown in Fig. The high temperature reaction betweenorganic carbon and inorganic oxygen between800 and 10008COne of the most distinguishing differences betweenmineral montmorilonite natrium dan organik modi® edmineral montmorilonite adalah dalam kisaran suhu 800c. 10008 Mineral montmorilonite natrium sangat stabilKapan suhu lebih tinggi daripada 8008C, namun,OLS terus menurunkan berat badan. Jumlah yang lebih besar
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