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SAY WHAT?" Himeko and Bossun shouted soloudly.Bossun's POV"Yea, I want Himeko-chan to be a princesscosplay.. Will you do it?" Yabasawa frowned."Himeko, now-""Yes, of course I will do it." Himeko smiled. Anangelic smile that nobody has seen it before.' Darn, Himeko! You never smile that beautifulbefore! Wait.. Beautiful? Now I'm thinking thatshe's beautiful? What the hell is going on withME !?'I blushed."Huh? Bossun, your face! Why is it so red?"Himeko asked me with a sarcastic smirk. "W-wha? NO!" I gritted my teeth while blushingharder."Oh.. Maybe Bossun can't wait to see Himekodress up like a pretty princess ne, Boss?" Switchplayfully nudged my side. "I said NO! Will youplease cut the hell off!?" I was really pissed andfluttered."Hahah! Just wait, Bossun! I'll be a princess inno time!" Himeko winked at me and Yabasawa-san just giggled."SHUT. THE. HELL. UP!"XXXXXXXXXXX The next day XXXXXXXXXXX"Hooaaarmmm.."I yawned. Walking towards the school lazilywhile fixing my googles. "Hooaamm...""Yo, Bossun!"I heard a voice chirped, calling for me. I do NOTcare who it is altough I already know. Then I felta tap on my shoulder. "Yo! Running out ofbattery again? Even though it's still morning?"This voice asked me."Sure, whatever.. Why do you care about itanyways?""Because you're my friend, baka!" She patted myback and went over to Nakatani-san from classA. She sure seemed happy today.' Wait.. Nakatani –san from class A!? Where isshe!?'I snapped out of my thoughts and looked atHimeko. Anddd... I already found that she's gonewith Nakatani-san.' Why do I never get the chance to see hergoddamn FACE!?' I sulked but then get over withit and went to school.XXXXXX After School XXXXXX (A/N:Seriously, Ihave NO IDEA what were they doing at school. -_-' )"Okay, brats. That's all for today. Do yourhomework page 249." As soon as that damn of ateacher left, I checked for that page." Page 249, page 249, page.. AH! Found it!" Ifound it, I hear several sulks even groans fromsome peoples. It was like hoping for a goodnews. I wonder why. I take a look at that pageand I felt my jaw is touching the floor and myeyes glued to that damn book.' Holy shit! What in the world is this!? It wouldtake 10 centuries to finish! That hell of a teacher,how could he!?'"Mother of homework! What the hell is this!? 300numbers due by tommorow!?"I heard Himeko shout and pissed at the sametime. And I too heard the whole class gaspinglike there's no tomorrow. -.-""How will I do this? It is damn IMPOSSIBLE towork this out until tomorrow!""Yea! Now what?" I heard several commentsincluding me. Yeaaa, great.. I have to cram thisnight. Oh, goody goodness!Then, I remembered that we should attend atKarin's party! Darn! WHAT DO I DOOOO!?XXXXX Yabasawa's house. Before the party.XXXXXNormal POV'knock knock'There was a knock on Yabasawa's house, well,you could've guessed who it is. "Coming!"Then, she opened the door, "Oh! You guys havearrived! Come in!" Yabasawa opened the doorwider and let the trio in. They sat at a nearbycouch and sighed, putting their bags at the floor."So, where should we start?" Himeko stood up."Oh, yabasu! I've already prepared your dress!Wait here.." Yabasawa ran to her closet. Likeshe could ran with that beautiful body of hersXD. A few minutes later, she ran back towardsthem with a beautiful sparkly dress in her arms."I got it!" She ran happily but not careful though.There were a puddle at the floor and sheaccidenticaly slipped, "Yabasu!""Nooooo!"The trio was being strucked down by the dress-bringer, I am pretty sure you could imagine howit was. Yep, Himeko's at the bottom, Bossunmiddle, Switch top and on top of that...Yabasawa!Himeko was at her back, Bossun at hisstomach.. ON TOP OF HIMEKO! XD"Yabaaasuu! Sorry about that!" Yabasawa stoodup in embarrasment and so was Switch with apale face. "Urghh..Bossun! Get off me!" Himekoshouted at him."Okay, okay!" He supported his body with hishands and made them in 'THE' position. Youknow what I mean.. Bossun looked down andfound that Himeko was blushing. Then, they seesomething flashy and that was Switch's camera!"Heheheh.." Switch typed. Altough his face werestill as flat as ever but you could feel his evilsmirk, "I'll show this to the class and you'redone.""Wha-?" Bossun and Himeko rushed to his sideand blush 10 shades of red. The picture wasHimeko at the bottom with her hands down andBossun was on top of her, his hands were bothat the side of her head, making them looked likethey were going to KISS."Switch, you dare show that and I swear you'llat the heaven by now!" Himeko shook inembarrasment and anger. "Switch! Delete that!NOW!" Bossun shook as well while blushing sohard."Okay, okay! I wouldn't show that to others ifyou let me keep it!" Switch backing off towardsthe wall."SWEAR IT FOR YOUR OWN SAKE!" Himeko andBossun shouted in unison."Yes! Yes! I swear for my own sake!""Soo.. Himeko-chan.. Go get change now. Theparty's goin' to start soon!" Yabasawa clapped."Sure, sure.." Andd.. she went off. "Oh, yeah.Himeko-chan I haveto do your accesories! Beforetime's going Yabasu!" Yabasawa followed her.XXX Several minutes later XXXXBossun and Switch sat impaitently at the couchwith Bossun supporting his head with his half-open palm, looking bored. As for Switch.. well..playing dating Sim I guess until a stepping soundwas heard."Hahaha! It wasn't Yabasu at all! Look, she'scoming!" Yabasawa climbed down the stairshappily.Bossun and Switch turned their heads towardsthe stairs and both of them have their eyesbulge. Especially Bossun.Himeko stepped down the stairs slowly, wearinga beautiful princess-like gown with a tiara on herhead. Her gown flowed beautifuly, making everyeyes stunned seing it. She looked GORGEOUS.' Wha-? Why is she looks so beautiful? Why aremy eyes stunned seeing her? What's going onwith me!?' thought Bossun with a blush and hismouth gapping open. Then, Himeko gave him anangelic smile which no one couldn't resist, "Whatis it, Bossun?" she grinned sweetly while Bossunblushed even more. Switch sent him a 'Hyuuhyuu~' tease while Yabasawa just smiled at thetwo. Bossun sat there stunned,' Himeko.. You're so beautiful.'
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