HealthSouth Corporation was established in 1984 by Richard M. Scrushy  terjemahan - HealthSouth Corporation was established in 1984 by Richard M. Scrushy  Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

HealthSouth Corporation was establi

HealthSouth Corporation was established in 1984 by Richard M. Scrushy with four partners. By
2000, the corporation provided sports medicine to the National Football League’s New England Patriots
and Washington Redskins, as well as the New England Revolution, a Major League Soccer Team. A
corporation that had nearly 1,700 facilities and employed 51,000 employees in every state and abroad, a
HealthSouth investigation was launched in September of 2002 (not even 2 months after the Act was
enacted). It was identified that Scrushy had committed accounting fraud and overstated earnings by
$1.4 billion, starting in 1999. Shortly thereafter, Scrushy was fired, and the financial officer, Emery
Harris, was guilty of fraud as well as pleading guilty to possible insider trading. The SEC charged two
former executives (one was the former CFO) guilty with insider trading and securities fraud and false
certification of financial records. The list of executives involved in the scandal went on. It turns out that
HealthSouth executives faked a total of $2.5 billion in earnings, not the prior suspected amount of $1.4.
It was later discovered that Scrushy, the chairman and CEO, alleged he used the money gained by the
company fraud to buy assets including diamond jewelry, a plane, a yacht, Cadillacs, cuff links, works of
art by famous painters, land and an armor-plated sport-utility vehicle (Corporate Scandals- The Many
Faces of Greed). Auditors Ernst & Young admitted that they had relied on too few people for information
about how HealthSouth was managed and did not properly check and test certain accounts – a big deal.
The HealthSouth case was the first scandal caught and identified so quickly, and all because of
Sarbanes-Oxley. Top U.S. officials asserted that with the enactment of SOX, corporate-fraud
prosecutions would intensify and the scandals would be identified in effective and efficient time. With
the scandal of HealthSouth, the Federal Bureau of Investigation, Department of Justice and local U.S.
attorneys, along with the SEC, all got involved to prosecute executives. According to Deputy Attorney
General Larry Thompson, The SOA “focused the responsibility of some of these executives squarely on
the fact that if you make fraudulent or false statements, you are going to be held criminally
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
HealthSouth Corporation was established in 1984 by Richard M. Scrushy with four partners. By2000, the corporation provided sports medicine to the National Football League’s New England Patriotsand Washington Redskins, as well as the New England Revolution, a Major League Soccer Team. Acorporation that had nearly 1,700 facilities and employed 51,000 employees in every state and abroad, aHealthSouth investigation was launched in September of 2002 (not even 2 months after the Act wasenacted). It was identified that Scrushy had committed accounting fraud and overstated earnings by$1.4 billion, starting in 1999. Shortly thereafter, Scrushy was fired, and the financial officer, EmeryHarris, was guilty of fraud as well as pleading guilty to possible insider trading. The SEC charged twoformer executives (one was the former CFO) guilty with insider trading and securities fraud and falsecertification of financial records. The list of executives involved in the scandal went on. It turns out thatHealthSouth executives faked a total of $2.5 billion in earnings, not the prior suspected amount of $1.4.It was later discovered that Scrushy, the chairman and CEO, alleged he used the money gained by thecompany fraud to buy assets including diamond jewelry, a plane, a yacht, Cadillacs, cuff links, works ofart by famous painters, land and an armor-plated sport-utility vehicle (Corporate Scandals- The ManyFaces of Greed). Auditors Ernst & Young admitted that they had relied on too few people for informationabout how HealthSouth was managed and did not properly check and test certain accounts – a big deal.The HealthSouth case was the first scandal caught and identified so quickly, and all because ofSarbanes-Oxley. Top U.S. officials asserted that with the enactment of SOX, corporate-fraudprosecutions would intensify and the scandals would be identified in effective and efficient time. Withthe scandal of HealthSouth, the Federal Bureau of Investigation, Department of Justice and local U.S.attorneys, along with the SEC, all got involved to prosecute executives. According to Deputy AttorneyGeneral Larry Thompson, The SOA “focused the responsibility of some of these executives squarely onthe fact that if you make fraudulent or false statements, you are going to be held criminally
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
HealthSouth Corporation didirikan pada tahun 1984 oleh Richard M. Scrushy dengan empat mitra. Dengan
2000, korporasi disediakan kedokteran olahraga dengan National Football League New England Patriots
dan Washington Redskins, serta New England Revolution, sebuah Tim Sepakbola Major League. Sebuah
perusahaan yang memiliki hampir 1.700 fasilitas dan mempekerjakan 51.000 karyawan di setiap negara bagian dan di luar negeri, sebuah
penyelidikan HealthSouth diluncurkan pada bulan September 2002 (tidak bahkan 2 bulan setelah UU itu
disahkan). Itu diidentifikasi bahwa Scrushy telah melakukan penipuan akuntansi dan dilebih-lebihkan laba oleh
$ 1,4 miliar mulai tahun 1999. Tak lama kemudian, Scrushy dipecat, dan petugas keuangan, Emery
Harris, bersalah penipuan serta mengaku bersalah mungkin insider trading. SEC dikenakan dua
mantan eksekutif (satu adalah mantan CFO) bersalah dengan insider trading dan sekuritas penipuan dan palsu
sertifikasi catatan keuangan. Daftar eksekutif yang terlibat dalam skandal itu melanjutkan. Ternyata
eksekutif HealthSouth memalsukan total $ 2,5 miliar pada pendapatan, bukan jumlah yang diduga sebelumnya dari $ 1.4.
Ia kemudian menemukan bahwa Scrushy, ketua dan CEO, diduga ia menggunakan uang yang diperoleh oleh
penipuan perusahaan untuk membeli aset termasuk berlian perhiasan, pesawat, kapal pesiar, Cadillac, manset, karya
seni oleh pelukis terkenal, tanah dan kendaraan sport berlapis baja (Perusahaan Scandals- Banyak
Faces of Greed). Auditor Ernst & Young mengakui bahwa mereka telah mengandalkan terlalu sedikit orang untuk informasi
tentang bagaimana HealthSouth dikelola dan tidak benar memeriksa dan menguji akun tertentu -. Masalah besar
Kasus HealthSouth adalah skandal pertama tertangkap dan diidentifikasi begitu cepat, dan semua karena dari
Sarbanes-Oxley. Para pejabat AS atas menegaskan bahwa dengan berlakunya SOX, perusahaan-penipuan
penuntutan akan mengintensifkan dan skandal akan diidentifikasi dalam waktu yang efektif dan efisien. Dengan
skandal HealthSouth, Biro Investigasi Federal, Departemen Kehakiman dan US lokal
pengacara, bersama dengan SEC, semua terlibat untuk menuntut eksekutif. Menurut Wakil Jaksa
Agung Larry Thompson, The SOA "difokuskan tanggung jawab dari beberapa eksekutif ini tepat di
fakta bahwa jika Anda membuat pernyataan palsu atau salah, Anda akan diadakan pidana
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